Front cover
IBM System Storage
Business Continuity:
Part 1 Planning Guide
Charlotte Brooks
Clem Leung
Aslam Mirza
Curtis Neal
Yin Lei Qiu
John Sing
Francis TH Wong
Ian R Wright
Describes current trends and
strategies for Business Continuity
Explains how to select an appropriate
Business Continuity solution
Presents a step-by-step Business
Continuity planning workshop
International Technical Support Organization
IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1
Planning Guide
March 2007
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.
Fourth Edition (March 2007)
This edition refers to the IBM System Storage Resilience Portfolio.
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page ix.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. iii
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
The team that wrote this IBM Redbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Chapter 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Business Continuity versus Disaster Recovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Evolving definitions of disaster and recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Disasters: Old, new, and planned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Disastrous results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5 Shapers of recovery and availability strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6 Chapter overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1 New challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.1 Shift of focus from technology to business processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.2 An organizational challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Justifying Business Continuity to the business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1 Executive summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.2 Relationship of time to market to Business Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.3 The struggle between TTM and TCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.4 The struggle of IT diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.5 New importance of IT standards and integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.6 Infrastructure simplification as a prerequisite to IT Business Continuity. . . . . . . . 19
2.2.7 Value of a combined IT simplification and IT Business Continuity strategy . . . . . 20
2.3 Emerging criteria for IT Business Continuity solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.1 Reliability and repeatability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.2 Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.3 Affordable testability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.4 A fundamental need for automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.5 Emerging criteria for the human element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.6 Virtual workplace continuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4 Out of region recovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4.1 Considerations for distance of to recovery site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4.2 Out of region bandwidth costs and trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4.3 Essential need for business process segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5 Emerging data center strategies for multiple sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.5.1 Traditional two data center model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.5.2 Two-site high availability: Metro distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.5.3 Two-site traditional data center: Out of region recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5.4 Blending the best of High Availability and out of region recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.5 Planned workload rotation data center model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.5.6 Three-site data center strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.5.7 Requirements of three-site data centers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.5.8 Implementation of the three-site data center model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.5.9 Strategies involving more than three sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
iv IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
2.6 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.1 Introduction to this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.1.1 Intended audience for this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.2 Typical evolution of a Business Continuity program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3 Ideal Business Continuity planning process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4 Business prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4.1 Risk assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4.2 Business impact analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4.3 Program assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4.4 Summary of Business Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.5 Integration into IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.5.1 Business Continuity program design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.5.2 IT strategy design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.6 Manage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.6.1 Implement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.6.2 Program validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
3.6.3 Resilience program management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
3.7 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
4.1 Seven Business Continuity tiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.2 A breakdown of the seven tiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
4.2.1 Business Continuity Tier 0: No off-site data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
4.2.2 Business Continuity Tier 1: Data backup with no hot site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
4.2.3 Business Continuity Tier 2: Data backup with a hot site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
4.2.4 Business Continuity Tier 3: Electronic vaulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
4.2.5 Business Continuity Tier 4: Point-in-time copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
4.2.6 Business Continuity Tier 5: Transaction integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
4.2.7 Business Continuity Tier 6: Zero or little data loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
4.2.8 Business Continuity Tier 7: Highly automated, business integrated solution . . . 142
4.3 The relationship of Business Continuity tiers and segments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
4.3.1 The mapping of seven tiers to the three Business Continuity segments . . . . . . 143
4.4 Selecting the optimum Business Continuity solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4.4.1 Four key objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
4.4.2 Cost of outage versus cost of solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
4.4.3 Hierarchical dependencies of the system layer architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
4.5 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5.1 The challenge in selecting Business Continuity solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.1.1 The nature of Business Continuity solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
5.2 The tiers of Business Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
5.3 Application segmentation for Business Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
5.3.1 Each segment builds upon foundation of the preceding segment . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.3.2 Application segmentation summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.4 Using tiers and segmentation as a communication tool to management . . . . . . . . . . 157
5.4.1 The use of tiers in this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.5 Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.5.1 Flow chart of the methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.5.2 Intended usage and limitations of the methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
5.5.3 Principle: Asking requirements questions in a specific order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
5.5.4 Tutorial: Using the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology. . . . . . 161
Contents v
5.5.5 Value of the Business Continuity Solution Selection methodology. . . . . . . . . . . 167
5.5.6 Updating the methodology as technology advances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
5.6 An example: Using the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology . . . . . . 167
5.6.1 Step A: Ask specific questions in a specific order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
5.6.2 Step B: Use level of outage and Tier/RTO to identify RTO solution subset . . . . 168
5.6.3 Step C: Eliminate non-solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
5.6.4 Step D: Turn over identified preliminary solutions to evaluation team . . . . . . . . 171
5.7 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6.1 Objective and format of the workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
6.2 Workshop logistics and preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
6.2.1 Workshop expectations, scope, and desired outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
6.2.2 Desired participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6.2.3 Sample workshop objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
6.2.4 Sample workshop agenda for a one day, 4- to 6-hour workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
6.2.5 Preparing for the workshop (1 to 2 weeks prior) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6.2.6 Preparing for the workshop (5 days prior). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
6.3 Next Step workshop methodology overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
6.3.1 Executive summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
6.3.2 Intended audience and scope for the workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.3.3 Performing the workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
6.3.4 Workshop Step 1 - Collect information for prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6.3.5 Workshop Step 2 - Vulnerability, risk assessment, and scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
6.3.6 Workshop Step 3 - Define Business Continuity targets based on scope . . . . . . 194
6.3.7 Workshop Step 4 - Solution option design and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.3.8 Workshop Step 5 - recommended IBM solutions and products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
6.3.9 Workshop Step 6 - recommended strategy and roadmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
6.4 Appendix: Sample Statement of Work for the workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.5 Appendix: Why Business Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
6.6 Appendix: Solution visual aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
7.1 Introduction to the Case Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.1.1 Motivation for the Next Step Business Continuity workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.1.2 Client background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.1.3 Business challenges and issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.1.4 Technical challenges and issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.2 Workshop preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.2.1 Client workshop expectations, scope, and desired outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.3 Results from the Next Step Business Continuity workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
7.3.1 Workshop agenda, desired participants, and information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
7.3.2 Assumptions for this Next Step Business Continuity workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7.3.3 Collect information of the key patient care and business processes for prioritization
and Business Continuity plan criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7.3.4 Key business process and related IT components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
7.3.5 Key application and IT components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
7.3.6 Risk Impact and Business Impact Analysis Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7.3.7 Key Business Process Business Continuity targets – current assessment and
desired targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
7.3.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
7.3.9 Defined Business Continuity service targets and priorities by business process 243
7.3.10 Defined baseline Business Continuity and IT architecture and design criteria . 243
vi IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
7.3.11 Key existing systems and Business Continuity configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
7.4 Recommended Business Continuity architecture and configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
7.4.1 Financial implications and justification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
7.4.2 Implementation planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
7.4.3 Next Steps and roadmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
7.5 Case study summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment. . 251
8.1 The objective for heterogeneous Business Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
8.1.1 Timeline of an IT Business Continuity recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
8.1.2 Today’s ever-proliferating applications, servers, and platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
8.2 Solutions for heterogeneous platform Business Continuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
8.2.1 Heterogeneous IT recovery #1: Multiple applications, multiple platforms. . . . . . 257
8.2.2 Heterogeneous recovery #2: One application, multiple platforms. . . . . . . . . . . . 268
8.3 Comparison and decision tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
8.4 The value of control software in a heterogeneous environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
8.4.1 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
8.4.2 GDPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
8.5 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Chapter 9. Business Continuity for small and medium sized business . . . . . . . . . . 273
9.1 Small and medium sized business overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
9.1.1 SMB company profiles and Business Continuity needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
9.1.2 SMB company IT needs as compared to large enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
9.1.3 SMB IT data center and staff issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
9.2 Business Continuity for SMB companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
9.2.1 Major SMB Business Continuity design components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
9.2.2 Business Continuity impacts on SMB business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
9.3 Successful SMB Business Continuity planning and implementation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
9.3.1 SMB Business Continuity implementation steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
9.3.2 SMB Business Continuity affordability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
9.4 SMB Business Continuity solution components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
9.4.1 Typical SMB Business Continuity solutions: Performance and downtime . . . . . 279
9.5 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
10.1 Network topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
10.2 Fiber transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
10.2.1 Dedicated fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
10.2.2 SONET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
10.2.3 Data transport speed, bandwidth, and latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
10.2.4 Technology selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
10.3 Wavelength Division Multiplexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
10.3.1 Optical amplification and regenerative repeaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
10.3.2 CWDM versus DWDM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
10.3.3 Subrate multiplexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
10.4 Channel extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
10.4.1 Methods of channel extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
10.5 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
10.6 Bandwidth sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
10.6.1 Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
10.6.2 Replication implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
10.6.3 Measuring workload I/O characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
10.6.4 Determine the bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Contents vii
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
11.1 High availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
11.1.1 Selecting IBM Server and System Storage solutions for High Availability . . . . 307
11.2 Clustering technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
11.2.1 Shared nothing clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
11.2.2 Common shared cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
11.2.3 Shared nothing application cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
11.2.4 Geographically dispersed clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
11.2.5 Backup and recovery considerations for databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
11.2.6 Remote storage mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
11.2.7 General Parallel File System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
11.2.8 Shadow databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
11.3 Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
11.3.1 Storage planning and database preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
11.3.2 General recommendations for database storage layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
11.3.3 Database tuning considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
11.4 Benefits of database, storage, and logical mirror functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
11.5 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes . . . . . 329
Starter set of business requirement questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Business Continuity Solution Matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Notes on the Solution Matrix cells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Eliminate non-solutions matrixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Tier 7 Planned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Tier 7 Unplanned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Tier 7 Transaction Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Tier 6 Planned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Tier 6 Unplanned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Tier 6 Transaction Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Tier 5 Planned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Tier 5 Unplanned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
Tier 5 Transaction Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Tier 4, 3 Planned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Tier 4 Unplanned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Tier 4 Transaction Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Tier 3 Unplanned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Tier 3 Transaction Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Tier 2, 1 Planned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Tier 2, 1 Unplanned Outage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Tier 2, 1 Transaction Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Additional business requirements questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Justifying Business Continuity to the business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Business requirements questions for detailed evaluation team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Appendix B. Terms and definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Appendix C. Services and planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Services and services providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
IBM Global Services families and life cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
On Demand services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
IBM Global Services solutions for resilient infrastructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
IBM Managed Hosting storage and backup services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
viii IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Resilient business and infrastructure assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
IBM resilient business and infrastructure solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Other storage services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Network Consulting and Integration services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Optical/Storage Networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Open Systems Interconnect network model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
OSI layer 1 (physical layer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
OSI layer 2 (data link layer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
OSI layer 3 (network layer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
OSI Layer 4, 5, 6, 7 - Transport, session, presentation, application layers. . . . . . . . . . 386
OSI layer 4 (transport layer general comment). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
Interfacing different networks together. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Fiber optic cables - used in OSI layer 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
The strengths of using fiber optic cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Other general comments about networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
The last mile issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Basic network design concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Dark fiber strand pricing and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
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x IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
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A disruption to your critical business processes could leave the entire business exposed.
Today’s organizations face ever-escalating customer demands and expectations. There is no
room for downtime. You need to provide your customers with continuous service because
your customers have a lot of choices. Your competitors are standing ready to take your place.
As you work hard to grow your business, you face the challenge of keeping your business
running without a glitch. To remain competitive, you need a resilient IT infrastructure.
This IBM® Redbook introduces the importance of
Business Continuity in today’s IT
environments. It provides you with a comprehensive guide to planning for IT Business
Continuity and can help you to design and to select an IT Business Continuity solution that is
right for your business environment.
We discuss the concepts, procedures, and solution selection for Business Continuity in detail,
including the essential set of IT Business Continuity requirements that you need to identify a
solution. We also present a rigorous Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology that
includes a sample Business Continuity workshop with step-by-step instructions in defining
requirements. This IBM Redbook is meant as a central resource book for IT Business
Continuity planning and design and is intended for anyone who wants to learn about
Business Continuity trends and strategies.
The companion title to this IBM Redbook, IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2
Solutions Guide, SG24-6548, describes detailed product solutions in the System Storage
Resiliency Portfolio.
The team that wrote this IBM Redbook
This IBM Redbook was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at
the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), San Jose Center.
Charlotte Brooks is an IBM Certified IT Specialist and Project Leader for Storage Solutions
at the ITSO, San Jose Center. She has 15 years of experience with IBM in storage hardware
and software support, deployment, and management. She has written many IBM
Redbooks™ and has developed and taught IBM classes in all areas of storage and storage
management. Before joining the ITSO in 2000, she was the Technical Support Manager for
Tivoli® Storage Manager in the Asia Pacific Region.
Clem Leung is an Executive IT Architect with the IBM Global Small and Medium Business
sector, supporting emerging and competitive customers. He specializes in IT infrastructure
simplification and Business Continuity technologies and solutions. Previously, he was in
worldwide technical sales support for IBM storage and storage networking solutions and
products. Clem has worked for IBM for 25 years in various technical sales capacities,
including networking, distributed computing, data center design, and more. He was an author
of a previous edition of this IBM Redbook.
Aslam Mirza is a Certified Senior Consulting Storage Specialist in New York, working as a
pre-sales advisor for enterprise storage topics. He has more than 30 years of experience with
IBM large systems, storage systems, tape systems and system storage resiliency portfolio.
His area of expertise is strategy and design of storage solutions.
xii IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Curtis Neal is a Senior IT Specialist working for the System Storage™ Group in San Jose,
California. He has over 25 years of experience in various technical capacities including
mainframe and open system test, design and implementation. For the past six years, he has
led the Open Storage Competency Center which helps customers and Business Partners
with the planning, demonstration and integration of IBM System Storage Solutions.
Yin Lei Qiu is a senior IT specialist working for the Storage Systems Group in Shanghai,
China. He is the leader of the storage technical team in East China and a pre-sales advisor,
and provides technical support storage solutions to IBM professionals, Business Partners,
and Clients. He has more than 6 years of solution design experience with IBM Enterprise Disk
Storage Systems, Midrange Disk Storage Systems, NAS Storage Systems, Tape Storage
Systems, Storage Virtualization Systems and the System Storage Resiliency Portfolio.
John Sing is a Senior Consultant with IBM Systems and Technology Group, Business
Continuity Strategy and Planning. He helps with planning and integrating IBM System
Storage products into the overall IBM Business Continuity strategy and product portfolio. He
started in the Business Continuity arena in 1994 while on assignment to IBM Hong Kong and
IBM China. In 1998, John joined the IBM ESS planning team for PPRC, XRC, and
FlashCopy®, and then in 2000, became the Marketing Manager for the ESS Copy Services.
In 2002, he joined the Systems Group. John has been with IBM for 23 years. He was an
author of a previous edition of this IBM Redbook.
Francis TH Wong is a storage solution architect for Asia Pacific, where he provides training
and technical support to the regional storage team, as well as designing customer storage
solutions. He has 20 years IT experience in various positions with IBM in both Australia and
Hong Kong, including data center operations and S/390® storage support, as well as
customer sales, technical support, and services. His areas of expertise include Business
Continuity solutions for mainframe and open systems, disk, tape, and virtualization.
Ian R Wright is a Senior IT Specialist with Advanced Technical Support, in Gaithersburg, and
is part of the Business Continuity Center of Competence. He holds a Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration degree from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania He has 7
years of IT experience, encompassing Advanced Business Continuity Solutions, network
connectivity, and GDPS® for the S/390 division. He has written educational material on
Business Continuity and taught at the Business Continuity Top Gun. He was an author of a
previous edition of this IBM Redbook.
Figure 1 The team: Curtis, Aslam, Yin Lei, Ian, John, Charlotte, Clem, and Francis
Preface xiii
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Gustavo Castets, Bertrand Dufrasne, Babette Haeusser, Emma Jacobs, Mary Lovelace, Alex
Osuna, Jon Tate
ITSO, San Jose Center
Michael Stanek
IBM Atlanta
Steven Cook, Douglas Hilken, Bob Kern
IBM Beaverton
Tony Abete, David Sacks
IBM Chicago
Shawn Bodily, Dan Braden, Mike Herrera, Eric Hess, Judy Ruby-Brown, Dan Sunday
IBM Dallas
Bill Wiegand
IBM Fort Wayne
Craig Gordon, Rosemary McCutchen, David Petersen,
IBM Gaithersburg
Thomas Luther
IBM Germany
Manny Cabezas
IBM Miami
Nick Clayton
IBM Portsmouth
Noshir Dhondy, Scott Epter, David Raften
IBM Poughkeepsie
John Foley, Harold Pike, Debbie Willmschen
IBM Raleigh
Selwyn Dickey
IBM Rochester
Jeff Barckley, Charlie Burger, Don Chesarek, Pete Danforth, Scott Drummond, John Hulsey,
Tricia Jiang, Sathees Kodi, Vic Peltz, John Power, Peter Thurston
IBM San Jose
Greg Gendron
IBM San Ramon
Chooi Ling Lee
IBM Singapore
Thomas Maher
IBM Southfield
Matthias Werner
IBM Switzerland
xiv IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Bob Bartfai, Ken Boyd, James Bridges, Ken Day, Brad Johns, Carl Jones, Greg McBride,
JD Metzger, Jon Peake, Tony Pearson, Gail Spear, Paul Suddath, Steve West
IBM Tucson
Patrick Keyes
Thomas Beretvas
Beretvas Performance Consultants
John Koberlein
Kobe Consulting
Tom and Jenny Chang and their staff
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter discusses the definition of Business Continuity and how the definition is evolving
in relation to technological and social trends. Organizations today can never be fully in control
of the business environment, and all organizations can face a Business Continuity event at
some point.
This IBM Redbook discusses the thought processes, methods, solutions, and product
concepts that you can apply to today’s Business Continuity requirements. With an increased
ability to understand, evaluate, select, and implement solutions that successfully answer
today’s Business Continuity requirements, enterprises can continue to maintain marketplace
readiness, competitive advantage, and sustainable growth.
We recommend that you implement Business Continuity
best practices. Because all
organizations are different, however, specific techniques that work in one organization will not
necessarily work in another.
2 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
1.1 Business Continuity versus Disaster Recovery
Before we proceed, we need to clarify the terms Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
These terms are sometimes used interchangeably, as are
business resumption and
contingency planning.
Business Continuity is the ability to adapt and respond to risks, as well as opportunities, in
order to maintain continuous business operations. There are three primary aspects of
providing Business Continuity for key applications and processes:
High availability is the capability to and processes that provide access to applications
regardless of local failures, whether these failures are in the business processes, in the
physical facilities, or in the IT hardware or software.
Continuous operations is the capability to keep things running when everything is working
properly; where you do not have to take applications down merely to do scheduled
backups or planned maintenance.
Disaster Recovery is the capability to recover a data center at a different site if a disaster
destroys the primary site or otherwise renders it inoperable. The characteristics of a
disaster recovery solution are that processing resumes at a different site and on different
It is necessary to clarify and differentiate between the terms
Disaster Recovery and Business
. Strictly speaking, Disaster Recovery is the ability to recover data and is only one
component of an overall Business Continuity Plan. This book discusses all three aspects of IT
Business Continuity.
Clearly, an organization will identify many components in the process of creating a
comprehensive Business Continuity plan. Inspired by the concept of database objects, these
components have attributes that help define them in terms of their ability to address the basic
requirements of Business Continuity. Not surprisingly, they echo the components of most
business organizations, as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 Components of Business Continuity in an organization
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
The components of Business Continuity are:
򐂰 Strategy: Objects that are related to the strategies used by the business to complete
day-to day activities while ensuring continuous operations.
򐂰 Organization: Objects that are related to the structure, skills, communications, and
responsibilities of its employees.
򐂰 Applications and data: Objects that are related to the software necessary to enable
business operations, as well as the method to provide
high availability that is used to
implement that software.
򐂰 Processes: Objects that are related to the critical business process necessary to run the
business, as well as the IT processes used to ensure smooth operations.
򐂰 Technology: Objects that are related to the systems, network, and industry-specific
technology necessary to enable
continuous operations and backups for applications and
򐂰 Facilities: Objects that are related to providing a
disaster recovery site if the primary site
is destroyed.
There is no doubt that some sort of Business Continuity plan is essential. The Business
Continuity plan becomes a source reference at the time of a Business Continuity event or
crisis and the blueprint upon which the strategy and tactics of dealing with the event or crisis
are designed.
1.2 Evolving definitions of disaster and recovery
We defined Disaster Recovery as the capability to recover a data center at a different site if a
disaster destroys the primary site or otherwise renders it inoperable.
The definition of what constitutes a disaster is driven by innovations in technology. As the
definition of what constitutes a disaster has changed, so too have the methods of assuring
that you can recover from the disaster. Disasters occur in many forms, and what you define
as a disaster is specific to your business. Disasters can be natural, man-made, or technical
events that cause a disruption to your business. As we discuss in this book, for some
organizations, the ability to recover data can be of secondary importance to ensuring that
their data remains available for use. The needs of each organization differs. A disaster that
you define for your business might not be the same disaster for another business segment or
might not be within their definition of a disaster.
Business Continuity management is the outcome of the process that started in the early
1970s as disaster recovery planning rather than management. During that time, the disaster
recovery activity was controlled by the data processing manager. In those days, if a major
event or crisis occurred, the outage could be measured in days rather than hours. Financial
organizations, such as banks and insurance companies, invested in alternate sites. Backup
tapes were stored at protected sites away from computers. Recovery efforts were almost
always triggered by a fire, flood, storm, or other physical devastation.
The 1980s saw the growth of commercial recovery sites offering computer services on a
shared basis, but the emphasis was still only on IT recovery. The 1990s witnessed significant
change in the IT environment and the move from disaster recovery planning to Business
Continuity planning.
Hazards today could be a sudden, unplanned calamitous event that causes damage or loss,
making it impossible for an organization’s to provide the critical business function for some
predetermined period of time. With the globalization of most business and the pervasiveness
4 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
of data access, data availability is most critical. Data disruptions for some industries, such as
financial institutions, can result in staggering financial losses. Inability to cope or plan for such
disruptions can cause businesses huge amounts of financial loss. Reports show that no plans
for Business Continuity or improper planning causes businesses to lose their competitive
advantage and to lose customers.
The methods available to assist recovery efforts are made more complex by application
architectures such as distributed applications, distributed processing, distributed data, and
hybrid computing environments.
Then there is the issue of data volume. Applications such as decision support, data
warehousing, data mining, and customer resource management can require petabyte-size
investments in online storage. Typical yearly growth of new data in an enterprise is in the
range of 40% to 70%. More data to manage means more data to recover. It is imperative that
you can recover your essential business processes in less time than what was traditionally
considered possible. Businesses with a low tolerance level for outages will seek a shorter
time to recover than a business with a higher tolerance level. Gradient of tolerance levels can
be measured in terms of a business’s ability to lose data during the outage period. Revenue
loss in some businesses are measured in millions of dollars per hour.
Data recovery no longer lends itself to a one-dimensional approach. The complex IT
infrastructure of most installations has just exceeded the ability of most shops to respond in
the way they did just a few years ago. The schematic depicted in Figure 1-2 is typical of the
diversity and complexity of many, if not most, IT processing environments.
Figure 1-2 Heterogeneous environments necessarily increase complexity
Do all organizations need a real-time recovery strategy in place? Not necessarily. These
processes can withstand unplanned outages for a day, or even several days, without severe
adverse consequences (in other words, a
business tolerance level to outages). However,
while the loss of phone service for a catalog retailer might be sufferable for a short period of
time, as the outage enters day two and three, the revenue losses will grow exponentially.
Research studies have shown that without proper planning, businesses that somehow
recovered from an immediate disaster event frequently did not survive in the medium term.
Sun Cluster
Data Replication Manager
SAN Copy
Chapter 1. Introduction 5
1.3 Disasters: Old, new, and planned
Figure 1-3 catalogs various types of unplanned outages. In addition, you can probably add
one or two from your own experience. Perhaps we could have made our list more inclusive by
including subtopics or by cross-referencing some of our examples. For example, vandalism
or sabotage might include hacker and virus threats. We also could have added worms, trojan
horses, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and industrial espionage under a hacker
subtopic. The list of things that can go wrong is seemingly endless.
For our list of possible outages, we did include relocation delay, which is really a sort of
planned outage that includes data center relocations or the migration back to the primary
computing facility from a hot or cold site. Typically, when people think of a disaster, they
usually think of a surprise event or something unexpected. Here, we want to draw attention to
those well-planned outages where even with the best of planning, something goes wrong. In
the end, does it really matter to your customer why the data is unavailable to them?
Figure 1-3 A sample list of the potential types of disasters
A/C Failure
Acid Leak
Bomb Threat
Bomb Blast
Brown Out
Burst Pipe
Cable Cut
Chemical Spill
CO Fire
Coolant Leak
Cooling Tower Leak
Corrupted Data
Diesel Generator
Electrical Short
Frozen Pipes
Hail Storm
Halon Discharge
Human Error
HVAC Failure
H/W Error
Ice Storm
Logic Bomb
Lost Data
Low Voltage
Microwave Fade
Network Failure
PCB Contamination
Plane Crash
Power Outage
Power Spike
Power Surge
Programmer Error
Raw Sewage
Relocation Delay
Roof Cave In
Shotgun Blast
Shredded Data
Sick building
Smoke Damage
Snow Storm
Sprinkler Discharge
Static Electricity
Strike Action
S/W Error
S/W Ransom
Toilet Overflow
Train Derailment
Transformer File
UPS Failure
Vehicle Crash
Water (Various)
Wind Storm
6 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
1.4 Disastrous results
Disasters can cover a wide gamut of definitions, but the results can also vary depending on
the nature of the disruption. Although you cannot anticipate that a disaster will happen, you
can plan or mitigate a disaster and prevent minimal disruptions to fit your business
򐂰 Direct losses
Direct losses represent the value of any assets that might have been lost and can include
your key personnel, data, infrastructure, network, and so forth. The losses are directly
related to the value of the assets or tangible assets.
򐂰 Indirect losses
Indirect losses or intangible losses are caused by the inability to operate or having to
operate in a severely degraded way due to the unavailability of resources such as data
access, power, telephone service, and others. Usually these losses continue or become
worse until the disruption is alleviated. Losses include lost productivity as well as revenue.
򐂰 Consequential losses
Consequential losses or repercussions are caused by the outage but can remain long after
recovery or restart. They include organizational image, stock value, and loss of customers
and market share which relate to the business going out of business.
1.5 Shapers of recovery and availability strategies
Because each organization is unique and has, therefore, unique requirements for its data
recovery and availability strategy, let us examine some of the forces that are currently
impacting the recovery strategies that organizations must implement, as illustrated in
Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 Factors that shape recovery and availability strategies
The following factors can impact recovery strategies:
򐂰 The exponential growth in the amount of data that must be stored has created the need for
a comprehensive program to manage that growth. Data, like any other organizational
asset (such as financial, physical, or personnel) must be managed with the same due
diligence. The storage management discipline is concerned with managing application
Exponential Growth
Regulatory Compliance
Protect the security &
privacy of critical
information assets
Innovations in
Continuous pressure
to reduce costs
Balance between cost and
risk management
Chapter 1. Introduction 7
requirements, forecasting future growth needs (capacity planning), performance and
tuning, and (our concern in this book) the recovery and availability of data.
򐂰 The rate of technological change enormously complicates the recovery planning process.
This accelerated rate of technological innovation requires companies to invest heavily in
information-based solutions to business processes or run the risk of becoming
noncompetitive and losing market share. It seems that almost daily, advances in the
networking arena require organizations to address: connectivity issues; Virtual Private
Network deployments; faster, more efficient switching technologies; and demand for
larger and larger bandwidths. Rapid change and adjustments further complicate staying
online or being able to come back online. Typical change rates for processor speed,
network bandwidth, and storage density are to double about every two years, three years,
and one year, respectively.
򐂰 Closely related to the previous point, the mixture of disparate platforms, operating
systems, and communication protocols found within most organizations intensifies the
already complex task of recovering/preserving data. Today, management must have
reliable methods of recovering not only the mainframe, but perhaps multiple flavors of
UNIX®, Windows®, Linux®, and IBM System i™, not to mention the network
infrastructure. It is not surprising that server and storage consolidation has come to the
forefront in many organizations’ strategic IT planning, not only to more effectively manage
day-to-day operations but to also ease the difficulties of recovery planning.
򐂰 A number of constituencies (customers, suppliers, management, and others) expect (in
other words, demand) that data be available at anytime from anywhere. Web-based
applications, for many, have to be available without exception. Revenue and the
preservation of corporate image require it. The explosive growth of the Internet has
drastically altered the traditional mechanisms of the marketplace, and have created the
need for Web site redirection and load-balancing as availability assurance methods.
򐂰 The concept of what is a threat has also changed and now must include terrorism,
vandalism from outside as well as from within the organization, industrial espionage,
compromised privacy, advanced viruses which can corrupt and modify mission critical
data, and fraud. This list is, unfortunately, not all-inclusive, and each can threaten your
enterprise’s survivability.
򐂰 New regulatory requirements have forced many to rethink their approach to data
survivability. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is an
example of a requirement that determines how an entire industry, the US health care
industry, must handle and account for patient-related data.
򐂰 Globalization of a firm creates new opportunities for some firms, but it can also create
additional recovery and availability concerns that did not exist in the centralized computing
model. In other words, data can be in any part of the world and different countries have
different regulatory guidelines and processes to adhere to, to prevent and to plan for
Disaster Recovery. This is particularly true for financial institutions.
8 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
1.6 Chapter overview
This chapter provides an overview of the concept of Business Continuity and provides some
background on the topics that we discuss in this IBM Redbook. The remainder of this book
describes various planning concepts for Business Continuity as they relate to the issues of
data availability and recovery. The other chapters in this book include:
򐂰 Chapter 2, “Industry Business Continuity trends and directions” on page 9
Describes some characteristics of the current industry environment.
򐂰 Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43
Discusses issues that each organization must weigh in formulating their recovery strategy.
򐂰 Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions” on page 137
Describes the tier levels of disaster recovery solutions and the most effective way to select
the optimum disaster recovery solution for your business.
򐂰 Chapter 5, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151
Introduces a method for making sense of all the options available to you and helps you
focus on the products that meet your needs and requirements.
򐂰 Chapter 6, “The Next Step Business Continuity workshop” on page 173
򐂰 Chapter 7, “Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study” on page 233
Show a step-by-step, applied example of this book's Business Continuity planning, design,
and solution methodologies, plus a sample implementation of this methodology.
򐂰 Chapter 8, “Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment” on
page 251
Covers a topic that very few IT sites can ignore today. It examines the concepts of
effectively planning Disaster Recovery for a heterogeneous platform environment, and
also details current IBM System Storage heterogeneous disaster recovery solutions and
their concepts.
򐂰 Chapter 9, “Business Continuity for small and medium sized business” on page 273
Discusses the Small and Medium Business considerations for Business Continuity.
򐂰 Chapter 10, “Networking and inter-site connectivity options” on page 281
Discusses the often overlooked aspects of storage networking for data mirroring planning.
򐂰 Chapter 11, “High Availability clusters and database applications” on page 305
Addresses high availability options on the technical and logical level for databases and
applications. These techniques are discussed in the context of the Methodology that we
introduce in Chapter 5, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on
page 151.
򐂰 The appendixes include:
Appendix A, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes” on
page 329
Appendix B, “Terms and definitions” on page 357
Appendix C, “Services and planning” on page 365
Appendix D, “Networking terminology tutorial” on page 379
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 9
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity
trends and directions
We live in a dynamic, constantly changing world, and the art and science of Business
Continuity continues to change at the same pace. In this chapter, we explore the trends and
emerging dynamics that will impact the Business Continuity solution designs of the future.
These trends include:
򐂰 Justifying the cost of Business Continuity to the business
򐂰 Emerging requirements for Business Continuity in an On Demand business world
򐂰 Trends in multi-site data center architectures—out of region distances with greater than
two sites
򐂰 A new data center strategy paradigm—planned workload rotation
10 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
2.1 New challenges
Any serious discussion of the future raises a wide range of issues, including the confluence of
business and industry developments, consolidation, regulation, industry and business
specialization, risk management, changing customer and workforce needs, and emerging
technologies. All of these trends place pressure on the IT operating models and raise
questions about how we must adapt existing strategies to meet objectives for growth,
scalability, service levels, expense management, and added value creation.
Influencing factors from the business world include:
򐂰 Customers continually are redefining the rules of the game:
Pronounced shifts in customer and marketplace demographics, attitudes and behaviors,
combined with much more ubiquitous information, are giving customers and users the
power to demand much greater responsiveness and functionality
򐂰 Large players and focused niche players are squeezing the middle:
Large consolidated players are seeking to generate higher growth and revenue through
economies of scale. Simultaneously, niche players are aggressively pursuing the most
desirable customers by addressing their needs in distinct ways. Businesses and
organizations in the middle are being squeezed.
򐂰 Changing workforce and staff composition:
An increasingly mobile and diverse workforce is spread across multiple age groups,
disciplines, experiences; and even across geographies and cultures. This can raise
management complexity and requires flexible, effective approaches to skills availability,
skills continuity, skills transfer, and costs.
򐂰 Regulatory burdens intensify:
Heightened requirements around privacy, security, partnership risk, and operational risk
will require a more proactive enterprise-wide approach to managing
compliance and risk
򐂰 Technology improves inexorably to enable breakaway value:
Advancing technologies continue to enable customers and users to demand
unprecedented offerings and functionality. Emerging IT technologies, such as grid
computing, virtualization of data and storage, and predictive intelligence, will cause many
entrenched IT philosophies to be forced to change, in favor of a partnership model where
specialized skills, specialized organizations, and new relationships are required to survive
and thrive.
2.1.1 Shift of focus from technology to business processes
As a result of these new challenges, Business Continuity has taken on new meanings.
Business Continuity has traditionally been assigned to specific Business Continuity planners,
often at the operational or IT level, with funding levels being set accordingly. This assignment
was acceptable as long as information volume and scale was manageable, the span of
required recovery was smaller, marketplace pressures and speeds were lower, competition
was less rigorous, and the accepted expectation of service was not as high.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 11
Today, however, the presence and interdependence of multiple business processes and
processes, spread across multiple lines of business, technology, and staffing has created a
paradigm shift. Thus, the IT Business Continuity focus has shifted from an IT technology to a
full business process focus, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 The interdependent nature of business processes: An IT outage is also a supply chain impact
With these kinds of interlocked business processes, achieving true IT Business Continuity
today must address a significant internal organizational challenge successfully.
2.1.2 An organizational challenge
Typically, there is no one central point of organization and control for all of these business
processes. Yet, all interested parties agree that a contingency plan is necessary. Therefore,
the challenge can be stated as follows:
򐂰 Who is or who should be the actual owner (or owners) of the end-to-end Business
Continuity plan?
򐂰 What is the appropriate scope and definition of the Business Continuity plan?
򐂰 How much IT Business Continuity preventative
functional insurance is the right amount?
򐂰 Who will pay for this
insurance protection?
We often see today that the IT department, with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) as the
responsible party, is seen as the business organization that is best positioned to fulfill the
compliance, security, and Business Continuity requirements of the business. In the end,
although it is the Lines of Business that have the ultimate risk, IT is often held responsible,
although IT is in the support role.
Application 1
Application 3
Application 2
process A
process B
process C
process D
process E
process F
process G
Technical Application Business
1. An error occurs on a
storage device that
corrupts a database
2. The error impacts
the ability of two or
more applications to
share critical data
3. The loss of both
applications affects two
distinctly different business
IT Business Continuity
focus has shifted to
business processes
12 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Thus, our discussion begins with how IT might best interlock with the Line of Business (LOB)
and gain agreement that the LOB and IT must be in
joint ownership of an end-to-end
Business Continuity plan. We also discuss how IT might best develop a strategy to gain this
support from the LOB.
We start by addressing the best ways to justify Business Continuity to the business.
2.2 Justifying Business Continuity to the business
In today’s environment, innovation takes many forms, including advances in products and
services, markets, operational processes, customer intimacy, new testing, qualification, and
delivery strategies. However, innovation is not possible and cannot have the desired impact
unless IT organizations can create the requisite conditions for IT innovation development.
In this section, we explore the trends that affect and enable IT innovation development and
focus on best practices for
justifying and developing a strategy for IT Business Continuity
. Given the expanded scope of IT Business Continuity at the business process
level, we provide an overview of principles that describe how you can best position IT
Business Continuity technology within the strategic IT funding and decision making process.
We also discuss how you can best introduce and integrate IT Business Continuity technology
into the overall IT initiatives.
2.2.1 Executive summary
When justifying Business Continuity, we recommend that you not consider it as an end unto
itself. Rather, IT Business Continuity is best accomplished when it is included as an
of the overall IT infrastructure streamlining, consolidation, and efficiency strategy.
You can accomplish this goal by making IT infrastructure simplification a necessary
prerequisite to cost-effective IT Business Continuity. When this level of strategy integration is
done, enacting the IT infrastructure streamlining efforts also produces the necessary IT
Business Continuity, security, risk compliance, and audit functions that the business requires.
In the sections that follow, we discuss how you can successfully develop a strategy and
implement these recommendations.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 13
2.2.2 Relationship of time to market to Business Continuity
We begin by describing a model of the inter-relationship of business objectives to the IT
infrastructure and the IT Data Center strategy.
There are two business metrics for this model:
򐂰 Time to Market
A measure of how fast the business is able to deliver new products and services to
market. Making Time to Market as fast as possible is essential.
򐂰 Time to Customer
A measure of, from the customers perspective, how good is the product and service
availability, performance, and all other relevant factors.
These metrics compete with Total Cost of Ownership, as shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2 Relationship of Time to Market, Time to Customer, and Total Cost of Ownership
Think of this relationship as an example from fluid dynamics, and imagine a liquid inside the
three-pronged plunger (or piston). The legs of the plunger represent:
򐂰 Time to Market (TTM)
򐂰 Time to Customer (TTC), that is application uptime and availability
򐂰 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
These three legs of the business (TTM, TTC, and TCO) are, of course, inter-related and
cannot be truly be considered independently from one another.
The concepts and principles of this section and the subsequent sections, 2.2.3, “The struggle between TTM and
TCO” and 2.2.5, “New importance of IT standards and integration”, are used with the express permission of the
original author, John Koberlein, retired IBM Senior IT Architect and now CEO of Kobe Consulting.
Relating Business Objectives to
IT Infrastructure
Closest to
center is best
Any two out of
the three is easy
All three is hard
IT Infrastructure
Time to
Time to
Total Cost
IT Data Center
14 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The optimum point of this model would be at the zero point in the middle of the three
plungers, that is infinitely fast (zero) time to market, infinitely available applications and
services to customers (zero downtime), and zero cost. Obviously, IT technology does not yet
have the capability to provide zero cost while providing infinitely fast application delivery
(TTM) or infinitely available data, information, and applications (TTC). Yet, it is the business
goal to drive each of these three plungers as close to zero as resources allow.
If we assume for the moment that the liquid (that is, the IT Data Center Strategy) in the
plunger is not compressible, then to only focus on reducing or pressing inward on TCO,
without considering the resulting impact on either TTM or TTC, might mean the organization
is unintentionally causing TTM to expand rather than contract or causing TTC to get worse
instead of better. This model conveys the correct impression that if nothing is done differently
in terms of the IT Data Center infrastructure and strategy, the effect of increased pressure on
TTM and TTC will be for TCO to go
out (that is, increase), rather than moving inward. Clearly,
this outcome is not the desired strategic outcome. Thus, focusing on TCO alone is not the
best business perspective.
What this model also suggests is that the defining factor in this equation (that is, the liquid) is
the IT Data Center strategy. Most importantly, the
manner in which TTM, TTC, and TCO
interact is defined
through the IT Data Center strategy. Therefore, to achieve the goals of
simultaneously compressing these three metrics, it is necessary to change the characteristics
(that is the ability to compress the liquid) of the IT Data Center Strategy in a way that allows
this three-way compression to occur.
Let us next examine how we might best modify the IT Data Center strategy such that it
enables faster TTM and better TTC and, simultaneously, enable lower TCO and justifiable IT
Business Continuity funded projects.
2.2.3 The struggle between TTM and TCO
Given that we realize we need to modify the IT Data Center strategy such that we can
compress TTM, TTC, and TCO while delivering IT Business Continuity, what IT Data Center
architecture and strategy initiatives should we pursue, and how should we interlock those
initiative with all the other existing IT projects that also must be done? Because senior
management is the real source of strategic funding for Business Continuity, you need to
present Business Continuity funding requests in a way that allows senior management to
achieve business targets of TTM, TTC, and TCO simultaneously.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 15
Figure 2-3 illustrates the competing nature of TTM and TTC with TCO and IT Business
Figure 2-3 The competing nature of TTM, TTC and TCO (or the “wiggly line”)
In this figure, note that TTM and TTC are on the upper, left side of the figure, on the
application and business side of the Start to Target line.TTM and TTC both attempt to
increase the gradient of the Start to Target line (that is, to do more in even less time).
On the opposite side of the equation is TCO, of which Business Continuity is just one cost
component. If TCO is viewed as a cost metric, that is a necessary cost to be expended in
pursuit of TTM and TTC, then TCO tends to be squeezed and thus tends to drag the Start to
Target line downward and to the right (that is, doing less and taking longer to do it).
Because TTM and TTC are on the opposite sides of the Start to Target equation line from
TCO, there is a competition between the two sides. Thus, it is not surprising that there is a
back forth (the “wiggly line) in an attempt to balance these two competing sides. In such an
environment with IT Business Continuity being just one component of IT TCO, IT Business
Continuity can get lost in the shuffle. Thus, adequate IT Business Continuity funding is
typically a challenge.
2.2.4 The struggle of IT diversity
We must also recognize that today’s IT environments have a major compounding problem,
especially when it comes to IT Business Continuity. That problem is the diversity and
complexity of todays IT environments, and that IT diversity is much more than just an IT
Business Continuity problem.
Business Continuity)
Business Continuity)
Time To Market
Time to Customer
Need for Optimization
Challenge of today’s IT environment:
solving the ‘wiggly line’
16 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 2-4 illustrates an example of an IT environment where it would be difficult to provide
fast TTM, TTC, TCO, and IT Business Continuity due to the large number of components and
associated difficulties of managing them all.
Figure 2-4 A difficult environment to manage and recover due to high diversity
In this environment, it is not that any individual product is at fault. It is just that in a highly
diverse and complex environment, there are too many things to recover and too many skills
and personnel that must be spread across too many tools. Also in this environment, there is
limited ability to share resources and thus provide economies of scale. Coordination is not
easily synchronized.
So, how can we develop a strategy to address as a whole TTM, TTC, TCO, and IT Business
Continuity issues?
Sun Cluster
Data Replication Manager
SAN Copy
IT Consolidation and Streamlined Efficiency is a fundamental
prerequisite for cost-effective IT Business Continuity
IT Strategy Design
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 17
2.2.5 New importance of IT standards and integration
Developing a strategy to address these issues is an age-old IT answer. However, the answer
takes on new importance and criticality in today’s high scalability, fast paced, rigorous
environments that require Business Continuity. To develop a successful strategy, businesses
today must accelerate the drive towards
IT standardization and IT integration throughout the
enterprise (as illustrated in Figure 2-5).
Figure 2-5 IT standardization and integration results
By standards, what we mean is IT standards for your IT department and IT enterprise. In
order to achieve TTM, TTC, TCO, and IT Business Continuity simultaneously, standardization
throughout the enterprise has become of paramount importance. Standardization in this
manner makes good business sense. As shown in Figure 2-5, the
indicators of
standardization are:
򐂰 Coordinated business and IT plans
򐂰 Application quality
򐂰 Organizational characteristics and responsiveness
򐂰 Skills and operational efficiency
򐂰 Systems management
򐂰 Exploitation of automation
򐂰 Resources for training and testing
When these indicators are present, they are proof that sufficient standardization is in place.
Conversely, implementing sufficient standardization can assure that each of these indicators
are the result.
With a requisite level of IT standardization and simplification in place, your business can make
major progress on achieving TTM, TTC, TCO, and IT Business Continuity all at the same
Systems Mgmt
Coordinated Business and IT Plans
Application Quality
Need for Optimization
Indicators of good standards and integration
18 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Well planned, well governed standards such as these are also the pre-requisites that IT
Business Continuity requires. IT Business Continuity demands:
򐂰 Coordination of business and IT plans between multiple organizations.
򐂰 A smooth team-to-team flow of application quality, application defect fix, and application
and business process interlock.
򐂰 A high level of interaction between development and infrastructure when rolling out
򐂰 A good level of data management, change control, and systems management.
When developing standardization strategies, you must architect two major areas of IT
򐂰 Standardized methodologies in the IT shop
򐂰 Appropriate standardization of IT components
We look a little closer at each of these two ideas here. You can find more information about
planning and implementing IT standards in Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning,
processes, and execution” on page 43.
Standardized methodologies in the IT department
Standardized methodologies refers to architecting and standardizing how the various IT
processes and procedures are done across the enterprise. Standardization opportunities
include how backup and restore are done as well as the established standards for backup
and restore of software and hardware. Other standardization examples in the process and
procedure area might be:
򐂰 How you push critical patches out to desktop users
򐂰 What support methodologies are employed
򐂰 How inter-departmental requests such as a software development team needing new IT
Today’s highly-diverse IT environments demands such standardization, as with high TTM and
competitive pressures, there is no room for error, no time to waste, and a need to minimize
cost. Although a very old IT idea, with today’s pressures of TTM and TCO, standardized
methodologies throughout the enterprise take on new meanings to ensure efficiency by
minimizing duplication of effort, ensuring higher quality results through consistency, and
lowering budgets and maintenance costs in both human cost and in supporting infrastructure
Appropriate standardization of the IT components
It follows that standardized IT components will drive similar cost savings and quality gains. An
example might be an enterprise-wide architectural move towards standardization on a single
database vendor, thus leading to better code sharing among application developers and a
reduction in test workload, with a faster application development cycle. Contrast this kind of
streamlined environment with a more difficult heterogeneous environment supporting multiple
types of underlying components in hardware, software, and middleware.
Thus, we conclude that cost-justifiable, cost-efficient IT Business Continuity must be built
upon the prerequisite of a properly standardized IT environment.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 19
2.2.6 Infrastructure simplification as a prerequisite to IT Business Continuity
We suggest, therefore, that an essential connection must exist between the IT infrastructure
simplification and consolidation, as the appropriate and proper prerequisite to IT Business
Continuity, as illustrated in Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6 IT infrastructure simplification and consolidation as prerequisite to IT Business Continuity
We suggest that when discussing and planning IT Business Continuity, that the conversation
always include the key thought that IT Business Continuity is based on an enhanced version
of the existing IT consolidation and simplification efforts that are most likely already active in
your IT organization. Acceleration of IT consolidation, standardization, and integration of IT
methods and components are all ideal objectives in terms of reducing operating cost, TTM
and service quality and will also have a positive impact on lowering the cost and speeding the
effectiveness of IT Business Continuity functionality.
We suggest that you a solid foundation for solving the IT Business Continuity issue by
accelerating and architecting IT consolidation, standardization, and simplification efforts in a
way that produces IT Business Continuity as an intended by-product. Some major talking
points when presenting this strategy to higher management include:
򐂰 It is easier to manage and recover fewer IT entities (for example, servers, operating
systems, or applications) than more.
򐂰 Cost savings from IT consolidation should be re-invested into the IT Business Continuity
expense. Linking cost savings to re-investment can help defray necessary capital and
running costs in an IT Business Continuity implementation.
򐂰 Given that Business Continuity will be part of your overall IT infrastructure simplification,
fold in Business Continuity implementation-related tasks, such as workload balancing,
configuration changes, and other adaptation work, into an enhanced version of the IT
infrastructure simplification efforts that are already under way.
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Business Continuity TOP GUN
IT Business Continuity Foundation
Strategic Infrastructure
Simplification / Consolidation
Improve Business
Provide Compelling IT Value
to address Strategic
Business Issues
Ideal: solve the companies’
Issues and IT
issues at the same time
Fewer components to recover
Re-invest savings in more robust Business
Standardize and optimize solution design:
Load Balancing
Most importantly, IT Simplification can
simultaneously improve application delivery
time and application quality
Business Continuity is an intended
byproduct of Infrastructure simplification
This is best practice for IT Business
Continuity justification to the Business
IT Infrastructure
Consolidation and
IT Business
Overall Business
20 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
These discussion points tie IT Business Continuity improvements as an intended by-product
of other IT infrastructure improvements that are directly aimed at benefitting the LOB. The
LOB executives thus receive the assurance that even as they fund IT to implement new
applications and streamline existing business processes, that IT is simultaneously
implementing Business Continuity as an intended by-product of that IT simplification.
A vision not a retrofit
We do acknowledge that it might be difficult to retrofit such IT standardization to an existing
highly diverse IT environment, and we are not necessarily recommending that you retrofit the
entire existing infrastructure. Rather, we recommend that you focus on architecting the
consolidated, streamlined
IT data center strategy. It is normal that this type of effort will take
some time. Thus, you should not attempt all IT Business Continuity projects at the same time.
There is a normal time progression in an IT Business Continuity, which we discussed in 3.2,
“Typical evolution of a Business Continuity program” on page 44.
These ideas represent an ideal to which you can point your strategic IT vision. By setting this
kind of vision and aligning your decisions in that direction, you can improve and maximize the
impact of your IT data center strategies. Most importantly, by tying in IT Business Continuity
into the large IT infrastructure simplification efforts that enable increases in revenue, service
quality, and long-term cost savings, you can drive the business “fluid” dynamics (as illustrated
in Figure 2-2 on page 13) closer to that ideal zero point over time.
2.2.7 Value of a combined IT simplification and IT Business Continuity
With this kind of a strategy, IT Business Continuity is raised to the higher level of a business
because it is responsive, flexible, and competitive. In effect, by addressing TTM, TTC,
and TCO with the IT simplification, we provide the following business values with the IT
Business Continuity solution simultaneously:
򐂰 Provide continuity of business operations: Helps the business become more
anticipatory, adaptive, and robust, from IT to all business processes (for example, taking
orders, shipping, manufacturing, and so on).
򐂰 Provide regulatory compliance: Helps the business comply with new government rules
and regulations, more quickly and cost effectively.
򐂰 Reduce the cost of risk management: Helps the business stay competitive by
managing risk more efficiently and cost effectively.
򐂰 Provide security, privacy, and data protection: Help the business protect against
threats, both internal and external, and develop a critical information management
򐂰 Maintaining market readiness: Helps the business stay competitive by anticipating and
quickly responding and adapting to changes in market requirements and accelerating
project completion, to ensure delivery of the right products, at the right place, at the right
time, with the right infrastructure.
򐂰 Become a more attractive partner: Helps the business partner quickly and effectively
within their industry by becoming a trusted and reliable business partner in their supply
chain or value-net.
These business points are used with the permission of the Fact Point Group, which created these points for use by
IBM under contract with IBM Global Services.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 21
Strategically, the factors above should be highlighted to senior management as ways that IT
infrastructure simplification and IT Business Continuity are important strategic factors in
sustainable growth, better profitability, and increased shareholder value.
2.3 Emerging criteria for IT Business Continuity solutions
For any IT Business Continuity solution, regardless of the type of technology or vendor,
today’s Business Continuity solution criteria have evolved to a new level, as shown in
Figure 2-7. These are the business criteria that are fundamental to satisfying the IT Business
Continuity solution needs of today’s accelerated business environment.
Figure 2-7 Today’s IT Business Continuity solution requirements
In the sections that follow, we examine each of these criteria.
2.3.1 Reliability and repeatability
While it seems to be stating the obvious, it is imperative today that recovery times must be
repeatable and reliable to a much more rigorous, consistent level.
What we mean by repeatable and reliable recovery times is that regardless of the situation or
circumstance, IT needs to be able to deliver an IT Business Continuity solution that provides
a very reliable, repeatable, and consistent
Recovery Time Objective (RTO). Today’s best
practice is to be able to deliver IT Business Continuity solutions that can reliably, within ideally
less than 10% variation, repeatedly deliver a consistent RTO. When this consistency is in
place, the end-to-end business processes can then architect themselves for a very specific
time window, thus maximizing benefits for a given amount of budget.
Criteria for today’s IT Business Continuity
Recovery times must be repeatable and
Allows business continuity processes to be built
Upon a reliable, consistent recovery time
•Large scalability
Recovery times must be known even as the system scales
In today’s time to market world, it is unacceptable to not have
assured scalability
Affordable testing
Repeatable, reliable, scalable business continuity can only
be assured through testing that can be affordably be
performed often
Fundamentally, requires automation
22 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
If a Business Continuity solution varies too much in recovery time, the net result is that the
business eventually has to plan on (and spend the money for) the higher end of the tested
recovery times. In that case, the business cannot truly take advantage of the cost advantages
when the solution happens to deliver a shorter recovery time. In effect, the business spends
extra money to accommodate the longer recovery times and does not necessarily receive the
direct cost benefit of the shorter recovery times.
2.3.2 Scalability
An annual growth rate of 35% to 50% in open systems storage is not unusual in many of
today’s well-managed IT organizations. Therefore, as the business grows and scales at
today’s large storage growth rates, the business must be able to predict and prove this level
of IT Business Continuity reliability and repeatability. It is not viable to have a Business
Continuity solution that at some point must be re-architected because of its inability to scale.
Especially in today’s world with acquisitions and new marketplaces, dramatic workload
increases are becoming an occurrence that must be accommodated in order for the business
to achieve its economy of scale and cost objectives.
2.3.3 Affordable testability
Reliability, repeatability, and scalability cannot be proven or refined and tune unless we have
the ability to perform very frequent testing at a very affordable cost. Therefore, a focus item in
the IT Data Center strategy must be methods for performing the testing cycle on a larger
scale and on a more frequent basis (ideally nearly continuous testing).
2.3.4 A fundamental need for automation
In order to meet these objectives within staffing, budget, and time constraints that exist today
and continuing into the future, affordable continuous testing can no longer require intensive
labor or time away from other implementation tasks. Affordability of frequent testing therefore
demands a high degree of automation designed into the IT Business Continuity solution from
the start.
Good automation for IT Business Continuity solutions provides the ideal foundation for
making testing affordable, by providing the ability for repetitive testing run largely by
automation. Automation also has a significant positive effect on the reliability and repeatability
of the Business Continuity solution, and it makes it easier and more viable to test for
scalability. For all of these reasons, automation is becoming a strategic Business Continuity
solution foundation for affordably providing IT Business Continuity that can meet the above
business objectives in the years ahead.
2.3.5 Emerging criteria for the human element
The importance of the human element—that is the role, responsibilities, and reaction of
people in any Business Continuity plan—has always been high.
Tip: We discuss some key additional thoughts about providing this affordable testability in
2.5.5, “Planned workload rotation data center model” on page 31.
Tip: We discuss planning for the human element in Business Continuity in detail in 3.5.1,
“Business Continuity program design” on page 67.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 23
World events of the past few years have identified the following additional emerging
considerations for the human element. Note that both of these events have a time duration of
perhaps two to six months (or more), which is longer than the typical time duration normally
planned for with traditional outage scenarios:
򐂰 Pandemic considerations: Planning should consider the increased possibility of an
pandemic event,
in which the primary impact is to human resources and there is
necessity for humanitarian care and protection. Note, however, the IT planning
consideration for a pandemic event: even though the IT infrastructure is intact, the IT
infrastructure will deteriorate over time if there is inadequate human resource availability
to maintain or perform required updates or problem resolution on the IT infrastructure.
򐂰 Large scale displacement considerations: Tragic natural disasters such as the
December 2004 Asian Tsunami and August 2005 Hurricane Katrina highlighted the need
to consider and plan for the effects of a large scale, long term displacement of large
population of people. Many basic necessities such as electrical power, fuel, housing, and
transportation might be problematical. Even if available, the pricing for these necessities
might be abnormally high.
Fortunately, emerging best practice solution approaches to these valid concerns include a
strong proactive exploitation of remote access capability and virtual workplace continuity.
2.3.6 Virtual workplace continuity
In the 21st century, the virtualization of the workplace has increased using teleconferences,
high speed telecom links (including wireless), voice over IP, and other modern IT tools.
Driving factors have included greater needs for business and human resource collaboration,
flexibility, cost pressures, competition, and TTM and TTC goals.
From a Business Continuity standpoint, the emerging trend is to actively promote and
this continuing virtualization of the IT infrastructure. As the workplace is evolving into a virtual
workplace, there is an opportunity is to exploit this trend by designing Business Continuity
plans, procedures, and IT functionality that proactively equip key human resources with the
ability to connect, communicate, and collaborate work from anywhere. Emerging best
practices include purposeful design and implementation of Business Continuity remote
access, security, and firewalls as well as exploitation of mobility technology, such as having
key personnel always carry pre-loaded USB storage devices that can be plugged into any PC
to provide secure remote access to the IT infrastructure from anywhere.
Assuring virtual workplace continuity is an emerging and important area of Business
Continuity practice for the future. The methods that you choose for your virtual workplace are
thus another standardization opportunity for your IT standardization and consolidation
strategy, as discussed in 2.2.5, “New importance of IT standards and integration” on page 17
and 2.2.6, “Infrastructure simplification as a prerequisite to IT Business Continuity” on
page 19.
The definition of a pandemic event is an epidemic (an outbreak of an infectious disease) that spreads across a large
24 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
2.4 Out of region recovery
In this section, we discuss the ramifications of the growing trend for out of region remote
recovery. This discussion then leads to a broader discussion of multi-site data center
2.4.1 Considerations for distance of to recovery site
Metropolitan distance recovery and out of region recovery are both viable strategies. It is a
matter of selecting the best fit for the business and regulatory requirements. Out of region
technology is available and implementations are common today. By setting expectations
properly as to what is different about out of region recovery versus metropolitan distance
recovery, we can assure that the business can simultaneously meet its expectations, its
budget, and its IT Business Continuity objectives.
Clearly, as both the business world and the world at large have changed, out of region
recovery has become a preferred distance trend in remote data center recovery. The specific
distance that is defined to be
out of region varies by geography. What is important to note is
there are additional planning considerations for out of region recovery, that are not present in
metropolitan distance recovery.
Major factors to consider for out of region recovery
Here are the factors that you should be aware of regarding out of region recovery:
򐂰 There is likely to be an increased staffing and infrastructure cost factor to support the
increased distance, because it is likely that there will be some amount of staff duplication
required to operate the two geographically distant sites.
򐂰 The likelihood of requiring asynchronous data replication is high, because out-of-region
distances typically are out of synchronous replication range. Asynchronous replication
introduces a larger scope of work effort, capacity planning, and implementation planning
for the Business Continuity project compared to synchronous mirroring. So, you need to
set time frame expectations and work effort scope accordingly.
򐂰 Out of region recovery implies a fast shutdown and a fast restart at the primary site,
instead of a
hot failover. Near continuous availability is unfortunately very difficult or
impossible to achieve when switching data centers at out of region distances, due to the
fact that there is a lag in data currency at the asynchronous remote site. If the organization
has already implemented data center hot failover today at metropolitan distances and
wants to retain this capability, then moving to out of region recovery requires either a
relaxation of the cutover RTO or potentially a move to a three site configuration.
򐂰 Compared to metropolitan distance recovery, continuous replication of data for out of
region longer recovery distances might actually increase the ongoing monthly cost of
bandwidth for a given amount of MBps. This is because telecom line costs typically have a
distance multiplier.
򐂰 We project that we will continue to see that bandwidth costs be the limiting factor as to the
amount of data that can affordably be replicated, and therefore bandwidth is the delimiter
of the
scale of recovery that can be accomplished at out of region distance.
򐂰 In order to accommodate the fact that bandwidth delimits the amount of data that can be
transmitted, a segmentation of the business processes is necessary in order to allocate
only those business processes’ data that requires a high level of remote recovery to the
out of region recovery solution.
In summary, compared to metropolitan distance recovery, out of region recovery failover time
is likely to be longer, and the overall cost factors of operating the alternate site at out of region
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 25
distances will likely be higher. In return, the client is able to have geographic distance
Major factors to consider for metropolitan distance recovery
For comparison, the considerations for metropolitan distance recovery include:
򐂰 Often chosen when the smallest possible data or transaction loss at the remote site is
desired, because the remote data center is within synchronous data replication range.
򐂰 Metropolitan distances might be close enough to support clustering business processes,
or IT infrastructure such as server and database memory, thus providing more robust
possibilities for improving the business process or IT recovery time capability.
򐂰 A single staff might be able to support both metropolitan sites in more scenarios, thus
potentially minimizing logistical considerations and reducing cost.
򐂰 Intersite communications and telecom line costs for equivalent bandwidth, can typically be
less expensive at metropolitan distances compared to out of region distances.
򐂰 For true near-continuous availability at the IT data center level, metropolitan distances are
the typically required, because IT data center near-continuous availability failover often
requires server clustering and database clustering, in addition to synchronous data
replication. Server memory clustering and database memory clustering cannot be done at
out of region distances.
򐂰 Recovery at metropolitan distances might be less expensive overall than comparable data
center recovery at out of region distances. All other factors being equal, the recovery time
at metropolitan distances is also typically shorter than a comparable out of region distance
In summary, compared to out of region recovery, metropolitan distance recovery failover time
is likely to be faster, and the overall cost factors of operating the alternate site at metropolitan
distances will likely be lower. At the same time, the client does not have geographic distance
Next, we discuss more detail on some other important factors that affect out of region
recovery planning.
2.4.2 Out of region bandwidth costs and trends
There is an understandable perception that because broadband Internet lines have become
so affordable and commonplace, that the same must be true of high MBps data center grade
telecom lines. Unfortunately, this is not the case today. It is important to note that data center
grade lines can have a noticeably higher unit cost per MBps than the
commodity Internet
The reasons for the higher costs are as follows:
򐂰 You might think of the analogy of high speed data center grade lines as being similar to a
high performance automobile, in that to reacher higher MBps bandwidth speeds with
stability, control, and reliability, requires a significant amount of engineering sophistication
and cost.
Tip: We provide a more detailed discussion about considerations for distance to remote
site in the “Distance to remote site” on page 87. In addition, we discuss considerations for
synchronous data replication versus asynchronous data replication is in “Considerations
for selecting synchronous versus asynchronous data replication” on page 113.
That is, high MBps telecom lines with a high degree of reliability and uptime.
26 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 This engineering and manufacturing cost is reflected in the higher MBps monthly costs for
high speed data center grade telecom lines.
Because there is clearly a trend for more out of region recovery, note that there is also a
distance factor in the telecom cost equation. For budgeting purposes, as the distance
increases, there is a distance multiplier for the higher speed data center lines. In other words,
for a given MBps bandwidth, the charges are more for long distance lines than for shorter
distance lines.
From an overall trends and directions summary for telecom, we note that the percentage
growth rate of high performance mission critical disk storage is higher than the percent
decrease in bandwidth costs. Therefore, for the budgeting purposes, we recommend that you
set the expectation that raw aggregate expenditure for bandwidth is expected to continue to
rise, even though the cost of MBps is declining.
For all of these reasons, even though the unit cost per MBps of bandwidth is clearly
decreasing, we project that telecom line costs will continue to be the major limiting cost factor
for remote site recovery Business Continuity solution design.
2.4.3 Essential need for business process segmentation
In light of these trends and costs in telecom bandwidth, we recommend that you plan on
strategic business process segmentation. This plan is necessary in order to best enable a
cost-effective Business Continuity architecture that can meet the needs for both out of region
recovery and bandwidth requirements.
To briefly summarize, the purpose of this business process segmentation is to be able to
affordably implement the following modern IT trends and directions:
򐂰 Tiered storage
򐂰 Tiered servers
򐂰 Information Life Cycle Management
򐂰 Out of region recovery, while keeping the bandwidth costs affordable
򐂰 Multi-site data center strategies
By strategically setting out to segment our business processes, we create a construct
wherein we are more easily able to map the segments of our IT environment to the
appropriate level of service, recovery level, and cost that is desired for that business process
Tip: We provide a more detailed discussion of telecom bandwidth considerations in
“Intersite networking and telecom components” on page 108.
Tip: We provide a detailed discussion of the need for business process segmentation in
“Need for Business Process segmentation” on page 96.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 27
Figure 2-8 illustrates a suggested business process segmentation, which consists of three
bands: Continuous Availability, Rapid Data Recovery, and Backup and Restore.
Figure 2-8 Business process segmentation
There are several reasons to implement this segmentation, most important of which is:
򐂰 No one set of IT Business Continuity technologies is right for all business processes.
򐂰 We need to apply fast recovery technologies to some business processes (accepting the
higher cost along with the valuable faster recovery).
򐂰 We need to apply less expensive recovery technologies (which are lower in cost) to other
business processes.
We recommend that you consider initiating plans to further refine, architect, and enhance
your business process segmentation within your strategic Business Continuity planning.
2.5 Emerging data center strategies for multiple sites
Remote recovery data centers have existed for a long time. Today, however, the way in which
those geographically remote data centers are used and exploited is rapidly changing. With all
of the trends that we have discussed thus far, we now address directions in best practices for
IT Data Center strategy.
We discuss methodologies to address new requirements for compliance, testing at a high
scale, application quality, application testing, fast TTM and time to implementation, and so
forth. We also answer the question: What are the strategic long-range data center strategies
that will best support compliance, high availability, and Business Continuity at affordable,
justifiable levels to the business data center strategy?
Recovery Time Objective
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 7
Tier 6
Tier 1
Continuous Availability
Rapid Recovery
Segment business processes by recovery criticality
Strategically segment business processes, matching cost to criticality.
This maximizes application coverage at optimum cost
28 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
2.5.1 Traditional two data center model
Traditionally, a two-site data center topology was composed of a primary site and a secondary
site (which was typically used for test and development), as shown in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9 Traditional two-site data center model
These designations traditionally were fixed, and production operations were rarely shifted
between the two centers (except for major disaster recovery tests). The majority of the time,
operations ran in the primary data center. The secondary data center (which might be across
campus or geographically separated from the primary) typically ran test and development.
Often, the secondary data center had previous generation components compared to the
primary center. The thought was that the likelihood of using the secondary is small, and costs
can be saved by taking on some additional risk in equipping the secondary data center with
lesser hardware, software and so forth.
There is nothing inherently wrong with such a strategy, as long as it can provide adequate IT
scalability and recovery of critical applications at the level that the business requires.
New requirements stress the traditional data center model
However, newer requirements related to TTM, TTC, and TCO, place pressure upon today’s
data centers due to significantly raised expectations. The traditional data center model (that
is, the IT Data Center strategy) needs to be enhanced to address these issues.
A sample of the pressing issues increasingly asked by IT management include:
򐂰 What is my frequency of testing? Effort? Failback?
When was my last full system-wide test or drill?
How do I know that applications that have been put into production since the last test, how
do I prove their full recovery capability, especially from the perspective of a full end-to-end
test with all other applications.
(These questions are more than IT questions. Today, they can become a concern from a
business partner, the supply chain, or the customer standpoint.)
How often is Failback (that is, restoration) from the recovery center back to the primary
tested? Is it tested?
A - Production
B - Test
B - Test
Out of Region
A - Production
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 29
򐂰 What is my ability to move workloads at will?
򐂰 Am I compliant? What is my cost of compliance?
Proof of regulatory compliance might be related to frequency of testing, especially
system-wide testing.
򐂰 How is my Business Continuity strategy helping me improve IT Time to implementation?
How is it helping me improve application quality, problem determination speed?
How is it helping me handle issues like:
Test and development resources may not be fully utilized on an ongoing basis.
Furthermore, est and development typically does not have the resources to do full
scale stress tests, full scale stress problem recreation, or large pools of extra
resources for major projects.
How is it helping me improve my skills and resource productivity?
򐂰 Is my Business Continuity strategy helping me do any of these new requirements?
In other words, businesses and IT management today are asking the questions:
򐂰 Am I getting full use out of all IT assets?
򐂰 Is there a better way to use my IT assets?
In the following sections, we discuss how the IT data center and Business Continuity models
must evolve to meet these challenges.
2.5.2 Two-site high availability: Metro distances
Building upon the two-site traditional data center model, we see a rise in the implementation
of high availability functionality between two metropolitan distance data centers, as shown in
Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10 Two-site high availability data center model
High availability data centers are implementing functions such as server clustering to provide
a higher degree of resiliency, redundancy, and failover/failback capability.
High availability data centers are, by definition, more symmetrical in their hardware and
software configurations. High availability data centers are usually close enough together that
server memory clustering and database memory clustering, along with synchronous data
replication is possible. As these cross-device functionalities get more and more robust, there
is a tendency a drive to be closer and closer together, to avoid cross-device communication
Often, the high availability functions are typically implemented on an intra-site basis. Later,
portions of the high availability cluster can be re-sited to metropolitan distances, in order to
Metropolitan distances
A - Production
B - Production
High Availability
30 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
provide some distance separation, while maintaining various cross-memory, cluster, and
heartbeat functions of a tightly clustered high availability server environment.
When high availability server clustering functions are implemented within metropolitan
distances, this sets a foundation that begins to answer the questions of IT management.
Specifically, they can now start to implement various capabilities to allow workloads to be
moved in a transparent manner from one server to another.
However, there are other important issues to be considered, including the need for out of
region recovery.
2.5.3 Two-site traditional data center: Out of region recovery
As we discussed in 2.4, “Out of region recovery” on page 24, recovery distances at longer
distances are a trend, as shown in Figure 2-11.
Figure 2-11 Two-site traditional data center - out of region recovery
Because this is a traditional data center model, note that the out of region data center is used
for test and development. Traditionally, production workload has not been moved to the out of
region data center on an ongoing basis, mainly due to cost and logistical reasons.
For the purposes of our discussion in this section, we briefly review the concepts that we
covered in more detail in the “Major factors to consider for out of region recovery” on page 24.
The highlights of the key out of region distance considerations (as compared to metropolitan
distance High Availability) are:
򐂰 By definition, out of region recovery cannot provide true high availability. The out of region
distances imply a very fast shutdown and fast restart, but this is not a hot, live cutover.
򐂰 Bandwidth costs typically limit what level of out of region recovery is feasible.
򐂰 An out of region data center model very much needs to have good business process
segmentation in order to assure that bandwidth requirements are affordable. This
supports the assertion that we made in 2.4.3, “Essential need for business process
segmentation” on page 26 that business process segmentation is a very important
strategic element in today’s data center strategy.
Out of region recovery or metropolitan distance recovery are both viable strategies. It is a
matter of selecting the best fit for the business and regulatory requirements.
Important: Note that if there is a lack of business process segmentation, the exposure is
that IT management could find itself in a situation in which their IT environment is too big,
within available bandwidth, to be replicated to an out-of-region site. This situation is of
particular concern when there are regulatory requirements for out of region recovery.
You should be aware of this kind of situation and work to avoid it.
B - Test
A - Production
Out of Region distances
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 31
2.5.4 Blending the best of High Availability and out of region recovery
With all of these requirements being placed on IT and demanding an upleveling of the IT Data
Center strategy, we now examine the emerging best practices evolution of the data center
strategy. The objective of this emerging strategy is to be able to blend the best characteristics
򐂰 Traditional two data center model
򐂰 Two-site high availability: Metro distances
򐂰 Two-site traditional data center: Out of region recovery
This emerging strategy also needs to successfully address the IT management questions that
we described earlier in “New requirements stress the traditional data center model” on
page 28.
Planned Workload Rotation data center model that is emerging today is being
implemented in major IT organizations to provide benefits that address all of these
2.5.5 Planned workload rotation data center model
The data center strategy that we see on the strategic horizon to address all of these factors is
a planned rotation of workloads between sites on an ongoing basis, as illustrated in
Figure 2-12.
In Figure 2-12, the clouded area around each data center indicates that workload rotation is
in effect.
Figure 2-12 Planned workload rotation data center model
Tip: We review this data center model here, because understanding the Planned
Workload Rotation data center model is essential in order to fully appreciate, understand,
and present the three-site data center business value and three-site data center best
practices for business justification.
A - Production
B – Production
C – Production
A - Production
Planned Workload Rotation Data Center Model
32 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The planned workload rotation data center model includes the following actions:
򐂰 You implement the strategic path of the data center to eventually perform
workload rotation
between sites on an ongoing basis.
򐂰 You architect your long range IT infrastructure, business process segmentation,
application segmentation, IT department standards, network, testing and development
procedures, automation standards, database standards and so forth, to strategically
enable, and participate in (over time), in this planned workload rotation data center model.
򐂰 You use this architecture in a planned rotation of the data center workloads between the
sites on an ongoing basis.
򐂰 When you do this workload rotation, you rotate test and development in the opposite
򐂰 This bi-directional workload rotation exploits functions such as high availability clustering
and automation to provide a fast, reliable, repeatable, scalable, nearly continuous service
availability during the workload rotation. You architect non-data center distributed systems
to provide service on their own during the planned workload rotation.
򐂰 You automate the planned workload rotation using end-to-end automation of all aspects of
the failover.
Philosophy of the planned workload rotation data center model
A planned workload rotation data center strategy implies the following factors:
򐂰 Symmetrical data centers that provide a 100% mirror of the data center IT environment
򐂰 Test and development at this level of scale is intended to enable:
TTM and TTC acceleration of application delivery
Risk Mitigation and Effort Mitigation for today’s large scale projects
򐂰 By providing the necessary IT test and development foundation to achieve:
Business Process Changes
Complete change management
Source code management
Package application and system changes into release updates
Use terminal simulators for stress testing at the system level
Have well defined exit criteria from each testing stage
Post installation reviews
Change quality, problems, and performance
Schedule and communicate all changes
The planned workload rotation model leads to a fundamental conceptual reorientation in the
way of thinking about how a Data Center does its application development and testing. It
becomes the method that is used to respond to the demanding TTM, TTC, and TCO
requirements that IT is experiencing today.
The symmetrical data centers are designed to provide a complete controlled testing
environment, in which all factors related to timely, quality application delivery are enabled and
tested end-to-end. For the large enterprises, a major benefit of the symmetrical data centers
is the ability to test and integrate at their required level of very high scalability. Often, vendors
do not have test floors that approach the level of scalability that large enterprise clients
demand. With this approach, the client’s data center will have the scale and IT resources to
perform system level application and IT scalability, test, integration, and high system
stress-related problem identification, problem reproduction, problem fix, and testing.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 33
In a workload rotation model, our secondary is fully able to run day-to-day production
workload, and mirrors the components in our primary. Other than the act of shifting the
workload itself, there is then really little or no difference between running on the primary and
running on the secondary.
The designation of primary and secondary can therefore easily switch back and forth on a
regular basis, and this is what we mean by workload rotations. We intentionally shift workload
from primary to secondary under normal operations, on a regular basis. Thus, we also shift
the designation of secondary back and forth between the two sites.
You can implement planned workload rotation at either metropolitan distances or at out of
region distances. The philosophy of planned workload rotation remains the same, and there
are IT organizations that implement planned workload rotation at both metropolitan and out of
region distances.
IT benefits of the planned workload rotation data center model
Here are the anticipated benefits to the IT department of the planned workload rotation
򐂰 The secondary site failover is fully tested, and the failover technologies and processes are
tried, tested, and vetted out, system-wide, on a regular basis, under controlled conditions.
Management and staff are much more likely to execute effectively in the event of an
unplanned outage and failover.
򐂰 You have a much easier way to demonstrate the quality of the Business Continuity and
Disaster Recovery plan from an audit standpoint.
򐂰 Beyond Business Continuity, you can also:
Provide resources to test and development to model production identically or nearly
Perform true scaling tests at a true production level.
Reduce the support matrix, because you no longer need to consider differences
between components at primary and secondary.
򐂰 You have the infrastructure to ease the pain and impact of changes such as massive data
migrations, large software and operating system migrations, large infrastructure changes,
and so forth.
򐂰 You can reduce the cost of compliance because planned workload rotations has the effect
of providing ongoing proof points of compliance.
However, not that beyond the implications for Business Continuity, the
major justification for
the planned workload rotation strategy is that it is designed to enable and support the greatly
accelerated application delivery TTM requirements that business is demanding for the future.
Note: The considerations of distance to the other site do apply. As we discussed in 2.4.1,
“Considerations for distance of to recovery site” on page 24, there is greater amount of
effort involved in doing planned workload rotation at out of region distances, as compared
to metropolitan distances.
34 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
One of the primary drivers of this strategy are the following justifications, characteristics, and
associated benefits designed to address the TTM and TTC issues:
򐂰 Faster TTM of applications: Testing and development processes and resources are
upleveled as part of this strategy. Because of the need to have the second data center be
as symmetrical as possible to the first data center, testing and development acquire
resources that allow them to:
Perform full-scale stress tests and full-scale problem recreation
Significantly expand resources for testing, quality
Provide faster time to implementation with higher quality
򐂰 Automated data center workload rotations are tested on an ongoing basis
򐂰 Automated data center failback workload rotations are tested on an ongoing basis
򐂰 Reduce or remove cost of compliance from the future contingency plans
In effect, planned workload rotation data center model is a simultaneous Business Continuity
and application TTM and Business Continuity configuration that provides actual day-to-day
Business benefits of the planned workload rotation data center model
The anticipated business benefits that result from the planned workload rotation data center
model are:
򐂰 Continuity of Business Operations to help the business become more anticipatory,
adaptive, and robust, from IT to all business processes (takes orders, ship, manufacture,
and so forth).
򐂰 Regulatory Compliance to help the business comply with new government rules and
regulations more quickly and cost effectively.
򐂰 Reduce the cost of Risk Management to help the business stay competitive by managing
risk more efficiently and cost effectively.
򐂰 Security, Privacy, and Data Protection to help protect the business against threats, both
internal and external, and to develop a critical information management strategy.
򐂰 Expertise and Skills (Outsourcing or Training) to help the business obtain and program
manage the expertise and skills that are necessary to maintain continuous business
򐂰 Maintaining Market Readiness to help the business stay competitive by anticipating and
quickly responding and adapting to changes in market requirements and to accelerate
research and development to ensure that the business has the right products, at the right
place, at the right time.
򐂰 Becoming a more attractive Partner to help the business partner more quickly and
effectively within the industry by becoming a trusted and reliable business partner in the
supply chain or value-net.
A planned workload rotation data center strategy is really an all-inclusive strategy, covering IT
infrastructure simplification, IT application development and testing cycle, IT Business
Continuity implementation and testing strategy, IT compliance strategy, and more.
In the end, a planned workload rotation strategic goal allows the IT organization to:
򐂰 Accelerate application time to implementation
򐂰 Significantly improve application quality
򐂰 Remove cost of compliance
򐂰 Obtain full exploitation of all IT Data Center assets
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 35
The model is implemented actively in the IT industry today
The planned workload rotation data center model is being deployed actively today by leading
edge IT organizations. Clients embarking on this model are pursuing it for exactly the reasons
that we have discussed in this section. It is estimated that it might be possible to achieve as
much as a 20% reduction in TTM for developing applications using this data center model.
A vision not necessarily a commitment
It is important to recognize that you should not feel compelled to make a committed delivery
date for reaching planned workload rotation in order to reap the benefits. Rather, we
recommend that you simply consider that planned workload rotation is the key emerging
trend that can provide the best target environment for IT standards and integration, as we
discuss in 2.2.5, “New importance of IT standards and integration” on page 17.
You can and should consider planned workload rotation primarily as a
vision for the data
center of the future. By adopting a vision such as planned workload rotation into your data
center strategy, you can place your data center on a path to someday reach this vision.
Having this model as a vision then allows all other IT activities that are related to architecture,
mission, technology selection, and so forth, to align around this vision.
Even if you never achieve the actual state of planned workload rotation, aligning your data
center along this path can provide very good benefits, as the intermediate building blocks of
this vision can, each in their own way, add value. Each step that you take along this path,
benefits because each step is aligned to a greater vision, and all investment made in pursuit
of that vision can be protected.
Summary of the planned workload rotation data center model
The objective, benefits, and characteristics of the planned workload rotation strategic data
center model are:
򐂰 Fully automated high availability data center swaps
򐂰 Planned workload movement, ongoing basis
򐂰 Foundation for compliance cost avoidance
The important implication of this data center model is that it implies symmetrical data centers.
The symmetrical data centers are used to provide increased testing resource and
infrastructure, which is used to address strategic business issues:
򐂰 IT time to implementation
򐂰 IT application quality
򐂰 Skills, testing, and procedures
򐂰 Significantly remove cost factor from compliance
Planned workload rotation is a key guiding vision for tomorrow’s strategic IT Data Center
򐂰 No need to make an immediate commitment
򐂰 However, should start to actively plan and prepare
2.5.6 Three-site data center strategies
Understanding the strategic directions for the planned workload rotation data center model,
we now have the foundations to discuss business reasons and business justification for
three-site data center topologies. We start by discussing why three-site recovery has become
a topic of discussion in many data centers today.
36 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Impetus for three-site recovery
Three-site recovery requirements are occurring in multiple industries today and is no longer
only the domain of the finance industry or of only a select few high-end enterprises. The
manufacturing, retail, transportation, telecom, and almost all other industries are starting to
seriously consider and implement, three-site recovery configurations
Interestingly, IT organizations with local two-site High Availability are interested in adding
out-of-region recovery capability, and IT organizations with out-of-region recovery capability
are interested in adding local High Availability. As consolidation and IT infrastructure
streamlining continues, the interest in three-site recovery continues to grow.
The driving factors for three-site recovery include (but are not limited to):
򐂰 Regional, national, and international consolidation
Consolidation and integration is occurring, not only of IT systems or of corporations, but
also of nations and continents. Entities such as the European Union, China, and many
large global corporations continue to form and grow. These kinds of consolidations, with
the associated consolidation of key financial, banking, and national interests, drives a very
high level of application availability.
򐂰 High criticality applications that require continued resilience, even in event of loss
of one site
The desire to provide an level of extra protection for business processes and IT systems
that provide very mission-critical applications for these large, consolidated organizations
and national interests. In the event of outage of the primary site, and failover to one of the
two other sites, that a nearly immediate capability to have two site recovery is maintained.
򐂰 Very critical applications that desire zero data loss even at out of region remote site
Some of these applications desire that in the event of a loss of the primary site, that zero
data loss is still propagated to the asynchronous out of region remote site. To accomplish
this, an intermediate, metropolitan distance site within synchronous data replication range
is introduced. The intent is that in event of an outage to the primary site, yet the
synchronous intermediate site survives, that the intermediate site can then forward the
remaining data to the out of region site, thus bringing the out of region site to a zero data
loss situation.
򐂰 Existing High Availability recovery configurations desire to add out of region
To add geographic distance to their existing recovery capability.
򐂰 Existing out of region recovery configurations desire to add high availability locally
Out of region clients desire to implement high availability locally, many with the objective
of eventually getting to the benefits of the planned workload rotation model at the local
metropolitan distance, as outlined in “Business benefits of the planned workload rotation
data center model” on page 34.
Traditional data center models cannot justify three-site recovery
The criteria in the previous section are admirable goals. However, the costs of implementing
a second data center was not an inexpensive proposition. The question is, can we make
three-site recovery affordable and justifiable to implement?
From the discussion in “New requirements stress the traditional data center model” on
page 28, we can see that limitations in the traditional data center model imply a certain
challenge in justifying just a traditional two-site data center model. Clearly, if the organization
traditional today, then it seems quite difficult or impractical to consider implementing a third
traditional data center if we have not solved the challenges to the traditional two-site model.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 37
In other words, in today’s tight budget environment, if a two-site data center model cannot
address and resolve the questions listed in “New requirements stress the traditional data
center model” on page 28, then it is unlikely that cost justification can be found for a three-site
data center that is dedicated to recovery only, as shown in Figure 2-13.
Figure 2-13 Traditional data center model cannot justify the cost of three-site recovery
If the exploitation of resources today are such that the test site B is not fully exploited, it is
unlikely that a third site C for only test and recovery reasons can be justified either.
Planned workload rotation provides foundation for three-site recovery
Therefore, we can start see that in order for three-site recovery configurations to be justified
to the business, we need to strongly consider including the planned workload rotation data
center model as part of the equation. With this model, we can then provide three-site
Business Continuity
and simultaneously address the IT data center business challenges that
we posed in “New requirements stress the traditional data center model” on page 28.
Figure 2-14 illustrates the best practices for a business-justifiable, cost-justifiable three-site
data center configuration.
Figure 2-14 Optimum three-site data center model using planned workload rotation
A - Production
B – Test only
C – Out of
Traditional data center model cannot justify a three-site topology
Traditional Data Center model:
Costs are likely too high, and return
on investment too low, to cost-justify a
third ‘traditional’ data center
A - Production
B – Production
C – Out of region
Optimum three-site data center model
38 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The optimum cost-justifiable three-site data center model would be a combination of:
򐂰 Planned workload rotation between two metropolitan distance, synchronous replication
򐂰 Out of region recovery provided for the
cluster of the two planned workload rotation sites
This three data center model provides an optimum blend of all the factors that we have
discussed in this chapter. Specifically:
򐂰 It provides all the benefits of planned workload rotation, using the two metropolitan
distance sites.
򐂰 It exploits the best blended characteristics of both metropolitan distance recovery and out
of region recovery. This confirmation provides the best blend of the factors that we
discussed in “Major factors to consider for out of region recovery” and “Major factors to
consider for metropolitan distance recovery” on page 25.
򐂰 It exploits that fact that it is easier and less expensive to do planned workload rotation
between the two halves of the local metropolitan high availability complex, as compared to
the higher costs and longer failover time of doing planned workload rotation between out
of region sites.
For all the reasons stated in this chapter, it is reasonable therefore to start the three-site
implementation when High Availability has been integrated into the planning for the two
metropolitan sites. Note that it is not necessary to wait for planned workload rotation to be
complete, before initiating the three site data center implementation. Planning for
metropolitan distance High Availability, with a future objective of planned workload rotation,
provides the best foundation for being able to deliver cost-justification and
business-justification for three site recovery to senior management.
There are other variations of the three-site model that might be hybrids of the basic optimized
model shown in Figure 2-14.
For certain types of workloads, especially Web-serving workloads, we can implement not only
workload rotation, but we might also keep all three sites active and load balance incoming
production between them. In this particular permutation, we maintain High Availability and
Disaster Recovery protection, while actually reducing aggregate capacity. A three-site all
active model can allow to achieve continuous operations with only 150% capacity, including
rolling maintenance with no impact to service delivery.
2.5.7 Requirements of three-site data centers
With this understanding of the optimum three site data center architecture, we can then detail
the three fundamental IT replication requirements that arise. We recommend that you use
these as primary criteria to evaluate three-site recovery solution options.
Fast failover and failback to any site
Fast failover and failback to any site means that a very fast restart of the production workload
is possible at any of the other two sites. Ideally, if we fail over to the other high availability
metropolitan distance site, we would want to re-establish recoverability with the out of region
distance site as soon as possible.
Assumption: In order to cover all possible outage scenarios while maintaining the criteria
listed in this section, a triangle of telecom links with bandwidth sufficient to handle
workload and resynchronizations is assumed to exist between all three recovery sites.
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 39
Fast re-establishment of three-site recovery without production outages
We use the capability to re-establish the three-site recovery capability without quiescing the
site where production is running for the following reasons:
򐂰 In a planned workload rotation data center model, we use the synchronous Metro Mirror
sites to rotate workloads often between the High Availability sites.
򐂰 As part of the planned workload rotation, we want to re-establish three-site recovery
capability without disruption to the production workload.
Fast re-establishment is the key requirement for a three-site data center recovery with
planned workload rotation. If you are unable to do a fast
re-establishment of three-site
recovery without production outages, being unable to do a fast production outages of the
planned workload rotation data center model in a three-site environment.
Quickly resynchronize any site with incremental changes only
When returning back to original site or sites or re-establishing three-site recovery, only
incremental changes need to be copied back, thus shortening the elapsed time for the
re-establishment to take place.
2.5.8 Implementation of the three-site data center model
The implementation cases for a three-site data centers depend on the type of traditional data
center model that you are starting from. There are two cases:
򐂰 Traditional two-site today at metropolitan distances
If you have a traditional two-site production and test configuration today at metropolitan
distances, the three-site data center implementation steps would be:
Implement High Availability between the metropolitan sites, with a target of eventual
implementation of planned workload rotation
Add out of region recovery to the High Availability metropolitan distance cluster
򐂰 Traditional two-site today at out of region distance
If you have a traditional two-site production and test configuration today at out of region
distances, the three-site data center implementation step would be (can be simultaneous)
to implement High Availability locally at an additional metropolitan distance site.
In both cases, for the best practices in business justification, we recommend that High
Availability between the two metropolitan sites, at a minimum, be part of the strategic plan
(and from there, ideally moving towards planned workload rotation).
2.5.9 Strategies involving more than three sites
While still on the planning horizon and not yet in production status, we expect that selected
three-site IT data centers with very high levels of critical recovery requirements, will begin to
evolve a requirement for more than three sites. The reasoning is as follows:
򐂰 If I implement the three-site data center recovery model and if I have an event that causes
a loss of both of the metropolitan distance sites, I will failover to the out of region site.
򐂰 Given the nature of the outage that caused a loss of both of the metropolitan distance data
centers, I most likely will be running at the out of region center for some time.
򐂰 Therefore, until the metropolitan distance data centers are repaired, I have a single point
of failure, that is I have no recoverability if I lose the out of region data center.
40 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 If my applications and business warrants protection against this single point of failure data
center consideration, I want to quickly re-establish a recovery capability for the
out-of-region data center.
Providing a cost-effective configuration topology for addressing this recovery concern is
The way to address this is to
expand the concept of what the out-of-region recovery site does.
Basically, we uplevel the out-of-region site from a
traditional data center model to a planned
workload rotation
data center model as well.
Figure 2-15 illustrates this topology. The key point to notice is that the diagram is
not a
four-site replication solution. Rather, it is a
pair of High Availability and planned workload
rotation data centers, with a
portion of each High Availability and planned workload rotation
sites dedicated to providing out of region recovery for the other High Availability and planned
workload rotation site.
Figure 2-15 Strategies involving more than three sites
In the event of an outage of both A1 and A2, we would fail over to B1. We also would
establish B2 as the local metropolitan distance recovery for B1.
The same logic would apply in reverse in the event of an outage of both B1 and B2. We would
fail over to A2. We also would establish A1 as the local metropolitan distance recovery for A2.
The risk assessments and associated cost-justifications for this kind of architecture would
consider a failover of A1/A2’s workload to B1 to be a very rare event. Due to the rarity of such
a failover, for cost-justification reasons we can consider the amount of recovery equipment at
B1 or A2 to be adequate to provide an acceptably degraded level of performance.
As you might imagine, this level of resiliency is most likely to be required, only after the IT
data center strategy reaches the point when the planned workload rotation data center model
is already committed to the business.
A1 and A2
A2 also provides Out of
Region Recovery for
Planned Workload
Rotation pair B1 and B2
B1 also provides Out of
Region Recovery for
Planned Workload
Rotation pair A1 and A2
B1 and B2
Chapter 2. Industry Business Continuity trends and directions 41
From a practical standpoint, we highlight these future considerations to give you an
awareness of real issues and considerations that are being considered today. There are a
selected set of IT clients in the world that are already approaching realistic consideration of
these greater than three site requirements.
As an industry, we all watch with interest to see how long-term multi-site data strategies such
as these will evolve over time.
2.6 Summary
In this chapter, we outlined a series of the newest Business Continuity and IT Data Center
trends and directions. These challenges are broad in scope, but they can be successfully met
with proper awareness, insight, experience, and planning.
Briefly, in this chapter we saw that there is a Business Continuity planning focus shift to the
business process, and not just the IT level:
򐂰 We discussed factors and considerations for justifying Business Continuity to the
business. We introduced the terms
Time to Market and Time to Customer and gave a
model for relating these crucial business factors to the IT Data Center strategy and to IT
Business Continuity.
򐂰 We reviewed the importance, more than ever, of IT standardization and integration, which
can be accomplished through IT simplification and consolidation, and we also showed
how this IT simplification and consolidation is the best prerequisite for Business
Continuity. We discussed that this approach allows IT Business Continuity to be an
intended by-product of the IT Data Center strategy.
򐂰 We reviewed emerging criteria for the Business Continuity solution (reliability,
repeatability, scalability, affordable testability, and automation). We discussed out of
region recovery and bandwidth.
򐂰 We provided a detailed discussion of emerging data center strategies for two, three, or
more sites. We highlighted that two site topologies are full exploitable when High
Availability and planned workload rotation are the long-range strategic objectives.
򐂰 We saw how three-site recovery topologies are expansions of the two-site strategies, and
that more than three sites is really an extension of a pair of two-site High Availability and
planned workload rotation complexes.
In the end, this chapter is meant to give you a current background on the IT trends and
directions that affect how IT Business Continuity, and how IT Business Continuity can provide
necessary business values:
򐂰 Accelerate application time to implementation
򐂰 Significantly improve application quality
򐂰 Remove cost of compliance
򐂰 Obtain full exploitation of all IT Data Center assets
򐂰 Meet recovery time objectives
򐂰 Satisfy budget and manpower constraints
With this chapter as a background, you are now in an excellent position to better appreciate
the following chapters, where we discuss in detail how to undertake and perform the ideal
Business Continuity planning process.
42 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 43
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning,
processes, and execution
Business Continuity is much more than IT hardware and software infrastructure. People,
processes, notification and decision trees, physical facilities, telecom, and much more all
come into play. In this chapter, we overview the main aspects of Business Continuity
planning, processes, and execution.
The topics in this chapter include:
򐂰 Introduce key Business Continuity planning concepts and metrics
򐂰 Provide an overall ideal Business Continuity planning cycle
򐂰 Provide an overview of various skills and procedures that are necessary for planning a
complete Business Continuity solution
In addition, we overview best practices for tiering the recovery, application segmentation, and
planning and testing the various phases of a good Business Continuity project.
We present a methodology to apply the concepts of this chapter in Chapter 6, “The Next Step
Business Continuity workshop” on page 173.
A key point to remember is that Business Continuity is much more than just Disaster
Recovery. Well planned Business Continuity solutions are intended to provide ongoing value
to the business on a daily basis, even if a true disaster is never encountered. In this chapter,
we see how you can plane for and accomplish that ongoing value as well.
44 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
3.1 Introduction to this chapter
As business increasingly depends on IT systems for customer operations, Business
Continuity is one of the top priorities in IT organizations. Any outages or data inaccessibility
will have severe negative consequences for the business. The ability to keep company
information to satisfy governmental regulations is also paramount. As business demands
24x7x365 support, simple data and systems backup and recovery becomes a challenge as
planned outage time approaches zero.
At the same time, IT departments are facing unprecedented data center complexity and
pressures—more applications, data, servers, storage devices, both at the data centers and
remote locations.
With IT budgets under pressure, and sufficient skills difficult to come by, it is not surprising
that it is difficult to initiate and drive a major Business Continuity enhancement project to
Because there are a large number of excellent reference materials and expertise available on
the topic of Business Continuity planning, this chapter is intended to provide a best practices
overview. By reading this chapter, you will be able to understand the essentials of doing
Business Continuity planning and how to do that in a methodical, comprehensive manner. We
also highlight the best practices for combining the Business Continuity enhancement project
with other IT Infrastructure streamlining projects.
3.1.1 Intended audience for this chapter
The intended audience for this chapter is the IT Chief Information Officer, IT Directors, and IT
management. The ideal Business Continuity planning process that we present here is
inclusive of the entire business, including all non-IT aspects. Business Continuity planners,
and non-IT management will also find this chapter of interest.
IT technical management, IT operations management, and IT application development staff
can also benefit as well. For this audience, 3.5.2, “IT strategy design” on page 89, is of
particular interest.
3.2 Typical evolution of a Business Continuity program
Business Continuity is unique in that it touches almost every part of an organization’s
business processes, infrastructure, and people. Accordingly, effecting change in the
organization to significantly improve Business Continuity capability, will have a time curve for
it to take effect.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 45
We can see a diagram of how this often looks in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Typical evolution of a Business Continuity program
The presence of this time curve is one of the reasons that you need to implement a
cost-effective Business Continuity program in phases, that are integrated with the
organization’s other initiatives related to improving time to market, improving application
quality and function, and IT infrastructure streamlining. We discuss the cost-effective
justification for Business Continuity in more detail in 2.2, “Justifying Business Continuity to the
business” on page 12.
As you start to plan for implementing a Business Continuity program within your IT
organization, we discuss how best to handle and plan for the fact that these elapsed times, as
shown in Figure 3-1, occur. To manage the time aspect, it is important to:
򐂰 Plan on building a step-by-step process that shows incremental value to the business
every step of the way. Set expectations appropriately.
򐂰 Do not try to solve everything at the same time. Set expectations appropriately with senior
management that IT will deliver on a step-by-step, multi-phase approach.
򐂰 Plan for, document, and deliver incremental value in every step of the Business Continuity
program. In this way, you give senior management the assurance that continued return on
investment is visible in every phase of the project.
46 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
3.3 Ideal Business Continuity planning process
Figure 3-2 illustrates an ideal Business Continuity planning process, as used by IBM Global
Technology Services. We use this planning process as our guideline for this chapter and
explore each step of this process in detail.
Figure 3-2 Ideal Business Continuity planning process
As shown in Figure 3-2, the ideal Business Continuity planning process is a closed loop that
supports continuing iteration and improvement as the objective.
There are three major sections to the planning process:
򐂰 Business prioritization
򐂰 Integration into IT
򐂰 Manage
We begin our discussion with business prioritization.
Integration into IT ManageBusiness Prioritization
BC Program
BC Program
Awareness, Regular Validation, Change Management, Quarterly Management Briefings
Crisis team
1. People
2. Processes
3. Plans
4. Strategies
5. Networks
6. Platforms
7. Facilities
Database and
Software design
High Availability
Data Replication
High Availability
Process and
IT Infrastructure
Note: IBM Global Technology Services as well and IBM Business Partners can provide
consulting, expertise, and skills to develop and tailor the kinds of phases, activities, and
tasks described in this chapter for a wide variety of Business Continuity projects. You can
find more information about the IBM Global Technology Services capabilities that are
available in this area at:
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 47
3.4 Business prioritization
Business prioritization is the process of identifying the scope for our Business Continuity plan.
In business prioritization, we identify various risks, threats, and vulnerabilities and establish
priorities. We then compare the priorities with an assessment of our current Business
Continuity program to develop a differential baseline from which to do Business Continuity
program design.
In this section, we discuss:
򐂰 Risk assessment
򐂰 Business impact analysis
򐂰 Business Continuity program self-assessment
We begin by discussing risk assessment, as shown in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3 Business prioritization - risk assessment phase
3.4.1 Risk assessment
The Business Continuity planning team should prepare a risk analysis and risk management
study that includes a range of possible disasters, including natural, technical, and human
threats. The output of these studies will be input to the business impact analysis phase.
Risk assessment is the starting point in all initiatives related to Business Continuity, because
it determines the scope and scenarios that the company is attempting to mitigate. Major steps
in performing risk analysis are:
򐂰 Identify the risks, and make an estimation of their likelihood of occurrence
򐂰 Evaluate and prioritize the risks
򐂰 Create a report of the identified risks and vulnerabilities
Identifying risks, vulnerabilities, and threats
Figure 3-4 shows that IT systems are vulnerable to a variety of disruptions, ranging from mild
(such as, short-term power outage or disk drive failure) to severe (such as, equipment
destruction or fire). An organization can eliminate many vulnerabilities through technical,
management, or operational solutions as part of risk management or security controls;
however, typically it is impossible to completely eliminate all risks.
Note: The output of the risk assessment phase is input to business impact analysis phase.
Maturity Model
Measure ROI
Assess current
roadmap for Program
Business Prioritization
48 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Business Continuity planning in this phase is designed to identify risks and vulnerabilities that
you need to add to existing risk management and security activities. In this way, you provide
input for the scope of the upcoming Business Continuity program design.
Figure 3-4 Types of risks, frequency, and impact
You need to analyze each functional area of the organization to determine and identify
potential risks, their likelihoods, and impacts. In addition, you need to perform the evaluation
and identification at the business process level, not just the IT level.
Risks result from a variety of factors, although typically they are classified into three types:
򐂰 Natural: Hurricane, tornado, flood, and fire
򐂰 People (human): Operator error, sabotage, and malicious code
򐂰 Equipment (technology): Equipment failure, software error, telecommunications network
outage, and electric power failure
Not all risks are present with respect to a given IT department (or site). For example,
depending on its location, a system might have no risk of damage by hurricane, but a
reasonably high risk of effects from a tornado. It is important to include documentation of the
potential impacts and consequences resulting from risks and vulnerabilities which can cause
loss of data, information and services.
Performing a risk assessment identifies the potential list of specific risks to a specific set of
business processes and systems. The risk assessment is critical because it enables the
Note: Risk assessment identifies potential risks and vulnerabilities, but we do not define
the scope of risk assessment in this step. We define the scope in the next step, the
business impact analysis phase.
Types of Risks
Frequency of
Per Year
Consequences (Single Occurrence Loss) in Dollars per Occurrence
Disk Failure
Component Failure
Power Failure
Low $ High $$$$
Natural Disaster
Application Outage
Data Corruption
Network Problem
Building Fire
Terrorism/Civil Unrest
Continuous business
Includes aspects of both
availability and recovery
Risk Assessment
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 49
management responsible for Business Continuity to focus risk management efforts and
resources only on identified risks, in a prioritized manner.
A thorough risk assessment should identify all potential risks and attempt to determine the
probability of the risk actually occurring. In the past, fire or natural causes were the greatest
threat to an organization. Unfortunately, today, an organization must also consider intentional
human destruction. The risk assessment needs to identify both commonplace and worst case
situations, such as virus attacks, accidental data corruption, destruction of the main building,
and more. It is appropriate to do an initial filtering of the list of potential risks down to a list of
identified risks, including the ones with a measurable probability. You then do final refinement
is in the next step, business impact analysis.
Items in identifying the probability of a specific vulnerability and risk might include, but are not
limited to:
򐂰 Geographic location
򐂰 Topography of the area
򐂰 Proximity to power sources, water bodies, and airports
򐂰 Degree of accessibility to the organization
򐂰 History of local utility companies in providing uninterrupted services
򐂰 History of the area's susceptibility to natural threats
򐂰 Proximity to major highways that transport hazardous waste and combustible products
򐂰 Proximity to nuclear power plants
򐂰 Other factors, such as political instability
Because risks can vary over time and new risks might replace old ones as a system evolves,
the risk management process must by ongoing and dynamic. Figure 3-5 is a detailed
template for risk assessment.
Figure 3-5 Template for risk assessment in the Business Continuity plan
Malicious Code
Operator Erros
Hardware failure
Data Corruption
Telecon Outage
Power Failure
Malicious Code
Operator Erros
Hardware failure
Data Corruption
Telecon Outage
Power Failure
Operator Error
Data Corruption
Potential Risks
Residual Risks
Malicious Code
Operator Erros
Hardware failure
Data Corruption
Telecon Outage
Power Failure
Identified Risks
Type task
Type task
Type task
Type task
Type task
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Risk Assessment
50 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Ideally, all identified risks would be eliminated completely. Of course, this is rarely possible or
cost-effective. Rather, you attempt to identify risks to an acceptable level and remain aware
of and document residual risks.
Because these identified risks represent the most important set of situations that could affect
system performance, availability, integrity, and security, you can reduce the scope of the
Business Continuity plan to address only the identified risks. As a result, you can more
narrowly focus the Business Continuity plan, conserving company resources while ensuring
that efforts are focused on the most important risks to effective system recovery capability.
Figure 3-6 provides a
simplified output risk assessment template that is suitable for input to a
basic business impact analysis.
Figure 3-6 Simplified risk assessment output template
You use this simplified template to document a series of identified risks, along with an impact
description and a likelihood ranking. The likelihood ranking for the vulnerability considers at
least the following factors:
򐂰 Historical: Has this event happened in the past?
򐂰 Frequency: If this event has happened before, how often has it occurred?
򐂰 Duration: What was the duration of the event?
Tip: You can find an applied example of using this simplified risk assessment template in
Chapter 6, “The Next Step Business Continuity workshop” on page 173 and in 7.1,
“Introduction to the Case Study” on page 234.
Define Vulnerabilities
High for
Only Data Centers
Risk Assessment
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 51
Risk assessment summary
Risk assessment is the first step in Business Prioritization in the ideal Business Continuity
planning process. Figure 3-7 is a summary flow chart that shows the types of inputs, actions,
and outputs in the process of performing a risk assessment.
Figure 3-7 Risk assessment summary flow chart
When the risk assessment is complete, you take the output from the risk assessment and
feed that output into the next step in Business Prioritization, the business impact analysis.
3.4.2 Business impact analysis
Figure 3-8 shows where the business impact analysis (BIA) phase fits into the Business
Prioritization portion of the ideal Business Continuity planning process.
Figure 3-8 Business prioritization - BIA
1. System
and inventory
2. Identify threats
3. Identify vulnerabilities
4. Analyze risk controls
5. Likelihood
History, experience
External sources
Tests, history, experience
Audit, security requirements
Current risk controls
Planned risk controls
Nature of threat
Threat capacity
Threat-source motivation
Business impact analysis
System and data
criticality, sensitivity
System boundaries
System functions
Threat statement
List of potential
List of current and
Planned controls
Likelihood rating
Risk assessment
Maturity Model
Measure ROI
Assess current
roadmap for Program
Business Prioritization
52 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Taking the list of identified risks from your risk assessment as input, you can begin a detailed
assessment of the relative impacts and priority of those risks.
Impacts of outage
The BIA enables the Business Continuity planner to fully characterize the business process
requirements, interdependencies and to use this information to determine and refine the
ranking and scope of the Business Continuity plan. Organizations that have the most
revenue, and are the most heavily dependent on online systems, have the highest potential
loss of revenue from widespread IT application and network outages. Depending on the
industry, the revenue per hours lost by a disaster is different. Thus, the energy,
telecommunications, and manufacturing industries as well as financial institutions continue to
have the highest revenues per hour.
The percentage of revenue actually lost depends on the criticality of business processes and
systems that experiences the outage (such as, degree of customer interaction, existing
workarounds, peak periods) and the number of users that are affected by the outage or
slowdown. Also, significant immediate losses can result in bad publicity and loss of customer
trust that affects future revenues.
Figure 3-9 illustrates a detailed BIA process.
Figure 3-9 Example of a BIA process
The steps in this process are:
1. Identify critical IT resources.
Evaluate the business processes and the related IT systems to determine the critical
functions that are performed by the system and to identify the specific business processes
and IT resources (hardware, network, software, and data) that are required to perform
2. Identify disruption impacts and allowable outage times.
Analyze the critical resources that you identified in the previous step and determine the
impact on business process operations if a given resource were disrupted or damaged.
The analysis should evaluate the impact of the outage in two ways:
–Over time
Across related resources and dependent systems.
Input from users,
business process
owners, and other
associated groups
Identify Critical IT Resources
Critical Business Process
Payroll Processing
Time and Attendance
Time and Attendance
Time and Attendance
LAN Server
WAN Access
E-mail Server
Critical Resources
Identify Outage Impacts and
Allowable Outage Times
LAN Server
WAN Access
E-mail Server
8 Hours
Delay in time
sheet processing
Inability to
perform routine
Delay in payroll
Process: 2.Time and Attendance Reporting
Max Allowable
LAN Server
WAN Access
E-mail Server
Develop Recovery
Business Impact Analysis
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 53
3. Develop recovery priorities.
Characterize the outage impact and allowable outage times. This process is an ongoing
process that involves communication with multiple parts of the organization in order to
reach a consensus. This communication is essential, in that it defines the recovery
strategies that are to be prioritized, developed, and implemented during the activation of
the Business Continuity plan. For example, if the outage impacts step determines that the
business process must be recovered within four hours, the Business Continuity plan will
adopt measures to meet that need.
BIA defines the scope for the Business Continuity plan
The output of the BIA defines the scope of the Business Continuity plan. In other words, you
identify and confirm the defined set of conditions, outages, and events that the Business
Continuity plan will address.
It is reasonable that this scope should start at a baseline level and then expand over time.
This allows us to get started and address important vulnerabilities immediately, while
expanding the coverage to be more comprehensive over time. Figure 3-10 is a suggested
summary template for documenting the defined risks and scope that the Business Continuity
plan will cover over time.
Figure 3-10 BIA defines the scope in phases for the Business Continuity plan
Defined scope, in phases
Divide Scope into phases
Do not try to do it all at once
Scope can expand as phases
6 months12 months18 months
Business Impact Analysis
54 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 3-11 lists a process flow chart for the BIA portion of Business Prioritization, including a
list of the inputs and outputs from this step.
Figure 3-11 BIA flow chart
Next, you use the BIA as input to your assessment of you current Business Continuity
3.4.3 Program assessment
Figure 3-12 shows where the assessment phase fits into the Business Prioritization portion of
the ideal Business Continuity planning process.
Figure 3-12 Business Prioritization - program assessment
1. Impact analysis
2. Risk determination
3. Control
4. Results
Mission impact analysis
Asset criticality analysis
Data criticality
Data sensitivity
Likelihood of threat
Magnitude of impact
Adequacy of planned or
current controls
Current Business Continuity Program Assessment
Impact rating
Risks and associated
risk levels
Recommended controls
Business Impact Analysis
Risk Assessment and
Business Impact Analysis
Maturity Model
•Measure ROI
Assess current
roadmap for
Business Prioritization
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 55
In this step, you do a significant amount of data collection to determine and document the
baseline status of current Business Continuity program.
Data collection to assess current Business Continuity environment
To determine the current status of the organizations Business Continuity program, you
document the various functions performed within each department. The depth of your
analysis can vary, depending on the level and scope of the Business Continuity project. Two
weeks to one month might be required to fully document all the principle functions that are
performed inside and outside a department and to assist in identifying the necessary current
Business Continuity status for the departments to conduct their daily operations satisfactorily.
For circumstances where this level of investigation is not required, Figure 3-13 provides a
simplified data collection template.
Figure 3-13 Simplified data collection template for current Business Continuity program assessment
Note that in this simplified template, we recommend that you select just a few critical business
processes to study. Because Business Continuity planning should be an ongoing, iterative
process, it is not necessary to document all the business processes initially. You will have
time to document the processes in subsequent iterations of the planning process. We
suggest that it is more important that you get started building skills and understanding the
methodology. Therefore, a good way to start is to gather important information about just one,
two, or at most three business processes.
Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) is a business management concept that is particularly
applicable to a Business Continuity project. In this section, we suggest some starter IT
Business Continuity KPIs. You can choose and modify these as you see fit.
KPIs reflect your client’s IT Business Continuity requirements success factors. The Business
Continuity solution KPIs must accurately portray the organization's Business Continuity
Data collection for assessment
Pick a few key business processes to start
The business process is the recoverable block, not the IT
infrastructure, server, or partial application
Collect Key Performance Indicators (examples):
Current backup window duration. Growing/shrinking?
Time to recovery, time to switch sites
Testing frequency
Average response time
Average problem resolution time
Bandwidth costs, how much bandwidth
How much data is being replicated
Percentage growth rate of storage
Current Business Continuity Program Assessment
56 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
objectives, they must accurately measure the keys to success, and they must be measurable
and quantifiable.
When defining or suggesting Business Continuity solution KPIs, consider the following:
򐂰 Should be considerations for the long-term
򐂰 The definition of what they are and how they are measured should not change often
򐂰 Must be accurately defined and measured
򐂰 Must have quantifiable targets and time frames
The following list illustrates a less-than-good example of a Business Continuity KPI:
򐂰 Title of Key Performance Indicator: Improve Backup and Recovery Window
򐂰 Defined: Reduce recovery times from month to month
򐂰 Measured: Speed of recovery
򐂰 Target: Improve each month
So, what is missing from this Business Continuity KPI? Consider the following questions:
1. Does this measure ask us to improve backup and recovery time by days, minutes, or
2. If by minutes, what are we measuring? Does it measure planned outages or unplanned
3. Are we talking about time from the application quiesce to resumption of the application?
Are we speaking of RTO, RPO, both, or neither?
4. How do we test and validate this speed of recovery?
5. How much, by percentage or time, do we want to improve the backup and recovery time
each month?
Now, here is a good example of a Business Continuity KPI.
򐂰 Title of Key Performance Indicator:
Reduce elapsed time for Backup Window
򐂰 Defined:
Daily planned outage, the total amount of time in minutes that Business Processes 1,
3, and 7 need to be quiesced in order for the daily system backups to be made.
The window starts when the Business Processes pause accepting live transactions
from a system-wide user standpoint and ends when the business processes resume.
򐂰 Measured:
Each nightly backup window is measured and documented in the Systems
Management and Performance application.
Associated data such as amount of data backed up, amount of other workload on
system that could influence the backup window, are also measured and documented.
Trend analysis is automatically performed and the results posted on a weekly basis to
the employee billboard.
Improvements are tested at the development site, targets set, and then validated as
soon as the improvement reaches production.
򐂰 Target:
Reduce backup window to:
30 minutes by 4Q06
10 minutes by 1Q07
1 minute by 2Q07
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 57
Starter set of KPIs for IT Business Continuity
Figure 3-14 shows a template for the metrics of Business Continuity KPIs, including a
suggested starter set.
Figure 3-14 Step 1 - document current Key Performance Indicators for Business Continuity
The use of KPIs provides a key management tool. They give everyone in your organization a
clear vision of what is important and of what they will need to make happen.
We suggest that you publicize and post the KPIs in places throughout your organization
where all employees can have access to them: in the lunch room, on the walls of conference
rooms, on your company’s intranet, and even on the company’s Web site for some of them.
Show the target for each KPI, and show the progress toward that target. With good project
management, your staff will be motivated and feel pride in reaching the KPI targets.
After you have defined your KPIs, you need collect information about the IT environment and
components that underpin the selected business process.
Tip: See Figure 3-63 on page 134 for an applied example of KPIs. Also, note how the KPIs
are used in quarterly management briefings and review.
Starter Set: some Key Performance
Indicators for IT Business Continuity
Total time in minutes:
outage => users online
Time to switch sites
and restore service
Time to recover
(that is, time to
switch sites)
Number of times/mo
for BC test
Frequency per month
of end to end BC test
Testing frequency
Average and peak
response time in sec
Application response
time at bedside
Average system
response time
Total time in minutes
appl must be quiesced
Duration daily planned
application outage
Backup window
Average time in hours
from initial report
Average time identify,
resolve applic. problem
Average problem
resolution time
Quarter to quarter data
allocation report
Annual growth % data
production applic
Percentage growth
rate data
Total production TB
allocated to applic
Amount of data being
replicated by applic
How much data is
being replicated
Dollars/month of
Monthly cost of
bandwidth to DR site
Bandwidth costs
Target:Measurement:Definition:Title of KPI:
Current Business Continuity Program Assessment
58 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Component inventory information to be collected
For the logistics and preparation for these tasks, we provide templates for organizing the
component information that you need to gather. Figure 3-15 lists the IT components about
which you need to gather information, so that you can properly assess the Business
Continuity program’s ability to recover the business processes that you have selected for your
Figure 3-15 Step 1 - component inventory information to be
Here are some important points about this component information. A high-level description is
sufficient. You can drill down for more detail as appropriate during the planning process:
򐂰 Applications: List the various applications that make up the business process.
򐂰 Data and data management: For these applications, describe at a high level, the current
data allocation, data management, data backup policies, and the infrastructure for this
򐂰 Databases: List the databases used to manage the data, and any relevant configuration
򐂰 Hardware infrastructure (server, storage): List the IT hardware infrastructure on which
the business processes, applications, data, and databases reside.
򐂰 Network (LAN, WAN): Describe the networking infrastructure that connects these
business processes.
򐂰 Procedures and tools: Describe operational procedures, and tools used.
򐂰 People: What and who are the staff that provides the skills and operates the business
procedure. Where are they located, and what are the issues related to them?
򐂰 Facilities: What are the physical facilities and locations that make up this business
During workshop preparation, inventory of environment will
be collected with provided template sheets:
1) Applications
2) Data and data management
3) Databases
4) Hardware infrastructure (server, storage)
5) Network (LAN, WAN)
6) Procedures and tools
7) People
8) Facilities
9) Estimated cost of outage, per hour
10) Known vulnerabilities
These will be the inputs to:
The Resource and Business impact chart on the next page
Component Inventory
information to be collected
Current Business Continuity Program Assessment
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 59
򐂰 Estimated cost of outage, per hour: Describe the estimated cost to the business of this
business process is not available
򐂰 Known vulnerabilities: Describe known vulnerabilities that are desired to be addressed.
Figure 3-16 provides a template for collecting this information.
Figure 3-16 Simplified template for resource and business impact
You can use this simplified template to summarize the affected components for the identified
critical business processes, for a basic BIA.
Here are some more detailed question examples that you can ask when using this template:
򐂰 If an outage occurred, how long could the department function without the existing
equipment and departmental organization?
򐂰 What are the high-priority tasks, including critical manual functions and business
processes in the department? How often are these tasks performed, such as, daily,
weekly, monthly, and so on?
򐂰 What staffing, equipment, forms, and supplies would be necessary to perform the high
priority tasks?
򐂰 How would the critical equipment, forms and supplies be replaced in a outage situation?
򐂰 Does any of this information require long lead times for replacement?
򐂰 What reference manuals and operating procedure manuals, are used in the department?
How would these be replaced in the event of a disaster?
Tip: You can see an applied example of this simplified Resource and Business Impact
template in Figure 7-2 on page 239.
Scope - Resource and Business Impact
Known vulnerabilities
Estimated cost of
outage, per hour
Business Impact
Facilities and physical
Procedures and tools
Network (LAN, WAN)
Data and data
management policies
Business process 3Business process 2Business process 1Component
Current Business Continuity Program Assessment
60 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Should any forms, supplies, equipment, procedure manuals or reference manuals from
the department be stored in an off-site location?
򐂰 Identify the storage and security of original documents. How would this information be
replaced in the event of a disaster? Should any of this information be in a more protected
򐂰 What are the current computer backup procedures? Have the backups been restored?
Should any critical backup copies be stored off-site?
򐂰 What would the temporary operating procedures be in the event of a disaster?
򐂰 How would other departments be affected by an interruption in the department?
򐂰 What effect would a disaster at the main computer have on the department?
򐂰 What outside services or vendors are relied on for normal operation?
򐂰 Would a disaster in the department jeopardize any legal requirements for reporting?
򐂰 Are job descriptions available and current for the department?
򐂰 Are department personnel cross-trained?
򐂰 Who would be responsible for maintaining the department's Business Continuity plan?
򐂰 Are there other concerns related to planning for Disaster Recovery?
In addition to these questions, additional recommended data gathering materials and
documentation to be included: backup position listing, critical telephone numbers,
communications inventory, distribution register, documentation inventory, equipment
inventory, forms inventory, insurance policy inventory, main computer hardware inventory,
master call list, master vendor list, microcomputer hardware and software inventory,
notification checklist, office supply inventory, off-site storage location inventory, software and
data files backup/retention schedules, telephone inventory, temporary location specifications,
other materials, and documentation.
Identifying current controls
Because a goal of Business Continuity planning is to ensure the safety of personnel and
assets during and following a disaster, another important aspect of the current Business
Continuity assessment is to identify and assess the preparedness and preventive measures
and controls in place at any point-in-time. When the potential areas of high exposure to the
organization are identified, additional preventative measures and controls can be considered
for implementation.
Assessment of prevention techniques typically includes two categories: Procedural
prevention and physical prevention.
򐂰 Procedural prevention
Procedural prevention relates to activities performed on a day-to-day, month-to-month, or
annual basis that relate to security and recovery. Procedural prevention begins with
assigning responsibility for overall security of the organization to an individual with
adequate competence and authority to meet the challenges. The objective of procedural
prevention is to define activities necessary to prevent various types of disasters and
ensure that these activities are performed regularly.
򐂰 Physical prevention
Business Continuity preparedness begins when a site is constructed. It includes special
requirements for building construction, as well as fire protection for various equipment
components. Special considerations include: the computer area, fire detection and
extinguishing systems, records protection, air conditioning, heating and ventilation,
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 61
electrical supply and uninterruptible power supply systems, dual power substation feeds,
emergency procedures, vault storage areas, and archival systems.
Assess current recovery time capability
In today’s pervasive IT environment, customers, providers, and employees are often clearly
aware if an outage has happened to the central computer facility. Usually such an outage is
measured in two different non-overlapping components:
򐂰 Service restoration (Recovery Time Objective)
Service restoration represents the elapsed time that is experienced from the moment of
outage up to the moment when the system has been recovered. This time to recover is
typically specified as the
Recovery Time Objective (RTO).
򐂰 Data loss (Recovery Point Objective)
Data loss represents the actual loss of data that is experienced or how much data has to
be recreated after the system is recovered to reach the same level of data as before the
Applications and business processes are not all equal, and we find that recovery time
objectives and recovery point objectives can and should be categorized and segmented by
recovery time.
Another component for consideration is the
Recovery Distance Objective (RDO) which
represents how far away copies of data need to be located. This will be influenced, among
other factors, by the risk assessments of the local geography (for example, earthquake fault
lines, the likelihood of hurricanes, and so forth) and regulatory requirements.
Although these segments for business process RTO and RPO can vary from company to
company, some common guidelines that we use in this IBM Redbook are as follows, to help
in qualifying the business process or application recovery time required:
򐂰 Continuous Availability: RTO < 1 hour after the outage occurred and RPO within 2
minutes of the time of outage
򐂰 Rapid Data Recovery: RTO < 8-10 hours after the outage occurred and RPO start of the
day of the outage
򐂰 Backup/Restore: RTO > 10 hours after the outage occurred and RPO within 24 hours of
the time of the outage
As always, these are general guidelines. You are free to modify and change these
suggestions to meet your specific needs.
When you have documented these critical needs, expressed in terms RTO and RPO, IT
management has the necessary input to begin assessing the overall recoverability of the
Summary: Each business unit should declare the maximum time of recovery of their
application. There are two pieces of information that should be delivered: The Recovery
Time Objective (RTO), how long should it take to recover to the point for a user to be online
again; and the Recovery Point Objective (RPO), how much data the user can afford to
recreate after the disaster. Usually department personnel are biased in setting higher than
needed figures for recovery. The other key piece of information is the Network Recovery
Objective (NRO). This is the time to recover the network and move the users to the
disaster site. There is no point in recovering the applications in 10 minutes if it takes
several hours to connect the users to the new site. It is extremely helpful to develop
pre-formatted forms to facilitate the data gathering process.
62 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Definition: RTO and RPO
We refer to the diagram in Figure 3-17 multiple times throughout this book. It shows the
timeline of an IT recovery and illustrates in detail how the RTO and RPO concepts are
Here are some things to note and to assess your organization’s capabilities in the execution
of the timeline of an IT recovery:
1. After the outage occurs, the first step is to assess the ability for
management to assess the
outage (this incurs elapsed time). Because there is a significant capital cost to declaring a
disaster and executing a recovery, management needs to be sure that the situation
warrants committing their organization to that expense. After management has decided to
declare a disaster, then they activate the Business Continuity plan.
2. The first stage of the Business Continuity plan is to recover the hardware, operating
systems, and the data itself. Operations, networking, telecommunications, physical
facilities, and associated staff are involved in this process.
Figure 3-17 Timeline of an IT recovery
3. At the end of this stage, the operating systems and the data are recovered. The data
ideally is accurate and data consistent to a point-in-time prior to the outage. The time
duration to this point is the RTO of hardware data integrity.
4. However, we are not recovered from a user standpoint. The servers and storage are only
capable of accurate
byte movement (storage) and proper data write sequencing (servers
and server clustering). Hardware data integrity is not the same as database integrity. The
storage and servers cannot know what the logical database relationship is between
multiple data blocks in the database. Therefore, when the first stage is complete, the
transaction integrity recovery must next be performed by the applications staff, on the
application and database.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 63
5. The applications staff performs transaction integrity recovery. Hopefully, this is a database
restart and
not a database recovery. This process will back out incomplete logical units of
work, and restore the database to logical integrity as of the most recent time possible.
6. When the transaction integrity recovery (rollback or roll forward) is complete, we now have
the application and databases ready for user access. This duration is the RTO of
transaction integrity.
7. Note the difference in elapsed time between RTO of hardware data integrity and RTO of
transaction integrity. When discussing the RTO, it is important to distinguish which of
these two is being referred to. Operations and application staff can have differing
perceptions of RTO depending on whether the RTO is assumed to be at the hardware
recovery level, or at the application recovery level. The fact that there are these two
different RTOs is essential to understanding and planning for heterogeneous Business
8. Finally, observe how RPO is depicted in Figure 3-18. RPO (which is the amount of data
recreation required prior to the point of outage) is shown as the time offset before the
outage occurred. Note that the RPO data recreation happens in the transaction integrity
recovery stage. RPO data recreation cannot be done in the hardware and operating
system recovery, as the server and storage components do not have knowledge of the
logical relationships between multiple application and database blocks of data.
Figure 3-18 provides a template format for documenting the current Business Continuity
program assessment. You can collect the relevant information about each of the various steps
required in today’s recovery plan and document them using this template.
Figure 3-18 Template for assessing the overall Business Continuity program
Template for assessing the current
Business Continuity program
Report on backups
and security
Relocate Business
Restore Voice and
Data Network
Hardware and OS
Resume Manual
Integration of
Example: pre-optimized
time frames for a large data center
A) 4 hours B) 6-8 hours C ) 12 hours D) 12 hours E) 3 hours
Must become equipped to handle the chaos of
recovery situation
Must tightly couple crisis response to the IT
recovery process
Must interlock Line of Business and IT recovery
Must test the entire process – cannot only do
component validation
Current Business Continuity Program Assessment
64 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The template shows that for this business process recovery, the assessment documents the
򐂰 Step A - 4 hours: Triage, problem identification, finding decision makers and decision on
򐂰 Step B - 6 to 8 hours: Identify IT and business staff to start recovery, communicate
actions and communicate to customers and employees.
򐂰 Step C - 12 hours: Move tapes to location, contact network provider, relocate staff and
begin configuration.
򐂰 Step D - 12 hours: Application and database redo logs. Begin data integrity validation.
Integrate end-user connectivity.
򐂰 Step E - 3 hours: Validate functionality of critical applications.
You can use these templates as input to the Business Continuity program design phase.
Assess current Business Continuity maturity level
Simultaneously with all of these inputs, it is important to realize that you also need to assess
the current
maturity level of the Business Continuity program. It is normal for an organization
to mature over time. Being at a lower or higher maturity level is not of a matter of good or bad,
it is simply a point on a continuum. Your objective is to assess where you are, so that you can
best know what steps to take to move ahead over time.
Tip: It is almost certain that you will need new processes and procedures as you
implement Business Continuity technology. You should allow for and plan for the time and
effort required for these new processes and procedures.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 65
Figure 3-19 expresses typical phases in Business Continuity program maturity.
Figure 3-19 Business Continuity program maturity levels
Definitions and good guidelines for the level of Business Continuity maturity are:
򐂰 Not focused: Program is not well defined; processes are not developed or followed;
change management between production and recovery needs improvement.
򐂰 Aware: Knowledgeable about disaster recovery and High Availability; Business Continuity
plans documented; strategies developed for some systems.
򐂰 Capable: Recovery requirements are clearly understood; Business Continuity program in
place; comprehensive strategies and plans.
򐂰 Mature: Regular testing; executive understanding; good crisis management process; in
compliance; governance model in place.
򐂰 World class: Documented, validated and tested in an integrated manner, ITIL® methods
implemented, environment is monitored, High Availability solutions have been
implemented for top tier; compliant and auditable.
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Business Continuity TOP GUN
Business Continuity program maturity
Tolerance for Risk
Maturity Level
Each one of these maturity
levels has different
characteristics, differing
techniques that are used and
% numbers provide historical guidelines for Business
Continuity investment as a % of IT budget (estimated).
Source: IBM Global Services estimations
Current Business Continuity Program Assessment
KPI: Note that as shown in Figure 3-19, as the maturity level increases, the percentage
investment in Business Continuity, as a percentage of the overall IT budget, increases. You
can compare your Business Continuity budget percentages with these guidelines to see
how your budgetary expenditures compare.
66 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Assess funding and return on investment (ROI)
In this step, we assess the funding levels and justification models for the current Business
Continuity program funding. The objective is to determine how the funding is done, the criteria
for existing or new funding, and whether Business Continuity is viewed as a cost, a
competitive advantage, or something in between.
The purpose of this step is to understand the current funding levels and justification models
and to compare them with the best practices. The outcome of this step, therefore, is to
understand the gap that exists and to begin to evolve your Business Continuity program
towards those best practices.
Roadmap status for the Business Continuity program
In this assessment step, you document the current roadmap of improvements for the
Business Continuity plan, because this is one of the inputs into the next step, Business
Continuity program design. Obviously, if the existing Business Continuity roadmap is robust
or in need of improvement, you use that as input and take appropriate steps in the Business
Continuity program design.
3.4.4 Summary of Business Prioritization
You have now completed the first section of the ideal Business Continuity planning process.
You completed the following important steps:
1. Risk assessment: You identified the set of risks and vulnerabilities that you will address
in your plan and created an initial scope for your Business Continuity plan.
2. Business impact analysis: You took the identified risks and vulnerabilities and ranked
them according to the needs of your business, thus further defining and refining the scope
of your Business Continuity plan.
3. Program assessment: You assessed your current Business Continuity program to
understand your current baseline status from which you will build the enhanced Business
Continuity program, using the enhanced scope defined by the risk assessment and
business impact analysis.
You now have a rich set of documented input for the next section in our planning process,
and you can move from Business Prioritization to Integration into IT.
Note: Business Continuity projects should not be considered in the same ROI model as
other traditional IT projects. Other IT projects are designed to bring a specific return to the
business on an ongoing basis. However, by definition, Business Continuity programs are
designed as preventative measures that provide value only if there is a successful
recovery or an avoidance from an outage.
Tip: You can review a detailed discussion on best practices for Business Continuity
funding and ROI in detail in 2.2, “Justifying Business Continuity to the business” on
page 12.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 67
3.5 Integration into IT
Figure 3-20 shows where Integration into IT fits in the ideal Business Continuity planning
Figure 3-20 Integration into IT - overview of steps
In this section, we take the input from Business Prioritization (specifically, the Business
Continuity program assessment) and perform overall end-to-end Business Continuity
program design. This program design then provides the requirements for which you complete
the IT Business Continuity strategy design.
3.5.1 Business Continuity program design
You begin the process with Business Continuity program design, as shown in Figure 3-21.
Figure 3-21 Integration into IT - Business Continuity program design
Integration into IT
BC Program
BC Program
Integration into IT
BC Program
BC Program
Database and
Software design
High Availability
Crisis mgmt
High Availability
Process and
IT Infrastructure
68 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
In this step, you design or enhance your existing end-to-end Business Continuity program.
Business Continuity program design is differentiated from IT strategy design in that you
include all aspects of the business, particularly those
outside of IT, including:
򐂰 Business processes and procedures (non-IT)
򐂰 Crisis team management (IT and non-IT)
򐂰 Definitions of how non-IT portions of the business will resume operation
򐂰 The external, non-IT
business process aspects of High Availability and Disaster Recovery
In this section, we examine each of the steps shown in Figure 3-21 in detail.
Process and procedures
In addition to IT technology, the Business Continuity plan also covers people, processes, and
procedures. Figure 3-22 is an example of the categories of questions that the plan addresses.
Figure 3-22 Business continuity program - categories of questions that are addressed
The primary design objective of the end-to-end Business Continuity plan is to answer the
people and process questions in your Business Continuity program design.
Note: You primarily address the technology questions in the IT strategy design portion of
your planning, as discussed in 3.5.2, “IT strategy design” on page 89.
Categories of
questions during
the Business
Continuity Program
decisions about
and core
to understand
their response
to outages
Processes -
used for change
crisis response
IT technology
Process and
Business Continuity Program Design
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 69
Before you can complete the IT technology design, however, you must consider the important
people and process-related questions and the requirements of the Business Continuity
program, as illustrated in Figure 3-23.
Figure 3-23 Example of questions addressed through process and procedure enhancements
Let us go into more detail about these questions.
Introduction to Business Continuity plan process and procedure
The objective of this step of the ideal Business Continuity planning process is to design the
people-related processes and procedures necessary to reliably and repeatably protect the
organization in the event that all or part of its operations or computer services are rendered
unusable. A Business Continuity plan establishes the procedures and actions to be done
when exercising functions for local High Availability and Continuous Operations procedures,
as well as Disaster Recovery functions done only in the event of an unplanned outage.
Clearly, it is fundamental that you can
manage an incident successfully, assisted by a
high-quality, testable, repeatable, and reliable set of processes and procedures.
You design the process and procedure first, so that you can then select technology that can
best serve the desired process and procedure in the Business Continuity plan.
The Business Continuity plan involves more than off-site storage or backup processing
actions. It also includes all non-IT related functions necessary to restore operations. As such,
this phase of the planning will design and specify the process and procedures that will
address all the critical operations and functions of the business. The plan should include
documented and tested procedures, which, if followed, ensure the ongoing availability of
critical resources and continuity of operations.
Important: Process and procedure is critically important, because as the planner, you
want to know precisely how your staff and the IT systems will react to a disaster which
does strike. Predictability of the
reaction to a disaster is the goal, because it is impossible
to predict the disaster itself. This can only be accomplished by having a combination of
automation functions and well documented and regularly tested procedures. As a result,
affordable frequent testing is a KPI. We cannot wait until a disaster occurs to determine
whether the plan will work.
Example of
and procedure
People need to
their response
to outages
Processes used
for change
crisis response
Do we clearly
Do we have sufficient
staff for managing
Do we have the skills?
Will we depend on some
vendors for recovery?
Could backups manage a
production environment?
Do we involve users in
rehearsal process?
Who declares, when,
what is criteria?
Do we have a system do
this, is it manual…is it
very labor intensive?
Is the disaster
declaration process
clearly defined?
Do users know how to
connect to applications?
How do we maintain
requirements between
production and
Business Continuity Program Design
70 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Preparedness is the key. Properly done, the Business Continuity planning process will
minimize the disruption of operations and ensure an acceptable level of organizational
stability and an orderly recovery after a unplanned outage.
Business Continuity program plan scope
The Business Continuity plan applies to all events (both planned and unplanned), that could
deny access to the normal IT infrastructure for an extended period. Planned outages should
be included as well (an example would be the need for the a workload rotation to an alternate
site, to enable an orderly shutdown of the primary site for a major upgrade).
A Business Continuity plan design aims to provide a comprehensive statement of consistent
actions to be taken
before, during, and after a disaster. As we saw earlier in 3.4.2, “Business
impact analysis” on page 51, the BIA defines the
scope for our Business Continuity program
You then use this scope to define what level of planning, process, and procedure you need to
design and test to ensure the continuity of operations and availability of critical resources.
Usually these business processes have required years to create and establish, but in the
event of an outage, management must be able to reestablish these functions within hours or
This is a difficult problem, and reestablishing the complex business environment in a timely
manner requires a well thought-out plan in place ready to be executed. This plan also predicts
actions to be executed after the reestablishment of the damaged site, in order to return the
original situation.
Role of risk management
Risk management encompasses a broad range of activities to identify, control, and mitigate
risks to a business or to an IT system. Risk management activities can be considered to have
two primary functions:
򐂰 Preventative: Actions to prevent or reduce the likelihood of damaging incidents by
reducing or eliminating risks. These preventative measures typically form the security
controls and High Availability features that protect and mask a system and its users from
feeling the effects of natural, human, and technological events or threats.
򐂰 Recovery: Actions to reduce or limit the consequences of threats in the event that they
successfully disrupt a system. These measures are developed in anticipation of a possible
event, are executed after that event has occurred, and form the basis for the Business
Continuity plan.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 71
Figure 3-24 illustrates the inter-relationship between risk management, security control
implementation, and Business Continuity planning.
Figure 3-24 Risk management as an element of the Business Continuity program design
Data protection
Data protection refers to all the organizations measures to safeguard assets, ensure the
accuracy and reliability of records, and encourage operational efficiency and adherence to
prescribed procedures. The system of internal controls also includes the measures adopted
to safeguard computer systems and to determine which data needs which level of protection.
The nature of internal controls is such that certain control procedures are necessary for a
proper execution of other control procedures. This interdependence of control procedures
might be significant because certain control objectives that appear to have been achieved
might, in fact, not have been achieved because of weaknesses in other control procedures
upon which they depend.
Security is an increasing concern because computer systems are increasingly complex.
Particular security concerns result from the proliferation of PCs, wireless networks, and online
systems that allow more access to the various servers. Modern technology provides
computer thieves with powerful new infiltration tools.
Important areas of concern related to general computer internal controls include: organization
controls, systems development and maintenance controls, documentation controls, access
controls, data and procedural controls, physical security, password security systems, and
communications security.
Insurance coverage
A Business Continuity Plan might have insurance as one of the tools in place to mitigate the
effects of an unplanned outage. Insurance can provide a certain level of confidence in
knowing that if a major catastrophe occurs, it will not result in financial or organizational
disaster. However, just having an insurance policy by itself is not enough, because it cannot
compensate sufficiently for the incalculable loss of business during the interruption or for the
business that goes bankrupt because of the disaster.
Adequate insurance coverage is a key tool to consider when developing a Business
Continuity plan. Although having a Business Continuity plan and testing it regularly might not,
in itself, lower insurance rates in all circumstances, a good plan can reduce risks and address
many concerns of the underwriter.
Most insurance companies specializing in business interruption coverage can provide the
organization with an estimate of anticipated business interruption costs. Many organizations
Security Control
Risk Management
Business Continuity
Plan Execution
Business Continuity
Business Continuity Program Design
72 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
that have experienced a disaster indicate that their costs were significantly higher than
expected in sustaining temporary operations during recovery.
Most business interruption coverages include lost revenues following a disaster. Extra
expense coverage includes all additional expenses until normal operations can be resumed.
However, coverages differ in the definition of resumption of services. As a part of the risk
analysis, these coverages should be discussed in detail with the insurer to determine their
adequacy and applicability.
To provide adequate proof of loss to an insurance company, the organization might need to
contract with a public adjuster who can charge between 3% and 10% of recovered assets for
the adjustment fee. Asset records become extremely important as the adjustment process
takes place.
Types of insurance coverages to be considered include: computer hardware replacement,
extra expense coverage, business interruption coverage, valuable paper and records
coverage, errors and omissions coverage, fidelity coverage, and media transportation
With estimates of the costs of these coverages, management can make reasonable decisions
on the type and amount of insurance to carry. These estimates also allow management to
determine to what extent the organization should self-insure against certain losses.
Data and records classification
In the process of this planning, we will consequently identify the types of data and records
that are the major critical resources needed by the business processes. Clearly, just like
business processes, not all data nor records have the same level of recovery requirement.
Some vital data and records are irreplaceable. Some critical data and records can be
obtained or reproduced at considerable expense, and only after considerable delay. Some
non-critical data and records would cause inconvenience if lost but can be replaced without
considerable expense.
As part of the planning process, we identify how vital and critical records and data should be
duplicated, and how and where they should stored, in an area protected from the defined
risks and threats identified in the risk analysis and BIA steps of the planning process.
All non-electronic data and records that are pertinent to the recovery must be included and
classified as well. For these records, this could range from gathering non-electronic papers
hastily and exiting quickly, to an orderly securing of documents in a fire-proof vault. Identifying
data, records and information properly, and then keeping that identification current, is part of
Business Continuity planning for ensuring the continuity of business operations.
Today’s compliance environment dictates that the appropriate data and records will also need
to be affordably retained in a way that insures compliance with legal and statutory
requirements. In addition, businesses must also satisfy retention requirements as an
organization and employer. These kinds of data and records are used for independent
examination and verification of sound business practices.
Federal and state requirements for data record retention must be analyzed. Each
organization should have its legal counsel approve its own retention schedule.
When replicating data in real time using today’s data replication techniques, data integrity of
the remote site data is also a major consideration, because of the common type of disaster
that has the most impact: the rolling disaster. The rolling disaster is defined as a disaster
that unfolds along a significant amount of time (as in fire or water flood). Modern IT
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 73
technology recognizes the existence and pervasiveness of the rolling disaster issue in
Business Continuity, and techniques should be applied to prevent the effects. You can find
more information about the rolling disaster and techniques that you can use to mitigate it in
“Rolling disasters” on page 259.
Types of Business Continuity contingency plans
In this section, we discuss different types of Business Continuity contingency planning and
what the objectives of these plans should be.
The Business Continuity program design represents a broad scope of activities designed to
sustain and recover critical business processes and IT services following an emergency.
Business Continuity program design covers a broad range of emergency preparedness
environments, including Organizational and Business Process Continuity and Recovery
Planning. Ultimately, an organization would use a suite of plans to properly prepare response,
recovery, and continuity activities for disruptions affecting the organization's IT systems,
business processes, and the facility. Because there is an inherent relationship between an IT
system and the business process it supports, there should be coordination between each
plan during development and updates to ensure that recovery strategies and supporting
resources neither negate each other nor duplicate efforts.
In general, universally accepted definitions for contingency planning and these related
planning areas have not been available. Occasionally, this has led to confusion regarding the
actual scope and purpose of various types of plans. To provide a common basis of
understanding regarding Business Continuity program planning, this section identifies several
other types of plans and describes their purpose and scope relative to Business Continuity
program planning. Because of the lack of standard definitions for these types of plans, in
some cases the scope of actual plans developed by organizations can vary from the
descriptions that we include here.
Business Continuity planning confronts the likelihood of a disaster, how the disaster interrupts
the business process, and how the business can continue in operation. An interruption could
be something related to a winter storm, the loss of electricity to the general area, or the
complete inaccessibility of a facility for an extended period of time. The cause of the
interruption does not matter; what matters is gaining management control and processing
capacity just after the interruption.
Business Continuity planning relates to considerations that effect the whole of the business
process. If a building is unusable where will workers be relocated? How will their personal
business tools be replaced? How will these workers access the system by the network?
The Business Continuity plan (BCP) focuses on sustaining an organization's business
functions during and after a disruption. An example of a business function might be an
organization's payroll process or consumer information process. A BCP can be written for a
specific business process or can address all key business processes. Information systems
are considered in the BCP only in terms of their support to the larger business processes. In
some cases, the BCP might not address long-term recovery of processes and return to
normal operations, but only cover interim Business Continuity requirements.
74 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
We discuss a variety of necessary contingency plans which make up the component parts of
the BCP. The inter-relationship of these plans can be diagrammed as shown in Figure 3-25.
Figure 3-25 Interrelationship of contingency plans
Let us now discuss definitions of these common types of contingency plans. It is likely that the
BCP should have most if not all of these in place.
򐂰 Business Resumption Plan (BRP)
The BRP addresses the restoration of business processes after an emergency. The BRP
is similar to the BCP, but unlike that plan, the BRP typically lacks procedures to ensure
continuity of critical processes
during an emergency or disruption.
򐂰 Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)
The COOP focuses on restoring an organization's (usually the headquarters element)
essential functions at an alternate site and performing those functions for up to 30 days
before returning to normal operations.
򐂰 Incident Response Plan (IRP)
The IRP establishes procedures to address cyber-attacks against an organization's IT
server and workstation systems. These procedures are designed to enable security
personnel to identify, mitigate, and recover from malicious computer incidents, such as
unauthorized access to a system or data, denial of service, or unauthorized changes to
system hardware or software (e.g. malicious logic such as a virus, worm, or Trojan horse).
򐂰 Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP)
The OEP provides the response procedures for occupants of a facility in the event of a
situation posing a potential threat to the health and safety of personnel, the environment,
or property. Such events would include a fire, hurricane, criminal attack, or a medical
emergency. OEPs are developed at the facility level, specific to the geographic location
and structural design of the building.
򐂰 Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
As suggested by its name, the DRP applies to major events that deny access to the
normal facility for an extended period. Frequently, the DRP refers to an IT-focused plan
designed to restore operability of the target system, application, data, or computer facility
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 75
at an alternate site after an emergency. The DRP scope can overlap that of a BCP;
however, the DRP is narrower in scope and does not address minor disruptions that do
not require relocation.
Nevertheless, logical data errors such as viruses, have no need for relocation, but can
also be seen as a big disaster for a client. These cases are covered in the IRP and are
very much linked with the design of disaster recovery solutions.
Crisis management team
A major part of the processes and procedures is to ensure the management of the
organization and its resources during the recovery. Major aspects of designing a good
Business Continuity crisis and management team include:
򐂰 Top management commitment
Top management must support and be involved in developing, coordinating, and ensuring
the disaster recovery effectiveness within the organization. Adequate time and resources
must be committed to the development of an effective plan. Resources could include both
financial considerations and the effort of all personnel involved.
򐂰 An established planning committee
You need to appoint a planning committee to oversee the development and
implementation of the plan, and the planning committee must include representatives from
all functional areas of the organization. Key committee members should include the
operations manager and the data processing manager. The committee also should define
the scope of the plan. The committee should inform top management regularly, because
of the very sensitive nature of the subject and because the expenses (in money and
people) can be quite high.
򐂰 A defined scope
Although most Business Continuity plans address only data processing related activities,
a comprehensive plan will also include areas of operation outside data processing. The
plan should have a broad scope if it is to effectively address the many disaster scenarios
that could affect the organization.
Assumptions about the crisis management team
When developing the plan, you need to consider a worst case scenario where the main or
primary facility is destroyed. Because the plan is written based on this premise, less critical
situations can be handled by using only the needed portions of the plan, with minor (if any)
alterations required.
Every BCP has a foundation of assumptions on which the plan is based. The assumptions
limit the circumstances that the plan addresses. The limits define the magnitude of the
disaster the organization is preparing to address. The assumptions can often be identified by
asking the following questions:
򐂰 What equipment or facilities have been destroyed?
򐂰 What is the timing of the disruption?
򐂰 What records, files, and materials were protected from destruction?
򐂰 What resources are available following the disaster:
Hot site or alternate site?
76 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
When writing the BCP, consider the following typical planning assumptions:
򐂰 The main facility of the organization has been destroyed.
򐂰 Staff is available to perform critical functions defined within the plan.
򐂰 Staff can be notified and can report to the backup site or sites to perform critical
processing, recovery, and reconstruction activities.
򐂰 The plan is current.
򐂰 Subsets of the overall plan can be used to recover from minor interruptions.
򐂰 An alternate facility is available.
򐂰 An adequate supply of critical forms and supplies are stored off-site, either at an alternate
facility or off-site storage.
򐂰 A backup site is available for processing the organization's work.
򐂰 The necessary long-distance and local communications lines are available to the
򐂰 Surface transportation in the local area is possible.
򐂰 Vendors will perform according to their general commitments to support the organization
in a disaster.
This list of assumptions is not all-inclusive, but it is intended as a thought-provoking process
in the beginning stage of planning. The assumptions themselves will often dictate the makeup
of the plan, therefore, management should carefully review them for appropriateness.
Teams within the crisis management team and their responsibilities
You need to construct your BCP using a team approach. You need teams responsible for
administrative functions, facilities, logistics, user support, computer backup, restoration, and
other important areas in the organization. Then, you can assign specific responsibilities to the
appropriate team for each functional area of the company.
The structure of the contingency organization might not be the same as the existing
organization chart. The contingency organization is usually structured in teams that are
responsible for major functional areas. For example, the teams can include:
򐂰 Management team
򐂰 Business recovery team
򐂰 Departmental recovery team
򐂰 Computer recovery team
򐂰 Damage assessment team
򐂰 Security team
򐂰 Facilities support team
򐂰 Administrative support team
򐂰 Logistics support team
򐂰 User support team
򐂰 Computer backup team
򐂰 Off-site storage team
򐂰 Software team
򐂰 Communications team
򐂰 Applications team
򐂰 Human relations team
򐂰 Marketing/customer relations team
It is not necessary for the organization to have separate teams created exactly as those that
we list here, but we strongly recommend that you create functions that are related to each of
these organizational teams.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 77
You need to chose personnel to staff these teams based on their skills and leadership.
Ideally, teams are staffed with the personnel that are responsible for the same or similar
operation under normal conditions (for example, the computer recovery team members
include the server administrators). Team members must understand not only the contingency
plan purpose but also the procedures necessary for executing the recovery strategy. Teams
should be sufficient in size to remain viable even if some members are unavailable to respond
(such as, due to vacations), or spare team members can be designated. Similarly, team
members should be familiar with the goals and procedures of other teams to facilitate
inter-team coordination.
Each team is led by a leader who directs overall team operations and acts as the team's
representative to management and liaisons with other team leaders. The team leader
disseminates information to team members and approves any decisions that must be made
within the team. Team leaders should have a designated substitute to act as the leader if the
primary leader is unavailable.
The most important team in disaster recovery planning is the management team, which
provides overall guidance following a major system disruption or emergency. The
management team is typically led by a senior management official, such as the Chief
Information Office (CIO), who has the authority to make decisions regarding spending levels,
acceptable risk, and intercompany coordination.
Major functions of such a team are:
򐂰 Responsible for activating a contingency plan and supervising the execution of
contingency operations.
򐂰 Facilitates communications among other teams and supervises plan tests and exercises.
򐂰 Takes the lead in specialized contingency teams.
򐂰 Coordinates the recovery process.
򐂰 Assesses the disaster, activates the recovery plan, and contacts team managers.
򐂰 Oversees, documents, and monitors the recovery process.
򐂰 Makes final decision in setting priorities, policies, and procedures.
Another important team is the disaster recovery management team, who is called into action
under the authority of the top administrative committee.
Notification and activation procedures
As a part of crisis management, we need to highlight the need for good notification and
activation procedures, which are the initial actions taken after a system disruption or
emergency has been detected or appears to be imminent. This phase includes activities to
notify recovery personnel, assess system damage, and implement the plan. At the
completion of this phase, recovery staff will be prepared to perform contingency measures to
restore system functions on a temporary basis.
An event can occur with or without prior notice. For example, advanced notice is often given
that a hurricane will affect an area or that a computer virus is expected on a certain date.
However, there might be no notice of equipment failure or a criminal act. Notification
procedures should be documented in the plan for either type of situation. The procedures
should describe the methods used to notify recovery personnel during business and
non-business hours.
78 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Prompt notification is important for reducing the effects on the IT system, and in some cases,
it can provide enough time to allow system personnel to shut down the system gracefully to
avoid a hard crash. Following the disaster event, notification should be sent to the team
responsible for the damage assessment, so that it can determine the status of the situation
and the appropriate next steps. When damage assessment is complete, the appropriate
recovery and support teams should be notified.
Notifications can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including telephone, pager,
work or personal e-mail, or cell phone. Notification tools that are effective during widespread
disasters include radio and television announcements and Web sites. The notification
strategy should define procedures to be followed in the event that certain personnel cannot
be contacted. You need to document notification procedures clearly in the Business
Continuity plan.
A common notification method is a
call tree. A call tree involves assigning notification duties
to specific individuals, who in turn are responsible for notifying other recovery personnel. The
call tree needs to account for primary and alternate contact methods and needs to discuss
procedures to be followed if an individual cannot be contacted. You need to identify personnel
to be notified clearly in the contact list that is appended to the plan. This list should identify
personnel by their team position, name, and contact information, including home, work, and
pager numbers, e-mail addresses, and home addresses. Additionally, the primary personnel
might not be available due to the disaster, so you need to contract for alternate personnel at
the recovery site to execute the Business Continuity plan.
Notification should also be sent to points of contact (POCs) for external organizations or
interconnected system partners that might be adversely affected if they are unaware of the
situation. Dependent on the type of disruption, the POC might have recovery responsibilities.
Therefore, for each system interconnection with an external organization, a POC should be
identified to the extent that the organizations will assist each other and the terms under which
the assistance will be provided. These POCs should also be listed in an appendix to the plan.
Note: Be aware, that with some incidents of a physical site disaster, telephone lines or
cellular telephone networks can be damaged or overloaded for hours or even days. Thus,
you need to consider alternative plans for notification.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 79
Figure 3-26 provides one example of a call tree that defines the chain of information flow in
the event of a crisis.
Figure 3-26 Notification: A sample call tree
You need to document in the plan the type of information that is relayed to those notified. The
amount and detail of information relayed can depend on the specific team that is notified. As
necessary, the notification information can include:
򐂰 Nature of the incident that has occurred or is impending
򐂰 Loss of life or injuries
򐂰 Any known damage estimates
򐂰 Response and recovery details
򐂰 Where and when to convene for briefing or further response instructions
򐂰 Instructions to prepare for relocation for estimated time period
򐂰 Instructions to complete notifications using the call tree (if applicable)
Activation plan
The Business Continuity plan should be activated only when the damage assessment
indicates that some of the activation criteria for that system are met. If an activation criterion
is met, the disaster recovery planning coordinator should activate the plan. Activation criteria
for events are unique for each organization and should be stated in the disaster recovery
planning policy statement and can be based on:
򐂰 Safety of personnel or extent of damage to the facility
򐂰 Extent of damage to system (physical, operational, or cost)
򐂰 Criticality of the system to the organization's mission (such as, critical infrastructure
protection asset)
򐂰 Anticipated duration of disruption
Disaster Recovery
Planning Coordinator
Network Recovery
Team Leader
Network O/S
Desktop Support
Help Desk Technician
Data Base Recovery
Team Leader
DBMS Administrator
SQL Administrator
Database Analyst
Team Leader
WAN Engineer
Jr. Systems Engineer
Telecom Technician
Server Recovery
Team Leader
E-mail System
Server Support
App Server
Server Support
Alternate Disaster
Recovery Planning
Business Continuity Program Design
80 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
After the system damage has been characterized, the disaster recovery planning coordinator
can select the appropriate recovery strategy, and the associated recovery teams can be
Business Resumption
The recovery and restoration plan phase deals with recovery strategies that provide a mean
to restore IT operations quickly and effectively following a service disruption. Specifically,
these plans address:
򐂰 What happens when the organization has reached a relatively stable mode of recovery
򐂰 What happens to prepare for and then execute a successful return to the original site
The strategies should address residual risks identified in the BIA. You need to consider
several alternatives when developing the strategy, including cost, allowable outage time,
security, and integration with larger, organization-level disaster recovery plans.
We recommend that you design the return to the original site to use the same procedures,
technologies, and methodologies that were used to failover to the recovery site. If this is not
possible, then the testing of those different set of procedures would be necessary, introducing
additional complexity and risk in the return process. The recovery strategy that you select
should address the potential impacts that are identified in the BIA and should be integrated
into the system architecture during the design and implementation phases of the system life
For this phase automation is a key feature. It is too demanding for personnel staff to be able
to execute all the needed functions at the verge of a disaster. However, all the automation
policies and people interaction must be rehearsed to exhaustion to achieve success.
Consider the following topics when developing the recovery plans:
򐂰 Systems recovery
A systems recovery plan should address mission-critical application hosts, both
centralized and distributed.
򐂰 Network recovery
Network recovery plans are developed to provide for the restoration of:
Internal LAN and peripheral network support for mission-critical business processes
External WANs and telecommunications services
Communications between recovered systems and users
򐂰 Activation of Business Continuity disaster recovery teams
The Business Continuity management team must coordinate all activities of all emergency
recovery teams. Quick and valid decisions are key in an exceptional situation. The
management team must have the authority for all decisions, including financial decisions.
A notification plan must be available to activate all emergency teams. The experience of
the 9/11 disaster demonstrated, that when a major disaster occurs, many people can be
affected and not available in the emergency teams. A successful plan will take this into
account to ensure that the business can be recovered and maintained even if key people
are not available.
򐂰 End user recovery
End user recovery plans, often ignored in traditional disaster recovery planning, consist of
strategies to provide users with a mechanism for interacting with restored systems and
networks to perform useful work.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 81
Recovery procedures
Recovery operations begin after the Business Continuity plan has been activated, damage
assessment has been completed (if possible), personnel have been notified, and appropriate
teams have been mobilized. Recovery Phase activities focus on contingency measures to
restore temporary IT processing capabilities, while activities executed during the
Reconstitution Phase in “Restoration phase” on page 82 are directed to repair damage to the
original system and restore operational capabilities at the original or new facility. At the
completion of the recovery, the system will be operational and performing the functions
designated in the plan. Depending on the recovery strategies defined in the plan, these
functions could include temporary manual processing, recovery and operation on an alternate
system, or relocation and recovery at an alternate site. Teams with recovery responsibilities
should understand and be able to perform these recovery strategies well enough that if the
paper plan is unavailable during an event, they can still perform the necessary activities.
Sequence of recovery activities
When recovering a complex system, such as a WAN involving multiple independent
components, recovery procedures should reflect system priorities identified in the BIA. The
sequence of activities should reflect the system's allowable outage time to avoid significant
impacts to related systems and their application. Procedures should be written in a sequential
format so that system components can be restored in a logical manner. For example, if a LAN
is being recovered after a disruption, the most critical servers should be recovered before
other, less critical devices, such as printers. Similarly, to recover an application server,
procedures should first address operating system restoration and verification before the
application and its data are recovered. The procedures should also include instructions to
coordinate with other teams when certain situations occur, such as:
򐂰 An action is not completed within the expected time frame
򐂰 A key step has been completed
򐂰 Items must be procured
򐂰 Other system-specific concerns
If conditions require the system to be recovered at an alternate site, you will need to transfer
or procure certain materials. These items can include shipment of data backup tapes from
off-site storage, hardware, copies of the recovery plan, and software programs.
Procedures should designate the appropriate team or team members to coordinate shipment
of equipment, data, and vital records. References to applicable appendixes, such as
equipment lists or vendor contact information, should be made in the plan where necessary.
Procedures should clearly describe requirements to package, transport, and purchase
materials required to recover the system.
Recovery procedure highlights
To facilitate the recovery phase operations, the Business Continuity plan should provide
detailed procedures to restore the system or system components. Given the extensive variety
of system types, configurations, and applications, this planning guide does not provide
specific recovery procedures.
You need to assign procedures to the appropriate recovery team and address the following
򐂰 Notify internal and external business partners associated with the system
򐂰 Obtain necessary office supplies and work space
򐂰 Obtain and install necessary hardware components
򐂰 Obtain and load backup tapes or media
򐂰 Restore critical operating system and application software
򐂰 Restore system data
82 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Test system functionality including security controls
򐂰 Connect system to network or other external systems
򐂰 Operate alternate equipment successfully
Write recovery procedures in a straightforward, step-by-step style. To prevent difficulty or
confusion in an emergency, do not assume or omit procedural steps. Use a checklist format
for documenting the sequential recovery procedures. A checklist format is also useful for
troubleshooting issues if the system cannot be recovered properly.
Restoration phase
In the restoration phase, recovery activities are terminated and normal operations are
transferred back to the organization's original facility. During the recovery phase, as the
contingency activities are performed, restoration of the original site should be under way. If
the original facility is unrecoverable, the activities in this phase can also be applied to
preparing a new facility to support system processing requirements.
When the original or new site is restored to the level that it can support the IT system and its
normal processes, you can restore the system to the original or to the new site. Until you
restore and test the primary system, you need to continue to operate the contingency system.
The restoration phase should specify teams responsible for restoring or replacing both the
site and the IT system. The following major activities occur in this phase:
1. Ensuring adequate infrastructure support, such as electric power, water,
telecommunications, security, environmental controls, office equipment, and supplies.
2. Installing system hardware, software, and firmware. This activity should include detailed
Restoration procedures similar to those followed in the Recovery phase.
3. Establishing connectivity and interfaces with network components and external systems.
4. Testing system operations to ensure full functionality.
5. Backing up operational data on the contingency system and uploading to the restored
6. Shutting down the contingency system.
7. Terminating contingency operations.
8. Removing or relocating all sensitive materials at the contingency site.
9. Arranging for recovery personnel to return to the original facility.
High availability
High availability is defined as providing redundancy in an existing business process or
infrastructure, such that loss or outage of a individual component is masked from causing an
outage of that business process or infrastructure. We discuss this topic in “IT High Availability
design” on page 92.
You can plan for and apply the concept of High Availability to all non-IT aspects of the
Business Continuity plan as well. Examples include (but are not limited to):
򐂰 Physical facilities
򐂰 Telecom
򐂰 Accommodations for staff if relocation
򐂰 Voice communications
Note: The teams within the crisis management teams need to understand and be able to
perform their required functions without a paper plan in the event such documentation is
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 83
Disaster Recovery
A disaster is an unplanned outage that requires recovery at a different physical site on
different physical hardware. You need to research and evaluate the most practical
alternatives for processing in case of a disaster. It is important to consider all aspects of the
organization, such as facilities, hardware, software, communications, data files, customer
services, user operations, user systems, and other processing operations (as shown in
Figure 3-27). The alternatives (dependent upon the evaluation of the computer function) can
include hot, warm, or cold sites reciprocal agreements, two data centers, multiple computers,
service centers, consortium arrangement, vendor supplied equipment, or combinations of all
of these.
Although major disruptions with long-term effects might be rare, you need to account for
these occurrences in the Business Continuity plan. Thus, the plan must include a strategy to
recover and perform system operations at an alternate facility for an extended period. In
general, three types of alternate sites are available:
򐂰 Dedicated site that is owned or operated by the company
򐂰 Reciprocal agreement with an internal or external entity
򐂰 Commercially leased facility
Figure 3-27 Alternate sites - require IT equipment, people, physical facilities, and telecom
Regardless of the type of alternate site that you chose, the facility must be able to support
system operations as defined in the Business Continuity plan. The three alternate site types
also might be categorized in terms of their operational readiness. Based on this factor, sites
can be classified as cold sites, warm sites, hot sites, mobile sites, and mirrored sites,
progressing from basic to advanced:
򐂰 Cold sites
Typically consist of a facility with adequate space and infrastructure (electric power,
telecommunications connections, and environmental controls) to support the IT system.
The space can have raised floors and other attributes suited for IT operations. The site
84 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
does not include IT equipment and usually does not include office automation equipment,
such as telephones, facsimile machines, or copiers. The organization using the cold site is
responsible for providing and installing the necessary equipment and telecommunications
򐂰 Warm sites
Partially equipped office spaces that contain some or all of the system hardware, software,
telecommunications, and power sources. The warm site is maintained in an operational
status ready to receive the relocated system. The site might need to be prepared before
receiving the system and recovery personnel. In many cases, a warm site can serve as a
normal operational facility for another system or function, and in the event of a
contingency plan activation, the normal activities are displaced temporarily to
accommodate the disrupted system.
򐂰 Hot sites
Office spaces appropriately sized to support system requirements and configured with the
necessary system hardware, supporting infrastructure, and support personnel. Hot sites
are typically staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Hot site personnel begin to prepare for
the system arrival as soon as they are notified that a contingency plan has been activated.
If the RTO is short, you can mirror the data to the site over fibre links either synchronously
or asynchronously, depending on how far apart the two sites are. If the RTO is long, then
you can store the data on backup tapes and install it prior to the site going live.
򐂰 Mobile sites
Self-contained, transportable shells custom-fitted with specific telecommunications and IT
equipment necessary to meet system requirements. These are available for lease through
commercial vendors. The facility often is contained in a tractor-trailer and can be driven to
and set up at the desired alternate location. In most cases, to be a viable recovery
solution, mobile sites should be designed in advance with the vendor, and a service-level
agreement (SLA) should be signed between the two parties. This is necessary because
the time required to configure the mobile site can be extensive, and without prior
coordination, the time to deliver the mobile site can exceed the system's allowable outage
򐂰 Mirrored sites
Fully redundant facilities with full, real-time information mirroring. Mirrored sites are
identical to the primary site in all technical respects. These sites provide the highest
degree of availability because the data is processed and stored at the primary and
alternate site simultaneously. These sites typically are designed, built, operated, and
maintained by the organization.
A requirement for these mirrored sites is the availability of synchronous remote copy
among the I/O controllers. Usually companies that implement mirrored sites use both sites
to produce work to decrease the expenses, not just a hot stand-by site. Depending on the
distance, you can also install a Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex™ (GDPS)
between the two sites. In this case, you can have workload distribution and continuous
availability on top of the disaster recovery solution.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 85
There are obvious cost and setup-time differences among these different options. The
mirrored site is the most expensive choice, but it ensures virtually 100% availability. Cold
sites are the least expensive to maintain; however, they require substantial time to acquire
and install the necessary equipment. Partially equipped sites, such as warm sites, fall in the
middle of the spectrum. In many cases, mobile sites can be delivered to the desired location
within 24 hours. However, installation time can increase this setup time. Table 3-1
summarizes the criteria that can be employed to determine which type of alternate site meets
the organization's requirements. You need to analyze sites further based on the specific
requirements that are defined in the BIA.
As sites are evaluated, the disaster recovery planning coordinator should ensure that the
system's security, management, operational, and technical controls (such as firewalls and
physical access controls) are compatible with the prospective site.
Table 3-1 Alternate site criteria selection
The organization can own or operate these alternate sites (internal recovery), or it can
contract them commercially. If contracting for the site with a commercial vendor, adequate
testing time, work space, security requirements, hardware requirements, telecommunications
requirements, support services, and recovery days (how long the organization can occupy
the space during the recovery period) must be negotiated and clearly stated in the contract.
Customers should be aware that multiple organizations can contract with a vendor for the
same alternate site; as a result, the site might be unable to accommodate all of the customers
if a disaster affects enough of those customers simultaneously. The vendor's policy on how
this situation should be addressed and how the priority status is determined should be
Two or more organizations with similar or identical IT configurations and backup technologies
might enter a formal agreement to serve as alternate sites for each other or to enter a joint
contract for an alternate site. This type of site is set up through a reciprocal agreement or
memorandum of understanding. A reciprocal agreement should be entered into carefully
because each site must be able to support the other, in addition to its own workload, in the
event of a disaster. This type of agreement requires the recovery sequence for the
applications from both organizations to be prioritized with a joint perspective. Testing should
be conducted at the partnering sites to evaluate the extra processing thresholds, compatible
system and backup configurations, sufficient telecommunications connections, and
compatible security measures, in addition to functionality of the recovery strategy.
You need written agreements for the specific recovery alternatives that you select, including
the following special considerations:
򐂰 Contract duration
򐂰 Termination conditions
򐂰 Testing
򐂰 Costs
򐂰 Special security procedures
Site Cost HW equipment Telecommunications Setup time Location
Cold site Low None None Long Fixed
Warm site Medium Partial Partial/full Medium Fixed
Hot site Medium/high Full Full Short Fixed
Mobile site High Dependent Dependent Dependent Not fixed
Mirrored site High Full Full None Fixed
86 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Notification of systems changes
򐂰 Hours of operation
򐂰 Specific hardware and other equipment required for processing
򐂰 Personnel requirements
򐂰 Alternate personnel available if necessary to do the recovery at the recovery site
򐂰 Physical space at the recovery site
򐂰 Circumstances constituting an emergency
򐂰 Process to negotiate extension of service
򐂰 Guarantee of compatibility
򐂰 Availability
򐂰 Non-mainframe resource requirements
򐂰 Contracted network switchover to recovery site
򐂰 Priorities
򐂰 Other contractual issues
The strategy should include a combination of methods that complement one another to
provide recovery capability of a full spectrum of identified risks. A wide variety of recovery
approaches can be considered; the appropriate choice depends on the type of systems and
their operational requirements.
Cost considerations for alternative sites
The planning coordinator should ensure that the strategy chosen can be implemented
effectively with available personnel and financial resources. The cost of each type of alternate
site, equipment replacement, and storage option under consideration should be weighed
against budget limitations. The coordinator should determine known planning expenses, such
as alternate site contract fees, and those that are less obvious, such as the cost of
implementing a company-wide contingency awareness program and contractor support.
The budget must be sufficient to encompass software, hardware, travel and shipping, testing,
plan training programs, awareness programs, labor hours, other contracted services, and any
other applicable resources (such as, desks, telephones, fax machines, pens, and paper). The
company should perform a cost-benefit analysis to identify the optimum recovery strategy.
Table 3-2 provides a template for evaluating cost considerations.
Table 3-2 Recovery strategy budget planning template
Costs Vendor Hardware Software Travel/
Testing Supply
Cold Site
Warm Site
Hot Site
Mobile Site
Mirrored Site
Existing Use
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 87
Distance to remote site
When configuring a remote recovery site, Figure 3-28 shows considerations for metropolitan
distances versus out of region distances. (We discussed this topic in “Major factors to
consider for out of region recovery” on page 24.)
Figure 3-28 Distance considerations - metro distance versus out of region distance
Considerations for metropolitan distances include:
򐂰 Often chosen when the smallest possible data or transaction loss at the remote site is
desired, because the remote data center is within synchronous data replication range.
򐂰 Metropolitan distances might be close enough to support clustering business processes,
or IT infrastructure such as server and database memory, thus providing more robust
possibilities for improving the business process or IT recovery time capability.
򐂰 A single staff might be able to support both metropolitan sites in more scenarios, thus
potentially minimizing logistical considerations and reducing cost.
򐂰 Intersite communications and telecom line costs for equivalent bandwidth, can typically be
less expensive at metropolitan distances compared to out of region distances.
򐂰 For true near-continuous availability at the IT data center level, metropolitan distances are
typically required. The reason is: IT data center near-continuous availability failover will
often require server clustering and database clustering, in addition to synchronous data
replication. Server memory clustering and database memory clustering cannot be done at
out of region distances.
򐂰 Recovery at metropolitan distances might be less expensive overall than comparable data
center recovery at out of region distances. All other factors being equal, the recovery time
at metropolitan distances is also typically shorter than a comparable out of region distance
Business Impact
and Cost
A business tradeoff of relative costs vs. benefits
Metro distance
Use when no data loss is required
Possible to cluster server memory
Single staff can support both sites
Logistical considerations minimized
Overall, often less expensive than out
of region distance recovery
Often best choice for fastest recovery
choice for Continuous Availability
Out of region distance:
Provides coverage against regional
Requires secondary site data currency
to lag primary site
Often dictated by existing customer
facilities and infrastructure
Can provide Disaster Recovery but
Continuous Availability
Metro vs. Out of region distance
BC Program Design
88 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Considerations for out of region distances include:
򐂰 Clearly, the industry trend is towards out of region recovery, in order to provide distance
򐂰 In order to implement out of region recovery, the secondary site or sites data currency
needs to lag the primary data center. This amount of data currency lag (which will be
variable) will need to be managed, and data recreation implemented into the recovery
design. Note that these are issues can be successfully handled with appropriate Business
Continuity program design.
򐂰 Because it is quite expensive to build a new data center, an out of region location of the
second data center might be indicated by the need to use existing data center
infrastructure and locations.
򐂰 An out of region recovery at the data center level usually necessitates a shutdown and
very fast restart. The distance separation means that server memory clustering or
database memory clustering is not possible.
Neither metropolitan distance or out of region distance is universally better than the other.
Base your final choice on a combination of business factors, Business Continuity program
design, and IT strategy design.
Summary of Business Continuity program design
In this section, we described considerations for end-to-end Business Continuity program
design planning, including (but not limited to):
򐂰 The importance of process and procedure: Being able to know precisely how your staff
and your IT infrastructure will react to planned outages, as well as unplanned outages if
they strike. Predictability of the
reaction to a disaster is the goal,
򐂰 Different types of contingency plans in the BCP.
򐂰 Crisis management team, notification and activation procedures, call tree.
򐂰 High Availability and Disaster Recovery considerations, including alternate site selection
With a reasonable amount of end-to-end Business Continuity planning under way, you next
turn to specific IT strategy and design considerations.
Note: If a combination of near-continuous availability and out of region recovery is
required, this will need to be architected at the
software application level, typically using
duplexed standby databases and a message queuing middleware architecture. You can
find more information about this kind of IT Business Continuity architecture in Chapter 11,
“High Availability clusters and database applications” on page 305.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 89
3.5.2 IT strategy design
You are now at the point of designing the specific IT strategies, architectures, and
technologies that support the end-to-end Business Continuity program design that you
created in the previous step (Figure 3-29).
Figure 3-29 IT strategy design overview
In this section, we explore the best practices steps, which are composed of:
򐂰 IT infrastructure simplification as a prerequisite for IT Business Continuity
򐂰 High Availability design
򐂰 High Availability servers
򐂰 Data replication
򐂰 Database and software design
As a part of this design, we also explore major technology considerations for choosing from
among the many candidate technologies.
IT infrastructure simplification as a prerequisite to Business Continuity
We recommend that your first step to IT strategy design should be to assess the existing IT
infrastructure from a standpoint of consistency of operations, consistency of tools, and
consistency and effectiveness of data management. A highly diverse environment, as shown
in Figure 3-30, is not in and of itself bad, but clearly a large number of tools, policies, and skill
sets makes recovery of such a diverse environment more difficult.
Note: Because this book discusses IBM System Storage, we also provide key strategic
System Storage Business Continuity planning considerations in “Data replication” on
page 101.
Integration into IT
BC Program
BC Program
Crisis team
Database and
Software design
High Availability
High Availability
Process and
IT Infrastructure
90 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 3-30 An IT infrastructure that might be difficult to do recovery - due to the number of tools
As we discussed in 2.2.4, “The struggle of IT diversity” on page 15, today’s IT Business
Continuity requirements are best based upon a consolidated, standardized IT infrastructure.
Such standardization and consolidation most effectively meets the needs of the business, not
only from a Business Continuity standpoint, but also a TTM, TTC, application quality,
flexibility, and scalability standpoint.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 91
Therefore, we recommend that an important initial prerequisite for any Business Continuity
solution is to base it upon, and blend it with, the existing IT infrastructure consolidation and
standardization efforts already under way within your IT infrastructure, as illustrated in
Figure 3-31.
Figure 3-31 IT Simplification as the foundation for IT Business Continuity
The benefits of this approach are:
򐂰 It is easier to manage and recover fewer components than many.
򐂰 You can and should reinvest cost savings from IT consolidation into the IT Business
Continuity project.
򐂰 You can sychronize necessary modifications and changes to the IT infrastructure to
implement Business Continuity within other IT consolidation efforts. Necessary IT
Business Continuity implementation tasks, such as improvements in workload
management, data management, systems management, change control, and so forth, are
very similar or ideally exactly the same type of efforts that need to be done for IT
consolidation and simplification.
With an appropriate amount of IT Consolidation and Simplification under way upon which to
base the Business Continuity effort, you next turn your attention to IT High Availability design.
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Business Continuity TOP GUN
IT Business Continuity Foundation
Strategic Infrastructure
Simplification / Consolidation
Improve Business
Provide Compelling IT Value
to address Strategic
Business Issues
Ideal: solve the companies’
Issues and IT
issues at the same time
Fewer components to recover
Re-invest savings in more robust Business
Standardize and optimize solution design:
Load Balancing
Most importantly, IT Simplification can
simultaneously improve application delivery
time and application quality
Business Continuity is an intended
byproduct of Infrastructure simplification
This is best practice for IT Business
Continuity justification to the Business
IT Infrastructure
Consolidation and
IT Business
Overall Business
IT Strategy Design
92 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
IT High Availability design
IT High Availability design consists of three related, yet distinct aspects, as illustrated in
Figure 3-32.
Figure 3-32 Inter-relationship of High Availability, Continuous Operations, and Disaster Recovery
These design concepts are defined as:
򐂰 High Availability
High Availability builds redundancy into the local infrastructure with the intent of keeping
individual local component failures from impacting the users (Figure 3-33).
Figure 3-33 Definition of High Availability
IT Business Continuity Definitions
Protection of critical Business data
Operations continue after a disaster
Costs are predictable and manageable
Recovery is predictable and reliable
Fault-tolerant, failure-
resistant infrastructure
supporting continuous
application processing
High Availability
Non-disruptive backups
and system maintenance
coupled with continuous
availability of applications
Continuous Operations
Protection against
unplanned outages such
as disasters through
reliable, predictable
Disaster Recovery
IT Business
IT Strategy Design
High Availability
A resilient IT infrastructure
that masks individual
component failures
That is, no single points of
Infrastructure continues to
provide access to applications
Often provided by clustered
servers, resilient hardware
Typically at one location
High Availability
IT Business Continuity
IT Strategy Design
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 93
IT High availability is often provided by server clustering solutions that work within
operating systems, and coupled with hardware infrastructure, to provide an IT
infrastructure that has no single points of failure. If a server that is running an application
suffers a failure, the application is picked up by another server in the cluster, and users
see minimal or no interruption.
Today’s servers and storage systems are also built with fault-tolerant architectures to
minimize application outages due to hardware failures. In addition, there are many
aspects of security imbedded in the hardware from servers, to storage, to network
components to help protect unauthorized access.
You can think of IT High Availability as resilient IT infrastructure that masks failures and
thus continues to provide access to applications.
򐂰 Continuous Operations
Sometimes you must take important applications down to upgrade them or take backups.
Fortunately, technology for online backups has improved greatly in recent years.
However, even with these advances, you must at times take down applications as planned
outages for maintenance or upgrading of servers or storage.
Continuous Operations provides the capability, when everything is working properly, to
maintain access to the IT applications and infrastructure at all times (Figure 3-34). In other
words, you do not have to take applications down merely to do scheduled backups or
planned maintenance.
Figure 3-34 Definition of Continuous Operations
Continuous Operations
No need to take applications
down to do ongoing IT
procedures such as:
Scheduled backups
Planned maintenance
The ability to keep continuous
access to applications when
everything is working properly
IT Business Continuity
IT Strategy Design
94 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Disaster Recovery
Disaster Recovery is the ability to recover an IT data center at a different site if a disaster
destroys the primary site or otherwise renders the site inoperable. The characteristics of a
disaster recovery solution are that processing resumes at a different site and on different
hardware (Figure 3-35).
Figure 3-35 Definition of Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery is the ability to recover from unplanned outages at a different
site—something that you do after something has gone wrong.
IT Business Continuity tiers of technology
There are many possible types of valid technologies that you can select as part of your IT
strategy design. It can be a challenge to understand the best practices to make sense of them
all. We use the concept of Business Continuity tiers as a primary tool to organize these many
multiple valid products and technologies. We provide an overview of the Business Continuity
tiers here and describe them in detail in Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business Continuity
solutions” on page 137.
The concept of
Business Continuity tiers continues to be as valid today as when it was first
created and described by the US SHARE User Group in 1988. While the technology within
the tiers has obviously changed over the years, the conceptual value of organizing various
recovery technologies according to their recovery speed has stood the test of time.
The Business Continuity tiers help you to organize various technologies into
useful subsets
that are much easier to evaluate and manage. The tiers concept recognizes that for a given
customer RTO, all Business Continuity products and technologies can be sorted into a
solution subset that addresses that particular RTO range.
Note: By this definition, a non-disaster issues, such as a corruption of a key customer
database, might indeed be a catastrophe for a business, but it is not
by definition a
disaster unless processing must be resumed at a different location and on different
Disaster Recovery
Ability to recover from
unplanned outages at a
different site
Usually on different
Performed after something
has gone wrong on a site-
wide basis
IT Business Continuity
IT Strategy Design
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 95
Thus, by categorizing Business Continuity technology choices by RTO into the various
Business Continuity tiers, you have the capability to more easily match your desired RTO
time with the optimum set of technologies. Note that as the RTO time decreases, the optimum
Business Continuity technologies for RTO must change. For any given RTO, there are always
a particular set of optimum price or performance Business Continuity technologies.
Figure 3-36 illustrates the Business Continuity tiers chart.
Figure 3-36 Introducing the Business Continuity tiers chart
As the recovery time decreases, more aggressive Business Continuity technologies must be
applied to achieve that RTO (carrying with them their associated increase in value and capital
The concept of the tiers chart continues to apply even as the scale of the application(s)
changes. That is, the particular RTO values can increase or decrease, depending on the
scale and criticality of the application. Nevertheless, the general relative relationship of the
various tiers and Business Continuity technologies to each other remains the same. In
addition, although some Business Continuity technologies fit into multiple tiers, clearly there
is not one Business Continuity technology that can be optimized for all the tiers.
We recommend that as part of the IT strategy design, your technical staff create your own
internal version of the Business Continuity tiers chart that is specific to your particular
environment. This chart can become a powerful and useful tool for internal Business
Continuity planning, communication, and decision making. Creating and gaining agreement
to such a tiers chart will tend to move into motion the requisite risk analysis, business impact
analysis, and Business Continuity program design that is necessary to build this chart for your
Note: The tiers concept is flexible. The recovery time of a given Business Continuity tier is
relatively fixed. As products and functions change and improve over time, you can update
the Business Continuity tiers chart by the addition of that new technology into the
appropriate tier and RTO.
Total Elapsed Time (Recovery Time Objective)
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
BC Tier 4 - Point in Time disk copy
BC Tier 3 - Electronic Tape Vaulting
BC Tier 2 - Hot Site, Restore from Tape
BC Tier 7 – Server and storage mirroring, automated end to end recovery
BC Tier 6 – Storage or server mirroring
BC Tier 5 –Transaction integrity, software-based mirroring
BC Tier 1 – Restore
from Tape
Match business process criticality with cost of recovery
This will maximize application coverage at optimum cost
Recovery from a disk image Recovery from tape copy
IT Strategy Design
96 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
With such a chart in place, the business has a powerful tool to assign what tier or tiers and
corresponding RTO an application requires and to readily determine what solutions might be
Need for Business Process segmentation
Next, you need to do a segmentation of the organization’s business processes and IT
applications onto the Business Continuity tiers. There are many reasons to do this
segmentation, including:
򐂰 No single set of IT Business Continuity technologies is right for every business process.
We need to apply fast recovery technologies to some business processes (accepting the
higher cost along with the valuable faster recovery), and we need to apply less expensive
recovery technologies (which are lower in cost) to other business processes.
򐂰 Best practices therefore has evolved to segment the applications and business processes
into (ideally) three segments, according to the speed of recovery that is required.
򐂰 You can then map these business process segments onto the Business Continuity tiers
򐂰 This segmentation provides an excellent, in fact, essential foundation for implementing
many of today’s IT tiering concepts, such as tiered storage, tiered servers, and Information
Life Cycle Management of data.
򐂰 Telecom bandwidth costs, as discussed in “Intersite networking and telecom components”
on page 108, continue to limit the amount of data that can affordably be mirrored to a
remote site. To facilitate identifying this data (and associated business processes and
applications), business process segmentation provides an essential foundation.
We recommend that you identify and architect this business process segmentation as part of
the IT strategy design. We also recommend that you consider (ideally) three business
process or application segments as a guideline for an optimum number. For most IT shops,
two tiers might be insufficiently optimized (in other words, overkill at some point and underkill
at others) and four tiers are more complex but generally do not provide enough additional
strategic benefit.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 97
Applied to the Business Continuity tiers, this business process and application segmentation
typically looks similar to Figure 3-37.
Figure 3-37 Business process segmentation - mapped to the Business Continuity tiers
Some general guidelines and definitions for the recovery capability of the recommended
three business process segments include:
򐂰 Continuous Availability
24x7 application and data availability (server, storage, network availability)
Automated failover of total systems / site failover
Very fast and transparent recovery of servers, storage, network
Ultimate Disaster Recovery: Protection against site disasters, system failures
General RTO guideline: minutes to < 2 hours
򐂰 Rapid Data Recovery
High availability of data and storage systems (storage resiliency)
Automated or manual failover of storage systems
Fast recovery of data/storage from disasters or storage system failures
Disaster Recovery from replicated disk storage systems
General RTO guideline: 2 to 8 hours
򐂰 Backup/Restore
Backup and restore from tape or disk
Disaster Recovery from tape
RTO = 8 hours to days
Important: The reason for this step is to map the business process segments onto the
Business Continuity technologies and, thus, to select the appropriate technology to provide
the desired recovery level. In this way we link the
recovery of the business process to the IT
Business Continuity technologies.
The stated RTOs in the chart’s Y-axis and given in the definitions are guidelines for comparison only. RTO can and
will vary depending on the size and scope of the solution.
Recovery Time Objective
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
BC Tier 4
BC Tier 3
BC Tier 2
BC Tier 7
BC Tier 6
BC Tier 1
Continuous Availability
Rapid Data Recovery
Segment applications and solutions, matching cost to criticality.
This maximizes application coverage at optimum cost
Business Process Segmentation
IT Strategy Design
98 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
With each of these business process segments defined, we can proceed to mapping the
appropriate Business Continuity technology to the appropriate business process.
Each segment builds upon the foundation of the preceding segment
The Business Continuity functionality of each business process or application segment is built
upon the technology foundation of the segment that is below it. In other words,
Backup/Restore technologies are the necessary foundations for more advanced technologies
that deliver Rapid Data Recovery. And Rapid Data Recovery technologies are the necessary
foundations for the more advanced technologies that deliver continuous availability. So, it is
really a matter of building upwards upon the foundations of the technologies of the previous
segment. Best practices for Business Continuity implementation roadmaps are to create a
multiple phase project in which the overall Business Continuity solution is built step-by-step
upon the foundation of the previous segment’s technology layer.
To match this best practice of segmentation, IBM Business Continuity solutions are mapped
into these three segments, as are the various IBM System Storage Business Continuity
solutions that we describe in this IBM Redbook and in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Strategic value of business process segmentation
The strategic value of business process segmentation becomes clear as we look forward
over time. Consider the diagram shown in Figure 3-38.
Figure 3-38 Business process segmentation - extend horizontally over time
Tip: You can find more information about the types of technologies that are available to
map to each of these business process segments in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 99
These boxes represent business processes for which we are strategically designing
segmentation. These boxes could map to lines of business or whatever makes sense for your
򐂰 Architecting Continuous Availability
We would start by identifying the continuous availability portion of your data and
applications, which are defined to absolutely critical and in need of the continuous
availability technology to do an immediate takeover in the event of a failure. Having
defined these applications and business processes, we assign resources to them. These
resources are designated to be the continuous availability pool of resources. In other
words, we would define specific servers, specific storage pools, specific database and
application software, as the strategic standards for this continuous availability segment.
򐂰 Architecting Rapid Data Recovery
We would continue to architect the next level, the Rapid Data Restore pool. We would
define specific servers, specific storage pools, specific database and application software,
as the strategic standards and pool of resources for this Rapid Data Recovery segment.
This set of resources might be a less costly level of storage, but satisfactory for the
recovery and service level requirements of this segment.
򐂰 Architecting Backup/Restore
Finally, we would continue to architect the final level, the Backup/Restore pool. We might
define specific servers, specific storage pools, specific database and application software,
as the strategic standards for this Rapid Data Recovery segment.
򐂰 Architecting a standardized Business Continuity environment
What we are architecting by this business process segmentation, is the strategy that we
use, in our IT Consolidation and Simplification, to standardize our IT infrastructure,
horizontally across multiple business processes or even Lines of Business.
If we are able to do this, we end up strategically architecting and standardizing, and
creating a defined set of resource standards and pools for our enterprise, that are
consistent, in a horizontal manner, across multiple business processes.
We thus create a methodology that has strategic economies of scale. By enforcing this
architecture over time with good policies and IT governance, we are able to create an
expandable Business Continuity architecture for the future, based on our Business
Process segmentation.
򐂰 Strategic value
Over time, as new applications and business processes are defined, with such an
architecture, the decision as to what type of Business Continuity recovery capability is to
be implemented is now standardized.
The questions become:
1. What level of recovery capability does this application require?
2. What is the defined business process segmentation that fits that level of recoverability?
3. What are the shop standards and resource pools for server, storage, databases, that are
assigned to that level of recoverability?
In this way, this kind of business process segmentation Business Continuity architecture
specifies, defines, standardizes, and governs a
flexible, scalable, and consistent Business
Continuity solution set that will stay consistent over time.
As more and more new applications come online, they adhere to these standards., making
the lines very crisp and clean. Thus, over time, as the applications and infrastructure evolves,
100 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
it will evolve into an ever more clean, crisp, consistently recoverable Business Continuity
Implementation of the concept of Business Process Segmentation is an ongoing process,
and is one key component in the overall IT Business Continuity strategy that we discuss in
this chapter.
Summary of High Availability design
We discussed in this section the use of the Business Continuity tiers and business process
segmentation concepts to derive a blended, optimized enterprise Business Continuity
We reviewed the following general steps:
1. Categorize the business' entire set of business processes into three segments: Low
Tolerance to Outage, Somewhat Tolerant to Outage, and Very Tolerant to Outage. Of
course, while some business processes that are not in and of themselves critical, they do
feed the critical business processes. Therefore, those applications would need to be
included in the higher tier.
2. Within each segment, there are multiple Business Continuity tiers. The individual tiers
represent the major Business Continuity technology choices for that band. It is not
necessary to use all the Business Continuity tiers, and of course, it is not necessary to use
all the technologies.
3. After we have segmented the business processes and applications (as best we can) into
the three bands, we usually select one best strategic Business Continuity methodology for
that band. The contents of the tiers are the
candidate technologies from which the
strategic methodology is chosen for that application segment.
Designing this three-segment blended Business Continuity architecture has the effect of
optimizing and mapping the varying application recovery time requirements with an
appropriate technology, at an optimized cost. The net resulting blended Business Continuity
architecture provides the best possible application coverage for the minimum cost.
High Availability servers
An extensive amount of information is available for configuring servers for High Availability.
Because this is an IBM Redbook that focuses on System Storage, we give a brief overview of
High Availability server concepts and then refer to the specific server reference material for
the servers you use in your IT organization.
You should consult with your server specialists, and jointly plan with them to assure that a
you have a good baseline level of consolidation and resiliency within your servers and
operating systems. With an appropriate amount of fault tolerance, redundancy, resiliency,
and clustering capability, your servers are then ready to participate in the larger IT Business
Continuity design for an end-to-end recovery capability.
In general, High Availability servers are designed to mask outages through a degree of
internal fault tolerance that is designed to avoid single points of failure. This design allows the
servers to operate without interruption. Usually, this design includes components, CPUs,
memory, and disks that have a resilient design.
Multiple servers are then set up for High Availability with a combination of hardware and
software components configured to work together to ensure automated recovery in case of
failure, with a minimal acceptable downtime. In such systems, the operating system detects
problems in the environment, and manages application survivability by restarting it on the
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 101
same or on another available machine (taking over the identity of the original machine or
In this kind of High Availability server environment, it is very important to eliminate all single
points of failure (SPOF) related to the external server connections. For example, if the server
has only one network interface (connection), a second network interface should be provided
in the same node to take over in case the primary interface providing the service fails.
A primary tool for server High Availability is clustered servers, which are loosely-coupled
collections of independent servers (often called nodes) or Logical Partitions (LPARs)
organized into a network for the purpose of sharing server resources and communicating with
each other. Often, data and storage in a clustered environment is resident on shared disk
arrays, accessible from any server in the cluster.
The same concepts previously discussed about the value and need for consolidation and
standardization apply to servers. Building a cost-effective High Availability server
environment is much easier when a requisite amount of server consolidation, server
standardization, and server systems and change management, is in place.
Exploitation of server virtualization capability is a major trend, and should be exploited for
servers to gain better control, more efficiency in management, much in the same way that
storage virtualization provides similar benefits for storage.
In the next section, we focus in more detail on how to protect the actual data, particularly data
that is resident on storage. We will consider data replication. Servers offer capabilities for
data replication,
Data replication
In IT Business Continuity strategy design for multiple sites, the fundamental question from a
remote recovery standpoint is: how best to replicate data to the desired location? In this
section, we examine the IT strategy and design considerations for this question. We discuss
data replication in general. Because this is a book about IBM System Storage, we also
provide and emphasize key detailed information about the roles that IBM System Storage
plays in providing tools, functions, and mechanisms to for data replication.
There are two basic types of data protection that we are concerned with when we speak of
data replication:
򐂰 Data corruption: Most often occurs due to human or application errors. For this kind of
data protection,
local point-in-time copies are the typical recovery technology, whether
those be disk copies or tape copies.
򐂰 Data loss: Most often occurs because of loss of access, physical failure, or physical
destruction of the local storage or server devices. To provide these kinds of data
protection, r
emote data replication to a remote site is the typical recovery technology.
Valid data replication can be done by the:
򐂰 Software application or database
򐂰 Server and operating system
򐂰 Storage device
102 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Each of these data replication points has its advantages and considerations. Figure 3-39
shows these different data replication methods.
Figure 3-39 Three different, valid methods of data replication
Figure 3-40 summarizes the general considerations for selecting the appropriate data
replication technology for your requirements.
Figure 3-40 Comparing data replication choices
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 103
Let us see what the considerations are for each.
Replication: Application or database
Most major application and database software today provides facilities to replicate data to a
remote site. As shown in Figure 3-41, this type of replication usually consists of the
application or database software forwarding data (usually at the level of a logical unit of work
or a transaction) to a companion instance of that software at a remote site. This often takes
the form of log files. At the remote site, those log files can be stored and then applied to a
shadow copy of the database.
Figure 3-41 Application or database software data replication - transaction LUW level
Data replication using software-based replication is very useful especially where the
requirement to minimize bandwidth is very important. Because the application or database
has full knowledge of the data and the transactions, the software has the intelligence to strip
out unnecessary information before forwarding the data to the remote database. As a result,
application or database replication typically has the lowest bandwidth requirements for a
given amount of transaction processing.
The span of consistency and recovery in a this environment must be within the application or
database itself. If you were to strategically choose to use IBM DB2® remote replication, then
all objects that you want to recovery would need to be under DB2 control. This issue might or
might not be a problem. It just depends on your requirements.
For organizations with a highly homogenous IT environment from an application or database
standpoint, and know that in their strategic future they can continue to standardize on this one
or few major applications or databases, then choosing application or database replication
makes a great deal of sense.
Tip: Examples of a highly homogenous IT environment from an application or database
standpoint, might be: “The strategic scope of our workload is only SAP®” or “We are
standardized on DB2 and do not anticipate strategic non-DB2 applications.
104 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The characteristics of this type of data replication are:
򐂰 Application or database software is in control of the replication, so the software reduces
the amount of data transmitted to just the essentials that it needs. Often, this can be at the
sub-record level.
򐂰 This kind of replication tends to use the lowest amount of bandwidth tends to transmit data
in Logical Unit of Work.
򐂰 At the remote site, roll-forward and roll-back are performed for transaction integrity.
򐂰 Uses server cycles to move the data.
The maximum span of recovery is within this application software or database software. In
other words, recovery typically will be able to span federated instances of this software
application or databases, but you will not be able to synchronize this data replication with
another different data replication mechanism that is outside the span of control of this
Examples of application or database replication include (but are not limited to):
򐂰 IBM DB2 replication
򐂰 Oracle® replication
򐂰 IBM WebSphere® MQSeries®
򐂰 And many more
There is no one right answer for all scenarios. Each is a value judgement based on your
requirements and your strategic IT data center strategy.
Application or database replication is often chosen when lower bandwidth requirements are a
must. It is also often chosen when the recovery span is deemed to always be within the
boundaries of this application or database software.
Replication: Server
Server-level replication is defined as an operating system or a server software (such as a file
system) replicates
block-level write IOs to the remote site.
The difference between application or database software replication and server-level
replication is that:
򐂰 Application or database software replicates data on a transaction or logical unit of work
򐂰 Server replication software replicates data at the block level, that is, at the write I/O level,
but it has no knowledge of the transaction or logical unit of work boundaries.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 105
Figure 3-42 illustrates server replication.
Figure 3-42 Server block-level replication
In this environment, because a common server platform has full knowledge of all applications
and databases running under its control, the server-based replication (usually some form of
logical volume mirroring or server clustering) can forward the changed data to the remote
site. This choice will be independent of the applications and data themselves, and thus can
be advantageous when there are too many different applications to manage individually on
this server platform, or when there are too many different types and amounts of data to
manage individually. Often, server-based is chosen when that is the skill base that is
available within the existing staff.
The span of consistency and recovery in a this environment must be within the same server
platform. For example, if you were to strategically choose to use IBM System p™ remote
replication, then all objects that you want to recover, would need to be under System p
control. This might or might not be a issue. It just depends on your requirements.
Server-based mirroring does not have as intimate knowledge of the logical meaning of the
data being transferred, so compared to application or database replication, there is likely to
be a higher bandwidth requirement.
Examples of server-based replication include (but are not limited to):
򐂰 IBM System p HACMP™
򐂰 IBM System p Logical Volume Manager and GLVM
򐂰 IBM System z™ System Data Mover and z/OS® Global Mirror
򐂰 And many more
The characteristics of server data replication are:
򐂰 Operating system or server software is in control of the replication, and replicates at the
block write I/O level.
򐂰 This has the important effect of being agnostic of the application or database software. So
there is an ability to have the span of replication cover more than one unrelated software
or application set.
򐂰 However, the data at the remote site, if needed for a restart, will represent a
crashed image
of the data. Database or applications will need to do appropriate
transaction backout on the data upon restart
106 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 As the operating system or replication software is replicating block write IO’s, it does not
have intelligent knowledge of the logical meaning of the data. Therefore, the raw amount
of data transmitted will be higher, and the amount of bandwidth required will be higher.
򐂰 Uses server cycles to move the data.
The span of replication can be any applications or databases running under the same server
platform (examples: System p, System i, and Wintel) or under the same file system platform
(example: VERITAS file system).
In summary, replication at the server level can be less complex to implement and is
application independent. It uses server cycles to move the data and the span of recovery
limited to that server platform.
Replication: Storage
Data replication using storage-based replication is very useful, especially when the server
environment is highly
heterogeneous. Storage replication by the storage system has gained
significant popularity since its introduction in the mid-1990s on disk systems. Today, some
tape systems (typically virtual tape) also do storage replication.
Figure 3-43 illustrates storage replication.
Figure 3-43 Storage system replication
Storage-based data replication is often chosen when the span of recovery must span multiple
operating system platforms. It is also often chosen when the scale of the replication is large,
because then the need to offload cycles from the servers is the greatest. Finally, storage
replication is often chosen when fastest recovery is required, as the data is being replicated
directly without intervention by the server.
In this environment, because a common set of storage platforms holds all the data for all of
the servers, applications and databases, the storage-based replication (usually some form of
disk or tape mirroring) can be used to provide a common mechanism to forward changed
data to the remote disk or tape systems. This choice will be independent of the server
platforms themselves, and thus can be advantageous when there are too many different
servers, server platforms, and applications to manage individually.
The span of consistency and recovery in this environment must be within the same set of
storage platforms, and typically, must be from the same vendor and within the same family of
storage systems. This is because storage replication typically involves the transfer of a
storage controller cache image from one controller to the next - therefore, the storage
controllers must have the same internal cache structure (which normally occurs only within
the same vendor and same family of storage controllers).
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 107
For example, if you were chose to use IBM SAN Volume Controller to do remote replication,
then you are also setting the standard that all data that you want to replicate within the same
recovery, should be under the control of the SAN Volume Controller. This might or might not
be an issue. It just depends on your requirements.
The characteristics of storage data replication are:
򐂰 The storage system (disk or tape) is in control of the replication, and replicates at the block
write I/O level.
򐂰 This has the important effect of being agnostic of the operating system platforms and
application or database software. So there is an ability to have the span of replication now
cover all server platforms attached to a storage platform
򐂰 As with server replication, the data at the remote site, if needed for a restart, will represent
power-outage crashed image of the data. Database or applications will need to do
appropriate transaction backout on the data upon restart.
򐂰 As the storage system is replicating block write I/Os, it does not have intelligent
knowledge of the logical meaning of the data. Therefore, the raw amount of data
transmitted will be higher, and the amount of bandwidth required will be higher. In many
cases, the bandwidth required for storage replication might be even higher than server
replication, because the storage has even less knowledge about the logical meaning of
the transmitted data than the servers.
򐂰 Uses storage controller cycles to move the data, thus offloading the server.
Examples of storage-based replication include (but are not limited to):
򐂰 IBM Metro Mirror
򐂰 IBM Global Mirror
򐂰 IBM N series SnapMirror®
򐂰 And many more
In summary, storage-based replication can provide the widest span of recovery, across
multiple server and applications. It uses storage cycles to move the data, and the span of
recovery is such that storage can replicate to other storage from that same vendor and
vendor family. Consider the following key points:
򐂰 As shown in the Timeline of an IT Recovery in Figure 3-17 on page 62, data replication is
one component of the many activities that will be necessary in a successful Timeline
of an IT Recovery.
򐂰 Data replication can be best thought of as the data transport portion of the overall solution.
Other tools and procedures will need to be added to this data transport to assure that the
applications and databases using the replicated data will find the data to be logically
consistent. Therefore, one should not think of data replication as a solution in itself, it is
just one component of the overall solution.
Thus, there is not one
best way to replicate data. Rather, you need to examine the
requirements, compare those requirements with the overall IT Business Continuity and Data
Center strategy, and then select strategic data replication methods that synergize with those
108 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Determining the best data replication for your organization
Determining the best type of data replication technology for your requirements depends on
your IT recovery requirements and your strategic data center strategies. Figure 3-44 lists the
essential IT requirements questions that can assist you in determining what is the optimum
data replication technology for your particular needs. (We also discuss these questions in
detail in Chapter 5, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151.)
Figure 3-44 Essential IT Business Continuity requirements questions
Intersite networking and telecom components
In any remote data replication Business Continuity solution, you must have sufficient
bandwidth and network infrastructure to carry the data to the remote site. The cost of
bandwidth has historically been the major delimiter of how much data can be remotely
replicated. We believe this will continue to be the case for the foreseeable future because
although telecom costs are coming down, the annual percentage growth in data and storage
continues to exceed the annual percentage decrease in telecom MBps of bandwidth.
Note: The fact that the major data replication limiting factor is telecom bandwidth is one of
the key drivers of the need for Business Process segmentation, as described in “Need for
Business Process segmentation” on page 96.
What applications or
databases to recover?
What platform? (z, p,
i, x and Windows, Linux,
heterogeneous open,
heterogeneous z+Open)
What is desired
Recovery Time
Objective (RTO)?
What is distance
between the sites? (if
there are 2 sites)
What is the connectivity,
infrastructure, and bandwidth
between sites?
What are the specific h/w
equipment(s) that needs to
be recovered?
What is the
- Planned Outage
- Unplanned Outage
- Transaction Integrity
What is the Recovery
Point Objective?
What is the amount of
data to be recovered (in
GB or TB)?
Who will
solution? (IGS, BP,
Who will
the solution? (IGS, BP,
Remaining solutions
valid choices
to give
detailed evaluation
Essential IT Business Continuity Requirements Questions
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 109
To properly size bandwidth, we diagram the inter-site data replication components as shown
in Figure 3-45.
Figure 3-45 Inter-site networking components
Using this chart, you can diagram and track the major components of the end-to-end network
configuration required to connect sites to each other. When planning the inter-site data
replication network, you need to consider:
򐂰 SAN switches and network interface equipment will provide link aggregation
For example, the SAN switches in Figure 3-45 take the incoming Fibre Channel workload
on multiple SAN ports from both the servers and storage system and are able to multiplex
that workload onto a fewer number of outbound SAN ports going into the network. This
action assumes, of course, that enough link bandwidth is available on the outgoing SAN or
network interface ports.
򐂰 As we discussed in “Replication: Storage” on page 106, disk mirroring has a fairly
intensive telecom bandwidth requirement.
In a continuously replicated disk mirroring environment, we recommend that you make a
planning assumption that ongoing telecom costs will most likely be the largest TCO
component of the entire data replication Business Continuity solution (often > 50% on a
three year TCO basis)
Therefore, when considering any remote data mirroring, we recommend working with your
network and telecom providers to have the costs of telecom available, so that you can
plan an affordable balance between the amount of data to be mirrored, and the budget for
bandwidth costs.
It is common to segment business processes, data, and applications in such a way that
disk replication is applied only to those business processes, data, and applications that
require it. Furthermore, it is common to decide to reduce the amount of data to be
replicated in order to fit into existing budget for bandwidth.
Based on ongoing IBM IT industry studies of bandwidth costs for high speed data center telecom lines.
Note: An extensive discussion and definition of network transport options is discussed in
Chapter 10, “Networking and inter-site connectivity options” on page 281. In this section,
we will provide an overview and summary.
Inter-site data replication:
SAN, Network Cost Components
x FC ports
y Network interfaces
x FC ports
y Network interfaces
Cost of
Server(s) Server(s)
Server traffic Server traffic
IT Strategy
110 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Telecom bandwidth capacity: Tips and a rule of thumb
In a data replication environment, it is necessary to perform a detailed workload analysis and
bandwidth study to determine the amount of telecom bandwidth that will be required. We
recommend that you use the smallest time granularity that can be afforded and measured in
your workload analysis and bandwidth study.
In an ideal world, we recommend that you analyze your workload with a granularity as small
as 30 seconds. Although this level of granularity might not often be feasible because of the
amount of overhead, if it can be afforded and tools are available that can measure at this
level, we recommend doing so.
The reason for this very small granularity, is that we are looking for
short duration write bursts
when performing data replication workload analysis. These peak write burst workloads cause
the greatest stress on the remote data replication technology, and we will need to identify
these peaks in order to properly size the telecom capacity.
The result of a workload and bandwidth analysis will be three bandwidth metrics, usually
expressed in MBps:
򐂰 Steady state MBps requirement
򐂰 Peak MBps requirement
򐂰 The ratio of steady state to peak bandwidth requirement
Remember that obtaining a workload analysis and bandwidth study is often a significant task
and that you should plan your time and effort expectation accordingly.
Tip: For any given workload, the ratio of steady state to peak bandwidth requirement can
vary depending on the data replication technique and specific implementation by vendor.
As telecom is purchased in steady state MBps increments, it is very useful to consider the
steady state to peak ratio of bandwidth requirement when doing evaluation of different data
replication alternatives or vendors.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 111
Therefore, Figure 3-46 provides a general rule of thumb for continuous data replication
bandwidth requirements. This rule of thumb provides a useful starting place for initial data
and capacity sizing, and can used to move the IT Strategy Design process forward while the
more detailed workload analysis and bandwidth study is completed in the background.
Figure 3-46 Rule of thumb for estimating continuous data replication bandwidth
Example 3-1 shows the derivation of this rule of thumb. You can examine this calculation and
its assumptions and modify the rule of thumb using your own assumptions for block size,
read/write ratio, and access density.
Example 3-1 Derivation of the rule of thumb for estimating continuous data replication bandwidth
The telecom ROT is based on worldwide averages for Access Density (I.e. number of
I/Os per second per GB)
The current reasonable worldwide average Access Density for production IT
workloads is: every 1 GB of disk data produces, on average, a little less than 1
I/O per second per GB (this is reasonable for both mainframe and Open)
We use Access Density to derive the Rule of Thumb (ROT)
1. Assume you have 1 TB of production data ( = 1000 GB).
2. Therefore, worldwide average Access Density says that you have, on average,
about 1000 Ops/sec to the disk storage.
3. Next, note that worldwide database Read/Write ratio is on average 3:1 (i.e.,
out of every 4 I/O's, 3 are reads, 1 is write). With this assumption, we then
derive that on average, 1/4 of all I/O's are write I/O's. Therefore:
4. If 1 TB generates 1000 ops/sec, then we have = 750 reads/sec, 250 writes/sec
112 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
5. We can then estimate the write bandwidth assuming certain write block sizes
(OLTP below is “OnLine Transaction Processing”):
250 writes/sec * 4K block size OLTP = 1 MB/sec
250 writes/sec * 27K block size BATCH = 6.75 MB/sec
The above assumptions for block sizes are based on standard IBM performance
measurement methods and techniques. You may adjust the block size, the Read/Write
ratio, or the access density in the above calculations to better suit your own
Examples for 10 TB: what is the estimated write MB/sec?
Example 1: daytime OLTP, assume average write is 4K (reasonable for both z/OS and
Compute write MB/sec for OLTP:
10TB is 10000 GB, so that is 10000 ops/sec
With a 3:1 Read/Write ratio, that is 2500 writes/sec
2500 writes/sec * 4K = 10000K/sec = 10 MB/sec
Example 2: night time batch, assume average write is 27K (reasonable for both z/OS
and Open)
Compute write MB/sec for batch:
10 TB is 10000 GB, so that is 10000 ops/sec.
If we assume the Read/Write ratio is still 3:1, then
that would be 2500 writes/sec * 27K = 67.5 MB/sec
Notes and assumptions:
򐂰 This rule of thumb is not intended to replace detailed capacity planning.
򐂰 The rule of thumb’s calculation is linear. In other words, the calculation’s amount of
bandwidth scales directly with the amount of storage being mirrored.
򐂰 Scalability related considerations, queuing considerations, and so forth, are not
considered in this rule of thumb.
򐂰 Batch and sequential read/write ratios can often be lower (that is, more write intensive)
than online OLTP. If your batch R/W ratios are lower, this would increase the bandwidth
required to mirror the batch, compared to the rule of thumb.
򐂰 Many techniques for optimizing the way that data replication is done in batch
environments are available and should be considered. Some of those considerations are
documented in the following sections in this chapter.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 113
In summary, we recommend:
򐂰 Whenever doing data replication design, work together with your networking staff and
networking vendors to have available an estimation of the monthly networking costs at
differing levels of MBps.
򐂰 Expect to do a detailed workload analysis and bandwidth study, with as small a time
interval granularity as feasible.
򐂰 You can use the rule of thumb shown in Figure 3-46 on page 111 to determine a
reasonable initial assumption and rough estimate of bandwidth requirements, in order to
keep moving forward with IT strategy design.
You can find more information about telecom and networking in:
򐂰 Chapter 10, “Networking and inter-site connectivity options” on page 281
򐂰 Chapter 6 “Storage networking for IT Business Continuity” in IBM System Storage
Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548
򐂰 SAN Multiprotocol Routing: An Introduction and Implementation, SG24-7321
Considerations for selecting synchronous versus asynchronous data
Selecting synchronous versus asynchronous data replication is related to, but not exactly the
same thing as, selecting metropolitan distance versus out of region data center location.
Let us examine these selection considerations in more detail, as shown in Figure 3-47. The
final selection is always a trade-off of relative costs versus benefits.
Tip: We discussed the topic of selecting distance for remote IT data center locations in
“Distance to remote site” on page 87.
114 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 3-47 Considerations: Synchronous versus asynchronous data replication
Considerations for synchronous data replication include:
򐂰 Can use when the response time impact is acceptable.
򐂰 Can use when the distance is metropolitan.
򐂰 Use when no data loss, at the block storage level, is required.
򐂰 Synchronous replication can provide the foundation for near-continuous availability,
because the remote site is in a synchronized state that can support a nearly transparent
swap to the remote site.
򐂰 Therefore, synchronous is often the best choice for the fastest recovery.
Considerations for asynchronous data replication include:
򐂰 Often chosen when the smallest possible impact to the production applications is desired,
regardless of distance.
򐂰 Chosen when out of region distance is required.
򐂰 When recreation of data at remote site (that is, a lag in data currency) is OK and is
򐂰 Asynchronous replication can provide a fast shutdown and a fast restart.
Note: A near-continuous availability failover is not possible when using asynchronous
data replication because the remote site is lagging behind the primary site in data
currency. Thus, the remote asynchronous site is not in a synchronized state (that is,
both data and system information (catalogs, VTOCs, indexes, and so forth) are lagging
in currency and, thus, a transparent swap is not possible.
Business Impact
and Cost
Maximum acceptable
response time impact
Maximum acceptable
transaction loss by business process
business tradeoff
of relative costs vs. benefits
Use when response time impact is
Use when distance is metropolitan
Use when no data loss is required
Often best choice for fastest recovery
Near-Continuous Availability is possible
Use when smallest possible impact to
primary site performance is required
Use when long distance is required
Recreation of some data is OK
Often will require more implementation
effort and time than synchronous
Can provide fast shutdown and fast restart
However, cannot provide Continuous
Synchronous versus Asynchronous
IT Strategy Design
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 115
Neither method is inherently better than the other. It is a matter of choosing the tool that best
fits the Business Continuity program design.
Consideration for implementation effort, synchronous versus asynchronous
Note that asynchronous data replication (from any vendor) usually requires more
implementation effort and elapsed project time than synchronous data replication for the
following reasons:
򐂰 Unlike synchronous, the data currency can
lag at the remote site
A certain amount of additional data recreation, over and above that present in fully
synchronized data replication, is necessary when recovering at the remote site.
Depending on the data lag, this lag can also introduce additional recovery ripple effects in
other related business processes, over and above what happens in a fully synchronized
򐂰 Unlike synchronous, the data currency can
vary at the remote site
This variation means that the recovery processes and procedures need to account for a
more variable interaction between the different business processes that are recovered.
Capacity planning and testing need to account for and quantify the variability and
frequency of the data lag. Testing and planning time need to resolve differing test results
that can occur at differing levels of data lag.
Techniques for handling these asynchronous considerations are well proven. However,
we recommend that you add an appropriate amount of additional project planning and IT
integration time when selecting asynchronous replication.
Disk replication, data consistency, and consistency group
When using disk replication technology in your IT strategy design, remember the following
key disk mirroring technology concepts.
򐂰 Volume/LUN level versus File Level
Disk systems typically mirror at the LUN or volume level. Examples of these kinds of disk
mirroring systems are the IBM DS8000™, DS6000™, ESS, SAN Volume Controller, and
File level mirroring can also be done by certain disk systems, such as the IBM N series
network-attached storage. The N series can replicate both at the volume level as well as
the file level.
򐂰 Power-outage, crash-consistent, point-in-time image of the data
When disk system mirrored volumes are recovered at a remote site, they present to the
application and database team, a
point-in-time set of data-consistent, power-outage
crash-consistent data LUNs / volumes.
116 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 3-48 illustrates this concept of the Timeline of an IT recovery chart.
Figure 3-48 Timeline of an IT recovery
In this diagram, disk mirroring provides (only) a point-in-time set of data-consistent,
power-outage consistent, and crash-consistent data LUNs and volumes to the
applications. The application or database software then takes this set of point-in-time
LUNs or volumes, and during the emergency restart,
resets the data to the most recently
available transaction boundary.
򐂰 Consistency Group assures data consistency across multiple mirrored LUNs/volumes
This concept of a power-outage, crash-consistent point-in-time image of the data, spread
across multiple LUNs or volumes, is essential to insuring a repeatable, reliable recovery of
of IT applications and databases. The disk microcode function that keeps these multiple
LUNs or volumes in a consistent point in time image with each other, is called a
Consistency Group.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 117
Figure 3-49 shows the concept of a Consistency Group.
Figure 3-49 Consistency groups assure data consistency across multiple mirrored LUNs/volumes
򐂰 Maximum Consistency Group span determines scalability of the disk mirroring
The maximum number of LUNs/volumes that can be defined in a Consistency Group,
therefore determines the maximum size of the application set or databases that can be at
one consistent point in time with each other in a disk mirrored environment. Different disk
systems have differing levels of scalability. We recommend when selecting disk mirroring,
to always insure that your disk mirroring vendor of choice provides Consistency Groups of
adequate size for your applications.
Figure 3-50 lists planning considerations for the maximum size of a Consistency Group for
current IBM disk systems.
Figure 3-50 IBM disk mirroring consistency group scalability
IBM Disk Mirroring
Consistency Group Scalability
n/aUp to 64 LUNs•Does not support Metro
Mirror Consistency Group
•Use DS4000 Global Mirror if
Consistency Group is needed
IBM DS4000
n/aUp to 1,024 LUNsUp to 1,024 LUNs
•Requires System z
server System Data
Mover cycles for
Consistency Group
•Standard: up to 8 disk
•RPQ: up to 17
primary side
•Multiple subsystems or
LSSs require automation
IBM DS8000,
DS6000, ESS
IBM z/OS Global
IBM Global MirrorIBM Metro Mirror
IT Strategy
118 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The Consistency Group size is appropriate for the typical data replication technique that is
used in different product ranges:
In the network attached storage (NAS) or midrange disk systems, it is more common
for data replication to be done by the application software or the servers. Therefore,
the NAS or midrange storage systems typically are not required to mirror as much data
as the larger disk subsystems.
The SAN Volume Controller provides up to 1,024 LUNs in a Consistency Group. This is
appropriate given SVC’s role as a storage virtualization and consolidation controller for
a heterogeneous environment.
Finally, the enterprise class DS8000, DS6000, and ESS offer unlimited Consistency
Group size capability.
Recovery of batch processing in a disk mirrored environment
When considering recovery in a disk replication environment, there are two major workload
types to consider:
򐂰 Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
򐂰 Batch/sequential
In this section, we focus on considerations for recovering batch processing. Batch has a
different workload and recovery personality than OLTP, and we need to consider this when
creating the IT strategy design for the overnight batch processing.
Typically, OLTP software has integrated index files, log files, and roll-forward or roll-back
procedures. The software has integrated facilities to recover from a power-outage,
data-consistent crashed image of their data. In effect, the OLTP software has its own internal
checkpoint/restart functionalities, and the software automatically uses those facilities when
doing an emergency restart.
If you are disk mirroring an OLTP transaction system, the storage mirroring will provide a
point-in-time, data consistent image of the data. Thus, upon restart in the remote site, the
OLTP system will be able to do an emergency restart, and use its internal facilities to use the
point-in-time, power-outage, crash-consistent copy of the data to restart at the point of failure.
However, in most cases, batch processes and batch jobs typically implement a lower (in
some cases, a
much lower) amount of checkpoint or restart capabilities. Checkpoint or restart
in batch processing is not an automatic batch function, it needs to be designed into the batch
process by the application developers.
Tip: You can find a more detailed discussion for the need for disk mirroring Consistency
Groups and their implementation in , “Rolling disasters” on page 259.
Tip: See Figure 3-48 on page 116 to review of the concept of a power-outage,
crash-consistent copy of the the remote site.
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 119
The issue for batch recovery in a disk mirrored environment
Let us see what the planning issue is for batch recovery in a disk mirrored environment.
Consider a typical batch update job in progress. Suppose that this batch job does not have
checkpoint or restart implemented. Figure 3-51 illustrates what happens if an outage occurs
part of the way through the batch run.
Figure 3-51 Batch job in progress - recovery issue
When the system is restarted at the remote site, the batch sequential files are a point-in-time,
power-outage consistent, crash consistent copy. However, because the outage was an
unplanned outage, the sequential files that were being updated were never closed. The
end-of-file marker is pointing still to the data as it was in the sequential file as of the beginning
of the job, (that is, 1:00 a.m.).Therefore, even though the batch job had written one hour’s
worth of data onto the batch job’s LUNs/volumes, you need to restart this batch job from that
beginning point (that is, at from 1:00 a.m.).
To avoid this issue, checkpoint or restart capabilities for batch and sequential workloads are
available at either the operating system level or the application program level (usually through
either system facilities or ISV software). If we implement checkpoint or restart functions into
the batch processing as shown in Figure 3-52. Then, in the event of an outage and recovery
at the remote site on the mirrored disk, you can restart this batch job at 1:30 a.m.
Figure 3-52 Use of checkpoint in the batch job or batch process
IT Strategy
Issue: must restart from most recent checkpoint. If no
checkpoint, must restart from beginning
Definitions: Batch recovery issue in disk mirrored environment
IT Strategy
120 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
There is an additional issue. A batch process typically requires a certain number of inputs,
from a variety of sources, in order to run. If your batch job consists of a complex input stream,
you will want to consider and design a strategy for reproducing that input stream as well. As
an example, consider Figure 3-53 where there are multiple batch processes, running in
parallel, that feed each other and, therefore, create dependencies.
Figure 3-53 Batch process inter-dependencies
In essence, after we have identified these checkpoints and interdependencies, we need
primarily need to replicate those checkpoints, that is
transport the contents of those major
checkpoints, to the remote site, as shown in Figure 3-54.
Figure 3-54 Transporting the contents of a checkpoint to the remote site
Job 1
Job 2
IT Strategy
Job 1
Job 2
Definitions: Batch recovery issue in disk mirrored environment
Issue: understand options to have intermediate files and
inputs appear at remote site.
- Transport?
IT Strategy Design
Job 1
Job 2
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 121
In consideration of these realities of batch processing in a disk mirrored environment, it is not
always necessary to mirror the disk
during the batch run.
It is likely that your batch recovery in a disk mirrored environment will be strategized on the
concept of taking major system-wide checkpoints at the beginning of the batch run or at
important milestone points in the middle of the batch run.
Philosophy and guidelines for planning batch recovery in a disk mirrored
When implementing disk mirroring, we recommend that you follow these guidelines when
designing a batch process recovery strategy in a disk mirrored environment:
1. Understand your existing batch job processes, including the locations and frequencies of
checkpoints that you might have today. Document how these jobs run (job scheduler), and
how you would do a local recovery in the event of a power-outage.
2. Understand the inputs to the batch processes, and document how these inputs would be
saved or recreated if the batch process were needed to be restarted
3. Do not expect to re-engineer the batch process all at the same time.
4. Instead, first take the time to define overall goals and metrics of how you
eventually and
would like your batch process to be recovered in the disk mirrored environment.
You would envision a future optimized batch processing
checkpoint environment to give
you a vision to which to aim. This batch checkpoint strategy would include identifying and
saving the appropriate inputs that you would need to restart at the checkpoint. Note that
you will not implement this strategy right away, this is for defining the end vision and goal.
Your design will include your vision of how you might want to
transport the necessary
input streams and checkpoint data to the remote site.
Your design should include necessary data management and data allocation policies.
Upleveling of the data management and data allocation policies are likely to be necessary
to support the checkpoints and transporting of the checkpoints
5. With this master disk mirrored batch recovery strategy in place, you can then scope out a
series of phases to reach your final goal.
In general, you should
start with establishing one system-wide initial batch checkpoint.
The strategy is to bracket (that is, establish and implement) a known master starting
point at the beginning of your batch run. Define your ending completion point as well.
Identify all necessary inputs that need to be available at the remote recovery site for
you to restart your batch successfully at this initial batch checkpoint.
Develop a strategy to transport these inputs to the remote site.
If the checkpoints and inputs are being made on tape, design a method of
transporting the contents of those tapes to the remote site (this might or might not
mean staging the data onto disk). You can use tape remote vaulting, other
transports, and so forth.
If the checkpoints and inputs are being made on disk, design a strategy to remote
mirror or otherwise transport the contents of those disks to the remote site.
You can use the disk mirroring to establish a known point in time copy of the
system, at the remote site.
To do this, you establish a
checkpoint replication pool that contains all necessary
input and checkpoint information for the beginning of the batch run.
122 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
You can assign to every necessary application team, their individual responsibility
to load their batch cycle checkpoint inputs into this replication pool, by a defined
cutoff time that you specify.
The replication pool is replicated to the remote site.
After the remote site has successfully saved this set of restart data, you can begin
the batch cycle.
Make an initial level of new data management and data allocation policies for loading
these identified batch cycle initial inputs into the checkpoint replication pool. By
focusing on this initial master checkpoint, you narrow the scope and enable doing just
the first portion of the upleveled data management and data allocation policies that you
will find necessary.
This becomes your first phase of your disk mirrored batch recovery project. At this
initial stage, if there is a failure in the batch run, you have successfully replicated
everything you need to the remote site to restart the batch run from the beginning.
After this is well under way, then you can repeat this process to introduce one major
intermediate checkpoint, and thereby shorten the batch rerun time that would be
required in event of a primary site outage.
When that is done, you can proceed to implement additional checkpoints. We
recommend to follow this strategy of sequentially adding intermediate checkpoints in
phases to help you keep progressing towards your final goal.
Figure 3-55 is a useful template for planning batch recovery in a disk mirroring
Figure 3-55 Template for batch recovery in a disk mirrored environment - planning
Batch recovery in a disk mirrored environment can be easily handled, when you know in
advance of the above issues, and allocate adequate time to consider their impact and design
your strategy to handle them in your disk mirrored environment.
Batch recovery in a disk mirrored
environment - planning template
time to
(for chkpt
to arrive at
How to
transport to
remote site
(Tape vault,
Disk mirror,
and so forth)
Size, where
(amount of
GB, what
tape or disk
pool, and so
How made
(Tape copy,
disk point in
time copy,
and so
Contents of
(that is,
inputs to
(what time
IT Strategy
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 123
Point in Time disk copy considerations in a disk mirrored environment
In a disk mirrored environment, use of point in time disk copy capabilities has some
considerations.Disk system internal point-in-time copy facilities make fast logical copies of
data, internally in the disk system, by storage controller microcode that replicate pointers to
the data (and thus, not needing to copy the data itself).
This has the effect that large amounts of changed data can “suddenly appear” on a LUN or
many LUNs, in just a matter of seconds. In a non-disk-mirrored environment, this is not a
problem. However, in a disk mirrored environment, this interaction between point in time copy
and disk mirroring needs to be examined:
򐂰 Some disk systems allow point in time copies to land on in-session primary mirrored
򐂰 If this is allowed, there can be planning or performance implications that must be
򐂰 Other disk systems might only allow point in time copies to land on in-session primary
mirrored volumes in certain circumstances, or in certain combinations or modes.
򐂰 For some disk systems, this might not be allowed at all.
Being aware of this is important, especially where the
existing non-disk-mirrored environment
is making significant use of Point in Time disk copy for:
򐂰 Checkpoints for batch recovery
򐂰 Fast backups of databases and applications, especially if the volume of data is large
We can consider three possible situations, as shown in Figure 3-56.
Figure 3-56 Three planning possibilities for point in time copy and disk mirroring interaction
If you are currently using disk point in time disk copy today in a non-mirrored environment,
and you want to move to disk mirroring, inquire and be aware of any considerations.
Point in Time disk copy allowed, no considerations
Point in Time disk copy allowed, with considerations
Point in Time disk copy not allowed
Active disk mirroring
Active disk mirroring
Active disk mirroring
Three possibilities to consider:
Point in Time disk copy usage in a disk mirrored environment
Specific cases, specific implications will vary
depending on the disk system
IT Strategy
124 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
In case B, the typical consideration is that you are allowed to use point in time disk copy onto
the primary mirrored volume, but that there might be a time lag window while the newly
changed Point in Time data is being copied from to the remote volume.
򐂰 In this case, there will be a time lag before the Point in Time copy is complete and
available at the remote site.
򐂰 In this case, you should design and plan your operational use of Point in Time disk copy
such that you are still able to acceptably recover at the remote site, if there is an outage
during the time lag window.
Database and software design
We provide a complete separate chapter on database and software considerations when
planning for the Business Continuity IT strategy. See Chapter 11, “High Availability clusters
and database applications” on page 305.
Summary of IT strategy design
In this section, we discussed:
򐂰 IT Infrastructure consolidation and simplification is an important prerequisite to affordable,
cost-effective IT Business Continuity.
򐂰 High Availability Design consists of:
Designing a resilient IT infrastructure that simultaneously can provide IT High
Availability, IT Continuous Operations, and IT Disaster Recovery
Use of the Business Continuity Tiers of technology for organizing and sorting the
possible technology choices by Recovery Time capability
Application of Business Process segmentation into three segments
Continuous Availability
Rapid Data Recovery
Backup / Restore
Mapping each business process segment onto the appropriate Business Continuity
Tier to obtain a mapping of the recovery requirements with the appropriate Business
Continuity technology that can provide it
Each segment builds upon the foundation of the underlying segment
򐂰 High availability servers were overviewed
򐂰 Data replication IT strategy planning considerations were reviewed, including:
Types of data replication: application / database, server, storage
Determining the best type of data replication for me
Intersite networking and telecom components
A rule of thumb for bandwidth
Disk replication, data consistency, and consistency groups
Considerations for selecting synchronous versus asynchronous data replication
Recovering batch processing
򐂰 Database and software design considerations were overviewed
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 125
3.6 Manage
Figure 3-57 shows where we are in our ideal Business Continuity planning process. We are
the final major portion to
Manage what we have assessed and designed so far.
Figure 3-57 Manage: Implement, validate, and refine the program
3.6.1 Implement
After you have created an IT strategy design in the Integration into IT segment of the ideal
Business Continuity planning cycle, you can move to the actual execution of the design
through a normal project plan that implements each of the following aspects of the Business
Continuity plan in a phased manner:
򐂰 People
򐂰 Processes
򐂰 Plans
򐂰 Strategies
򐂰 Networks
򐂰 Platforms
Integration into IT
126 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 3-58 shows where we are in the ideal Business Continuity planning cycle.
Figure 3-58 Implementation
As we execute this plan, here are some key principles to keep in mind:
򐂰 Include IT consolidation and simplification as a foundation for Business Continuity
򐂰 Do not try to do everything at the same time
Plan for building up the IT Business Continuity step-by-step:
򐂰 Start with where you are today and plan a multi-phase project to build upwards
򐂰 Incrementally build towards the final objective
򐂰 Each stage builds necessary foundation for the next step
1. People
2. Processes
3. Plans
4. Strategies
5. Networks
6. Platforms
7. Facilities
Database and
Software design
High Availability
High Availability
IT Infrastructure
into IT
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 127
Put into a flow chart, this step-by-step concept might look as shown in Figure 3-59.
Figure 3-59 Implementation concepts to keep in mind
You can execute a detailed project plan, using normal project planning methodologies, at this
point in the ideal Business Continuity planning cycle.
Estimated recovery time
From the Business Continuity program design and IT strategy design, you have an estimated
recovery time, likely in the format of KPIs, as we discussed in “Key Performance Indicators”
on page 55. These KPIs state a series of estimated recovery times and other recovery
Note: KPIs can change and improve as each corresponding phase of the project
completes and you move to the next phase.
Example IT BC implementation phases
Implement Tier 4 – Standardize use of disk
to disk and Point in Time disk copy
Implement Tier 5
Standardize DB / Application Mirroring methods
Implement Tier 6 Standardize use of disk
Implement Tier 7 – Standardize use of Continuous
Availability automated Failover
Implement Tier 3 – Consolidate and standardize
Backup/Restore methods. Implement tape Vault
, Server /
Storage Virtualization. Management software tools
Implement 2
Site (Tier 1, 2)
Tier 1, 2
SAN and server
Infrastructure Simplification
Backup/Restore Tier 1, 2
SAN and server
Infrastructure Simplification
Backup /
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Timeline of IT Recovery
128 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 3-60 is an example of an estimated recovery time KPI. This is only an example. You
will need to develop your own KPIs to fit your specific environment.
Figure 3-60 Example estimated recovery times documented using Key Performance Indicators
You use these estimated objectives in the next section.
3.6.2 Program validation
Figure 3-61 illustrates where we are in the ideal Business Continuity planning process.
Figure 3-61 Program validation
Example: Key Performance Indicators for
Estimated Recovery Time
Reduce to 30 minutes
by YE2007
Total time in minutes:
outage => users online
Time to switch sites and
restore service
Time to recover (i.e.
time to switch sites)
Improve from 2x/yr to
1x per month
Number of times/mo for
BC test
Frequency per month of
end to end BC test
Testing frequency
In DR mode, maintain
no more than 40%
increase in resp. time
Average and peak
response time in sec
Application response time
at bedside
Average system
response time
Reduce to from 20 min
to 1 min by 1Q2007
Total time in minutes appl
must be quiesced
Duration daily planned
application outage= 20 min
Backup window
Reduce average time
to 2 hours by YE2007
Average time in hours from
initial report
Average time identify,
resolve applic. problem
Average problem
resolution time
% growth = 10% less
than patient growth %
Quarter to quarter data
allocation report
Annual growth % data
production PR, Radio.
Percentage growth
rate data
Maintain at 20% of
total production TB
Total production TB
allocated to PR, Radio.
Amount of data being
replicated by PR,Radio
How much data is
being replicated
Keep % annual
expense growth < 20%
Dollars/month of expenseMonthly cost of bandwidth
to DR site
Bandwidth costs
Target:Measurement:Definition:Title of KPI:
1. People
2. Processes
3. Plans
4. Strategies
5. Networks
6. Platforms
7. Facilities
Database and
Software design
High Availability
High Availability
IT Infrastructure
ManageIntegrate into IT
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 129
Let us examine some key points about program validation.
Enabling affordable testing
To review briefly, as we saw in 2.3, “Emerging criteria for IT Business Continuity solutions” on
page 21, the following are the emerging requirements for IT Business Continuity solutions:
򐂰 Reliability
򐂰 Repeatability
򐂰 Scalability
Most importantly, these three aspects cannot be proven or refined and tuned unless we have
the ability to perform very frequent testing at a very affordable cost. In order to meet these
three objectives, within staffing, budget, and time constraints, affordable continuous testing
can no longer require intensive labor or time away from other implementation tasks. In the
program validation step, we should exploit where ever possible, a high degree of automation.
Good automation for IT Business Continuity solutions provides the ideal foundation for
making testing affordable, by providing the ability for repetitive testing on a frequent basis.
Eliminating the people requirement for testing can have a significant effect on the reliability
and repeatability of the Business Continuity solution; the solution is also easier to test for
Testing of both the Business Continuity plan (including the IT Business Continuity plan) is a
critical element of a viable Business Continuity strategy capability. Testing enables plan
deficiencies to be identified and addressed. Testing also helps evaluate the ability of recovery
staff to implement the plan quickly and effectively. Each element of the Business Continuity
plan should be tested to confirm the accuracy of the individual recovery procedures and the
overall effectiveness of the plan. You need to address the following areas in a contingency
򐂰 System recovery on an alternate platform from backup tapes
򐂰 Coordination among recovery teams
򐂰 Internal and external connectivity
򐂰 System performance using alternate equipment
򐂰 Restoration of normal operations
To derive the most value from the test, explicit test objectives and success criteria should be
identified. For example, one test objective might be the recovery of a database, database
server, and operating system at an alternate site within eight hours, and database recovery
with no errors. The use of test objectives and success criteria enable the effectiveness of
each plan element and the overall plan to be assessed. Test results and lessons learned
should be documented and reviewed by test participants and other personnel as appropriate.
Information collected during the test and post-test reviews that improve plan effectiveness
should be incorporated into the plan.
The testing process would have the primary disaster recovery personnel execute the
Business Continuity plan on a regular basis. The time interval between testing cycles is
shrinking, and should be assumed and planned to continue to shrink.
During each testing cycle, all error conditions would be noted, and driven into a cycle for
fixing and resolution. In doing so all of the documentation for any steps which might have
been missed or changed over time need also be updated.
130 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Validating RTOs with operations staff only
Validation of the recovery plan also must accommodate the realities of what will occur should
actual execution of the plan be required. You need to design test scenarios and conduct test
exercises that include a variety of
non-ideal situations.
An excellent best practices is to test execution of the Business Continuity plan with key
Business Continuity design and subject matter experts
declared on “vacation” or otherwise
. These key personnel can be physically present to observe the test in progress,
but they can be marked with a black armband or other means to signify to the executing
operational staff, that these persons cannot actually participate in the test.
In this situation, the Business Continuity drill would be executed wholly by the group of
alternate personnel at the recovery site following the current documented process. Alternate
personnel might have to be utilized at the time of a disaster as the primary team might not be
available. It is desirable to have the plan be
customer environment skills neutral.
Automation of the recovery procedures further assists in this process, as automation can
reduce the dependency on people skills, and thus reduce the impact to the Business
Continuity plan if some of the disaster recovery team are unavailable due to the disaster.
Training for personnel with Business Continuity plan responsibilities should complement
testing. Training should be provided at least annually; new hires who will have plan
responsibilities should receive training shortly after they are hired. Ultimately, contingency
plan personnel should be trained to the extent that they are able to execute their respective
Recovery procedures without aid of the actual document. This is an important goal in the
event that paper or electronic versions of the plan are unavailable due to the extent of the
disaster situation. Recovery personnel should be trained on the following plan elements:
򐂰 Purpose of the plan
򐂰 Cross-team coordination and communication
򐂰 Reporting Procedures
򐂰 Security requirements
򐂰 Team-specific processes (Activation/Notification, Recovery, and Reconstitution Phases)
򐂰 Individual responsibilities (Activation/Notification, Recovery, and Reconstitution Phases)
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 131
3.6.3 Resilience program management
Finally, we discuss the completion of our ideal Business Continuity planning process. In this
section we review the following key aspects:
򐂰 Raising awareness
򐂰 Regular validation
򐂰 Change and systems management
򐂰 Quarterly management briefings
In addition, we discuss other aspects that are designed to assure the continuous refinement
of our Business Continuity plan through ongoing Resilience Program Management, as shown
in Figure 3-62.
Figure 3-62 Resilience program management
The key point is that each of the steps in this phase is designed to create awareness, new
requirements, and input for returning to the beginning of the cycle. As staff and management
review through Resilience Program Management, the progress of the implementation and
results of program validation, we create new inputs for the cycle to repeat. A continuous
reiteration of new Risk Assessments, leading to refined Business Impact Analysis, and so
forth is the end result of the ideal Business Continuity planning cycle.
Let us now examine aspects of Resilience Program Management.
Awareness, regular validation
KPIs play an essential role in publicizing the performance and validating the ongoing
effectiveness of the Business Continuity plan. As we suggested in “Key Performance
Indicators” on page 55, publicizing the KPIs for the Business Continuity plan in key locations
within the organization. Show the target for each Business Continuity plan KPI, and show the
progress toward that target. With good project management, your staff will be aware of the
organization’s validation status in achieving the KPIs. progress in validating the motivated
and feel pride in reaching the KPI targets.
Integration into IT
Business Prioritization
BC Program
BC Program
Awareness, Regular Validation, Change Management, Quarterly Management Briefings
Crisis team
1. People
2. Processes
3. Plans
4. Strategies
5. Networks
6. Platforms
7. Facilities
Database and
Software design
High Availability
High Availability
Process and
IT Infrastructure
132 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Change management, systems management
To be effective, the Business Continuity plan must be maintained in a ready state that
accurately reflects system requirements, procedures, and policies. IT systems undergo
frequent changes because of shifting business needs, technology upgrades, or new internal
or external policies. Therefore, it is essential to review and regularly update the plan to ensure
new information is documented and contingency measures are revised if required.
As a general rule, the plan should be reviewed for accuracy and completeness at least on a
quarterly basis, whenever significant changes occur to any element of the plan. Certain
elements will require frequent reviews, such as application inventory lists, application release
and patch levels, server and storage inventory lists. People and process updates will include
call tree accuracy, contact lists, and so forth. Automation can help greatly in this area to assist
in evaluating lan contents and procedures more frequently.
At a minimum, plan reviews should focus on the following elements:
򐂰 Operational requirements
򐂰 Security requirements
򐂰 Technical procedures
򐂰 Hardware, software, and other equipment (types, specifications, and amount)
򐂰 Names and contact information about team members
򐂰 Names and contact information about vendors, including alternate and off-site POCs
(Points of Contact)
򐂰 Alternate and off-site facility requirements
򐂰 Vital records (electronic and hardcopy)
Because the Business Continuity plan contains potentially sensitive operational and
personnel information, its distribution should be marked accordingly and controlled. Typically,
copies of the plan are provided to recovery personnel for storage at home and office. A copy
should also be stored at the alternate site and with the backup tapes. Storing a copy of the
plan at the alternate site ensures its availability and good condition in the event local plan
copies cannot be accessed as a result of the disaster.
The Business Continuity planning coordinator should maintain a record of copies of the plan
and to whom they were distributed. Other information that should be stored with the plan
include contracts with vendors (SLAs and other contracts), software licenses, system user
manuals, security manuals, and operating procedures.
Changes made to the plan, strategies, and policies should be coordinated through the
disaster recovery planning coordinator, who should communicate changes to the
representatives of associated plans or programs, as necessary. The disaster recovery
planning coordinator should record plan modifications using a Record of Changes, which lists
the page number, change comment, and date of change. A sample of a Record of Changes is
shown in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 Sample record of changes
Record of Changes
Page number Change comment Date of change Signature
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 133
The Business Continuity planning coordinator should coordinate frequently with associated
internal and external organizations and system points-of-contact (POC) to ensure that
impacts caused by changes within either organization will be reflected in the Business
Continuity plan. Strict version control should be maintained by requesting old plans or plan
pages to be returned to the planning coordinator in exchange for the new plan or plan pages.
The planning coordinator also should evaluate supporting information to ensure that the
information is current and continues to meet system requirements adequately. This
information includes the following:
򐂰 Alternate site contract, including testing times
򐂰 Off-site storage contract
򐂰 Software licenses
򐂰 Memorandum of understanding or vendor SLAs
򐂰 Hardware and software requirements
򐂰 Security requirements
򐂰 Recovery strategy
򐂰 Contingency policies
򐂰 Training and awareness materials
򐂰 Testing scope
Although some changes can be quite visible, others will require additional analysis. The
Business Impact Analysis should be reviewed periodically and updated with new information
to identify new contingency requirements or priorities. As new technologies become
available, preventive controls can be enhanced and recovery strategies can be modified.
This phase must be totally connected with the IT Change Management team, which is in
charge of informing the disaster recovery team of eventual updates in the system, which
cause modification in the Recovery Plans.
Quarterly management briefings
KPIs are a valuable tool to brief senior management on the status and progress of the
Business Continuity plan. We recommend that at least quarterly, a major update of the
Business Continuity plan status should be presented and reviewed to senior management,
especially including the Lines of Business.
During the quarterly management briefing, the following key business and process points
should be reiterated:
򐂰 IT is presenting the Business Continuity status to the Lines of Business, to assure that
LOB and IT are in joint ownership and partnership of the of end-to-end Business
Continuity plan.
򐂰 Use KPIs to
bottom-line the briefing, and to restate the business value and justification for
the Business Continuity plan.
򐂰 In the end, it is the Line of Business that has the ultimate risk, and IT ultimately is in the
support role.
򐂰 IT is taking responsibility, however, IT wants Line of Business to be in partnership for
Business Continuity.
Tip: A case study which can provide an excellent example and template of material for a
quarterly management briefing, is in this book in Chapter 7, “Next Step Business
Continuity workshop: Case Study” on page 233.
134 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Reiterating these key aspects also assists IT in assuring that the value-add of the Business
Continuity plan is visible to the Lines of Business. This also assists IT in assure that Line of
Business support for adequate funding of the IT Business Continuity plan is in place.
Repeating the previous chart showing KPIs, we suggest these are also key tools to be used
in the quarterly presentation to management, as shown in Figure 3-63.
Figure 3-63 Example of key performance indicators for quarterly management briefings
As staff and management review Resilience Program Management, they create new inputs
for the Business Continuity planning cycle to repeat.
Example Key Performance Indicators for
Quarterly management briefing
Reduce to 30 minutes
by YE2007
Total time in minutes:
outage => users online
Time to switch sites and
restore service
Time to recover (i.e.
time to switch sites)
Improve from 2x/yr to
1x per month
Number of times/mo for
BC test
Frequency per month of
end to end BC test
Testing frequency
In DR mode, maintain
no more than 40%
increase in resp. time
Average and peak
response time in sec
Application response time
at bedside
Average system
response time
Reduce to from 20 min
to 1 min by 1Q2007
Total time in minutes appl
must be quiesced
Duration daily planned
application outage= 20 min
Backup window
Reduce average time
to 2 hours by YE2007
Average time in hours from
initial report
Average time identify,
resolve applic. problem
Average problem
resolution time
% growth = 10% less
than patient growth %
Quarter to quarter data
allocation report
Annual growth % data
production PR, Radio.
Percentage growth
rate data
Maintain at 20% of
total production TB
Total production TB
allocated to PR, Radio.
Amount of data being
replicated by PR,Radio
How much data is
being replicated
Keep % annual
expense growth < 20%
Dollars/month of expenseMonthly cost of bandwidth
to DR site
Bandwidth costs
Target:Measurement:Definition:Title of KPI:
Chapter 3. Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution 135
3.7 Summary
Figure 3-64 illustrates the ideal Business Continuity planning process.
Figure 3-64 Ideal Business Continuity planning process
This process is based on methodologies used by IBM Global Technology Services, Business
Continuity and Recovery Services. The ideal Business Continuity planning process is a
closed loop, supporting continuing iteration and improvement as the objective.
We reviewed the three major sections to the planning process:
򐂰 Business prioritization
򐂰 Integration into IT
򐂰 Manage
We also reviewed in detail each of the steps in the flow chart shown in Figure 3-64.
In the remaining chapters of this book, we go into more planning details specific to the IT
implementation of IBM System Storage Business Continuity technology.
Integration into IT ManageBusiness Prioritization
BC Program
BC Program
Awareness, Regular Validation, Change Management, Quarterly Management Briefings
Crisis team
1. People
2. Processes
3. Plans
4. Strategies
5. Networks
6. Platforms
7. Facilities
Database and
Software design
High Availability
Data Replication
High Availability
Process and
IT Infrastructure
Tip: To bring this chapter into practical, usable focus, we provide a distilled, step-by-step
applied example of all of the concepts of this chapter. We also present this information in a
workshop format and a full case study in the following chapters:
򐂰 Chapter 6, “The Next Step Business Continuity workshop” on page 173
򐂰 Chapter 7, “Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study” on page 233
We highly recommend that you review the Case Study in particular, because it brings to
life all of the concepts that we have discussed in this chapter.
136 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 137
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business
Continuity solutions
This chapter describes the tier levels of Business Continuity solutions, including the seven
tiers of Business Continuity solution definition. The seven tiers of Business Continuity can be
mapped to the three Business Continuity solution segments. With this approach, you can
develop your Business Continuity solution on various business applications according to your
business needs. (For information about the methods and considerations for planning
Business Continuity solutions using the IBM Business Continuity planning method, see
Chapter 5, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151.)
With the levels of Business Continuity solutions, we also look in detail at the hierarchical
dependencies of the system layer architecture. This tiered approach applies also to
heterogeneous IT platforms as discussed in Chapter 8, “Planning for Business Continuity in a
heterogeneous IT environment” on page 251.
138 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
4.1 Seven Business Continuity tiers
This section describes the seven Business Continuity tiers and gives a more detailed
breakdown of the possibilities that exist under each tier (as shown in Figure 4-2 on page 139).
The goal of any Business Continuity planning is to protect the most business critical
processes and to minimize unplanned downtime. Keep in mind that planning for any type of
an impact tolerant solution is always subject to balancing the solution design versus the
downtime versus the cost, as illustrated in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Find the balance
The recovery time of any of the seven Business Continuity tiers depends heavily on:
򐂰 Recovery time for the data availability
򐂰 Recovery of the IT infrastructure
򐂰 Restoring the operational processes
򐂰 Restoring the business processes
We discuss the usage of the Business Continuity tiers as a tool for designing Business
Continuity solutions in Chapter 5, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on
page 151.
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions 139
Figure 4-2 Seven tiers of Business Continuity solutions
4.2 A breakdown of the seven tiers
In 1992, the SHARE user group in the United States together with IBM defined a set of
Business Continuity tier levels to address the need to properly describe and quantify various
different methodologies for successful mission-critical computer system Business Continuity
implementations. Accordingly, within the IT Business Continuance industry, the tier concept
continues to be used, and it is very useful for describing today's Business Continuity
capabilities. The tiers, therefore, need only to be updated for today's specific Business
Continuity technologies and associated RTO and RPO.
The seven tiers of Business Continuity solutions offer a a simple methodology for defining
your current service level, the current risk, and the target service level and target
environment. Each tier builds upon the foundation of the previous tier. In this way, a properly
designed Business Continuity solution protects investment and enhances the Business
Continuity solution step-by-step over time. See 4.3, “The relationship of Business Continuity
tiers and segments” for more information.
Recovery Time Objective
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
Value (Cost)
BC Tier 4 - Point in Time disk copy, Tivoli Storage Manager-
BC Tier 3 - Electronic Vaulting, Tivoli Storage Mgr
BC Tier 2 - Hot Site, Restore from Tape
BC Tier 7 Site Mirroring with automated recovery
BC Tier 6 Storage mirroring (with or without automation)
BC Tier 5 Software mirroring (transaction integrity)
BC Tier 1 –Restore
from Tape
Recovery from a disk image Recovery from tape copy
Note: The RTO timeline of Figure 4-2 is a general guideline for understanding what the
Business Continuity technology can do at these Business Continuity tier levels. We discuss
RTO in Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43.
Note: The Business Continuity tiers should not be confused with tiered storage. The
concepts are completely separate and independent. Business Continuity tiers are a logical
construct for classifying levels of system recoverability. Tiered storage is a term used in
Information Life Cycle Management (ILM) to describe different classes of storage
hardware used for different types of data.
140 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
4.2.1 Business Continuity Tier 0: No off-site data
Businesses with a Tier 0 Business Continuity solution have no Business Continuity plan. For
these businesses, the following facts are true:
򐂰 There is no saved information, no documentation, no backup hardware, and no
contingency plan.
򐂰 Typical recovery time is unpredictable. In fact, it might not be possible to recover at all.
4.2.2 Business Continuity Tier 1: Data backup with no hot site
Businesses that use Tier 1 Business Continuity solutions back up their data, typically with
tape, at an off-site facility. Depending on how often backups are made, they are prepared to
accept several days to weeks of data loss, but their backups are secure off-site. However,
this tier lacks the systems on which to restore data. Examples of Tier 1 Business Continuity
solutions include:
򐂰 Pickup Truck Access Method (PTAM), sending physical tapes
򐂰 Disk Subsystem or Tape based mirroring to locations without processors
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
4.2.3 Business Continuity Tier 2: Data backup with a hot site
Businesses using Tier 2 Business Continuity solutions make regular backups on tape. This
solution is combined with an off-site facility and infrastructure (known as a
hot site) in which to
restore systems from those tapes in the event of a disaster. This tier of solution will still result
in the need to recreate several hours to days worth of data, but it is faster and more
consistent in response time when compared to Tier 1 Business Continuity solutions.
Examples of Tier 2 Business Continuity solutions include:
򐂰 PTAM with hot-site available
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
4.2.4 Business Continuity Tier 3: Electronic vaulting
Tier 3 Business Continuity solutions use components of Tier 2 solutions. Additionally, some
mission critical data is electronically vaulted. This electronically vaulted data is typically more
current than that which is shipped with PTAM. These solutions also add higher levels of
automation, as a result there is less data recreation or loss. Examples of Tier 3 Business
Continuity solutions include:
򐂰 Electronic Vaulting of Data, (i.e. remote tape via channel extension)
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (Disaster Recovery Manager)
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions 141
4.2.5 Business Continuity Tier 4: Point-in-time copies
Tier 4 Business Continuity solutions are used by businesses requiring both greater data
currency and faster recovery than users of lower tiers. Rather than relying largely on shipping
tape, as is common on the lower tiers, Tier 4 solutions begin to incorporate more disk based
solutions, typically using point in time disk copy. Several hours of data loss is still possible, but
it is easier to make such point-in-time (PIT) copies with greater frequency than data can be
replicated through tape based solutions. Examples of Tier 4 Business Continuity solutions
򐂰 Batch/Online Database Shadowing and Journaling
򐂰 Global Copy
򐂰 FlashCopy and FlashCopy Manager
򐂰 Peer-to-Peer Virtual Tape Server
򐂰 Metro/Global Copy
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (Disaster Recovery Manager)
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Copy Services
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Advanced Copy Services
򐂰 TotalStorage® Productivity Center for Replication
򐂰 N series Snapshot™ with N series software
4.2.6 Business Continuity Tier 5: Transaction integrity
Tier 5 Business Continuity solutions is a Business Continuity Tier reserved for application
software and database replication at the transaction level. This Business Continuity solution
are used by businesses with a requirement for consistency of data between production and
recovery data centers. There is little to no data loss in such solutions, however, the presence
of this functionality is entirely dependent on the applications in use. Examples of Tier 5
Business Continuity solutions include:
򐂰 Software, two-phase commit, such as DB2 remote replication, MQ Series
򐂰 Oracle Data Guard
4.2.7 Business Continuity Tier 6: Zero or little data loss
Tier 6 Business Continuity solutions maintain the highest levels of data currency. They are
used by businesses with little or no tolerance for data loss and who need to restore data to
applications rapidly. These solutions have no dependence on the applications to provide data
consistency, typically these solutions use real time storage mirroring or server mirroring.
Examples of Tier 6 Business Continuity solutions include:
򐂰 Metro Mirror
򐂰 Global Mirror
򐂰 z/OS Global Mirror
򐂰 GDPS HyperSwap™ Manager
򐂰 Peer-to-Peer VTS with synchronous write
򐂰 PPRC Migration Manager
򐂰 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication
򐂰 HACMP/XD with Logical Volume Mirroring
142 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
4.2.8 Business Continuity Tier 7: Highly automated, business integrated
Tier 7 Business Continuity solutions include all the major components being used for a Tier 6
Business Continuity solution with the additional integration of complete automation for
servers, storage, software and applications and network. This allows a Tier 7 Business
Continuity solution to ensure consistency of data above that which is granted by Tier 6
Business Continuity solutions. Additionally, recovery of the applications is automated,
allowing for restoration of systems and applications much faster and more reliably than would
be possible through manual Business Continuity procedures. Examples of Tier 7 Business
Continuity solutions include:
򐂰 GDPS/PPRC with or without HyperSwap
򐂰 AIX® HACMP/XD with Metro Mirror
򐂰 System i High Availability Business Partner Software
򐂰 System i Copy Services Toolkit
4.3 The relationship of Business Continuity tiers and segments
This section provides a simplified approach of Business Continuity solutions. Even though
each of the Business Continuity tiers Business Continuity has a different RTO, a collective of
tiers to Business Continuity mapping will simplify the decision making process. Thus, you can
choose the segment of the Business Continuity solution, then you can decide on the most
appropriate Business Continuity solution for the respective Business Continuity tier.
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions 143
4.3.1 The mapping of seven tiers to the three Business Continuity segments
We defined the three Business Continuity segments in Chapter 3, “Business Continuity
planning, processes, and execution” on page 43.
Figure 4-3 describes how you can map these three segments to the seven tiers of Business
Continuity solutions. Each tier builds upon the previous tier.
Figure 4-3 Business Continuity solution segments
Figure 4-4 illustrates how the Backup and Restore segment maps to Business Continuity tiers
1, 2, and 3,
Figure 4-4 Backup and Restore segment and Business Continuity solution Tier 1, 2, and 3
Recovery Time Objective
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
BC Tier 4
BC Tier 3
BC Tier 2
BC Tier 7
BC Tier 6
BC Tier 1
Continuous Availability
Rapid Data Recovery
Business Continuity Solution Segments
Segment applications and solutions, matching cost to criticality.
This maximizes application coverage at optimum cost
144 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 4-5 illustrates how the Rapid Data Recovery segment maps to Business Continuity
tiers 4, 5, and 6.
Figure 4-5 Rapid Recovery segment and Business Continuity solution Tier 4, 5, and 6
Figure 4-6 illustrates how the Continuous Availability segment maps to Business Continuity
solution Tier 7.
Figure 4-6 Continuous Availability segment and Business Continuity solution Tier 7
Based on the business assessment that we discussed in 3.4.1, “Risk assessment” on
page 47 and the segment to tier mapping that we present here, you can determine the
appropriate storage technology to achieve the business objectives on the Business
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions 145
4.4 Selecting the optimum Business Continuity solution
This section includes an overview of how to select the optimum Business Continuity solution
for your organization. You can find a more detailed discussion in Chapter 5, “Business
Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151. It is important to understand that
the cost of a solution must be in reasonable proportion to the business value of IT. You do not
want to spend more money on a Business Continuity solution than the financial loss you
would suffer from a disaster.
Based on the following objectives, it is relatively simple to decide, as a business, which
solution to select according to how much you can afford to spend and the speed at which you
need your data recovered. The quicker the recovery the higher the cost:
򐂰 RTO: How long can you afford to be without your systems?
򐂰 RPO: When it is recovered, how much data can you afford to recreate?
򐂰 Degraded operations objective (DOO): What will be the impact on operations with fewer
data centers?
򐂰 Network Recovery Objective (NRO): How long to switch over the network?
򐂰 Recovery Distance Objective (RDO): How far away the copies of data need to be located?
Normally all the components that make up continuous availability are situated in the same
computer room. The building, therefore, becomes the single point-of-failure. While you must
of course be prepared to react to a disaster, the solution that you select might be more of a
recovery solution than a continuous-availability solution. A recovery solution must then be
defined by making a trade-off among implementation costs, maintenance costs, and the
financial impact of a disaster, resulting from performing a business impact analysis of your
Figure 4-7 represents a simple starting point for determining your Business Continuity
Figure 4-7 Business Continuance objectives
Business Objectives for Disaster Recovery
Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
How long can you afford to be without your systems?
Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
When it is recovered, how much data can you afford to recreate?
Network Recovery Objective (NRO)
How long to switch over the network?
The real solution is selected based on the
particular cost curve slope:
If I spend a little more, how much faster is Disaster Recovery?
If I spend a little less, how much slower is Disaster Recovery?
Understanding the
Understanding the
recovery time versus cost
recovery time versus cost
is the key to selecting solutions
is the key to selecting solutions
146 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
4.4.1 Four key objectives
The typical recovery time associated with each tier is just a rough indication of the time that
an installation usually needs to restore its computing services. In an actual disaster, however,
there are many other considerations. For example, some installations can tolerate resuming
their services after a longer period but with maximum data currency. Other installations must
resume their services as soon as possible, regardless of data currency. Others need both a
short recovery time and maximum data currency.
By using the four key objectives listed in Figure 4-8 and by assessing your actual Business
Continuity requirements pertinent to your site, you have an excellent starting point for your
Business Continuity Plan. See Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and
execution” on page 43 for more details on developing a Business Continuity plan.
Figure 4-8 Four key objectives
Minutes Hours
Service Loss
Recovery Time Objective
How long can I afford to be without IT
Recovery Point Objective
How much data can I afford
to lose?
Network Recovery Objective
How much of the network must be
restored in order to continue operations?
Degraded Operations Objective
What impact will I experience with
fewer datacenters?
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions 147
4.4.2 Cost of outage versus cost of solution
The cost of a Business Continuity solution is worked out according to how quickly you need to
recover your data versus how much it will cost the company in lost revenue due to being down
and unable to continue normal business processing. The shorter the time period required to
recover the data to continue business processing the higher the cost, as indicated in
Figure 4-9.
The other important point is that the longer a company is unable to process transactions the
more expensive the outage is going to be for the company. The optimal solution is, therefore,
where the cost of the solution curve and the cost of the outage curve intersect in the cost/time
Figure 4-9 Cost of outage versus cost of solution
Cost of Solution
Time to Recover
Cost of Outage
over Time
148 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
4.4.3 Hierarchical dependencies of the system layer architecture
Considering the seven tiers of Business Continuity solutions, we have to look in detail at the
individual levels within the system components. To have a reliable and proven infrastructure
for Business Continuity, redundancy of the individual system level components is mandatory,
as shown in Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-10 Impact of redundancy and high availability
Figure 4-11 Components of a highly available system landscape
scalability &
scalability &
elimination of
elimination of
planned &
Impact of redundancy and high availability mechanisms
elimination of
single points
of failure
elimination of
single points
of failure
Application Level
OS Device Driver Level
Functional Level
Operating System Level
SAN Level
Storage Server
Controller Level
Storage Device Level
Predictive Failure Analyses and
Self healing mechanisms
on Storage Devices
Storage controller based copy,
replication and redundancy
Connectivity and protocol transport layer
Redundancy by using n+1 components.
Multipathingand Failover mechanisms
OS based clustering, n+1 servers
Application based clustering,
n+1 application servers
Virtualization Layer
Middleware Layer
SAN Hardware layer
Business Continuance
Chapter 4. Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions 149
Storage device level
At the storage device level (storage objects) we refer to the physical entity, such as, the disk
drive or a tape. For availability the device level will be protected on the built in functionality of
the device itself. This functionality can be implemented with redundancy by using spare
tracks (disks) or by special writing mechanisms (tape) as with IBM LTO cartridges and IBM
3592 technology.
Storage Server Controller (storage system) level
The Storage Controller Level itself interfaces between the SAN or the server or servers and
the storage device or devices. The storage controller is responsible for the execution of all
storage related built in functionality:
򐂰 RAID level
򐂰 Built in copy functionality such as Point-in-time Copy, Remote Mirroring
򐂰 Built in high availability mechanisms (redundancy, failover)
Storage Area Network level
Storage Area Network (SAN) level redundancy can be achieved by using either redundant
SAN switches (n+1) with redundant components such as redundant power supplies or by the
usage of director class SAN building blocks. The major difference between a SAN switch and
a director comes in the nature of serviceability and availability. The ability to perform
concurrent microcode/firmware upgrades with no loss of service is a standard feature in
director class products. In case of hardware errors, usually only parts of a director must be
changed, or with a switch, it has to be exchanged in total in several error cases. This being
said, the boundary between director and switch class products, appears to be constantly
Operating system device driver level
The device driver interacts between the storage system, the operating system of the server,
and the Host Bus Adapter. The device driver is responsible for all hardware related
functionality presented to the operating system and the communication to the storage
system, such as multipathing in a Fibre Channel environment and path failover capabilities.
Operating system level
On the operating system level high availability can be achieved by using operating system
based clustering techniques such as HACMP for AIX, STEELEYE for LINUX, and Microsoft®
Windows clustering. We consider clustering techniques as building blocks for disaster
protection. A cluster on its own does not represent the appropriate infrastructure for disaster
Application level
Achieving redundancy at the application level is very much dependent on the type of the
application that is being considered. For example in a three tier SAP environment, the
application tier can be made highly available by using multiple application servers. If any
application server fails, the load will be redistributed to the surviving servers and the
operation continues.
150 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Functional level
The functional level is actually the most important level within the system layer architecture
model and is dependent on the following availability levels:
򐂰 IT infrastructure availability (Operating System + Server + Storage + Network)
򐂰 Application availability (Application + Data) + IT infrastructure availability
򐂰 Business Process availability (Application availability + external dependencies)
The planning for disaster protection on the functional level must include all external
dependencies, such as, collaborative business scenarios between different enterprises.
4.5 Summary
With your understanding of tier levels of Business Continuity solutions and the hierarchical
layers of the system architecture, you can now move to the development of a Business
Continuity solution for your IT environment.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 151
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution
Selection Methodology
This book describes a wide variety of System Storage Business Continuity technologies and
solutions. Each are very powerful in their own way, and each has their own unique
characteristics. How do you select the optimum combination of solutions? How do you
organize and manage all these valid Business Continuity technologies? Traditionally,
developing the skills to perform this selection function effectively has been time consuming
and incomplete. In addition, it can be difficult to transfer these skills to other colleagues.
In this chapter, we offer a suggested
Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
that can provide assistance to this problem. This methodology allows you to navigate the
seemingly endless permutations of Business Continuity technology quickly and efficiently and
to identify initial preliminary, valid, cost-justified solutions.
This methodology is not designed to replace in-depth skills. Instead, it is meant as a guideline
and a framework. Proper application of this methodology can significantly reduce the time
and effort required to identify proper solutions and, therefore, accelerate the selection cycle.
152 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
5.1 The challenge in selecting Business Continuity solutions
From an IT infrastructure standpoint, there are a large variety of valid Business Continuity
products. The fundamental challenge is to select the optimum blend of all these Business
Continuity products and technologies.
The common problem in the past has been a tendency to view the Business Continuity
solution as individual product technologies and piece parts (Figure 5-1). Instead, Business
Continuity solutions need to be viewed as a whole, integrated multi-product solution.
Figure 5-1 Historical challenge in selecting Business Continuity solutions
In this chapter, we propose a Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology that you
can use to sort, summarize, and organize the various business requirements in a methodical
way. Then, we methodically use those business requirements to efficiently identify a proper
and valid subset of Business Continuity technologies to address the requirements.
We assume that before you enter the Solution Selection Methodology that we describe in this
chapter, that you have performed the requisite Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis,
and Assessment of the current environment and have used the information to gain an initial
desired Recovery Time Objective (RTO). You can find information about performing these
steps in Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43.
With the desired RTO, we discuss how to use the concepts of the Tiers of Business
Continuity and Solution Segmentation to methodically identify the appropriate
Business Continuity solutions from among the continuum of today’s Business Continuity
5.1.1 The nature of Business Continuity solutions
To combine and properly select among multiple products, disciplines, and skills to effect a
successful IT Business Continuity solution, you can categorize all valid Business Continuity
IT technologies into five component domains:
򐂰 Servers
򐂰 Storage
򐂰 Software and automation
򐂰 Networking and physical infrastructure
򐂰 Skills and services that are required to implement and operate these components
Each vendor and product area tends to build separate pieces of the solution
Insufficient interlocking of the different areas
Business Continuance and Disaster Recovery need to be seen as an
integrated product solution
Many valid technologies, but how to choose among them?
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 153
The IT infrastructure that is necessary to support the Business Continuity solution can be
inserted into one of these five components, as shown in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2 The five components of IT Business Continuity
You can use components from each of the five categories in the process of building the
Business Continuity solution. Our solution selection methodology is designed to facilitate and
simply the process of identifying candidate solution technologies for a given set of IT
Business Continuity requirements.
5.2 The tiers of Business Continuity
We use the Business Continuity tiers as the primary tool to organize the many multiple valid
products and technologies from which we can select. We described the tiers of Business
Continuity in detail in Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions” on page 137.
The Business Continuity concept continues to be as valid today as when it was first created
and described by the US SHARE User Group in 1988. While the technology within the tiers
has obviously changed over the years, the conceptual value of organizing various recovery
technologies according to their recovery speed has stood the test of time.
The Business Continuity tiers assist us in organizing the various technologies into
that are much easier to evaluate and manage. The concept of Business Continuity
tiers is powerful and central to our selection methodology, because the tiers concept
recognizes that for a given customer RTO, all Business Continuity products and technologies
can be sorted into a solution subset that addresses that particular RTO range.
System x
System p
System i
A comprehensive
architecture with the
blending of five IT
components, results
in the best solution:
1. Servers
3. Software and
5. Skills and Services
System x
System p
System i
System z
Operating System
Operating Staff
Network Staff
Application Staff
Physical FacilitiesTelecom Network
System z
Business Continuity is an end-to-end process
154 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Thus, by categorizing Business Continuity technology choices by RTO into the various
Business Continuity tiers, you can more easily match your desired RTO time with the
optimum set of technologies.
Figure 5-3 illustrates the Business Continuity tiers chart and gives a generalized view of some
of today’s IBM Business Continuity technologies by tier. As the recovery time becomes
shorter, then more aggressive Business Continuity technologies must be applied to achieve
that RTO (carrying with them their associated increase in value and capital cost).
The tiers concept is flexible. The recovery time of a given Business Continuity tier is relatively
fixed. As products and functions change and improve over time, you can update the Business
Continuity tiers chart by adding the new technology into the appropriate tier and RTO.
Figure 5-3 Tiers of Business Continuity
The concept and shape of the tiers chart continues to apply even as the scale of the
application or applications changes. Large scale applications tend to move the curve to the
right, while small scale applications tend to move the curve to the left. However, in both
cases, the general
relationship of the various tiers and Business Continuity technologies to
each other, remains the same. Finally, although some Business Continuity technologies fit
into multiple tiers, there is not one Business Continuity technology that can be optimized for
all the tiers.
We recommend that your technical staff create your own internal version of the Business
Continuity tiers chart that is specific to your particular environment. This version can become
a powerful and useful tool for internal Business Continuity planning, communication, and
decision making. Creating and gaining agreement to such a tiers chart tends to move into
motion the requisite risk analysis, business impact analysis, and Business Continuity program
design that is necessary to build this chart for your enterprise.
Note: The reason there are multiple Business Continuity tiers is that as the RTO time
decreases, the optimum Business Continuity technologies for RTO must change. For any
given RTO, there are always a particular set of optimum price or performance Business
Continuity technologies.
Recovery Time Objective
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
Value (Cost)
BC Tier 4 - Point in Time disk copy, Tivoli Storage Manager-
BC Tier 3 - Electronic Vaulting, Tivoli Storage Mgr
BC Tier 2 - Hot Site, Restore from Tape
BC Tier 7 Site Mirroring with automated recovery
BC Tier 6 Storage mirroring (with or without automation)
BC Tier 5 Software mirroring (transaction integrity)
BC Tier 1 –Restore
from Tape
Recovery from a disk image Recovery from tape copy
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 155
With such a chart in place, the business has a powerful tool to assign what tier or tiers and
corresponding RTO an application requires and to readily determine what solutions might be
5.3 Application segmentation for Business Continuity
Next, we need to do a mapping the organization’s business processes and IT applications
onto the Business Continuity tiers. We do this mapping to draw the appropriate linkages
between the business processes), the supporting IT applications and infrastructure, and the
necessary Business Continuity technologies to provide the appropriate resiliency. The best
practices today in doing this business process mapping is to segment the applications and
business processes into (ideally) three segments, according to the speed of recovery that is
Applied to the Business Continuity Tiers, this business process and application segmentation
typically appears as shown in Figure 5-4.
Figure 5-4 Example of a three segment IT Business Continuity architecture
Three business process or application segments generally appear as an optimum number,
because at the enterprise level, two tiers generally are insufficiently optimized (in other words,
overkill at some point and underkill at others), and four tiers are more complex but generally
do not provide enough additional strategic benefit.
Recovery Time Objective
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
Value (Cost)
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 7
Tier 6
Tier 1
Continuous Availability
Rapid Data Recovery
Recovery using a disk image Recovery using a tape copy
Categorize Business Continuity tiers into three solution segments
156 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Some general guidelines and definitions for the recovery capability of the recommended
three business process segments include:
򐂰 Continuous Availability
24x7 application and data availability (server, storage, and network availability)
Automated failover of total systems or site failover
Very fast and transparent recovery of servers, storage, network
Ultimate Disaster Recovery: Protection against site disasters, system failures
General RTO guideline: minutes to < 2 hours
򐂰 Rapid Data Recovery
High availability of data and storage systems (storage resiliency)
Automated or manual failover of storage systems
Fast recovery of data or storage from disasters or storage system failures
Disaster Recovery from replicated disk storage systems
General RTO guideline: 2 to 8 hours
򐂰 Backup/Restore
Backup and restore from tape or disk
Disaster Recovery from tape
RTO = 8 hours to days
5.3.1 Each segment builds upon foundation of the preceding segment
The Business Continuity functionality of each business process or application segment is built
upon the technology foundation of the segment that is below it. In other words,
Backup/Restore technologies are the necessary foundations for more advanced technologies
that deliver Rapid Data Recovery. And Rapid Data Recovery technologies are the necessary
foundations for the more advanced technologies that deliver continuous availability. So, it is
really a matter of building upwards upon the foundations of the technologies of the previous
segment. Best practices for Business Continuity implementation roadmaps are to create a
multiple phase project in which the overall Business Continuity solution is built step-by-step
upon the foundation of the previous segment’s technology layer.
To match this best practice of segmentation, IBM Business Continuity solutions are mapped
into these three segments, as are the various IBM System Storage Business Continuity
solutions that we describe in this IBM Redbook and in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
5.3.2 Application segmentation summary
To use the Business Continuity tiers and segmentation concepts to derive a blended,
optimized enterprise Business Continuity architecture, we suggest the following steps:
1. Categorize the business' entire set of business processes into three segments:
Low Tolerance to Outage
Somewhat Tolerant to Outage
Very Tolerant to Outage
Of course, while some business processes that are not in and of themselves critical, they
do feed the critical business processes. Therefore, those applications need to be included
in the higher tier.
The stated RTOs in the chart’s Y-axis and given in the definitions are guidelines for comparison only. RTO can and
will vary depending on the size and scope of the solution.
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 157
2. Within each segment, there are multiple Business Continuity tiers of technology. The
individual tiers represent the major Business Continuity technology
choices for that band.
It is not necessary to use all the Business Continuity tiers, and of course, it is not
necessary to use all the technologies.
3. After we have segmented the business processes and applications (as best we can) into
the three bands, we usually select one best strategic Business Continuity methodology for
that band. The contents of the tiers are the
candidate technologies from which the
strategic methodology is chosen for that application segment.
Designing this three-segment blended Business Continuity architecture has the effect of
optimizing and mapping the varying application recovery time requirements with an
appropriate technology, at an optimized cost. The net resulting blended Business Continuity
architecture provides the best possible application coverage for the minimum cost.
The methodology that we discuss in this chapter is designed to help you identify the
appropriate Business Continuity technology solution for each business process or application
segment that you define in your environment.
5.4 Using tiers and segmentation as a communication tool to
Building and documenting Business Continuity tiers chart and business process
segmentation for your organization is also very useful as a communication tool for discussing
and evaluating Business Continuity solution recommendations to others within IT and
especially with senior business management. The tiers and segmentation concept is simple
enough that non-technical personnel can see the bottom line RTO end result of technical
evaluations in a straightforward fashion. Senior management does not need to understand
the technology that is inside the tier or segment, but they can clearly see the RTO and the
associated cost versus RTO trade-off.
This ability
to communicate the bottom line allows senior management to understand the
recommendation and the trade-offs and, therefore, to make a decision quickly and efficiently.
Because of the clarity of the decision alternatives, it can be more likely that management
understands the choices and reaches decisions more quickly. This clarity of the choices and
the associated financial cost should result in a higher likelihood of adequate funding for the
Business Continuity project.
158 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
5.4.1 The use of tiers in this book
We have categorized the product information in this book by tiers. You can recognize the tier
or tiers for any given technology easily. In this way, you can categorize where you can use a
particular Business Continuity tool and solution in your environment. Figure 5-5 provides a
partial summary list of the many IBM technologies that we categorize in this book.
Figure 5-5 Portfolio of IBM IT Business Continuity tools
5.5 Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
This section describes how to use this methodology. It begins with an overview and then
provides some examples of how to use the methodology.
5.5.1 Flow chart of the methodology
The Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology is designed to provide a clear,
understandable, flexible, and repeatable method to efficiently subset, organize, and select
initial preliminary Business Continuity solution recommendations from the wide possible
portfolio of technologies.
IBM Global Services, Business
Partner Services
System Storage
Metro Mirror
(Tier 6)
Global Mirror
(Tier 6)
Virtual Tape Server Peer to Peer
(Tier 6)
TS7700 Grid
(Tier 6)
DS4000, DS400, DS300 Metro Mirror
(Tier 6)
DS Family FlashCopy
(Tier 4)
3590, 3592, LTO tape
(Tier 1,2,3,4)
Storage software
(Tier 1,2,3,4)
System z:
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex
(GDPS) -
Tier 7
System p:
AIX/HACMP (High Availability Clustered
Multi-Processors) with Metro Mirror
(Tier 7)
System i:
High Availability Business Partner software:
Vision, Lakeview, DataMirror
(Tier 7)
IBM Business Continuity -
select from a broad Portfolio
Software and Automation
DB2, IMS, CICS, WebSphere
(Tier 5)
WebSphere, MQSeries
(Tier 5)
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
(Tier 2,3,4)
Networking and Infrastructure
IBM Global Services, IBM Business Partners,
IBM Networking Partners
#2: Data
Storage Management
Automation for Mainframe, UNIX, Windows and
Heterogeneous environment
Automation for Applications, Databases
(DB2, Notes, ExchangeSAP... )
Reliable Hardware Infrastructure
DS8000, DS6000, DS4000, DS400, DS300, N Series,
SVC, SAN, Tape, Virtualization Engine for Tape
IT Service Management
Point in Time copy
Storage Mirroring
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 159
Figure 5-6 is a flow chart of our suggested methodology.
Figure 5-6 Flow chart of the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
The Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology is designed to:
򐂰 Provide a methodology to quickly and repeatedly identify valid initial configuration options,
which is intended to accelerate determining the final solution.
򐂰 Enforce asking of correct business and IT requirements questions for a proper Business
Continuity configuration.
򐂰 Provide a convergence discussion methodology for the multiple products and IT
disciplines that must make up an integrated Business Continuity solution.
򐂰 Be easily extendable as products and technologies evolve.
򐂰 Capture basic expert Business Continuity intellectual capital in a teachable, repeatable
way, and provide a framework to consistently propagate these basic skills to a worldwide
audience, remote or local.
5.5.2 Intended usage and limitations of the methodology
The Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology is intended to be used after you
complete a requisite amount of Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis, and current
environment assessment. We also assume that you have established an agreed upon RTO
to be used in this methodology.
You can use this methodology at each segment level and repeat the methodology for each
higher level segment. In other words, as we described in 5.3, “Application segmentation for
Business Continuity” on page 155, you can use an identified RTO in the methodology to
identify a strategic Business Continuity solution for Backup/Restore. Then, for the subset of
Backup/Restore applications with a faster
rapid data recovery RTO, you can then use the
Note: The prerequisite to entering the methodology is having already performed and
reached organizational agreement on the business requirements: Risk Analysis, Business
Impact Analysis, application segmentation, and associated RTOs and Recovery Point
Objectives (RPOs).
Methodology: How to select the optimum
Business Continuity Solution
BC solution
subset from
BC solution
define the Tier
level for each
BC solutions
which do not
apply to all
BC solution
Eleven Question
We need to
be online
Hmm.... That
Oracle and
SAP must be
Design Team
Next Step BC workshop
160 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
methodology to identify the appropriate solutions. Finally, for the subset of Rapid Data
Recovery applications that require the fastest
continuous availability RTOs, you can then
use the methodology to identify those appropriate solutions.
In all cases, we suggest that you use the methodology
early in the selection cycle to establish
a generalized vision of the requirements and to establish the kinds of solutions and Business
Continuity technologies so that you can begin to investigate any particular set of Business
Continuity requirements (Figure 5-7).
Figure 5-7 Intended use of Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
While the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology provides valuable insight into
possible solutions, it:
򐂰 Cannot replace detailed solution recommendation configuration assistance.
򐂰 Cannot replace in-depth technical validation.
򐂰 Cannot replace detailed design and implementation skills and services.
Instead, the detailed evaluation team performs these functions.
The Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology is not intended to be a perfect
decision tree. Rather, it is a framework for organizing multiple Business Continuity
technologies efficiently and identifying the proper possible solutions for any given customer
set of requirements more quickly.
5.5.3 Principle: Asking requirements questions in a specific order
The Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology is based on the principle of
requesting and organizing necessary IT Business Continuity requirements in a
specific order.
This specific order is designed to minimize the information that we need to gather in order to
arrive at a valid solution.
We therefore gather the requirements with using a specific starter set of questions. With
these questions, we establish the basic IT environment, infrastructure, and desired recovery
time parameters for the Business Continuity solution. Some of the questions require the
business line to answer through their Risk and Business Impact Analysis. Other questions are
for the Operations staff to answer from their knowledge of the IT infrastructure. (We
The planning and evaluation cycle
Evaluate the
solution and
Promote asking of
proper initial
questions and
collection of proper
Identification of valid
initial solution
technologies and
Turn over identified
subset of possible
solutions to
evaluation team for
investigation and
BC Solution
Hmm.... That
Oracle and
SAP must be
We need to
be online
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 161
discussed the terms that are used in the questions in Chapter 3, “Business Continuity
planning, processes, and execution” on page 43. Also, the termed are defined in Appendix B,
“Terms and definitions” on page 357.)
The starter set of questions are:
1. What is/are the business processes and applications that need to be recovered?
2. On what IT platform or platforms does it run?
3. What is the desired RTO?
4. What is the distance between the recovery sites (if there is one)?
5. What is the form of connectivity or infrastructure transport that will be used to transport the
data to the recovery site? How much bandwidth is that?
6. What are the specific IT hardware and software configurations that need to be recovered?
7. What is the desired level of recovery? (Planned / Unplanned / Transaction Integrity)
8. What is the RPO?
9. What is the amount of data that needs to be recovered?
10.Who will design the solution?
11.Who will implement the solution?
These are not all the possible questions, of course, but they have been carefully selected as
a valid starter set of eleven questions. You can see additional questions in Appendix A,
“Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes” on page 329.
5.5.4 Tutorial: Using the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
As stated previously, the methodology is used to identify candidate solutions after a requisite
amount of Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis, and current environment assessment
has been done. We discuss these steps in detail in Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning,
processes, and execution” on page 43 and illustrate an example of these steps in Chapter 6,
“The Next Step Business Continuity workshop” on page 173.
From this preparatory, the desired and agreed upon RTO is the primary determining factor as
to what Business Continuity candidate technologies are identified. Using these questions and
the answers provided, we then use a process of elimination to identify the appropriate
candidate solutions.
162 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 5-8 is an overview of this methodology.
Figure 5-8 Overview of the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
By segmenting the asking of questions into this hourglass concept and these three
categories, it becomes possible to efficiently subset the nearly endless permutations of
possible Business Continuity technology combinations and solutions into a manageable,
methodical process.
Let us now step through the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology,
Step A: Ask specific questions in a specific order
In this first step, a series of Business Continuity IT requirements questions is asked in a
specific order. If you have completed the Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis, and
current environment assessment, the answers to these questions come from that work.
Remember that the order of the questions is by intention. The order of the questions is
designed to eliminate non-solutions, even as you are performing the information gathering
A. Ask Specific Questions in Specific Order
Ask proper high-level questions
Application, platform, RTO, Distance, Connectivity,
RPO, Vendor......
Order of questions:
Designed to eliminate many non-qualifying solutions
up front
Document answers
B. Use RTO to pick appropriate solution
Organize solutions by Tiers (creates RTO subset)
C. From among
use question
answers to eliminate non-solutions
Apply answers gathered previously
D. Turn over remaining valid solutions to
detailed evaluation team
As appropropriate, can then expand each solution
to multiple flavors, tailoring for the customer's
exact needs
Start here
Pick proper subset
Solution 1
Solution 2 Solution 3
Solution 1a...
Solution 3a...
'At the
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 163
Figure 5-9 shows the questions that you need to know again.
Figure 5-9 Step A: Gather answers to specific IT Business Continuity questions in specific order
The questions are designed to identify key basic business and IT requirements.
Before you continue, you must ensure that you have consensus on the answers to these
questions from the enterprise’s management, business lines, application staff, in addition to
the IT operations staff.
Step B: Use RTO and Level of Recovery to identify candidate solutions
You now are ready to identify the preliminary candidate solutions. You use the answers from
Question 3 (RTO) and Question 7 (Level of Recovery) to identify the first major subset.
Using only the Question 3 answer for RTO, you can identify an initial level of candidate
solutions as we discussed in Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions” on
page 137. For some circumstances, this might be sufficient, and you might have your
identified candidate Business Continuity solutions at this point.
What applications or
databases to recover?
What platform? (z, p,
i, x and Windows, Linux,
heterogeneous open,
heterogeneous z+Open)
What is desired
Recovery Time
Objective (RTO)?
What is distance
between the sites? (if
there are 2 sites)
What is the connectivity,
infrastructure, and bandwidth
between sites?
What are the specific h/w
equipment(s) that needs to
be recovered?
What is the
- Planned Outage
- Unplanned Outage
- Transaction Integrity
What is the Recovery
Point Objective?
What is the amount of
data to be recovered (in
GB or TB)?
Who will
solution? (IGS, BP,
Who will
the solution? (IGS, BP,
Remaining solutions
valid choices
to give
detailed evaluation
Step A: Ask Specific questions in Specific Order
Important: It is essential that you answer these questions fully, because a lack of any of
these answers means it is not possible to properly evaluate and identify the subset of
solutions that you need to investigate. In this way, the methodology enforces the collection
of proper business and infrastructure requirements before proceeding.
164 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
You can further refine the identified solution by using the identified RTO in combination with
the answer to the Level of Recovery (Question 7). The Level of Recovery provides a major
refinement clue for your candidate solutions. You define the Levels of Recovery as one of the
following levels:
򐂰 Planned outage: The solution is required to only facilitate planned outages or data
migrations. Unplanned outage recovery is not necessary.
򐂰 Unplanned outage: The solution is required, at the hardware and data integrity level, to
facilitate unplanned outage recovery. It implies that planned outage support is also
available in this solution. This level of recovery does not perform transaction integrity
recovery at the application or database level.
򐂰 Transaction integrity: The solution is required to provide unplanned outage recovery at
the application and database transaction integrity level. This level relies upon an
underlying assumption that hardware level planned outage and unplanned outage support
is also available.
These three Levels of Recovery allow you to differentiate the fact that the Business Continuity
technology and solutions that you use vary for planned outages, versus unplanned outages,
versus transaction integrity.
Using the identified Level of Recovery (Question 7) in combination with the RTO
(Question 3), you can identify a refined candidate set of solutions, provided in Table A-1 on
page 331.)
Take the identified RTO (Question 3) answer and the Level of Recovery (Question 7)
answers, and look into the Solution Matrix chart, Table A-1 on page 331.
In the Solution Matrix table (Table A-1 on page 331) identify the
intersection of the RTO/Tier
with the Level of Recovery. At the intersection, in the contents of the intersection cell, are the
initial candidate Business Continuity solutions for this particular RTO, at this Level of
Note: Each level builds on the previous level. In other words, a unplanned outage recovery
also would have a planned outage capability. A transaction integrity recovery would also
have an unplanned outage capability.
Tip: For more information about the difference between unplanned outage and transaction
integrity, see Chapter 8, “Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT
environment” on page 251.
Hint: Note that the RTO is directly mapped to a Business Continuity Tier. The Recovery
Time Objective to Business Continuity Tier (Business Continuity Tier) mapping is provided
as follows (note that these are general guidelines):
򐂰 Business Continuity Tier 7 RTO: Generally near continuous to 2 hours
򐂰 Business Continuity Tier 6 RTO: Generally 1 to 6 hours
򐂰 Business Continuity Tier 5 RTO: Generally 4 to 8 hours
򐂰 Business Continuity Tier 4 RTO: Generally 6-12 hours
򐂰 Business Continuity Tier 3 RTO: Generally 12-24 hours
򐂰 Business Continuity Tier 2, Business Continuity Tier1 RTO: Generally > 24 hours
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 165
An example of using this full solution matrix is shown for illustration purposes in Figure 5-10.
Figure 5-10 Step B: Full solution matrix
For example, in Figure 5-10, the identified preliminary candidate Business Continuity
solutions are z/OS Global Mirror, GDPS HyperSwap Manager, and IBM TotalStorage
Productivity Center for Replication.
Step C: Eliminate non-solutions
Now that you have identified the preliminary candidate Business Continuity solutions, you can
eliminate non-solutions by applying the other answers gathered in Step A to the candidate
solutions. For the solutions in this book, we supply a starter set of the
eliminate non-solutions
information in Appendix A, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes” on
page 329. As an example for illustration purposes, an extract from that table is shown in
Figure 5-11.
Step B: Use Level of Outage and Tier/RTO to identify
Candidate BC solutions
Tier 7 Tier 6 Tier 4
Planned Outages
Metro Mirror,
Global Mirror,
Global Copy
Global Copy
z/OS Global
Mirror, GDPS
Mgr, TPC for
Point in Time
VTS Peer to
TS7700 Grid
Use RTO, recovery level to identify solution subset in matrix...
RTO and Level
of Recovery tells
me my 'RTO BC
Solution Subset'
Business Continuity Solution Matrix
(an extract for illustration purposes)
166 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 5-11 Step C: Eliminate non-solutions
By applying the answers from Step A on topics such as distance, non-support of platforms,
and so on, those candidate solutions which do not apply are eliminated.
It will be normal to have multiple possible solutions after you complete Step C.
The Business Continuity candidate solution or solutions that remain after this pass through
Step C are, therefore, your set of
initial candidate Business Continuity solutions. At this point,
you might need to pass these candidate technologies to the detailed evaluation team for
further examination, refinement, and modification.
Step D: Turn over identified solutions to detailed evaluation team
Having identified a preliminary set of valid candidate Business Continuity solutions and
technologies, you now turn over this set of candidate solutions to a skilled evaluation team
that is made up of members who are qualified to contrast and compare the identified solutions
in detail. The valid identified candidate solutions also dictates what mix of skills will be
necessary on the evaluation team.
The evaluation team will in all likelihood need to further configure the candidate solutions into
more detailed configurations to complete the evaluation. This is also normal. In the end, that
team will still make the final decision as to which of the identified options (or the blend of
them) is the one that should be selected.
You should not expect this methodology to be a perfect decision tree. Rather, the intent is to
provide an initial identification, in a repeatable, teachable manner, that can be performed by
staff of varying skill levels, including relatively inexperienced staff.
At this point, the methodology is complete.
Step C: Eliminate Non-Solutions
Tier 7 Tier 6 Tier 4
Planned Outages
Metro Mirror,
zOS GM, Global
Copy, Global Copy
GDPS Storage Mgr,
Point in Time
FlashCopy, VTS
Peer to Peer
IMS RSR, Oracle,
z/OS Global
TPC for
Platform System z only System z and
z + Distributed
System z and
z + Distrbuted
Distance any distance.... < 103KM any distance
Recovery Time
2-4 hours 1-4 hours 2-4 hours
Connectivity..... FICON/ESCON FICON/Fibre FICON/Fibre
Recovery Point
few seconds to
few minutes
zero data loss few seconds to
a few minutes
No Yes No
Use RTO, recovery level to select subset...
Step D: Turn over identified solutions
to detailed evaluation team
C. Use 'answers' to eliminate non-solutions
My Questions
and Answers
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 167
5.5.5 Value of the Business Continuity Solution Selection methodology
As simple as this methodology sounds, the process of quickly identifying proper candidate
Business Continuity solutions for a given set of requirements
is of significant value. Much less
time and skill is necessary to reach this preliminary solution identification in the evaluation
cycle than would otherwise be experienced. This methodology can manage the preliminary
evaluation phase more consistently and repeatedly and can be taught to others easily.
This methodology also supports our current best Business Continuity practices of segmenting
the Business Continuity architecture into three blended tiers (and therefore three tiers of
solutions). To identify the solutions for the other bands of solutions, you would simply re-run
the methodology, and give the lower RTO Level of Recovery for those lower bands and
applications, you would find the corresponding candidate solution technologies in the
appropriate (lower) RTO solution subset cells.
5.5.6 Updating the methodology as technology advances
This methodology is also flexible. Because of the table-driven format, as technology changes,
only the contents of the tiers chart change. The methodology itself need not change.
In particular, because Business Continuity technology is created or enhanced and results in
an improvement of its tier of Business Continuity capability, this methodology simply:
򐂰 Adds the new technology to the appropriate RTO/Tier cell.
򐂰 Adds that solution as a column to the Eliminate Non-Solutions table.
In most cases the questions asked in either Step A or Step B do not need to change.
5.6 An example: Using the Business Continuity Solution
Selection Methodology
To illustrate the use of the methodology in practice, here is an example.
5.6.1 Step A: Ask specific questions in a specific order
The first step in any Business Continuity solution evaluation is to gather the appropriate
business and IT infrastructure requirements by working within your organization to reach
agreement on the methodology starter questions.
For this example, let us suppose that the answers to the starter set of Business Continuity
Solution Selection Methodology questions are as follows:
1. What is the application that needs to be recovered?
2. What platform does it run on?
System z
3. What is the desired RTO?
3 hours, which is a Tier 6 solution
4. What is the distance between the recovery sites (if there is one)?
35 KM
168 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
5. What is the form of connectivity or infrastructure transport that will be used to transport the
data to the recovery site? How much bandwidth is that?
Fibre Channel, DWDM, bandwidth = 50 MBps
6. What are the specific storage vendor hardware and software configurations that need to
be recovered?
IBM DS8000
7. What is the desired level of recovery? (Planned, Unplanned, Transaction Integrity)
Unplanned Outage
8. What is the Recovery Point Objective?
Near zero data loss
9. What is the amount of data that needs to be recovered?
4 TB
10.Who will design the solution?
to be determined
11.Who will implement the solution?
to be determined
After you answer these questions, you can proceed to Step B.
5.6.2 Step B: Use level of outage and Tier/RTO to identify RTO solution subset
You now apply your Tier/RTO and Level of Recovery to your solution matrix. From questions
3 and 7 in 5.6.1 Step A, these were:
򐂰 Unplanned Level of Recovery
򐂰 Recovery Time Objective = 3 hours
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 169
Figure 5-12 shows a
simplified version for illustration purposes. A full version of this table is in
Appendix A, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes” on page 329.
Figure 5-12 SystemStorage Business Continuity Solution matrix
By intersecting the Tier 6 RTO column with the Unplanned Outage row, you find that the
preliminary candidate recommendations in you simplified table is:
򐂰 z/OS Global Mirror
򐂰 GDPS HyperSwap Manager C
򐂰 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication
7 6 5 4, 3 2, 1
RTO ===> RTO Generally
-near continuous
to 2 hours
RTO Generally -1
to 6 hours
RTO Generally - 4
to 8 hours
RTO Generally
Tier 4: 6-12
hours ; Tier 3:
12 - 24 hours
RTO Generally
> 24 hours
Description: Highly
integrated h/w
s/w failover
Storage and
Server mirroring
S/W and
Hot site, Disk
PiT copy, Tivoli
fast tape
software, tape
Planned Outage /
Data Migrations -
Metro Mirror,
Global Copy,
Global Mirror,
z/OS Global Mirror
VTS Peer to Peer
TS7700 Grid
Global Copy
VTS Peer to
Peer, TSM,
Tivoli Storage
Unplanned Outage
D/R, adds Data
Integrity to
with Metro Mirror
Global Mirror,
z/OS Global
Mirror, GDPS
Manager, TPC for
Tier 4:
VTS Peer to
TS7700 Grid,
Global Copy,
Tivoli Storage
Database and
Transaction Integrity
- adds Transaction
Integrity to
Unplanned Outage
Data Integrity
integration with
operating system
SAP, Oracle,
DB2, SQL Server
remote replication
Tier 3: MS SQL
cluster with
physical tape
170 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
5.6.3 Step C: Eliminate non-solutions
You now use the information that you gathered in Step A to eliminate non-solutions. Examine
the Step C Eliminate Non-Solutions table for this Tier 6 Unplanned Outages, for which a
starter set is supplied in Appendix A, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
matrixes” on page 329. A
simplified version of the eliminate non-solutions table, for the Tier 6
Unplanned Outage, is shown in Figure 5-13.
Figure 5-13 Tier 6 Unplanned Outage eliminate non-solutions table
As you apply the different criteria sequentially from top to bottom, you find that:
1. Options in Figure 5-13, above support, IBM System z, Heterogeneous, and Distributed
2. From a distance of 35 KM, all remaining solutions qualify.
3. From a connectivity standpoint of ESCON®, all remaining solutions qualify.
4. From a storage vendor hardware standpoint for site 1, all solutions qualify.
5. From a storage vendor hardware standpoint for site 2, all solutions qualify.
6. From a RPO standpoint of near zero,
only GDPS HyperSwap Manager qualifies.
Therefore, you see that after applying the answers to the identified candidates and eliminating
non-solutions, these is the valid preliminary candidate solution of GDPS HyperSwap
Note: The methodology can often result in more than one solution being possible. This is
Solution z/OS Global Mirror GDPS
TPC for
Platform System z System z,
in c lu d in g
System z
System z,
System p,
System i,
HP, W indows,
(distribu ted)
Distance U n lim ite d < 100KM < 300Km for
Metro Mirror,
U n lim ited fo r
Global Mirror
Connectivity Fibre Channel,
Fibre Channel
Vendor (1) IB M o r H ita c h i PPRC-com pliant
storage from
sam e vendor
DS6000, ESS,
Vendor (2) IB M o r H ita c h i PPRC-com pliant
storage from
sam e vendor
RPO fe w se co n d s to fe w
m inutes
near zero a few seconds
to a fe w
A m t o f D a ta any any any
Chapter 5. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 171
5.6.4 Step D: Turn over identified preliminary solutions to evaluation team
In the final step, you now give the solution (or solutions) that you identified to the detailed
evaluation team. In all cases, whether you identify one or multiple possible solutions, the
detailed evaluation team step is necessary to
validate this preliminary set of identified
solutions, as well as to accommodate a large variety of environment-specific considerations.
As stated earlier, the methodology is not intended to be a perfect decision tree.
This completes the methodology example.
5.7 Summary
This methodology is meant as a framework and an organizational pattern for the efficient
preliminary identification of proper Business Continuity solutions. This methodology is
adaptable as the technology or environment changes, by updating the tables and questions
used. It provides a consistent, teachable, repeatable method of locating the proper
preliminary Business Continuity solutions.
This methodology is not meant as a substitute for Business Continuity skill and experience,
nor is it possible for the methodology to be a perfect decision tree. While there clearly will be
ambiguous circumstances (for which knowledgeable Business Continuity experts are
required), the methodology still provides for the collection of the proper Business Continuity
business requirements information.
In this way, the methodology provides an efficient process by which the initial preliminary
Business Continuity solution selection can be consistently performed. In the end, this
methodology can assist you in mentally organizing and using the information in this book, as
well as navigating any Business Continuity technology evaluation process.
172 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 173
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business
Continuity workshop
Because of its broad nature, Business Continuity planning has often been viewed as complex
and complicated, slow to get started, and less complete than it should be.
This chapter addresses these issues by providing a step-by-step, applied example of the
Business Continuity planning, design, and solution methodologies that we describe in this
IBM Redbook. The intent is to help you get started with Business Continuity planning for your
own organization in an efficient, timely manner without requiring excessive preparation. We
present the example in a workshop format, which you can use as a guideline when presenting
and working within your organization or with your clients.
174 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
6.1 Objective and format of the workshop
This chapter provides a step-by-step, applied example of all of the concepts in this IBM
Redbook so that you can apply those concepts quickly and efficiently within your own
Business Continuity planning concepts are essentially the same for any organization. You
can use this chapter as a template and foundation for performing an expanded Business
Continuity planning project in a larger, more complex enterprise. The workshop format as
documented here is also well suited for use in enterprises that are smaller or less complex.
This chapter gives you a step-by-step cookbook to help define a valid
baseline Business
Continuity strategy, roadmap, and implementation plan for your organization. From there, you
can expand and grow that strategy over time.
This chapter includes:
򐂰 Logistics, preparation, and setting proper expectations
򐂰 Overview of workshop methodology with recommended workshop steps
Collect information for prioritization
Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
Define Business Continuity targets based on scope
Solution Option design and evaluation
Recommended IBM solutions and products
Recommended strategy and roadmap
򐂰 In Chapter 7, “Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study” on page 233, we
provide a complete case study that illustrates the practical application of this workshop to
a real life client.
This chapter is a simplified version of the ideal Business Continuity planning process that we
describe in Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43.
We cross-reference each of our steps to the relevant detailed documentation within that and
other chapters in this book.
6.2 Workshop logistics and preparation
Here are some sample logistics that are necessary to prepare for conducting this workshop. If
a more detailed version of this workshop is required, you can expand the time frames for
these preparation milestones appropriately.
6.2.1 Workshop expectations, scope, and desired outputs
In order to get a good start on Business Continuity planning, we recommend that you not
attempt to solve everything at the same time. Rather, our recommendation is that you narrow
the scope of this workshop to just a few key business processes (one, two, or at most three).
You can then focus on that achieveable scope, and establish a
baseline Business Continuity
strategy with skills and a methodology upon which you can then expand. Most importantly,
Note: This workshop and its steps and framework are just recommendations. Every
circumstance is going to be a bit different. Feel free to add, delete, or rearrange the
framework to suit your needs.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 175
this approach can
teach the requisite skills that are needed to repeat the methodology with an
expanded scope.
To help reach this goal, we will:
򐂰 Provide fill-in-the-blank templates for important information, so that it is clear what
information is to be gathered.
򐂰 Provide valid assumptions so that we can move forward with the planning process even if
key information is not available.
򐂰 Provide templates for defining what should be done in achievable chunks, that is a phased
approach over time. This phased approach is essential to accommodate realistic
constraints on resource availability, skills, and manpower.
You should expect the preparation for this workshop to take about a week, on average, to
discuss, identify, and collect the requested input information. The actual workshop itself is
designed to last from one to two days.
The intended output is a presentation deck that documents the findings and requirements that
came out of the workshop, restating necessary principles, and describing a derived baseline
Business Continuity architecture. Associated products and solutions that fit the architecture
are documented, as well as a roadmap and general implementation plan.
6.2.2 Desired participants
Obtaining the proper IT management representation at this workshop is essential.
Key client participants
Key IT decision makers and IT technical experts need to participate in this workshop to
provide input on decisions or credible assumptions on which to base the recommendations.
Depending on the scope of the workshop, the recommended IT client attendees are:
򐂰 Data center manager
򐂰 Application development manager
򐂰 Database administrator
򐂰 Business development manager (for new offerings)
It is recommended to include Line of Business attendees as appropriate.
IBM or IBM Business Partner
Accompanying the client to this workshop should be the appropriate IBM or IBM Business
Partner representatives from the account team, including as needed: database specialist,
server and storage specialists, networking specialist, and IT architects.
6.2.3 Sample workshop objectives
Here are a set of starter objectives for this workshop, which should be customized to your
specific needs:
򐂰 To have a high level understanding of the technical and financial implications of IT
Business Continuity solutions, enabled upon a consolidated base of applications,
databases, servers and storage in the data centers and remote locations.
򐂰 To understand the different technologies in developing cost-effective IT Business
Continuity solutions, architecture and roadmap-server clustering, data replication with
176 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
consistency, infrastructure simplification and consolidation, virtualization, automation
software, and their benefits specific to the enterprise.
򐂰 To give a good idea of the different options for IT Business Continuity for the key
applications, databases, IT infrastructure.
򐂰 To provide a baseline strategy for achieving a reliable, repeatable, scalable, testable IT
Business Continuity solution that will allow the business to manage the IT assets more
effectively and efficiently, improve service levels, reduce operational costs, and be able to
adapt and respond to risks and opportunities, in order to maintain continuous business
operations, be a more trusted partner, and enable growth.
6.2.4 Sample workshop agenda for a one day, 4- to 6-hour workshop
Here is a starter agenda for a one day Next Step Business Continuity workshop:
1. Workshop introduction: participants, objectives, agenda
Introduce the participants, confirm objectives, and agenda.
2. Infrastructure review
Review the existing configuration and previously gathered information about key
applications and databases. Information gathered includes: high level data center
configurations, server and storage inventory, network, Service Level Agreements
(availability), performance, data recovery objectives, capacity, current pains, strategy and
growth scenarios, and more.
3. Overview of Business Continuity planning methods and technology
Review key Business Continuity concepts to set the stage for the working session.
4. Working session for Business Continuity
A facilitated, efficient working session to derive a scalable, reliable, and repeatable
Business Continuity architecture and solution set.
Our workshop methodology is a distilled version of Chapter 3, “Business Continuity
planning, processes, and execution” on page 43. We define and narrow our scope to be
high-level versions of:
Risk Assessment
Business Impact Analysis
Business Continuity program assessment, and
Business Continuity IT Strategy Design
Included in this working session is the various information that will be
refined during the
course of the workshop: business objectives, risks, business impacts of risks, with
associated discussions of what workloads and characteristics need to be recovered.
We derive through the working session, a high-level Business Continuity architecture,
identify candidate technologies and solutions, address financial, technical, and
organizational issues, and document projected benefits, challenges, and a roadmap.
5. Recommendations, discussion, and action items
We wrap up with discussions of Next Step recommendations and action items.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 177
6.2.5 Preparing for the workshop (1 to 2 weeks prior)
One to two weeks prior to the workshop, you perform the following tasks:
򐂰 Confirm executive commitment and attendance.
򐂰 Have pre-workshop preparation conference calls to confirm workshop objectives,
questions, agenda, outputs, date, location and participants, information needed to send to
the workshop architect.
򐂰 Provide templates and discuss information to be gathered.
6.2.6 Preparing for the workshop (5 days prior)
Five days prior to the workshop, you need to confirm final collection of the required
As part of our workshop methodology, we recognize that it is rare that all relevant information
is perfectly available. Therefore, we provide valid assumptions to help us to keep moving
forward. Of course, the more accurate the information that is available, the more specific and
relevant the recommendations and solution will be, and the more productive the workshop will
Information to be gathered
We provide templates for the information to be gathered. Reference the following figures to
see these templates:
򐂰 Figure 6-13, “Step 1 - resource and business impact” on page 189
򐂰 Figure 6-17, “Step 2 - define vulnerability, risks in phases” on page 193
򐂰 Figure 6-21, “Step 3 - define decision criteria for the Business Continuity solution” on
page 195
򐂰 Figure 6-57, “Step 4 - concept of building the solution step-by-step” on page 228
The types of information that you need to gather include:
1. Business: How much data loss and what data loss will start to hurt bottom line? For what
period of time?
2. Data Center configuration diagrams: servers, storage, networking and others.
3. Key application workload and databases description (applications, database, operating
system, SLAs). Client production, internal production, development, test and
pre-production, operations, new workloads. Which workload should be analyzed first?
4. Server, storage, application, database, network inventory-server type (model, CPU, RAM,
quantity, average and peak utilization), storage type (model, raw, usable, allocation, file
type, backup criteria, and so forth), growth rates of each.
5. Application and server/storage segmentation, priorities, desired recovery times of the
above inventory.
6. What is considered the Continuous Availability segment and what is its Recovery Time
Objective (RTO)?
Tip: The questions that we include here are an extended list of the basic IT Business
Continuity requirements questions that we detail in Chapter 5, “Business Continuity
Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151.
178 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
7. What is the middle-level criticality segmentation (Rapid Data Recovery) and what is its
8. What is the application segmentation that only requires a basic level of recovery
(Backup/Restore) and what is its RTO?
9. Server, storage, database, software, network costs—depreciation or amortization,
maintenance, hosting and support (monthly or yearly), install or implementation (one
10.Software licensing charges (operating system, applications, databases)—per CPU, one
time or yearly
11.Environment costs—hosting, space, power, cooling, fire protection, and so forth.
12.Operation costs—number of infrastructure personnel (server administrators), annual costs
per full time equivalent, hosting.
13.Estimated business outage cost (an hour or a day) and financial acceptable criteria (such
as 18 months return on investment, $X savings in Y months).
14.Management tools (application, database, server, storage, and network)
15.Current data center challenges, issues, next two-year business, outlook, applications and
technical strategy.
16.List any objectives, issues and questions to be addressed during workshop.
17.Any other relevant information?
6.3 Next Step workshop methodology overview
In this section we review the methodology that we use in this Business Continuity planning
workshop. We often find that one of the more difficult tasks in Business Continuity planning is
being able to present and communicate the concepts, ideas, and logic flow, to the wide
audience that must understand, participate, and reach consensus on the Business Continuity
Therefore, we overview the methodology by providing a step-by-step set of visual aids, which
are designed to give you a straightforward set of guidelines for successfully performing a
Business Continuity planning session.
Our methodology overview provides:
򐂰 A sequential set of actions
򐂰 Each action in the methodology has an accompanying visual aid
򐂰 Each visual aid has as appropriate: supporting discussion points, questions to be asked
and answered, necessary inputs and desired outputs, and documentation of relevant
򐂰 Each visual aid has cross-references to more information within this Redbook
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 179
Let us begin with Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1 Welcome to the Next Step Business Continuity workshop
Welcome to the Next Step Business Continuity workshop. We provide a distilled, simplified
step-by-step application of the concepts in this book.
Figure 6-2 shows the agenda.
Figure 6-2 Agenda
6.3.1 Executive summary
In today’s workshop, we discuss many topics, so we begin with a summary of the day’s
We assume that the need for better Business Continuity is clear to all attendees, so we will
not review those needs unless necessary. If it is necessary to discuss the value of Business
Continuity, we provide discussion material for that in 6.5, “Appendix: Why Business
Continuity” on page 223.
We will follow this outline for today’s workshop:
1. We start with a Client Summary discussion—a key conversation by the sponsoring IT
executives to the room, to set the proper expectations as to what we intend to do.
2. Then, the workshop facilitators provide an overview of the workshop’s methodology. We
discuss how the methodology leads us through determining key IT Business Continuity
metrics, key IT
value metrics, and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Business
Continuity - these all will be discussed with both IT and with the Lines of Business.
3. These Business Continuity metrics will determine Business Continuity goals and drive
design, budgets, return on investments and success criteria for the workshop. The desired
service levels can include end-to-end systems availability, response time, disaster
recovery objectives.
Next Step Business Continuity
Executive Summary
Methodology Overview
Workshop Steps
180 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
4. We will suggest a set of KPIs, which ideally need to be available and tracked on a monthly
or quarterly basis. Examples of KPIs could include:
Backup window: What is the amount of data being backed up? Is our backup window
staying steady or shrinking, and if so, how fast?
Preparedness: What is our current time to switch to the remote data center? Is it
improving or getting worse
Testing: Do we have sufficiently frequent, affordable testing that can tell us the answer
to the above two KPIs? What is the frequency of our testing? What is the success rate?
5. The methodology steps also guide us through assessing present attainment of these
service levels and KPIs, to establish a base line for comparison and understanding of the
challenges to meeting the target:
6. We assess the obstacles to meeting the targeted service levels and KPIs. Typical
obstacles include lack of sufficient tools to monitor service levels and metrics, difficulty of
diagnosing the source of problems, lack of expertise, and staff resources
7. The methodology will help us develop a baseline Business Continuity architecture that can
best address the obstacles, specifying technologies and solutions which are becoming
more affordable and feasible to implement every year
8. We will develop a project plan to pilot and implement the Business Continuity architecture
and solutions, including monitoring, tracking progress and reporting to IT management
and lines of business, to clearly demonstrate ongoing, quantifiable value to the business
6.3.2 Intended audience and scope for the workshop
Let us next review the methodology that we will use today. Figure 6-3 shows the intended
audience and scope for this workshop.
Figure 6-3 Workshop methodology overview - audience and scope
This workshop is aimed at the IT level. While true Business Continuity planning must also
involve all other aspects of the business, this workshop is designed for the IT management
and senior IT staff to understand and synthesize their roles and strategies as they pertain to
the greater whole.
Methodology Overview
CIO's and IT Directors
Build baseline IT BC strategy and plan for
Data management, database
IT data centers
Data Center process and procedures
IT distributed systems
IT tools
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 181
We provide templates and expertise to document and diagnose each of these factors listed
under scope. You can also see why we set the initial expectation that we do not attempt to
solve it all at the same time, and why we narrow the scope by prioritization.
Next, we discuss the objectives of our workshop methodology, shown in Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-4 Workshop methodology overview
In summary, we expect that the ideal time span of this workshop is one day in many cases,
perhaps two days at most in others. We provide templates to simplify the gathering of the
relevant information. Where information is not available, we provide valid assumptions so that
we can move forward with the planning process (Figure 6-5).
Figure 6-5 Workshop methodology overview - assumptions
Note: The scope of this Business Continuity exercise is at the business process level. In
today’s business world, it is clear that it is the service to the lines of business, and the
value that is offered to internal and external users as a unified whole, that is the primary
value add of IT. Therefore, the scope of this workshop is on the necessary IT components
needed to support the
entire business process.
Methodology Overview
Quick and efficient, specific to the client’s
needs and environment
Ideally one day
Build a baseline BC strategy, including
recommended solutions and products
Demonstrate methodology in a ‘how-to-do’,
repeatable manner
Help build business case for executive
Methodology Overview…
Use valid assumptions to move forward
Provide templates, questions for starting point
182 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Next, we discuss the intended outputs of our workshop and methodology, as shown in
Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-6 Workshop methodology overview - intended ouputs
To deliver the objectives stated previously, we include the following in our output:
򐂰 Regarding priority of business processes and recovery, an important documentation
of the
Business Vulnerabilities that we include in our scope. This is a distillation of aspects
of the
Business Prioritization portion of the ideal Business Continuity process that is
described in detail in (3.4, “Business prioritization” on page 47).
򐂰 Regarding phases of a Business Continuity Solution, a baseline Business Continuity
architecture, recommended solutions, roadmap, strategy, including:
Reasonable recovery time targets that can be achieved
Economies of scale, heterogeneity, IT simplification
Phased roadmap
This is a further a distillation of the entire
Integration into IT portion of the ideal
Business Continuity process that we describe in detail in 3.5, “Integration into IT” on
page 67.
򐂰 A specific set of recommendation on how to show benefits to the Line of Business. It is key
that we can demonstrate how identified Business Continuity priorities can fit within existing
budgets. This is a distillation and expansion of the entire
Manage portion of the ideal
Business Continuity process that we describe in detail in 3.6, “Manage” on page 125. This
is an essential task, because we know that a truly effective, cost-justifiable Business
Continuity strategy must be able to show continuing value in order to have joint ownership
by both IT and the Line of Business.
In the next section are the actual workshop steps, in which we provide templates, guidelines,
and discussion points. We provide cross-references for further information and reading within
this book.
Methodology Output
Document prioritization of Vulnerabilities by Business
Baseline BC architecture, solutions, roadmap, strategy,
other considerations
Reasonable recovery time targets
Economies of scale, heterogeneity, IT simplification
“Chunk-able” roadmap (i.e. phases)
Recommended technologies, solutions and products
Priority + Budget =
Achievable BC Results right now
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 183
6.3.3 Performing the workshop
We begin by showing an overview of the workshop methodology steps. Figure 6-7 shows the
key steps in the workshop.
Figure 6-7 The key workshop steps
We document how each of our methodology steps map to the ideal Business Continuity
planning process that we discuss in 3.3, “Ideal Business Continuity planning process” on
page 46.
The first three steps are a distillation of the
Business Prioritization portion of the ideal
Business Continuity process, specifically
Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis, and
Program Assessment:
1. Collect information for prioritization.
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope.
3. Define Business Continuity targets based on scope.
See 3.4, “Business prioritization” on page 47 for detailed information about these steps.
The next three steps are a distillation of the
Integration into IT portion of the Ideal Business
Continuity process, specifically
Business Continuity Program Design, IT Strategy Design, and
4. Solution option design and evaluation.
5. Recommended IBM solutions and products.
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap.
See 3.5, “Integration into IT” on page 67 for detailed information about these steps.
Key Workshop Steps
1. Collect information for prioritization
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
3. Define BC targets based on scope
4. Solution option design and evaluation
5. Recommended solutions and products
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
184 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 6-8 is a diagram of the inputs, actions, and outputs of the key steps of the workshop.
Figure 6-8 Workshop inputs, actions, and outputs
We recommend that you print a large version of this chart and place it on the wall to guide the
workshop participants as to where they are in the process. Note also that each of these input
and output documents are valuable communication tools for the enterprise.
Each document should be considered to be a living document, that is continually maintained,
expanded, and made available to all interested parties in the enterprise. These documents,
and the input/action/output flow that connects them, provides a actionable, achieveable
baseline action plan for today’s workshop, and for the organization over time as well.
The information in this book and in IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions
Guide, SG24-6548 and IBM System Storage Business Continuity Solutions Overview,
SG24-6684 are the reference material and foundations for this methodology.
Key reference chapters for each step are as follows:
1. Collect information for prioritization
3.4.1, “Risk assessment” on page 47
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
3.4.2, “Business impact analysis” on page 51
3. Define Business Continuity targets based on scope
3.4.3, “Program assessment” on page 54
Define vulnerabilities
Defined BC baseline targets,
architecture, decision
and success criteria
Business process segments
and solutions
Recommended IBM
Solutions and benefits
Workshop Input and Output
Scope Resource Business
Impact Component
effect on business
Baseline Bus. Cont. strategy,
roadmap, benefits, challenges,
financial implications and
List of vulnerabilities
Existing BC capability, KPIs,
targets, and success rate
Technologies and solution
Generic solutions that meet
Business process, KPI,
component inventory
Budget, major project
milestones, resource
availability, business
process priority
2. Vulnerability / Risk
3. Define desired BC
targets based on scope
4. Solution design and
5. Recommend
solutions and products
1. Collect info for
6. Recommend strategy and
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 185
4. Solution Option Design and evaluation
3.5.1, “Business Continuity program design” on page 67
3.5.2, “IT strategy design” on page 89
5. Recommended IBM Solutions and Products
Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions” on page 137
Chapter 5, “Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151
IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548
IBM System Storage Business Continuity Solutions Overview, SG24-6684
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
In addition to the suggestions above for point 5, also see Chapter 2, “Industry Business
Continuity trends and directions” on page 9.
Let us now begin with step 1.
6.3.4 Workshop Step 1 - Collect information for prioritization
Step 1 in the workshop is collect information for prioritization (Figure 6-9).
Figure 6-9 Workshop step 1 - collect information for prioritization
Key Workshop Step 1
1. Collect information for prioritization
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
3. Define BC targets based on scope
4. Solution option design and evaluation
5. Recommended solutions and products
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
186 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
We begin by discussing key business processes (Figure 6-10). We suggest:
򐂰 Select a few key business processes to discuss and work on just those for this workshop
򐂰 Ideally three or less
Figure 6-10 Step 1 - guidelines for ‘collecting information for prioritization’
The value of narrowing the scope for this workshop to a few (preferably one, two, or at most
three) key business processes, is that we can contain the nature of the workshop to an
achievable level. After the client has become fluent in running our methodology with one
business process, they can then repeat the methodology on other processes over time.
Note that we focus on the business process as the
recoverable unit. We observe that today,
the traditional approach of designing recovery at the individual server platform level or
storage level is often insufficient. In today’s business environment, the loss of just one key
component will probably impact multiple steps of multiple business processes.
Next, we review the Business Continuity KPIs for these business processes.
Key Performance Indicators
To review briefly, KPIs are a business management concept that is particularly applicable to a
Business Continuity project. We suggest some starter IT Business Continuity KPIs here; you
can choose and modify these as you see fit.
KPIs reflect your client’s IT Business Continuity requirements success factors. The Business
Continuity solution KPIs must accurately portray the organization's Business Continuity
objectives, they must accurately measure the keys to success, and they must be measurable
and quantifiable.
Tip: More information and a diagram on why the business process must be the focus, not
just the technology, is in 2.1.1, “Shift of focus from technology to business processes” on
page 10.
Discuss collected information
for prioritization
Pick a few key business processes to start
The business process is the recoverable block, not the IT
infrastructure, server, or partial application
Key Performance Indicators (examples):
Current backup window duration. Growing/shrinking?
Time to recovery, time to switch sites
Testing frequency
Average response time
Average problem resolution time
Bandwidth costs, how much bandwidth
How much data is being replicated
Percentage growth rate of storage
Collect component information
Step 1:
Collect Info
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 187
When defining or suggesting Business Continuity solution Key Performance Indicators,
consider the following:
򐂰 Should be considerations for the long-term
򐂰 Definition of what they are and how they are measured should not change often
򐂰 Must be accurately defined and measured
򐂰 Must have quantifiable targets and timeframes
Starter set of KPIs for IT Business Continuity
Figure 6-11 shows a template for metrics of a starter set of Business Continuity KPIs.
Figure 6-11 Step 1 - document current Key Performance Indicators for Business Continuity
The use of KPIs provides a key management tool. They give everyone in your organization a
clear vision of what is important, and of what they will need to make happen.
We suggest that you publicize and post the KPIs in places throughout your organization
where all employees can have access to them: in the lunch room, on the walls of conference
rooms, on your company’s intranet, and even on the company’s Web site for some of them.
Show the target for each KPI, and show the progress toward that target. With good project
management, your staff will be motivated and feel pride in reaching the KPI targets.
Next, we review collecting information about the IT environment and components that
underpin the selected business process.
Tip: Additional information about KPIs is in “Key Performance Indicators” on page 55.
Key Performance Indicators for
IT Business Continuity
Total time in minutes:
outage => users online
Time to switch sites
and restore service
Time to recover (i.e.
time to switch sites)
Number of times/mo
for BC test
Frequency per month
of end to end BC test
Testing frequency
Average and peak
response time in sec
Application response
time at bedside
Average system
response time
Total time in minutes
appl must be quiesced
Duration daily planned
application outage
Backup window
Average time in hours
from initial report
Average time identify,
resolve applic. problem
Average problem
resolution time
Quarter to quarter data
allocation report
Annual growth % data
production applic
Percentage growth
rate data
Total production TB
allocated to applic
Amount of data being
replicated by applic
How much data is
being replicated
Dollars/month of
Monthly cost of
bandwidth to DR site
Bandwidth costs
Target:Measurement:Definition:Title of KPI:
Step 1: Collect
Info for Prioritization
188 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Component inventory information to be collected
During the logistics and preparation for this workshop, provide fill-in-the-blank templates to
the client for organizing the component information to be gathered. These are the IT
components that underpin the business processes that you have selected to study
(Figure 6-12).
Figure 6-12 Step 1 - component inventory information to be collected
We include some important points about this component information here. A high-level
description is sufficient. We drill down for more detail as appropriate during the workshop,
using the expertise of the workshop participants. (We provide a template for documenting this
information in Figure 6-13.)
򐂰 Applications: List the various applications that make up the business process. Diagram a
basic flow chart of how they relate to each other.
򐂰 Data and data management: For these applications, describe at a high level, the current
data allocation, data management, data backup policies, and the infrastructure for this
data. amount of data in GB/TB. What are the change rates/day, how often do we back it
up, what is the backup method, what are the data allocation policies (on what storage),
and so forth.
򐂰 Databases: List the databases used to manage the data, and any relevant configuration
facts. What facilities are used in that database software that might affect the recovery, and
so forth.
򐂰 Hardware infrastructure (server, storage): List the IT hardware infrastructure on which
the business processes, applications, data, and databases reside. Diagram the servers,
storage, their interconnect diagram, any relevant model numbers, and so forth.
򐂰 Network (LAN, WAN): Describe and diagram the networking infrastructure that connects
these business processes. Include line speeds/bandwidth, type of line, distances, telecom
topologies, and so forth.
򐂰 Procedures and tools: Diagram the various procedures and the sequence they occur in
this business process.
During workshop preparation, inventory of environment
information to be collected:
1) Applications
2) Data and data management
3) Databases
4) Hardware infrastructure (server, storage)
5) Network (LAN, WAN)
6) Procedures and tools
7) People
8) Facilities
9) Estimated cost of outage, per hour
10) Known vulnerabilities
These will be the inputs to:
The Resource and Business impact chart on the next page
Component Inventory information to be
Step 1: Collect
Info for Prioritization
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 189
򐂰 People: What and who are the people that provide the skills and operate the business
procedure. Where are they located, and what are the issues related to them?
򐂰 Facilities: What are the physical facilities and locations that make up this business
򐂰 Estimated cost of outage, per hour: Describe the estimated costs to the business of this
business process is not available. as well as description of how those costs changes as
length of outage progresses, and so forth.
򐂰 Known vulnerabilities: List of known vulnerabilities that are desired to be addressed.
At this point, the resulting KPIs, configuration diagrams, and inventory lists of the existing
environment should be available and shared with all the participants. Ideally, this information
would be posted on large flip charts or posters for visual referral during the subsequent steps
of the workshop.
This information is input into the Risk Analysis and Business Impact Analysis portions of the
workshop. If this information was not available prior to the workshop, the facilitator and
participants need to take the time to diagram this information now, at a high level. The list of
components shown in Figure 6-12 on page 188 are guidelines for the what is necessary to be
listed in the configuration diagrams.
You can document this information in the provided template in Figure 6-13.
Figure 6-13 Step 1 - resource and business impact
Tip: See Figure 7-2 on page 239 for a applied example of this template.
Scope - Resource and Business Impact
Known vulnerabilities
Estimated cost of
outage , per hour
Business Impact
Facilities and physical
Procedures and tools
Network (LAN, WAN)
Data and data
management policies
Business process 3Business process 2Business process 1Component
Step 1: Collect info for prioritization
190 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Ranking of business processes and components
With the key business processes identified and a sufficient description of the current
environment available for the participants to see, you next complete the summarized
template shown in Figure 6-14. Most importantly, you use this template to prioritize and
rank the business processes, using the template from Figure 6-13 on page 189.
Component effect on business process
Figure 6-13 was organized by business process so that you can see, for each one, the
included components. In Figure 6-14, for each of the components, the resulting diagram
documents what business processes are affected should that component fail. You could
perform the same analysis on the components of databases, servers, storage, and so forth.
Note that to limit the scope of the workshop, this step is optional.
Figure 6-14 Step 1 optional - component effect on business processes
With these charts completed, you have now documented the scope of the current
environment that you will study.
Note: This ranking becomes the scope for the workshop.
Tip: See Figure 7-3 on page 240 for a applied example of this template.
Component effect on
business processes
NotesPriorityBusiness processes
Application /
Step 1: Collect info for
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 191
6.3.5 Workshop Step 2 - Vulnerability, risk assessment, and scope
You next proceed to assess the vulnerabilities and risks that you will choose to address, and
further refine the scope of the workshop (Step 2 as shown in Figure 6-15).
Figure 6-15 Step 2 - Vulnerability, risk assessment, and scope
As you have seen in our methodology and demonstrated again in this step, it is essential that
we narrow the scope and prioritize, so that all parties will continue to have an achievable,
meaningful experience of this workshop.
For our workshop, we suggest that you use the template to diagram these three categories of
򐂰 Nature
򐂰 People
򐂰 Equipment
On the template, identify the kinds of nature, people, and IT equipment related vulnerabilities
that you want to address. Continue as well with the likelihood ranking. Because you are
working on a baseline strategy and a methodology, it is not necessary to cover every
vulnerability but only the key high impact or high likelihood vulnerabilities.
To further narrow the scope, we also suggest that you do this just for the data center.
As always, after the methodology and skills are understood, you can then repeat the
methodology on other business processes or part of the organization as time goes along.
Tip: A more detailed discussion of risk assessment and the types of vulnerabilities, is in
3.4.1, “Risk assessment” on page 47.
Key Workshop Step 2
1. Collect information for prioritization
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
3. Define BC targets based on scope
4. Solution option design and evaluation
5. Recommended solutions and products
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
192 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 6-16 is a template that you can use to obtain a simplified, high-level vulnerability and
risk assessment.
Figure 6-16 Step 2 - Define vulnerabilities - template with example vulnerabilities
As with the business processes, you then select the specific vulnerabilities that comprise an
appropriate scope for the purposes of the workshop.
Tip: See Figure 7-4 on page 241 for an applied example of this template.
Define Vulnerabilities
ServersMaliciousHigh for
Only Data Centers
Step 2:
Vulnerability, risk
assessment, scope
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 193
You can expect that the scope starts at an initial level and then expands in phases. This is a
key message: You should address the risks and, thus, the associated scope in phases over
time, as shown in Figure 6-17.
Figure 6-17 Step 2 - define vulnerability, risks in phases
We can also see in Figure 6-17 that the output of this work is a defined set of risks and
vulnerabilities that we cover in the rest of the workshop.
The result of these first two steps is that you have arrived at a valid, reasonable
scope for the
remainder of our workshop, as shown in Figure 6-18.
Figure 6-18 Step 2 - Scope of Business Continuity solution
Scope of Business
Continuity project
Output of Vulnerability / Risk Assessment is:
Scope of the Business Continuity solution
Step 2:
Vulnerability, risk
assessment, scope
194 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
6.3.6 Workshop Step 3 - Define Business Continuity targets based on scope
You next apply this defined scope onto the Business Process and IT environments that you
documented in Step 1.
Figure 6-19 Step 3 - define Business Continuity targets based on scope
In the template in Figure 6-20, you take information that you gathered in Steps 1 and 2, and
discuss an initial set of desired Business Continuity targets.
Figure 6-20 Step 3 - define Business Continuity target template
Key Workshop Step 3
1. Collect information for prioritization
2. Vulnerability and risk assessment
3. Define BC targets based on scope
4. Solution Option Design and evaluation
5. Recommended IBM Solutions and
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
Define BC target
rate %
Cost of
outage /
hour (total
spent to
achieve this
rate %
Step 3:
Define BC
Targets based
on scope
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 195
As we discuss the information in these columns and complete the template, some points on
the success rate are:
򐂰 The percentage success rate of the current recovery time is directly proportional to the
frequency of testing. Part of our strategy will be to address ways we can affordably
increase the testing frequency, thus laying ground work for better, more provable and
more audit-compliant success rates.
򐂰 List the desired target recovery time. As we discussed in (Chapter 5., “Business Continuity
Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151), this is the
major determinant of the
Business Continuity technology that is selected. Use an initial desired time. You refine this
in later steps as necessary. More importantly, you use this metric to determine the
intermediate steps that would be necessary in pursuit of this RTO.
We next discuss a suggested decision criteria for the Business Continuity solution.
The normal criteria of budget, timeline, performance of course apply. We suggest, however,
that an additional set of essential criteria should be met, in order for the business to best
address the many coming trends as we describe in Chapter 2, “Industry Business Continuity
trends and directions” on page 9.
Those additional criteria can be described as shown in Figure 6-21. Discuss these criteria
and arrive at a consensus for decision criteria.
Figure 6-21 Step 3 - define decision criteria for the Business Continuity solution
In addition to the normal criteria of budget, time frame, performance, and so forth, for today’s
business environment, we suggest the following additional criteria:
򐂰 Protects current investment: Resource and time constraints demand that today’s
Business Continuity architecture cannot be a major restructure of the existing
򐂰 Supports and integrates with IT data center strategy: More importantly, as was
discussed in detail in 2.2, “Justifying Business Continuity to the business” on page 12”, the
Tip: See Figure 7-5 on page 242 for an applied example of this template.
Define Decision Criteria
Protects current investment
Supports and integrates with data center strategy
Best meets long term BC targets
Must be able to do step by step
Economies of scale
Must apply consolidation, business process
segmentation, ILM, tiered storage and servers
To reduce costs, amount of backup equipment
Satisfy usual criteria
Budget, timeframe, scalability, performance
Step 3:
Define BC
targets based
on scope
196 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Business Continuity architecture can best be justified and adequately funded when it is an
extension and an integral part of the larger IT Data Center strategy. It is a practical reality
that a cost-justifiable Business Continuity architecture must be built upon a foundation of a
appropriate amount of IT consolidation and standardization.
򐂰 Best meets long-term Business Continuity targets: The selected Business Continuity
architecture must be able to reliably scale and flexibly expand to meet future Business
Continuity targets, without major rework. The Business Continuity architecture that is put
in place today is likely to continue to be the architecture that is used for a significant
amount of time to come.
򐂰 Must be able to do step-by-step: We expect in this workshop to plan for an initial scope
of Business Continuity coverage. with the intent that you can then expand that scope in
phases over time. A good Business Continuity architecture will stage the necessary
procedure and process changes, implementation changes, testing, and other aspects
over time, building incrementally. This best matches today’s budget and resource
constraints. Building a phased approach also allows the business to accelerate or slow the
implementation pace as the needs of the business and funding change over time.
򐂰 Economy of scale: For cost and affordability reasons, it is very important to apply
techniques that can avoid duplicating the entire IT infrastructure at the backup data center.
By using techniques such as consolidation, business process segmentation by
recovery criticality, Information Life Cycle Management for efficiently managing the
data, tiered storage and tiered servers, and so forth.
The financial justification is easier, as we reduce the amount of data required, and
manage that data in a more cost-effective fashion
These techniques also allow the Business Continuity architecture to reliably scale and
extend its capabilities, potentially expanding on a larger scale across multiple Lines of
Business. In today’s business environment, it is essential to be able to support the
Business Continuity objectives even in the event of acquisitions, mergers, and ever
larger consolidations.
򐂰 Satisfy usual criteria: For budget, time frame, scalability, performance.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 197
6.3.7 Workshop Step 4 - Solution option design and evaluation
With the decision criteria for the Business Continuity solution agreed upon, you can now
proceed to the major part of this workshop, which is solution option design and evaluation
(Figure 6-22).
Figure 6-22 Step 4 - solution design and evaluation
You commence a design discussion, using the information that you have already developed.
Begin by reviewing basic concepts and principles, as shown in Figure 6-23 and Figure 6-24.
Figure 6-23 Concepts and principles - basics of Business Continuity and need for segmentation
Key Workshop Step 4
1. Collect information for prioritization
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
3. Define BC targets based on scope
4. Solution option design and evaluation
5. Recommended solutions and products
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
Concepts and Principles
Basic Concepts:
Timeline of an IT Recovery
High Availability, Continuous Operations,
Disaster Recovery
Business Continuity Tiers
Principle: business process
segmentation is necessary
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
198 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 6-24 Concepts an principles - build solution step-by-step
Using the following charts as visual aids, describe, discuss, refine, and derive the appropriate
solution options. The intent is to establish a good best practices knowledge base with the
workshop participants as you start the solution options, design, and evaluation step.
As we discuss in “Key Performance Indicators” on page 186, have these key objectives
available and posted in the room for all the participants to refer to as you review these
Concepts and Principles
Principle: Build solution step by step
Consolidate IT infrastructure
Implement Backup / Restore solutions
Add management software
Add networking
Implement Rapid Data Recovery solutions
Add point in time disk copy
Add data mirroring
Implement Continuous Availability solutions
Add end to end operating system automation
Build solution incrementally, phase by phase
Demonstrate business value in every phase
Build process, procedure in every phase
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 199
Concept: Timeline of an IT recovery
Review the concept of the Timeline of an IT Recovery, shown in Figure 6-25. This chart
shows a
vision of an end-to-end Business Continuity recovery, including the various people
and processes, to assure that all participants are brought to the same base level of
Figure 6-25 Step 4: concept - the timeline of an IT recovery
To briefly review, the concept here is that multiple processes, procedures, and actions make
up the timeline of an IT recovery. Assessment is the first phase, recovery of hardware and
operating systems is the next phase, followed by application-level recovery as the final
Tip: The detailed discussion of the Timeline of an IT Recovery is in “Definition: RTO and
RPO” on page 62.
200 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Concept: High Availability, Continuous Operations, Disaster Recovery
Next, review the definitions of High Availability, Continuous Operations, and Disaster
, shown in Figure 6-26. You design your Business Continuity solution to address
these aspects.
Figure 6-26 Step 4 - Definitions of High Availability, Continuous Operations, Disaster Recovery
To briefly review, the concept is that Business Continuity is made up of three overlapping
areas: High Availability, Continuous Operations, and Disaster Recovery.
Ideally, when you design the Business Continuity solution properly, the High Availability and
Continuous Operations capabilities also provide Disaster Recovery. In this way, you design
the solution to provide ongoing value in terms of High Availability and Continuous Operations,
which is very important to be able to demonstrate for cost justification purposes.
Tip: You can find the detailed discussion of these definitions in “IT High Availability design”
on page 92.
Protection of critical Business data
Operations continue after a disaster
Costs are predictable and manageable
Recovery is predictable and reliable
Fault-tolerant, failure-
resistant infrastructure
supporting continuous
application processing
High Availability
Non-disruptive backups
and system maintenance
coupled with continuous
availability of applications
Continuous Operations
Protection against
unplanned outages such
as disasters through
reliable, predictable
Disaster Recovery
IT Business
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 201
Concept: Business Continuity tiers
Having defined what you mean by IT Business Continuity, you next review the important
concept of the Business Continuity tiers, Figure 6-27.
Figure 6-27 Step 4 - principle: Business Continuity tiers
To briefly review, the Business Continuity tiers concept allows you to categorize various
Business Continuity technologies by their recovery time. In this way, you can more easily
match your desired RTO time with the optimum set of technologies. The reason for multiple
tiers is that as the RTO time decreases, the optimum Business Continuity technologies for
RTO must change. For any given RTO, there are always a particular set of optimum price or
performance Business Continuity technologies.
Tip: We discuss the concept of Business Continuity tiers in more detail in “IT Business
Continuity tiers of technology” on page 94.
Business Continuity Tiers
and Technology
Total Elapsed Time (Recovery Time Objective)
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
BC Tier 4 - Point in Time disk copy
BC Tier 3 - Electronic Tape Vaulting
BC Tier 2 - Hot Site, Restore from Tape
BC Tier 7 – Server and storage mirroring, automated end to end recovery
BC Tier 6 – Storage or server mirroring
BC Tier 5 –Transaction integrity, software-based mirroring
BC Tier 1 – Restore
from Tape
Match business process criticality with cost of recovery
This will maximize application coverage at optimum cost
Recovery from a disk image Recovery from tape copy
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
202 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Principle: the need for business process segmentation
Next discuss the necessity of business process segmentation, as shown in Figure 6-28:
Figure 6-28 Step 4 - Principle: need for business process segmentation
To briefly review, you need to map the desired recovery time for a set of business processes
onto the Business Continuity technology that is described in the Business Continuity tiers
chart. To account for the fact that not all business processes need to be recovered at the
same speed, you need to match recovery cost to recovery speed appropriately. The best way
to do this is to architect a strategic segmentation of the business processes.
You typically implement your solution from the bottom up, going one segment at a time. In
other words, you build a good base of Backup/Restore capability, take a subset of those
applications and add Rapid Data Recovery, and then take a subset of those applications and
add Continuous Availability.
Tip: More information about the need for business process segmentation is in “Need for
Business Process segmentation” on page 96.
Recovery Time Objective
15 Min. 1-4 Hr.. 4 -8 Hr.. 8-12 Hr.. 12-16 Hr.. 24 Hr.. Days
BC Tier 4
BC Tier 3
BC Tier 2
BC Tier 7
BC Tier 6
BC Tier 1
Continuous Availability
Rapid Data Recovery
Identify and segment business
processes by recovery criticality
Segment applications and solutions, matching cost to criticality.
This maximizes application coverage at optimum cost
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 203
Template: Mapping business process segmentation to technology
Use the template in Figure 6-29 to map the identified critical business processes into this
Figure 6-29 Business Process segmentation template
The chart includes the key determinant information for the success of our workshop because
it is the
key input into our IT strategy design and Business Continuity solution selection
Tip: See Figure 7-6 on page 243 for an applied example of this template.
Business Process
(Backup /
data loss
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
204 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Foundation: IT consolidation and simplification
You can now briefly review the key concept that realizing IT consolidation and simplification is
an essential foundation for the Business Continuity solutioning process. Tieing IT
consolidation and simplification to the IT Business Continuity strategy is essential for both
cost and business justification purposes (Figure 6-30).
Figure 6-30 Step 4 - principle: consolidated infrastructure as a foundation
To briefly review, the concept is that the Business Continuity architecture should be built upon
an adequately consolidated, standardized IT infrastructure. Such an infrastructure has fewer
components to recover, and those components tend to be better managed. It is very likely
that IT infrastructure simplification and consolidation projects are already in progress. If so,
we should simply use and expand the consolidation strategy to introduce components and
functions that produce the desired Business Continuity.
Key IT techniques to be used in the IT consolidation and simplification include:
򐂰 Virtualization
򐂰 Information life cycle management
Tiered storage
–Tiered servers
򐂰 Business process segmentation, that is mapping the criticality of the recovery
requirements to the cost of the recovery solution
Tip: The detailed discussion of this concept is in 2.2.6, “Infrastructure simplification as a
prerequisite to IT Business Continuity” on page 19, as well as “IT infrastructure
simplification as a prerequisite to Business Continuity” on page 89.
© 2006 IBM Corporation
Business Continuity TOP GUN
IT Business Continuity Foundation
Strategic Infrastructure
Simplification / Consolidation
Improve Business
Provide Compelling IT Value
to address Strategic
Business Issues
Ideal: solve the companies’
Issues and IT
issues at the same time
Fewer components to recover
Re-invest savings in more robust Business
Standardize and optimize solution design:
Load Balancing
Most importantly, IT Simplification can
simultaneously improve application delivery
time and application quality
Business Continuity is an intended
byproduct of Infrastructure simplification
This is best practice for IT Business
Continuity justification to the Business
IT Infrastructure
Consolidation and
IT Business
Overall Business
Step 4: Solution option design and evaluation
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 205
Work session to design Business Continuity architecture
You now commence a facilitated discussion of all of the factors involved and start to derive
the appropriate Business Continuity architecture and solution. You can expect at this point
that the skills of the IBM or IBM Business Partner staff or workshop leader (or leaders) are
used to lead this working session.
As the working session continues, address common questions and provide valid assumptions
that allow you to move ahead.
Begin in Figure 6-31 by defining the difference between
preventative and recovery solutions.
Figure 6-31 Preventative versus recovery
Basically, preventative capabilities are proactive high availability, continuous operations
Business Continuity technologies. Examples are server clustering, storage mirroring, and so
forth. Business processes that need very fast recovery typically are looking for this kind of
technology option.
Recovery capabilities are the more traditional recoveries, often from tape, executed at remote
sites that might be cold sites, warm sites, mobile sites, and so forth but executed after the
As a general rule of thumb:
򐂰 If the client uses recovery techniques, it is usually not necessary to plan to buy IT
equipment in pairs.
򐂰 However, if the client uses preventative techniques, he should expect and budget to buy
IT equipment in pairs.
Note: If preventative recovery is not affordable, then the only choice is to use recovery
technologies and methods.
Tip: You can find more information about preventative versus recovery and Risk
Management in “Role of risk management” on page 70.
Technology and Options
Preventative versus Recovery
Define preventative
Define recovery
Cold site, warm site, mobile site, and so forth
If you cannot afford preventative, it goes in
Rule of thumb:
Preventative = usually buy in pairs
Recovery = usually not necessary to buy in pairs
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
206 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Assumptions and rules of thumb for moving forward
In this section, we document useful assumptions and rules of thumb to allow the Business
Continuity planning process to proceed.
What equipment is likely to be needed, when?
Here we need to document the kinds of solutions and associated equipment which typically
are needed at both the primary and backup data centers, and when. This is required because
the client typically wants to know what equipment and budgeting expenditures are going to be
needed and when.
Therefore, we give them a preview of what historically has been the typical progression of
components and equipment, at what phase they are likely to arrive, and segment that
information between the primary data center and the backup data center
Likely equipment requirements at primary data center
We start by examining the primary data center, as shown in Figure 6-32.
Figure 6-32 Step 4 - principle - build the solution step-by-step - primary data center
This chart shows the existing primary data center equipment, depicted on the left side of the
graphic, continues to operate as it does today. On the right-hand side of the chart, we show
what equipment is likely to arrive, by phase.
In keeping with our concept of the Business Continuity tiers and the concept of application
integration, we will then build the solution in a series of steps, climbing upward through the
Business Continuity tiers. We assume that a prerequisite amount of infrastructure
consolidation and simplification is already under way.
We would start the first phase by building up the Backup/Restore foundation. We would then
progress to adding Rapid Data Recovery only for those business processes and applications
that require it. We would then add Continuous Availability only for those business processes
and applications that require that level of protection.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 207
Referring to Figure 6-32, the steps typically are:
1. Start by streamlining, consolidating, and simplifying the tape infrastructure, to provide a
consistent tape backup and restore foundation.
2. Add management software to manage the consolidated tape, which begins the process of
adding automation.
3. Add network bandwidth and network control tools, to prepare for the following steps where
more rigorous data replication is to be done. We leverage remote tape vaulting as an initial
production usage of the network, so that we have a relatively less mission-critical
application in the network while we are learning to manage and control that network.
Simultaneously, we can further improve the tape recovery speed as we have removed
physical tape transport time.
4. Add point in time disk copy capabilities at the primary data center to provide near
continuous application availability by avoiding application outages while making the
backup. Add this point in time disk capability to the remote tape vaulting.
5. Segment out any recoveries that will be based on database or server software.
6. Add management software that can manage the addition of storage mirroring to the
existing storage devices. We use the network that has been tested in previous Business
Continuity Tiers 3 and 4.
7. Add continuous availability operating system integration upon all the foundations laid by
each of the preceding steps.
We recommend that at each step, we document the incremental recovery time
improvements, and communicate those improvements to higher management, thus
demonstrating an ongoing value as the project progresses.
Tip: A more detailed discussion of the building a Business Continuity solution in phases is
also included in 6.6, “Appendix: Solution visual aids” on page 227.
208 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 6-33 shows this typical progression of equipment in more detail.
Figure 6-33 Step 4 - listing of primary data center equipment that will be added at each phase
With the information shown, you can give an expectation as to what kinds of investment will
be required at the primary data center.
Likely equipment requirements at backup data center
You next show the likely progression of equipment that will be added at the remote data
center in a step-by-step phased approach (Figure 6-34).
Figure 6-34 Step 4 - equipment that will be added at the remote data center
Primary Data Center Needs:
No recovery
Cold site
Warm Site
Remote Tape Vaulting via
Disk2Disk point in time copy
Reserved for software
Real time data replication
Storage mirroring or server
E2E automation of server,
storage, software, network
General definition
1Consolidate, streamline tape backup, backup
automation (Tivoli Storage Mgr)
3Network: routers, bandwidth
Control / monitor / tune network
4Local Point in Time copy replication + mgmt s/w
Volume-based licensing costs
Additional disk for the D2D copies
6Remote data replication licenses
Management software for disk mirroring
Volume based licensing costs
7Specific operating system E2E automation and
integration packages
TierGuidelines: additional for Business Continuity
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 209
As you can see, at the backup data center we also follow the concept of building up the
solution step-by-step.
For the remote data center, the equipment acquisition curve typically looks like:
1. Addition of a baseline amount of recovery servers, tape, and disk.
2. Add management software to manage the remote servers, tape, and disk, this begins the
implementation of automation process.
3. Add network bandwidth and network control tools, as the receiving end of the same
implementation at the primary data center. Implement the receiving end of the remote tape
vaulting as an initial production usage of the network, simultaneously further improving the
tape recovery speed.
4. Add receiving end management software at the remote site as necessary in conjunction
with the primary site implementation of point in time copy, followed by remote vaulting.
5. Add receiving end storage for the disk replication. Add management software for
management of the storage mirroring. We use the network that has been tested in
previous Business Continuity Tiers 3 and 4.
6. Add receiving end continuous availability operating system integration at the remote site.
As with the primary site, for each step, we recommend documenting the incremental recovery
time improvements gained by each step, and communicating it to higher management, thus
demonstrating incremental improvements and ongoing value as the project progresses.
Figure 6-35 shows a guideline of the types of equipment that are typically needed at the
various phase of the project, at the backup data center.
Figure 6-35 Step 4 - backup data center typical equipment needed
Backup Data Center Needs:
No recovery
Cold site
Warm Site
Remote Tape Vaulting via
At primary site, reduce
outage time with Point in
Time disk copy. At recovery
site, no change
Reserved for software
Real time data replication
Storage mirroring or server
End to end automation of
server, storage, software,
General definition
1Base level of equipment (servers, tape, disk)
2Tapes, tape mgmt and automation, servers to
drive recovery software
3Network: routers, bandwidth
Control / monitor / tune network
4(“no change”)
6Remote data replication licenses, mgmt s/w
Volume based licensing costs
Disk (2x min, one for mirroring, other for testing
and ‘golden copy’ protection)
7Specific operating system E2E automation and
integration packages
TierGuidelines: additional for Business Continuity
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
210 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Telecom bandwidth requirements for data replication
At some point, the topic of bandwidth requirements, especially for disk replication, is likely to
arise. Figure 6-36 shows a rule of thumb for this topic. You can use this to approximate the
amount of bandwidth that is required.
Figure 6-36 Rule of thumb for bandwidth
Tip: More information and the derivation of this rule for storage replication bandwidth is in
“Telecom bandwidth capacity: Tips and a rule of thumb” on page 110.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 211
Software replication, server replication, or storage replication?
Other discussions might arise about when to choose software replication, when to choose
server replication, and when to choose storage replication. Figure 6-37 should assist in this
Figure 6-37 Considerations for choosing among software, server, or storage replication
Tip: More information about choosing between software replication, server replication, or
storage replication is in “Data replication” on page 101.
212 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
To provide assistance in the solutioning aspect of this workshop, see Chapter 5, “Business
Continuity Solution Selection Methodology” on page 151. Figure 6-38 is an excerpt from the
methodology. It lists the most important IT requirements questions for deciding upon the
proper candidate solutions.
Figure 6-38 Solution Selection Methodology - the 11 IT Business Continuity requirements questions
Tip: More information about the use of these questions is in 5.5.3, “Principle: Asking
requirements questions in a specific order” on page 160.
What applications or
databases to recover?
What platform? (z, p,
i, x and Windows, Linux,
heterogeneous open,
heterogeneous z+Open)
What is desired
Recovery Time
Objective (RTO)?
What is distance
between the sites? (if
there are 2 sites)
What is the connectivity,
infrastructure, and bandwidth
between sites?
What are the specific h/w
equipment(s) that needs to
be recovered?
What is the
- Planned Outage
- Unplanned Outage
- Transaction Integrity
What is the Recovery
Point Objective?
What is the amount of
data to be recovered (in
GB or TB)?
Who will
solution? (IGS, BP,
Who will
the solution? (IGS, BP,
Remaining solutions are
valid choices
to give to
detailed evaluation team
Step A: Ask Specific questions in Specific Order
Step 4: Solution
options design
and evaluation
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 213
You should make the key points in Figure 6-39 during every Business Continuity workshop.
Figure 6-39 Summary - consolidation is a pre-requisite for successful IT Business Continuity
Figure 6-40 Summary - good tools for achieving consolidation include virtualization
Tip: You can find more information about consolidation and infrastructure simplification as
a prerequisite for IT Business Continuity in “IT infrastructure simplification as a prerequisite
to Business Continuity” on page 89.
Tip: You can find more information about how you can use virtualization and centralized
management software in IT Business Continuity in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Consolidation is a fundamental foundation
for IT Business Continuity
Fewer components to recover
Improved control, better management
Cost savings may be re-invested in Business
Best practices is to leverage IT simplification:
Expand the server, storage, DB and application,
networking consolidation to include:
Business Continuity as an intended by-product
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
Key tools:
Centralized management software
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
214 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 6-41 Summary - data center process and procedure
In summary, take the discussion, document it well, and apply the summary principles shown
in Figure 6-42.
Figure 6-42 Summary - architect a solution and vision, plan for a step-by-step implementation
Tip: You can find more information about process and procedure in “Process and
procedures” on page 68.
Data Center procedure, people, process,
Centralized management
Change control
Systems management
Quality assurance
And so forth
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 215
6.3.8 Workshop Step 5 - recommended IBM solutions and products
In the previous step, you had a long free form conversation regarding the various kinds of
requirements, the need for consolidation and virtualization as a prerequisite, bandwidth, and
defined and refined what would be the appropriate technology choices. With that discussion
and using the expertise of the workshop leaders, you should at this point have arrived at a
consensus of a good Business Continuity architecture and have a good idea of the kinds of
specific technology options from which to choose (Figure 6-43).
Figure 6-43 Step 5 - document recommended IBM solutions and products
The workshop facilitator and workshop subject matter experts would lead the participants to a
joint consensus on the appropriate solutions that were the result of these conversations.
Figure 6-44 is a template listing the main items that should be covered in the
Figure 6-44 Step 5 - Solution recommendations template
Key Workshop Step 5
1. Collect information for prioritization
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
3. Define BC targets based on scope
4. Solution option design and evaluation
5. Recommended solutions and products
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
Key existing systems, BC configurations
Recommended BC architecture, configurations
Design criteria
Technologies evaluated
Tiered storage
Backup data center priorities
Primary and Backup data center diagrams
And so forth
Step 5:
solutions and products
216 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
6.3.9 Workshop Step 6 - recommended strategy and roadmap
Finally, you end with the recommended strategy and roadmap, as shown in Figure 6-45.
Figure 6-45 Step 6 - document a recommended strategy and roadmap for this client
List the key benefits and challenges to the IT organization for the proposed solution
(Figure 6-46).
Figure 6-46 Step 6 - template for benefits and challenges
Tip: We provide a detailed example of what these recommendations would look like in the
case study in 7.4, “Recommended Business Continuity architecture and configurations” on
page 245.
Tip: A completed Benefits and Challenges statement is in the case study in “Benefits” on
page 246 and “Challenges” on page 247.
Key Workshop Step 6
1. Collect information for prioritization
2. Vulnerability, risk assessment, scope
3. Define BC targets based on scope
4. Solution option design and evaluation
5. Recommended solutions and products
6. Recommended strategy and roadmap
Step 6:
strategy and roadmap
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 217
List the financial implications and justifications, as shown in Figure 6-47.
Figure 6-47 Step 6 - template for financial implications and justification
Provide an implementation plan.
Finally, provide a Next Steps list that is a roadmap of where the IT organization can and
should go next. Figure 6-48 is a template.
Figure 6-48 Step 6 - Next Steps and roadmap template
Tip: A completed Financial Implication and Justification statement is in the case study in
7.4.1, “Financial implications and justification” on page 247.
Tip: A completed Implementation plan is in the case study in 7.4.2, “Implementation
planning” on page 247.
Tip: A completed Next Step and Roadmap statement from the case study is in 7.4.3, “Next
Steps and roadmap” on page 249.
Sample Financial Implications
and Justification
x%: From IT simplification
Maintenance and operation cost reduction
x%: From normal budget for backup systems
x%: From network and bandwidth savings
x%: From operations and staff efficiency improvement
x%: From new funding from corporate
for overall BC programs
And so forth
Step 6:
strategy and roadmap
Next Steps, Roadmap
Next Step #1
Next Step #2
Next Step #3
And so forth
Step 6:
strategy and roadmap
218 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
As an executive summary, you can use Figure 6-49 as a visual template for laying out the
high-level Next Steps and roadmap.
Figure 6-49 Step 6 - Executive summary Next Steps template
Finally, you need to make the points shown in Figure 6-50 at the end of each Business
Continuity workshop.
Figure 6-50 Step 6 - important recommendations to be included in any Business Continuity workshop
The Lines of Business and IT must be in joint ownership of the end-to-end Business
Continuity project to achieve true Business Continuity.
Other Key Factors
LOB and IT must in joint ownership of end-to-end
Business Continuity
In the end, it is the LOB that has the ultimate risk
IT ultimately is in the support role
Messages from IT to Business:
IT is taking responsibility
IT wants the LOB to be ready for BC
That is if IT is ready, but LOB is not ready, the business fails to
meet its BC objectives
Benefit to IT:
IT might be better funded for the necessary solution
Step 6:
strategy and roadmap
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 219
This is especially important for IT, even though it is the Lines of Business that have the
ultimate risk, and even though IT is in the support role, IT is often viewed as the reason for
success or failure. Therefore, in order for IT to assure their own success, they must
successfully have the LOB agree and participate in joint ownership. This is a very important
message to IT.
Gaining such an agreement also can help IT to assure that funding for the IT aspects of the
Business Continuity project is adequate.
Figure 6-51 All endings equal new beginnings
We conclude our Next Step Business Continuity workshop methodology overview.
We also provide the following supplemental information:
򐂰 6.4, “Appendix: Sample Statement of Work for the workshop” on page 219
򐂰 6.5, “Appendix: Why Business Continuity” on page 223
򐂰 11.6, “Appendix: Solution visual aids” on page 227
6.4 Appendix: Sample Statement of Work for the workshop
This section presents a sample Statement of Work for the facilitators of this Next Step
Business Continuity workshop.
We are pleased to respond with this Statement of Work (SOW) to (client name)’s request to
conduct a one day Next Step Business Continuity workshop for some key applications in the
data centers for Business Continuity situations. The following are the objectives, scope and
򐂰 To help (client name) CIO and IT department with a sample Business Continuity planning
methodology in order to develop a Business Continuity strategy and plan for a few key
applications, data and systems in the data centers.
򐂰 Based on the outcome of the sample assessment, to help (client name) make a decision
on whether a comprehensive Business Continuity planning project should follow.
򐂰 To run some sample Business Continuity scenarios on two or three key applications or
systems, using the Next Step Business Continuity methodology, to understand the
common risks, business impacts, risk mitigation options and benefits.
򐂰 The deliverable will include assessment findings and recommendations in a presentation.
򐂰 The assessment will be conducted on site for one day. The report will be built off site and
presented to the sponsoring executive two weeks afterwards.
Tip: We recommend that next, you read and examine the supplied sample case study
Chapter 7, “Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study” on page 233, as an
example of how this methodology can be applied.
The End
All endings equal new beginnings!
220 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Assessment scope, objectives, deliverables, and project initiation documentation are
described herein.
Objectives and expectations
The section provides details on the objectives and expectations for the workshop.
Risk Assessment
The objective is to use a distilled version of the standard IBM IT Business Continuity planning
methodology to understand the business and IT risks, impacts, costs, benefits for two or three
key applications, data or systems in the two data centers to help (client name) IT team build a
Business Continuity strategy and execution plan. The outcome should also help (client
name) team to decide whether or not to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment and
Business Continuity plan of the total system and all key applications.
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan
This workshop is the first step to build a comprehensive Business Continuity and recovery
plan. The comprehensive plan is
not in the scope of this effort.
Data Center Operations
Part of the Next Step Business Continuity workshop can include a high-level examination the
existing data center operations such as run book, monitoring, help desk and other daily
operations procedures understand the risk involved in a Business Continuity situation, based
on the service level targets. Writing the new procedures will not be part of this effort.
The scope of this engagement will be the Business Continuity initial assessment for two or
three key applications in the present data center environment and some operations
procedures. The activities can include interviews with (client name) subject matter experts
(SMEs) in related areas and examination of appropriate documentations. A summary of these
findings, recommendations of best practices, technologies and development of architecture
and deployment roadmaps can be part of the outputs. The writing of the new procedures will
not be included in this effort.
IBM or IBM Business Partner will collect available (client name) documentation relevant to the
effort. IBM or IBM Business Partner will use the Best Practices standards of its own
operations as well industry standards as the basis for the assessment. Based on the review
of the documentation and detailed discussions with the (client name) technical team, IBM or
IBM Business Partner will create a report
Finding/Observations and Recommendations. The
Findings/Observations report will identify gaps in compliance with Best Practices and will
identify those steps that must be taken to support the vision of the (client name) Business
Continuity strategy and plan.
Sample Methodology used for Assessment
The sample methodology that is used for assessment is determined as appropriate from the
charts presented in this chapter.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 221
Deliverables from the workshop include:
򐂰 Findings and recommendations for a risk assessment for two or three key applications,
data and operation procedures in Business Continuity situations in the primary and
backup data centers
򐂰 The final report will be a presentation (30-50 slides) on the results of the Business
Continuity scenario risk assessment of key applications - business risks, impacts, costs,
possible risk mitigation options, investments and benefits, key Business Continuity
performance indicators, present status of meeting these indicators and gaps,
recommendations to close these gaps and recommended roadmap, architectures and
IBM or IBM Business Partner Responsibilities
IBM/IBM Business Partner are responsible for the following project management activities
under this SOW, including but not limited to:
򐂰 Establishing and maintaining an appropriate framework for communications with the
(client name) Technical Coordinator
򐂰 Working cooperatively with the (client name) Technical Coordinator to resolve Project
issues that might arise.
򐂰 Providing regular status reports (through e-mail or other means) as appropriate.
򐂰 Preparing the materials that are specified in the
Deliverables section, together with the
IBM or IBM Business Partner Project team, and providing such materials to (client name).
(client name) Responsibilities
(client name) is responsible for the following project management activities under this SOW:
򐂰 Serving as the interface between the IBM or IBM Business Partner project team and all
participating (client name) departments and provide interviewers as appropriate time and
򐂰 Working cooperatively with the IBM or IBM Business Partner Technical Coordinator to
resolve any Project issues that arise and escalating any issues within (client name), if
򐂰 Monitoring and reporting ongoing and final project status to (client name) management on
a regular basis.
Workshop logistics
Logistics of the workshop include:
򐂰 The IBM or IBM Business Partner assessment team will conduct in a one or two day
contiguous effort for data collection and interviews on site at (client name) then follow up
with a presentation of assessment and recommendations.
򐂰 All materials provided by (client name) during the preparation for the assessment will be
treated as client sensitive information.
222 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Supply the following information to the IBM technical staff for review prior to coming on
Any existing Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Risk Assessment related
Disaster Recovery business impacts indicators – revenue, costs, customer
satisfaction, governmental regulations and compliance, and so forth.
Key Performance Indicators that might be in place to monitor and manage the project
Any data center documentation (procedures, applications, service levels, and so forth.)
Data Center configuration diagrams.
Servers, storage, networking and others.
Application workload and databases description (applications, DB, OS, SLAs).
For the identified scope:
Application and server/storage segmentation, priorities, desired recovery times.
For the above identified priority workloads:
What is considered the Continuous Availability segment and what is that Recovery
Time Objective? (RTO = elapsed time to recovery)
Management tools in use:
Server and storage
Charges and Payments
There will be no charge to (client name) for this effort.
Key participants
Key participants in the workshop include:
򐂰 For (client name)
CIO, Data Center Manager, Database Administrator, Server Manager, Storage Manager,
Network Manager, line of business manager (as appropriate)
򐂰 IBM or IBM Business Partner
Business Continuity Architect
򐂰 Technical Coordinators
Each Party will appoint a Technical Coordinator, who will be the person to whom all
communications required by this SOW will be addressed, and who has the authority to act
on behalf of their respective company in regards to all aspects of this SOW. Either Party
can change its designated Technical Coordinator by providing at least five (5) days notice
to the other Party.
򐂰 IBM Technical Coordinator and Business Continuity Architect
–(email ID)
򐂰 (client name) Technical Coordinator
–(email ID)
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 223
If this proposed SOW is acceptable to (client name), then your agreement constitutes a
Document of Understanding (DOU) between IBM, IBM Business Partner, and (client name)
(client name) Authorizing Manager
Street Address: _______________________________
City, State and Zip: _______________________________
Phone: _______________________________
Fax: _______________________________
6.5 Appendix: Why Business Continuity
In this section, we provide background information as to why Business Continuity planning
has often been viewed as difficult and describe how the Next Step Business Continuity
workshop is designed to address those issues. It is presented from the perspective of the
executive and IT management.
This information is useful if you need to describe why Business Continuity is important and
also to set an proper expectation of what the Next Step Business Continuity workshop is
meant (and is not meant) to accomplish. Figure 6-52 provides an executive overview to the
Figure 6-52 Executive summary and introduction to the workshop - 1
Begin by discussing the types of vulnerabilities that IT infrastructure is subject to in today’s
Business Continuity Workshop
Executive Overview
Vulnerabilities in today’s world
Why BC is more important than ever
Reasons why BC planning is often behind
“Difficult, complex, time consuming”
Budget, cost, time, resources constraint
Lack of skills
Lack of support from Line of Business
Undefined ownership
BC Exec
224 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
It is no surprise to executives that Business Continuity is important today. Various increased
threats, needs for higher uptime, needs to provide better service at a faster pace with high
reliability, are all well discussed in the following chapters of this book:
򐂰 Chapter 2, “Industry Business Continuity trends and directions” on page 9
򐂰 Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43
Reasons why Business Continuity planning is often behind
We next want to reassure executives that their past efforts in the area of Business Continuity
have not necessarily been wasted. We also acknowledge the typical obstacles that cause
Business Continuity planning to suffer and they are understandable (Figure 6-53).
Figure 6-53 Executive summary - reasons why Business Continuity planning is often behind - 2
We list these obstacles specifically to point out what the Next Step Business Continuity
workshop, supported by the information in this book, is designed address. The high-level
baseline Business Continuity strategy that is the output of this workshop, considers and
addresses not only technology issues but also the important organizational, budget, and
resource issues.
We continue by listing additional typical obstacles.
For more information: Suggestions and further discussion for the obstacles listed in this
chart are in Chapter 2, “Industry Business Continuity trends and directions” on page 9, as
well as Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43.
Business Continuity
Executive Overview
Reasons why BC planning is often behind
Lack of prioritization
Lack of knowledge business processes,
BC has “too wide of a span” for IT to control
Don’t know where to start
Needed information hard to come by
Difficult to get consensus on the right
BC Exec
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 225
We next describe key aspects of our workshop methodology, which are designed to address
the issues stated in the previous two charts (Figure 6-54).
Figure 6-54 Executive summary - key workshop principles to address these issues
This workshop will:
򐂰 Use a proven step-by-step methodology, that is a distillation and simplification of the
detailed Business Continuity planning process described in Chapter 3, “Business
Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43.
򐂰 Not try to solve everything at the same time. Rather, our intent is to narrow the scope of
this workshop to just a few key business processes (one, two, or at most three). In this
manner, we will establish a baseline Business Continuity strategy, skills, and methodology
that he workshop audience can use, and that can be expanded upon.
򐂰 Provide fill-in-the-blank templates for important information, so that clarity exists on what
information is to be gathered.
Important: We provide valid assumptions so that we can assure that we can move forward
with the planning process even if key information is not available.
Business Continuity
Executive Overview
Objective of this workshop is to address these
issues are as follows:
Simple and efficient step by step methodology
Narrows the scope by prioritization
Gives a simple starting point
Gives a baseline strategy for client to work with
Workshop does not try to solve everything at one time
Provides templates
What info is needed
If info not avail, valid assumptions given so can move forward
BC Exec
226 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
By narrowing this scope and using this methodology, the objectives are, as shown in
Figure 6-55:
򐂰 Get started.
򐂰 Get skilled.
򐂰 Build a strategy, skill set, and methodology that is repeatable.
򐂰 Define what should be done in achievable chunks, that is a phased approach over time.
This is essential to accommodate realistic constraints on resource availability, skills, and
Figure 6-55 Executive summary - the approach
Figure 6-56 summarizes the executive overview.
Figure 6-56 Executive summary - conclusion
Business Continuity
Executive Overview
The approach in summary:
Get started
Get skilled
Get repeatable
That is, define in chunks what I should do, in
phases, over time
BC Exec
Business Continuity
Executive Overview
Basically we answer three questions:
Priority of business processes recovery
Phases of BC solution
Build step by step, don’t try to do all at once
What be done, in what order
How to show benefits to Line of Business
No additional budget for BC (for now)
BC Exec
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 227
You end the executive Business Continuity overview by summarizing three key questions that
you aim to answer in the workshop:
򐂰 Priority of business processes and recovery: A distillation of the entire
portion of the ideal Business Continuity process that we describe in detail in
3.4, “Business prioritization” on page 47
򐂰 Phases of a Business Continuity Solution: A distillation of the entire
Integration into IT
portion of the ideal Business Continuity process that we describe in detail in 3.5,
“Integration into IT” on page 67. (We again reiterate, that our workshop is not intended to
do it all at once and that we will, as an output, derive what needs to be done next and in
what order.)
򐂰 How to show benefits to the Line of Business: A distillation and an expansion of the
entire “Manage” portion of the ideal Business Continuity process described in detail in 3.6,
“Manage” on page 125. This is an essential task, as we know that a truly effective,
cost-justifiable Business Continuity strategy must have joint ownership by both IT and the
Line of Business.
We also make the following essential assumption:
򐂰 No additional budget for now: We assume in all stages of this planning workshop that
no additional budget is available, which reflects the practical reality for the majority of our
clients today.
This ends the Executive Overview.
6.6 Appendix: Solution visual aids
In this section, we provide some visual aids that can be useful as you discuss various aspects
of solutioning.
Concept: a typical progression of a Business Continuity solution
The following set of charts give a visual explanation of how a typical IT Business Continuity
solution project might progress, in phases.
You can use these charts and concepts to supplement the templates in the previous section.
These discussion visual aids are intended to educate on the concepts of building the
Business Continuity solution step-by-step.
To briefly review, we suggest to apply the following key Business Continuity solutioning
1. Consolidate and simplify the IT infrastructure to provide a better managed, more
cost-effective foundation upon which to build IT Business Continuity.
2. Use the business process Recovery Time Objective that has been defined and refined in
this workshop, and apply your skill and leadership in solutioning to that RTO.
3. Build the end solution in phases. It is most affordable for a client not do it all at once.
4. In the process of building the plan in phases, each phase should build foundations for
subsequent phases.
228 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
An ideal Business Continuity solution would be built step-by-step, upwards from
Backup/Restore, through Rapid Data Recovery, arriving at Continuous Availability.
Obviously, we rarely live in an ideal world. You should expect that you will need to overlap the
building of the solutions for each of these business process segments.
Backup/Restore - Business Continuity Tiers 1, 2, 3
In this section, we provide visual aids for use during your solutioning discussion.
First, Figure 6-57 provides a visual for discussing solutioning for the Backup/Restore
business process segment.
Figure 6-57 Step 4 - concept of building the solution step-by-step
Example: To eventually implement end-to-end continuous availability, you first need to
implement fast data replication. Prior to implementing data replication, you need to imple-
ment good data management policies and management software and probably need to
uplevel the networking. Prior to implementing those prerequisites, you want to have a
well-managed and consolidated tape backup and restore infrastructure.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 229
Building an IT Business Continuity solution always depends on a good underlying
foundations for the solution that you rae implementing. is to do it step-by-step, building
upward from a well managed, consolidated foundation. We start as shown in Figure 6-58.
Figure 6-58 BC Tiers 1 and 2 - with Backup/Restore foundation and tape consolidation
As shown in Figure 6-58, at Business Continuity Tiers 1 and 2, we implement a streamlined,
consolidated, and simplified tape infrastructure, to provide a consistent, cost-effective tape
backup and restore foundation. We add storage management software to manage data and
the consolidated tape, thus initiating process of exploiting automation.
A logical next step might be remote tape vaulting, thus saving physical transport time. As
shown in Figure 6-59, at Business Continuity Tier 3 we show adding remote tape vaulting,
and also adding network bandwidth and network control tools.
Figure 6-59 BC Tier 3 - add remote tape vaulting and appropriate management software
230 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Adding networking at this earlier stage is an especially good strategy, if you are also
preparing for subsequent Rapid Data Recovery solutions, where even more rigorous data
replication is to be done. Rigorous data replication will require good network management
and control.
Using remote tape vaulting as an initial production usage of the network is an excellent way to
initially place a relatively less mission-critical application in the network, while we are learning
to manage and control that network. Simultaneously, we can further improve the tape
recovery speed, by removing physical tape transport time.
Rapid Data Recovery Point in Time Copy - Business Continuity Tier 4
Figure 6-60 is a visual aid for use when discussing Point in Time disk copy solutions for the
Rapid Data Recovery business process segment.
Figure 6-60 BC Tier 4 - add primary site point in time disk copy to the remote tape vaulting
We add point in time disk copy capabilities to provide near continuous application availability,
by avoiding application outages while making the backup on disk.
This point in time disk capability would provide additional synergistic capability to any
previous (or simultaneous) implementations of remote tape vaulting, tape library, and tape
automation solutions.
Software-based Application / Database Rapid Data Recovery - Business
Continuity Tier 5
As part of solutioning, you need to decide what portions of the Rapid Data Recovery data
replication will be done by the application or database software or by server or storage
replication. One method is not necessarily better than the other, and there are many specific
cases where software or database replication might be the better method.
Chapter 6. The Next Step Business Continuity workshop 231
You can find more information about selecting between these methods of data replication in
Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43. Figure 6-61
is a solutioning visual aid chart on software and database replication and positioning it
through the typical Recovery Time Objective achieved.
Figure 6-61 BC Tier 5 - segment out applications that use database and application level replication
Storage mirroring Rapid Data Recovery - Business Continuity Tier 6
Figure 6-62 is a solutioning visual aid chart for storage replication.
Figure 6-62 BC Tier 6 - add storage or server mirroring
At Business Continuity Tier 6, to the existing storage devices, we add storage mirroring along
with management software for that storage mirroring. We can use the network that has been
previously tested in Business Continuity Tiers 3 and 4.
232 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Continuous Availability - Business Continuity Tier 7
At Business Continuity Tier 7, we add continuous availability operating system integration
upon all the foundations laid by each of the preceding steps (Figure 6-63). Continuous
Availability solutions require the previous Business Continuity Tiers to have been
implemented; Continuous Availability solutions are fundamentally the automated single point
of control for multiple Business Continuity technologies.
Figure 6-63 BC Tier 7 - add operating system integration for end-to-end automated failover
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 233
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity
workshop: Case Study
In this chapter we provide an applied case study of the Next Step Business Continuity
workshop that we described in Chapter 6, “The Next Step Business Continuity workshop” on
page 173. The intent is show how the concepts of the Next Step Business Continuity
workshop are applied in practice and to provide an example of what your own workshop could
produce for you.
234 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
7.1 Introduction to the Case Study
In this chapter, we provide an applied case study which shows a practical example of
executing all of the concepts described in the Next Step Business Continuity workshop. Our
case study is for a large Medical Center client.
7.1.1 Motivation for the Next Step Business Continuity workshop
After learning about the catastrophic effects of a natural disaster on medical facilities in an
industry conference, the senior management team of a university asked the CIO to prepare a
Business Continuity plan for their medical center, with emphasis on risk assessment, budgets
and project plan for the next three years.
Although there is some equipment redundancy and regular data backup for the medical
facilities, there is no formal Business Continuity and disaster recovery plan in place. Each of
the key systems is maintained and operated by different IT teams and is fairly independent
from one another. They do share a common network infrastructure in the data center.
Because the mainframe system director has the longest tenure in the data center, he was
asked to be the leader to produce the plan. IBM was requested to assist in the planning
process for the IBM equipment. The customer team accepted the IBM recommendation of a
workshop facilitated by Business Continuity specialists.
7.1.2 Client background
The large Medical Center has approximately 200 patient beds with five separate buildings on
a 50 acre campus with over 1000 employees. It is located near the ocean and can be
susceptible to floods and hurricanes. The executive management team has always had
concerns about the staff readiness during a disaster. Learning about the effects of Hurricane
Katrina on New Orleans hospitals and of their sufferings and liabilities, the executive team
decided to develop a plan to address any situations.
Each of the departments in the hospital is responsible for their patients and medical staff in
terms of facilities, equipment and IT applications. The IT department provides the IT
infrastructure, the data center and daily operations which involve application and data
backup. The department heads decide on the systems and information needed. It is not clear
which hospital department is responsible for the overall Business Continuity planning.
The hospital is growing rapidly and their demand for IT applications and systems is growing
along with the business. Similar to other hospitals, with increasing regulations and limited
reimbursement, the hospital uses digital technologies, such as digital imaging and wireless
networks, to improve patient care and staff efficiency. The applications and systems were
selected by the individual department users. Consequently there is a huge amount of
disparate IT equipment in the data center and other locations. Also, the volume of data
collected is growing exponentially, making data backup very time consuming and impacting
availability. There are business needs to connect the different department systems together
for information sharing, sometimes in batch mode and at other times, real time.
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 235
7.1.3 Business challenges and issues
The Medical Center is facing the following challenges similar to others in the health industry:
򐂰 Reduce overall costs without sacrificing patient care quality
򐂰 Comply with government regulations to ensure reimbursement
򐂰 Keep medical staff efficient and satisfied with services
The hospital is investing heavily in technologies, such as digitization of patient care
information and mobile diagnostics to improve patient care and lower costs. Each patient care
or business process now involves several systems and infrastructure, making Business
Continuity much more complex and requiring coordination among departments. At the same
time, there is little budget allocated for cross systems projects, such as Business Continuity
and disaster recovery as most of the system acquisitions are funded by the individual
7.1.4 Technical challenges and issues
To keep patient care and business processes efficient and simple, the hospital is working on
interconnecting their systems and facilitating data exchange among them using middleware
software. From a Business Continuity perspective, the technical challenges are:
򐂰 Because each of the systems administrators is only responsible for their systems, cross
system issues are being neglected. In this case, Business Continuity is only planned on
an individual level and if disaster strikes, it is not clear if the hospital can continue to
operate with increasing cross system interconnection and data exchange. Because the
budgets are limited, Business Continuity requirements are usually low on the priority list.
򐂰 Every system administrator has their own management tools and Business Continuity
design and plan. It is necessary to consolidate them to reduce complexity and cost.
There are plans for a backup data center site. It has been estimated that it is financially
impossible to fund redundant systems for each department in the backup site.
7.2 Workshop preparation
To ensure that they meet the customer expectations, the IBM team set up a call with the
Hospital Business Continuity project team to discuss their requirements, expectations of the
workshop, and outputs.
7.2.1 Client workshop expectations, scope, and desired outputs
Overall, the Medical Center team expressed the following expectations for the workshop:
򐂰 Review the Business Continuity planning methodology and medical industry best
򐂰 Review and evaluate different technology and solution options
򐂰 Develop recommendations on the solutions, IT architecture and overall Business
Continuity plan
򐂰 The scope should be IT Business Continuity related issues, including the primary and
backup data centers, all key systems, applications, data and tools
򐂰 The outputs should be recommendations of the technologies, solutions, tools,
architecture, Business Continuity base plan and roadmap
236 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The IBM team asked the Medical Center project team to send any relevant information:
򐂰 Existing Business Continuity plans and configurations
򐂰 Systems and applications details
򐂰 Data center configurations and diagrams, including networks, servers, storage and related
򐂰 Service level targets
򐂰 Backup procedures and tools
򐂰 Key patient care and business processes and systems flow
򐂰 Any questions and issues to be addressed during the workshop
7.3 Results from the Next Step Business Continuity workshop
This section discusses the results from the actual day of the workshop.
7.3.1 Workshop agenda, desired participants, and information
The following agenda was accepted by the Project team:
򐂰 Team and workshop introduction – objectives, scope, output (15 minutes – IBM leading)
򐂰 Business Continuity planning methodology discussion (30 minutes – IBM leading)
򐂰 Existing Business Continuity plan and systems review (30 minutes – Hospital team
򐂰 Risk assessment and prioritization with key patient care and business processes (60
minutes – IBM leading)
򐂰 Business Continuity objectives and success criteria (30 minutes – IBM leading)
򐂰 Existing Business Continuity systems and applications readiness assessments (60
minutes – IBM leading)
򐂰 Solution and architecture vision (30 minutes – IBM leading)
򐂰 Technologies and solution option evaluation and architecture discussion (60 minutes –
IBM leading)
򐂰 Recommendations, roadmap and action plans (60 minutes – IBM leading)
It was recommended that key decision makers and information providers should attend the
six hour session. Critical information should be gathered before the workshop. When
information is not readily available, IBM experts will supply assumptions based on industry
best practices and experiences to move the workshop forward. The decision makers and
information providers should evaluate these assumptions and adjust according to their
environments and needs. The assumptions can be adjusted over time.
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 237
7.3.2 Assumptions for this Next Step Business Continuity workshop
Before the workshop and after the collection of the individual system Business Continuity
plans, the Medical Center came to these conclusions:
򐂰 The budget and configurations of the individual systems are in place and ready for the
Business Continuity plan.
򐂰 Definitions and scopes of the individual systems vary. Some “good” Business Continuity
practices, skills can be leveraged across the teams. Pooling of resources will accelerate
implementation, success and lower costs.
򐂰 Because there is interdependency among the systems and data, the Business Continuity
of a patient and business process depends on the availability of several systems.
At the beginning of the workshop, these scope and objectives were agreed upon:
򐂰 The “new” Business Continuity solution and architecture should address the patient care
and business processes and should not stop at the individual system level.
򐂰 Business Continuity service tiers, standards and policies should be in place to simplify the
design, management and recovery process and also minimize the overall costs. Each
patient care and business process should fit into these tiers, standards and policies based
on business priorities and budgets.
򐂰 All solutions should conform to a common set of architecture and technologies for easy
deployment and management.
򐂰 The recommendation of the workshop can be the base standards, policies and
architecture for the overall Business Continuity plan.
򐂰 Building the Business Continuity plan for the hospital will take some time and the
implementation should be built in phases based on priority.
With these base assumptions, the steps of the workshop conducted as follows:
7.3.3 Collect information of the key patient care and business processes for
prioritization and Business Continuity plan criteria
There were over 50 patient care and business processes considered as important in the
Medical Center. The three processes, shown in Figure 7-2, were discussed in the workshop.
These are patient records, radiology, and e-mail. Other processes will be evaluated at a later
time with the Line of Business (LOB) teams.
238 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
7.3.4 Key business process and related IT components
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were not available or fully defined yet by this client. A
partially filled in template, using the suggested starter set KPIs, was used, as shown in
Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1 Medical center - partial filled in Key Performance Indicators
Partial Key Performance Indicators for
Medical Center’s IT Business Continuity
Total time in minutes:
outage => users online
Time to switch sites
and restore service
Time to recover (i.e.
time to switch sites)
Frequency per month
of end to end BC test
Testing frequency
Average and peak
response time in sec
Application response
time at bedside
Average system
response time
Total time in minutes
appl must be quiesced
Duration daily planned
application outage
Backup window
Average time identify,
resolve applic. problem
Average problem
resolution time
Quarter to quarter data
allocation report
Annual growth % data
production PR, Radio.
Percentage growth
rate data
Amount of data being
replicated by PR,Radio
How much data is
being replicated
Dollars/month of
Monthly cost of
bandwidth to DR site
Bandwidth costs
Target:Measurement:Definition:Title of KPI:
Step 1:
Collect Info
For Prioritization
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 239
Figure 7-2 is the filled-in template for Scope - Resource and Business Impact.
Figure 7-2 Medical Center Business Continuity Scope - Resources and Business Impact
Note: The values were calculated based on Loss of Business and lost productivity of the
personnel (such as 500 staff losing 30 minutes or 5% productivity for the day) – their daily
costs times 5%.
Note: Many of the cells in Figure 7-2 point to other documentation that is prepared either
by the customer or the organization that conducts the workshop. For example, the entries
in the Procedures and Tools row will point to appropriate system documentation that the
client provides.
Scope - Resource and Business Impact
Flood, serversFloodFloodKnown vulnerabilities
$20K*$150K*$200K*Estimated cost of
outage , per hour
MediumHighHighBusiness Impact
DC1DC1DC1Facilities and physical
K1, K2M1, J1J1, J2People
Data Center M3Data Center M1, M2Data Center M1Procedures and tools
LAN2, LAN3SLAN2 and SLAN3SLAN1 and SLAN2Network (LAN, WAN)
MSS1, MSS2SUN10133801, 33802Storage
MS222, MS223, MS224
UNIX1, Mainframe1Mainframe1Servers
MSSQL1Oracle, DB2DB2Databases
Backup daily by MSMBackup daily by VeritasBackup daily at night by
Data and data
management policies
MSE1, MSE2EPIC1, PR1PR1Applications
E-mailRadiologyPatient RecordsComponent
Step 1:
Collect Info
For Prioritization
240 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
7.3.5 Key application and IT components
Figure 7-3 provides the key application and IT components impacts on key process to provide
priority for the roadmap.
Figure 7-3 Medical Center case study- IT applications and components effect on business processes
We take the information in these two sections and proceed to Risk Impact and Business
Impact Analysis.
Component effect on
business processes
DC2 is being planned6All DC1
Backup LAN2 in place10All LAN1
Backup server in place9EPIC1UNIX1
2PR, Radiology EPIC1
1PR, RadiologyPatient Records (PR1)
NotesPriorityBusiness processes
Application /
Step 1:
Collect Info
For Prioritization
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 241
7.3.6 Risk Impact and Business Impact Analysis Priority
Figure 7-4 is the completed template for our Risk Impact and Business Impact Analysis. We
used three levels—high, medium and low, indicating the relative priority.
Figure 7-4 Medical Center case study- define vulnerabilities
The conclusion in terms of priority and immediate focus, is weather, floods, and procedures.
Define Vulnerabilities
Only Data Centers
Step 2:
Vulnerabilities, Risk
Assessment, Scope
242 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
7.3.7 Key Business Process Business Continuity targets – current
assessment and desired targets
As a result, we defined the key Business Process Business Continuity targets shown in
Figure 7-5.
Figure 7-5 Medical Center case study - defined Business Continuity targets
7.3.8 Conclusions
Here are the resulting conclusions from the previous documentation work:
򐂰 High priority business processes:
Patient Records
򐂰 High priority applications, systems and IT components
Patient Records 1 (PR1)
򐂰 Highest vulnerability and risk
Data center procedures and human errors
Define BC target
??????100%30 min$200K$100K???4 hoursPatient
??????100%15 min $20K$10Kgood30 minE-mail
??????100%15 min$150K$40K???8 hoursRadiology
rate %
Cost of
outage /
hour (total
spent to
rate %
Step 3:
Define BC targets
based on Scope
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 243
7.3.9 Defined Business Continuity service targets and priorities by business
Figure 7-6 shows the defined standards and policies into which other business processes fit.
Figure 7-6 Medical center case study - business process segmentation and solution RTO criteria
This key information now allowed us to proceed with designing a baseline Business
Continuity architecture and solution design.
7.3.10 Defined baseline Business Continuity and IT architecture and design
Using the business process segmentation described in Figure 7-6, we defined the following
Business Continuity solution and architecture criteria:
򐂰 Backup Data Center is a must to address the flooding and weather vulnerability.
򐂰 Tiered storage should be a major component for standardization and simplification.
򐂰 Hardware virtualization should be considered if the applications are supported and service
levels are acceptable.
򐂰 Operations and management tools need to be standardized and centralized if possible to
minimize skills and personnel requirement during recovery. Increasing automation will
also reduce complexity, human errors, and improve recovery time.
򐂰 Data center and Business Continuity procedures would need to be reviewed and rewritten
for a comprehensive plan for Disaster Recovery and coordination with LOB activities.
򐂰 Budgetary considerations.
Business Process
(Cost can
be listed
.1%50%5 seconds1 hour99.99%
Billing1%50%24 hours36 hours98%Backup /
1%50%1 hour8 hours99%Rapid Data
data loss
Step 4:
Solution option
design and
244 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Sharing hardware is acceptable at the backup site to lower overall cost of ownership but
must be logically separate.
򐂰 The networking requirements (technology used and bandwidth requirements) can be a
huge expenses depending on the distance, timeliness and volume of the data transmitted
between the two data centers.
Other considerations
We also identified that the individual systems will continue to be independent but will consider
consolidating some common components, such as DNS, HTTS server, load balancers in
future design.
7.3.11 Key existing systems and Business Continuity configurations
We documented the following key systems in the existing data center, shown in Figure 7-7:
򐂰 1 IBM System z mainframe
򐂰 1 EMC 8530 attached to mainframe
򐂰 2 IBM System p servers
򐂰 2 HP UNIX servers
򐂰 4 HP Alpha servers
򐂰 110+ Intel® Window servers (various vendors) with close to 40 TB of storage from
different vendors
Figure 7-7 Medical center case study - key existing systems and Business Continuity configurations
Diagram of primary data center
System z:
Current core
Hospital applc.
HP Alpha ES47, HP/UX, IDX, PACS, interface engines,
Cardiology, CCA lab, pharmacy, radiology, etc
System p
Wintel –110
servers and
ATM, Ethernet
EMC 8530
2TB usable
1.5 TB, .5 TB, 2 TB, 2 TB, 4 TB, 3 TB, 24 TB ..
Various softwares including VERITAS Volume Manager, TSM, LTO,
IBM Tape Library, DLT, ArcServe, etc.
MS Exchange,
Oracle, web servers,
Step 4: Solution option design and evaluation
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 245
7.4 Recommended Business Continuity architecture and
Here is the recommended solution.
Design criteria
򐂰 Supports most existing IT investment and applications and leverage existing skills and
򐂰 Drives the three Business Continuity tiers or segments – Continuous Availability, Rapid
Data Recovery and Backup/Restore
򐂰 Fits in existing IT strategy and budgets
Technologies evaluated
򐂰 Virtualization – server (VMWare, MS Virtual Server) and storage (IBM SVC)
򐂰 Server pooling using virtualization
Tiered storage approach
Recommended using Information Life Cycle Management (ILM) tool such as TotalStorage
Productivity Center product for automation through the Tiers using policies:
򐂰 Storage Tier 1 – High performance FC drives
򐂰 Storage Tier 2 – Medium performance FC drives
򐂰 Storage Tier 3 – SATA drives
򐂰 Storage Tier 4 – Tape Library
Backup Data Center priorities based on the risk assessment:
򐂰 Similar Mainframe installed at the backup data center using some of the main site
mainframe upgrade budgets and sharing loads between the two. The backup mainframe
is a hot site.
򐂰 Because the current EMC storage system required an upgrade any way, it was decided to
move to an IBM storage (DS8100) and have a similar architecture product (at a lower
costs) DS6800 at the back up site to take advantage of the lower costs and the data traffic
transmission savings in terms of network bandwidth.
򐂰 For existing systems which already have a redundant system for backup such as HPUX
and Alpha, SUN and IBM UNIX servers, the redundant backup systems would be moved
to the backup site.
򐂰 For major Intel servers, some of the redundant backup servers will also move to the
backup sites.
򐂰 For the Intel servers without redundant backups, there would be 4-8 ways Intel servers
running VMWare to support a virtual redundant environment plus ad hoc request for
additional capacity.
򐂰 For the storage, virtualization using IBM SVC and TotalStorage Productivity Center will
support both the main and backup sites to improve data replication and lower network
costs to meet the service levels and tier architecture.
246 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 7-8 shows the recommended solution for the backup data center.
Figure 7-8 Medical center case study - recommended solution for backup data center
򐂰 Maximize existing IT investment and skills on the UNIX systems, meeting Business
Continuity and budget objectives
򐂰 Consolidate the appropriate components, such as storage and network transmission to
reduce costs and simplify operations
򐂰 Leverage normal systems upgrade and refresh costs to support Business Continuity
objectives without huge additional investment
򐂰 Improve existing asset utilization and operation by automation to lower overall cost of
򐂰 Meet Business Continuity financial targets (minimum additional outlay) by cost savings
through improved efficiency of existing operations (network and data center), and normal
upgrade budgets
򐂰 Improve existing IT operations and lower overall costs of ownership
Solution with secondary data center
and remote replication
System z:
IBM DS8000
2TB usable
System p
1.5 TB, .5 TB, 2 TB, 2 TB, 4 TB, 3 TB, 24 TB ..
Consolidation: VERITAS Volume Manager, TSM, LTO,
IBM Tape Library, etc.
VMWare for MS Exchange,
Oracle, web servers,
Storage for MS
Exchange, Oracle, web
servers, etc.
SAN Volume Controller(s)
HP Alpha ES47, HP/UX, IDX, PACS, interface engines,
Cardiology, CCA lab, pharmacy, radiology, etc
ATM, Ethernet
System p
1.5 TB, .5 TB, 2 TB, 2 TB, 4 TB, 3 TB, 24 TB ..
Consolidation: VERITAS Volume Manager, TSM,
LTO, IBM Tape Library, etc.
VMWare for MS
Exchange, Oracle, web
storage for MS
Exchange, Oracle,
web servers, etc.
SAN Volume Controller(s)
Consolidation: HP Alpha ES47, HP/UX, IDX,
PACS, interface engines, Cardiology, CCA lab,
pharmacy, radiology, etc
ATM, Ethernet
IBM DS6000
2TB usable
Secondary data center
Primary data center
Step 5:
and products
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 247
򐂰 Locating a backup data center that is close enough to minimize network costs and far
enough to avoid weather and flood impacts. It was found five miles away on higher
򐂰 Seeking LOB support on a physically sharing IT environment over security and funding
concerns. It took some explanation and benefits analysis and it was acceptable for some
򐂰 Analysis and prioritization of the rest of patient care and business processes took a lot of
time because of various reasons, mostly politically (few department would put their
processes in lower priority). The base architecture and design support all these
processes, it was a matter where they would go into the Business Continuity tiers.
7.4.1 Financial implications and justification
Overall, the financial funding for the Business Continuity solutions came from the following
򐂰 20% from the costs savings of the simplification of the existing data center hardware and
server and storage consolidation (maintenance and operation cost reduction)
򐂰 40% from the usual acquisition of the redundant systems (as part of the usual practice of
buying backup systems)
򐂰 10% from network equipment and bandwidth savings (not having to pay additional assets
and services)
򐂰 10% from operations and staff efficiency improvement (not having to hire additional staff
and tools)
򐂰 20% from new funding from corporate for overall Business Continuity programs
The Lines of Business and IT management agreed on these justifications and the associated
financial commitment, as the hospital would improve their IT Business Continuity readiness
by demonstrating the ability to continue operations of the key patient care and business
processes in two hours, after the primary data center is out of action.
7.4.2 Implementation planning
Here are the steps the IT project team took for the IT Business Continuity implementation
򐂰 Simplify, consolidate, standardize and centralize infrastructure
The less number of servers, storage and network equipment footprints are, the less
number of application instances and operating systems to be supported, the less
complexity and easier to backup and managed; technologies, such as server and storage
virtualization, clustering and centralization (such as SAN and NAS) are important to
support the service level goals; it will help shorten backup window and application
maintenance downtime
򐂰 Evaluate existing data center Business Continuity related procedures and tools
The existing procedures were fairly fragmented under each system and NOT processes.
For the Business Continuity plan, new procedures were developed to reflect business
process recovery to support the new solutions and tools.
򐂰 Evaluate existing personnel training and skills to support new plan
The new Business Continuity plan was based from a total system standpoint and new
processes, tools training was provided for the personnel.
248 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Evaluate existing hardware and tools to fit into new architecture
At a later stage, for simplification and cost savings, the existing hardware and tools were
evaluated to see if they could be incorporated or eliminated.
Figure 7-9 shows some proposed Key Performance Indicators for this client.
Figure 7-9 Medical center - key performance indicators
Suggested Key Performance Indicators for
Medical Center’s IT Business Continuity
Reduce to 30 minutes
by YE2007
Total time in minutes:
outage => users online
Time to switch sites
and restore service
Time to recover (i.e.
time to switch sites)
Improve from 2x/yr to
1x per month
Number of times/mo
for BC test
Frequency per month
of end to end BC test
Testing frequency
In DR mode, maintain
no more than 40%
increase in resp. time
Average and peak
response time in sec
Application response
time at bedside
Average system
response time
Reduce to from 20 min
to 1 min by 1Q2007
Total time in minutes
appl must be quiesced
Duration daily planned
application outage= 20 min
Backup window
Reduce average time
to 2 hours by YE2007
Average time in hours
from initial report
Average time identify,
resolve applic. problem
Average problem
resolution time
% growth = 10% less
than patient growth %
Quarter to quarter data
allocation report
Annual growth % data
production PR, Radio.
Percentage growth
rate data
Maintain at 20% of
total production TB
Total production TB
allocated to PR, Radio.
Amount of data being
replicated by PR,Radio
How much data is
being replicated
Keep % annual
expense growth < 20%
Dollars/month of
Monthly cost of
bandwidth to DR site
Bandwidth costs
Target:Measurement:Definition:Title of KPI:
Step 6:
and Roadmap
Chapter 7. Next Step Business Continuity workshop: Case Study 249
7.4.3 Next Steps and roadmap
Figure 7-10 shows the recommended Next Steps for the client. This plan also represents
major milestones for the IT Business Continuity project to be executed over the next 18
Figure 7-10 Medical center case study - high level eighteen month roadmap
򐂰 Phase 1:
Risk and business processes priority assessment
Architecture and solution design
Backup data center decision
Business Continuity plans, budgets and solution approval
Existing data center consolidation – applications, hardware, software, tools and
Backup data center final design and configuration based on priority
򐂰 Phase 2
Mainframe and mainframe storage upgrade and migration (both main and backup site)
HP and UNIX backup systems move over to backup site
Storage virtualization and simplification project design
Implement storage virtualization at main site and backup site
Virtualization support for Intel servers at backup site
Overall Business Continuity strategy and planning with the Line of business
򐂰 Phase 3
Testing and dry run for disaster scenarios, including storage virtualization replication
Monitoring of Business Continuity readiness
18 month IT Business Continuity
Implementation phases
Implement BC Tier 4 – Standardize use of disk to disk
and Point in Time disk copy
Implement BC Tier 5
Standardize DB / Application Mirroring methods
Implement BC Tier 6 Standardize use of
async replic with storage virtualization
Implement BC Tier 7 – Standardize use of Continuous
Availability automated failover
Implement BC Tier 3 – Consolidate and standardize
Backup/Restore methods. Implement tape Vault, Server /
Storage Virtualization / Mgmt tools
Implement 2
Site (Tier 1, 2)
Backup/Restore BC Tier 1, 2
SAN and server
Infrastructure Simplification
Backup/Restore BC Tier 1, 2
SAN and server
Infrastructure Simplification
Backup /
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Step 6: Recommended
Strategy and Roadmap
250 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Phase 4
Future end-to-end automated failover/failback
The immediate next strategic Business Continuity project was to work with the Lines of
Business to develop a hospital wide Business Continuity plan, for a scenario in which the
whole hospital is out of action due to floods and hurricane
7.5 Case study summary
The client considered the Next Step Business Continuity workshop to be a success. They felt
that they had been able to bring together the various departments, skills, and requirements
together, and create a valid baseline Business Continuity architecture and solution.
The project team realized that Business Continuity planning is a continued process. IT is part
of the overall design of application, business process and IT operations. For Business
Continuity to be successful, the different departments in the organization need to work
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 251
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity
in a heterogeneous IT
Today’s business world involves acquisitions, mergers, and a very fast pace of change in an
on demand world. As customer environments continue to proliferate, a major future trend in
customer Business Continuity requirements is heterogeneous platform Business Continuity.
This chapter examines the concepts of effectively planning Business Continuity for a
heterogeneous platform environment and also details current IBM System Storage
heterogeneous Business Continuity solutions and their concepts.
252 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
8.1 The objective for heterogeneous Business Continuity
Let us begin by defining the objective for unplanned outage Business Continuity in a
heterogeneous environment. In any unplanned outage, Business Continuity is about
achieving resumption of service at the
application and user level.
Resumption of service means that the applications staff must be able to perform a fast,
repeatable, and of consistent duration
application and database restart. This requires the
Business Continuity solution to assure the hardware recovery, data integrity and data
What must be avoided is a situation in which the application data does not have logical
integrity. If the database reports that indexes or data might be corrupted, the application
database (and database personnel) must perform a time-consuming and of unpredictable
application and database recovery, see Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1 Objective of heterogeneous Business Continuity
To provide for an application or database restart in a heterogeneous environment, first review
the timeline of an IT recovery and then see how that timeline is updated and managed in a
heterogeneous environment.
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 253
8.1.1 Timeline of an IT Business Continuity recovery
Figure 8-2 is a diagram of an IT recovery. Time proceeds from the left to the right.
Figure 8-2 Timeline of an IT recovery
Here are some things to note on the timeline of an IT recovery in Figure 8-2:
򐂰 After the outage occurs, the first step is for
management to assess the outage (this incurs
elapsed time). Because there is a significant capital cost to declaring a disaster and
executing a recovery, management needs to be sure that the situation warrants
committing their organization to that expense. After management has decided to declare a
disaster, then they activate the Business Continuity plan.
򐂰 The first stage of the Business Continuity plan is to recover the hardware, operating
systems, and the data itself. Operations, networking, telecommunications, physical
facilities, and associated staff are involved.
򐂰 At the end of this stage, the operating systems and the data are recovered. The data
ideally is accurate and data consistent to a point-in-time prior to the outage. The time
duration to this point is the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) of hardware data integrity.
Note: In order to maintain zero data loss to a transactional level, there must be some
means to recreate lost data. This means might be based on the database application (logs
mirrored synchronously) or through manual re-entry of lost transactions. Without some
mechanism to bring the transactional integrity to zero data loss, however, any transactions
that are issued between the end of mirroring and halting of the applications will be lost.
254 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 However, we are not recovered from a user standpoint. The servers and storage are only
capable of accurate
byte movement (storage) and proper data write sequencing (servers
and server clustering). Hardware data integrity is not the same as database integrity. The
storage and servers cannot know what the logical database relationship is between
multiple data blocks in the database. Therefore, after the first stage is complete, the
transaction integrity recovery must next be performed by the applications staff, on the
application and database.
򐂰 The applications staff performs transaction integrity recovery. Hopefully, this is a database
restart and
not a database recovery. This process will back out incomplete logical units of
work, and restore the database to logical integrity as of the most recent time possible.
򐂰 When the transaction integrity recovery (rollback or roll forward) is complete, we now have
the application and databases ready for user access. This duration is the RTO of
transaction integrity.
򐂰 The difference in elapsed time between RTO of hardware data integrity, and RTO of
transaction integrity. When discussing the RTO, it is important to distinguish which of
these two is being referred to. Operations and application staff can have differing
perceptions of RTO depending on whether the RTO is assumed to be at the hardware
recovery level, or at the application recovery level. The fact that there are these two
different RTOs is essential to understanding and planning for heterogeneous Business
򐂰 Observe how Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is depicted in Figure 8-2. RPO (which is the
amount of data recreation required prior to the point of outage) is shown as the time offset
before the outage occurred. Note that the RPO data recreation happens in the transaction
integrity recovery stage. RPO data recreation cannot be done in the hardware and
operating system recovery, as the server and storage components do not have knowledge
of the logical relationships between multiple application and database blocks of data.
8.1.2 Today’s ever-proliferating applications, servers, and platforms
Simpler environments (that is, with a common architectural platform with common operating
system, application software, and database) lend themselves to simpler Business Continuity
procedures. In today’s environments, however, there many reasons why enterprises choose
not to have a common architecture, including acquisitions, mergers, different applications
requirements, pricing, an ever changing expansion of technology, and varying relationships
with vendors. These factors often result in the situation shown in Figure 8-3.
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 255
Figure 8-3 Today’s ever-proliferating applications, servers, and platforms
The challenge of successfully performing Business Continuity in the environment on the right
environment is made worse by the following difficulties:
򐂰 Coordinating multiple platform recovery, both technically and politically.
򐂰 Managing dynamic application changes that are happening at a very fast pace in all of the
򐂰 Managing dynamic IT environment changes.
򐂰 Managing data and storage allocation, which can be spread across multiple departments,
staffs, and platforms.
Let us now see what happens when we apply the timeline of IT recovery to a heterogeneous
platform Business Continuity scenario and how the presumption of a common operating
system platform recovery breaks down in that scenario.
256 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Multiple platform management complexity
In a a heterogeneous platform Business Continuity scenario, it is generally not desirable to
attempt to somehow coordinate multiple traditional
common platform time lines of IT
. To do so invites complexity, as shown in Figure 8-4.
Figure 8-4 Undesirable: Multiple platform Business Continuity complexity
This scenario, with multiple management controls and multiple instances of staff doing
potentially duplicate work, is very complex to manage. Thus, it will have significant difficulty in
coordination and will have a lower chance of success.
From a business standpoint, this difficulty in managing the platform imposes severe
limitations on the enterprise’s ability to continue business success and growth, because the
associated applications and IT infrastructure expansion becomes difficult or impossible to
provide for effective Business Continuity from an enterprise standpoint.
8.2 Solutions for heterogeneous platform Business Continuity
With the application of new technology, the timeline of IT recovery changes for an effective
heterogeneous Business Continuity solution. There are two common viable heterogeneous
Business Continuity possibilities with today’s technology:
1. Multiple applications, multiple platforms (application agnostic)
2. One application, multiple platforms (transaction integrity)
We examine each of these possibilities in detail.
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 257
8.2.1 Heterogeneous IT recovery #1: Multiple applications, multiple platforms
The first heterogeneous IT Business Continuity configuration possibility is multiple
applications, running on multiple platforms. In this configuration, recovery is provided at the
hardware and data integrity level recovery across multiple operating systems and platforms.
This solution configuration does not attempt to perform transaction integrity recovery, which is
the individual platforms responsibility.
Figure 8-5 illustrates the fundamental concept of this solution.
Figure 8-5 Heterogeneous recovery possibility #1: Multiple applications, multiple platforms
Note the following for this timeline of heterogeneous IT recovery, as compared with the
unmanageable configuration in Figure 8-4 on page 256:
򐂰 The major enhancement of these solutions is the provision of a
consolidated hardware,
operating systems, and data recovery into a single coordinated recovery.
򐂰 These solutions provide the functionality for the data to be data consistent at a
point-in-time across multiple platforms in the event of an outage, which is represented by
the single vertical line that represents all the data to be consistent as of that point-in-time.
The data at the recovery site has the exact data image as though an instantaneous power
outage had occurred at the primary site. Therefore, each platform, in starting its recovery,
starts from the same point-in-time.
򐂰 These solutions do not attempt to perform transaction integrity, which is an advantage
because with this limit of scope, the solutions are
application agnostic. This configuration
insulates against
difficult to manage data and difficult to manage applications. Because
these solutions are not designed to interlock with the application software or databases,
there is no need to install and maintain client code on each of the platforms.
򐂰 After the hardware, operating system, and data recovery stage is complete and has the
consolidated single point-in-time data available, each individual application or platform,
then will perform their own individual restart and individual transaction integrity recovery,
just as they do today.
258 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 The application or platform restart and transaction recovery procedures are unchanged
from the exact same procedures they would use today to recover from an instantaneous
power outage.
򐂰 This configuration also has the advantage that there is not an architected necessity for the
multiple platforms to interlock their recovery with each other. This architecture makes for
very good scalability, because all departments in recovery can proceed in parallel.
򐂰 When all individual recoveries are complete, the result is the best possible time to
recovery for a coordinated enterprise collection of heterogeneous applications or
򐂰 This configuration can be used as foundation for further application level transaction
Described in this book are various IBM server and System Storage integrated Business
Continuity solutions that are available today to provide heterogeneous IT Business Continuity
at the hardware, operating system, and data integrity level. These solutions include, but are
not limited to:
򐂰 GDPS/PPRC Open LUN Management
򐂰 GDPS/Global Mirror Open LUN Management
򐂰 GDPS HyperSwap Manager with Open LUN Management
򐂰 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication with Metro Mirror or Global Mirror on
DS6000, DS8000, or SVC (Metro Mirror only)
򐂰 SAN Volume Controller Metro Mirror or Global Mirror
򐂰 Global Mirror on DS6000, DS8000, and SVC
We give some more information about these solutions following in this section and more
detailed information in IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide,
How consolidated hardware level data recovery is achieved
In order to recover applications across one or many platforms, it is necessary to ensure that
all of the data is received in the recovery site. While this is often assumed as fact, it can be a
dangerous assumption to make and understanding the Consistency Group functions, and
their various implementations, is key to this.
Choosing the appropriate platform for data mirroring
When planning out a Rapid Recovery environment for Business Continuity, one common
question deals with how to mirror the data. Even within the broader categories of
synchronous versus asynchronous mirroring, there is still the decision to be made as to
whether the mirroring will be handled at the hardware block level or at the transaction level
through the database application itself.
While this is never a simple decision, we have assembled a list of questions to consider in
guiding you toward the appropriate decision:
1. What needs to be recovered?
Which applications need to be recovered?
How are the applications segmented (Backup and Restore, Rapid Recovery,
Continuous availability)?
What level of recovery is needed? Transaction? Block level?
On what platforms do the applications reside (server, operating system, storage)?
Is there non-database data to be recovered?
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 259
2. What is the existing skill base?
Do your employees have skills that are geared towards doing mirroring and recovery on
any particular storage or application platform?
3. What are the internal standards?
Which DBMS, operating system, server, and storage are within your business’s list of
standard vendors?
The following sections provide a detailed discussion of these questions.
What needs to be recovered?
This is the first question that really needs to be understood. Before dealing with more abstract
concepts along the lines of recovery points or tiers, the basic understanding of which
applications need to be recovered is necessary.
Moreover, it is critical to understand how they are segmented. That is to say that some
applications can tolerate a longer outage than others. The most critical applications can go
into the category of
continuous availability while those applications that are needed with the
least frequency and which can tolerate more potential data loss would go into the category of
backup and restore. Rapid data recovery falls between the other two segments.
Understanding the hardware infrastructure of where the applications reside helps further
refine the selection criteria.
Finally, it is important to consider whether all of the critical data is going to be found within
databases. In many cases environments will have data that exists outside of any of their
databases and, as such, will need some other form of replication. Examples of such files
could be flat files and image data (such as X-rays for hospitals). Again, it is important to
understand how this data is segmented. If it is critical that these files are maintained as
current as possible, then you will likely want to segment it as continuous availability or rapid
recovery and thus consider block level or logical mirroring. If it is segmented as backup and
restore, however, then there might be better alternatives.
What is your existing skill base?
If your administrators have skills in place for a specific type of mirroring then going with that
form of mirroring might be less disruptive to your environment in the short term. You should
still consider alternatives; however the simplicity of implementation is certainly something to
What are your current internal standards?
Further narrowing the field of considerations are any internal standards for technology
Rolling disasters
Maintaining data consistency is important because disasters do not occur in a single instant.
An explosion travels at the speed of sound, a power failure travels at the speed of light, and
batteries designed to ride out power fluctuations fail at different times. The point is that a
single disaster will not affect an entire data center simultaneously. Thus, data centers are
exposed to what we refer to as
rolling disasters.
Take, for example, the situation where a fire starts in the data center. As the fire spreads,
perhaps the adapters or the connectivity that is responsible for mirroring some of the data is
damaged. If the storage system is able to continue operating, some transactions can continue
mirroring while others cannot. This situation becomes a serious issue where dependent
writes are concerned.
260 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
For example, Figure 8-6, shows a database transaction that consists of a log write with an
intent to update the data, the update to the data, and the log write when the update
completes. If the data update cannot mirror, but the log continues to do so, then the data in
the recovery site is inconsistent. When the disaster is declared, the database might not
restart in the recovery site because, although it has log updates reflecting all of the entries
that were written in the production site, it does not have any of the corresponding data. If a
restart is successful, the condition cannot be detected. As a result, the database must be
recovered manually. Depending on the amount of time between the failure and the halting of
the applications, the database recovery could take days or might be impossible.
Figure 8-6 The impact of a rolling disaster creating inconsistent data as some pieces fail before others
To avoid these situations we must, at a minimum, make use of Consistency Groups, but
consistency groups have different implementations depending on the hardware used and
whether the mirroring is done synchronously or asynchronously.
Note: It is important to note that one very big reason that you want to ensure that data is
consistent to the point of the first failure is that there are times when the data can have
inconsistencies but the database restart will still process correctly. This situation is a very
dangerous situation to be in, because it is possible that you will not notice the corruption for
some time and that the recovery actions that need to take place will be even more difficult
when you notice the corruption.
Note: All data that needs to be held to the same point in time of consistency will nee to be
replicated through the same type of mirroring technology. That is to say that all of the data
in question needs to be mirrored through DS6000 or DS8000 Metro Mirror, through SVC
Global Mirror, or through the platform of choice. If you choose to mirror through SVC and
DS8000 and DS4000 independently (as opposed to, for example, mirroring all data
through the SVC), you end up with multiple points of consistency, even if you have control
software running on top of the environment.
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 261
Metro Mirror
Metro Mirror is the IBM terminology for synchronous remote copy between two storage
controllers. Synchronous remote copy technology is a form of mirroring where each write is
sent to the target disk in order and the write completion is not acknowledged to the server
until the write to the secondary completes and acknowledges back to the primary. Metro
Mirror is available on three different IBM System Storage products:
򐂰 DS6000/DS8000
򐂰 DS4000
In this case, we deal with DS6000/DS8000 and SVC. The DS4000 does not have a
consistency group function in its implementation of Metro Mirror but instead uses Global
Mirror asynchronous copy in situations where consistency of dependent writes is a concern.
Maintaining data consistency in synchronous environments is complex and yet is of the
highest importance because synchronous remote copy sends its data on an ongoing basis as
each transaction comes in. It is a common belief that because each transaction must be
written to both disk systems before the next transaction begins, that the data will inherently be
consistent. This is a dangerous line of thought because, as illustrated in Figure 8-6 on
page 260, the mirror continues trying to mirror although some segments of data cannot be
DS6000 and DS8000 Metro Mirror
In the DS6000 and DS8000 environment, the first line of defense against this inconsistency is
the creation of Consistency Groups. In these disk systems a consistency group is a set of
volumes which are typically associated with a single application.
In Figure 8-7, the volumes that are outlined are in the consistency group. Should any of the
volumes in the consistency group be unable to mirror its write (as is the case in Figure 8-7),
that volume triggers an Extended Long Busy (ELB) and the writes are held. It is important to
be aware, however, that this is not enough to protect against a rolling disaster in and of itself.
Figure 8-7 The Consistency Group function puts a volume in to ELB
262 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
There are two reasons that the Consistency Group function fails to provide complete
protection in this case:
򐂰 As shown in Figure 8-8, only the specific volume that failed to write is protected. As such,
even if a disk system had one large Consistency Group, independent writes continue from
other applications to other volumes in the same disk system or to other attached storage.
Without this ELB, at a minimum, the consistency and recoverability of the dependent
applications can be called into question.
Figure 8-8 The Consistency Group protects application 1, but application 2 continues without pause
򐂰 Even within a Consistency Group, the consistency is not protected forever. The failed
write within a Consistency Group triggers a timer as it sends the volume into the ELB
state. This timer lasts for two minutes (by default, extendible up to 18 hours), during which
you can take actions to protect consistency.
At the end of the ELB timer period, the ELB is released. If the application has not timed
out, it resumes writes and the storage controller tracks data changes in a bitmap, the
assumption being that when the problem is fixed the changes are sent to the target disk.
Other volumes which had previously been held from updating but which are still capable of
mirroring will do so when the ELB is released.
Because of these two issues, it is highly recommended that any implementation of Metro
Mirror on the DS6000 or DS8000 include control software which makes use of a
Using the freeze function
A freeze function is a function that reacts to a Consistency Group failure. Rather than
depending solely on the affected volume that remains in ELB, the freeze function quickly
suspends all mirroring between all volume pairs within the Consistency Group that is
protected by the Freeze. As a result, if you place all mirrored pairs into the same Consistency
Note: Control software is a server based program that monitors all of the replication
functions on an ongoing basis and reacts according to policies set by the administrator.
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 263
Group, as shown in Figure 8-9, the consistency of dependent writes is protected on all
volumes, LSSs, and disk systems.
Figure 8-9 Freeze stops all replication at the first replication failure and both applications are protected
In IBM products and services, freeze functions typically come in two forms:
򐂰 Freeze and run (sometimes called
freeze and thaw) indicates that when a Consistency
Group is triggered, the mirror is suspended but I/Os continue to the production disk
system. In this case, data consistency is protected but all further writes are lost if the
triggering event is an actual disaster.
򐂰 Freeze and stop indicates that the mirror is halted and all I/Os to the production volumes
likewise halt. Although in-flight transactions are lost, no further writes are issued, so no
other data is lost.
Of the two forms, freeze and run is far more common because non-disasters, such as
construction crews accidentally cutting a fiber conduit, are far more common as causes of a
halted mirror than actual disasters that would bring down the data center itself. As such, most
users are willing to accept that they will lose the transactions processed between the
component failure and end of problem determination, as long as they know that data is
consistent and restartable in the recovery location.
The alternative provides few transactions to recreate but all applications must then be
restarted and, in a non-disaster, the business could be disrupted by the application downtime.
Freeze functions are included with FlashCopy and as features in GDPS/PPRC, TotalStorage
Productivity Center for Replication, and PPRC Migration manager as supported products and
services from IBM. Freeze is also a command that can be issued to the DS6000 and DS8000
in custom scripting, reacting to SNMP messages resulting from the triggering of a consistency
264 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
SAN Volume Controller
Writes in the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) version of Metro Mirror occur in much the same
way as in the DS6000 and DS8000. However, the Consistency Group function is
implemented quite differently. While consistency groups on the DS6000, DS8000, and SVC
can span multiple Logical SubSystems (LSSs) across multiple storage controllers (with freeze
and run control), an SVC consistency group can have up to 1024 volumes.
CRIT(YES) is setting in Metro Mirror which pre-dates the existence of Consistency Groups
or Control Software with integrated freeze functions. Use extreme caution when using the
CRIT(YES) setting. In the event that any volume within the Metro Mirror configuration fails
to mirror, all I/Os to that disk system immediately halt when set to Heavy. Even when
CRIT(YES) is set to be Light, it halts all I/Os to that volume.
Obviously, there is substantial risk involved in this setting, including:
򐂰 The odds that a non-disaster event has caused the failure substantially outweighs the
odds of a disaster having occurred in most circumstances.
򐂰 For most administrators, the prospect of having applications come to a grinding halt
every time a construction accident cuts through a fiber conduit is daunting.
򐂰 Unlike Control Software issuing a
Freeze and Stop, which can span the entire
environment if that is what is desired, CRIT(YES) affects only that disk system. So,
other applications can continue running and their volumes will not be synchronized with
the ones that shut down.
As a result of these impacts, while CRIT(YES) protects the consistency of some data, it is
not recommended.
CRIT(NO) is the default setting for CRIT in Metro Mirror, but it is not a substitute for
Consistency Groups. Specifying CRIT(NO) is the appropriate specification when defining
Consistency Groups, which, allow you to protect data without creating the immediate and
permanent halt to applications that CRIT(YES) delivers.
CRIT(NO) is the opposite of CRIT(YES) in terms of impact. When CRIT(NO) is specified,
the primary volume returns an error condition to the I/O writes, even if the secondary
volume cannot be successfully updated. Metro Mirror is aware of the issue and can handle
it properly using the Consistency Group function, yet it allows the application to continue to
update the primary volumes. This combination of CRIT(NO) and Consistency Group allows
production application workloads to continue in the event of momentary, transitory
conditions that affect only the remote links or remote site.
In addition, in terms of allowing you to have a crash consistent copy, using CRIT(NO) and
Consistency Groups is the appropriate specification when using Control Software with a
freeze function as we discussed earlier.
Specifying CRIT(NO) without the use of Consistency Groups is not recommended, as such
a specification would not prevent a rolling disaster. Specifying CRIT(NO) without the use of
Consistency Groups does not halt the mirroring of the block level data in a
crash-consistent, power-outage consistent manner. Do note, however, that specifying
CRIT(NO) is the appropriate prerequisite specification for proper setup of Consistency
Groups. Consistency Groups (with freeze) are the recommended method to allow you to
protect data without the negative impacts of CRIT(YES).
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 265
The second difference is that the SVC consistency group failure does not trigger an ELB on a
single volume. Instead, a freeze and run function is integrated into the SVC. If any of the
volumes in the consistency group are unable to mirror, the SVC will halt mirroring across all of
its links and attached disk systems but will allow I/Os to continue and track changes in a
bitmap-like concept called
So, while TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication is of value in a SVC Metro Mirror
environment for purposes of management, it is not strictly necessary from a data consistency
Global Mirror
By its nature, Asynchronous Remote Copy maintains consistency. This consistency is
necessary because data can be sent periodically in groups of writes (as opposed to
individually in order) or can be sent out of order, depending on the mirroring technology used.
The exception to this being Global Copy or other non-synchronous writes, which do not
necessarily attempt to maintain consistency.
That said, it is still important to understand how consistency is maintained in these
environments and that will vary based on the specific form of remote copy in use.
All IBM asynchronous remote copy technologies are referred to as
Global Mirror. Each will
be described individually in this section.
In the DS6000 and DS8000, Global Mirror maintains consistency by way of a series of
bitmaps. Initially all new writes will be indicated in a bitmap labeled
out of sync, and Global
Mirror will scan through this bitmap and look for changed tracks of data. As it finds these
changes, they are sent across a high performance link to the secondary disk systems.
None of this data is consistent during this phase because it is being sent based on the scan of
the bitmap finding a track that has been updated, not based on the order in which data has
been written. As such, the consistency group function in this technology is arranged in a
process of switching bitmaps.
Periodically (at times determined by the users or by Global Mirror), a consistency group will
form. In this case, a consistency group consists of data sent to the recovery site by all
volumes being mirrored in a single global Mirror session, no matter how many DS6000s or
DS8000s it spans.
This consistency group formation process occurs when Global Mirror stops updating the out
of sync bitmap and begins updating a new
change recording bitmap as writes come in. This,
again, is coordinated across all disk systems in the Global Mirror session. The toggle of the
bitmap occurs during a dynamic
data freeze during which all I/O is held in a brief ELB (design
objective for this freeze is 2 to 3 ms).
The disk system which has been labeled
Master coordinates the switch with all subordinates
by sending commands and receiving responses across the SAN. They only switch to the
change recording bitmap when they can all switch, to make certain that the out of sync
bitmaps are all consistent to a single point in time. When this happens the writes that had
been noted in the out of sync bitmap will continue to drain to the secondary disk. By making
Note: In DS6000 and DS8000 Global Mirror, consistency is maintained across all disk
systems in the Global Mirror session without requiring external software to manage this.
While control software can be useful for management of the Global Mirror session, it is not
needed to ensure data consistency across multiple disk systems.
266 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
this switch, consistency is preserved to a single given point in time without impacting the
production write activity.
When the updates indicated in the out of sync bitmap finish being written to the target disk,
the data is consistent to the point in time when the bitmap switch occurred. In order to
preserve that consistency the next thing that happens is the issuance of an in-band
FlashCopy command. By doing so, the consistent data is preserved and the process can
begin again with the change recording bitmap becoming the new out of sync bitmap.
It is important to note that the consistency group will only form if all of the disk systems can
participate. If any cannot, Global Mirror will back off and wait for a cycle before it attempts to
form a consistency group again.
The DS4000 does Global Mirror as a subset of its Enhanced Remote Mirror (ERM)
technology, which also includes Metro Mirror and Global Copy. Although it is also referred to
Global Mirror, the mechanism for how asynchronous remote copy is performed in the DS4000
is completely different than that in the DS6000 and DS8000.
In this case, the DS4000 maintains a separate LUN in each side of the mirrored pair known
as the
Mirror Repository Logical Drive. This drive maintains a queue of writes that have
been made to the primary disk system. These writes are then sent, in order, to the secondary
as the disk system is able while writes continue. Because these writes are sent in a First in
First Out sequence, the data in the secondary disk system is always consistent and it never
goes through a period in which the data is unusable.
As the DS4000 version of Metro Mirror does not support consistency groups, Global Mirror
should be used in any DS4000 environment where there are concerns about maintaining
dependent write sequencing.
As is the case with Metro Mirror, SVC supports a version of Global Mirror, but this is its own
form of Global Mirror. In the SVC version of Global Mirror, we issue sequence numbers in
order to maintain the proper order in which to apply them in the recovery site. These
sequence numbers are used based on a few criteria:
1. Sequence numbers are applied in such a way that if B is dependent on A then B will be
given a higher sequence number.
2. Those sequence numbers are applied from lowest to highest, so that if B has a higher
sequence number than A, B will be applied after A.
3. If writes are not dependent on each other, they can be given the same sequence number.
As writes are received in the secondary SVC, they are held in cache and only applied when
the proper order is received. By doing so we are assured that the data is applied in a
restartable format, that is to say that if we have writes 1, 2, and 3 if the remote SVC receives
writes 1 and 3 it will hold them in cache until it receives 2.
Writes that do not require a specific sequence, such as those in separate applications, can be
given identical sequence numbers, so multiple 1s can be applied simultaneously, for
Important: Because a target FlashCopy is performed, twice the disk capacity is required
at the Global Mirror target site.
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 267
z/OS Global Mirror
z/OS Global Mirror (formerly known as XRC) uses a unique method of maintaining
consistency groups. In this particular case, there is activity occurring on both the primary and
secondary side of the environment.
First, each write to the primary disk system is time-stamped from a common time source (that
is, Server Time Protocol). This gives an exact sequence of how to apply them when they
reach the recovery site. the time stamps are kept in a portion of cache called the
Side File.
The second half of this comes from the recovery site.
While Global Mirror “pushes” data from the primary to the secondary Disk Systems, z/OS
Global Mirror instead uses a an active z/OS LPAR (or coupled LPARs) in the recovery site to
“pull” the data across with System Data Movers (SDMs).
The SDM is a function within DFSMSdfp™, so any z/OS customer already has it without
needing to buy additional software. The System Data Mover examines the contents of side
files on all LSSs on all Disk Systems in the environment. It looks at the time stamps and
selects the minimum of the maximum time stamps. All updates that are time stamped before
this selected time are included in the currently formed Consistency Group and then that
Consistency Group is journalled and applied to the target disks. Typically, the SDM forms
several Consistency Groups per second and the entire Consistency Group must be applied
for it to be committed.
In terms of scalability in consistency, z/OS Global Mirror is unmatched. While one SDM can
handle somewhere between 1000 and 2000 volumes, it is possible to make SDMs work
together to scale far beyond that. 13 SDMs can be
clustered together in a single LPAR.
These clustered SDMs can then be
coupled with up to 14 clusters participating. As a result,
z/OS Global Mirror is capable of handling even the largest z/OS environments with a single
point of consistency.
268 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
8.2.2 Heterogeneous recovery #2: One application, multiple platforms
The second of the two heterogeneous Business Continuity solution possibilities is one
application, multiple platforms. In this configuration, there is the capability to maintain
transaction integrity across multiple platforms. Figure 8-10 illustrates this configuration.
Figure 8-10 Heterogeneous recovery possibility #2: One application, multiple platforms
As we have discussed, transaction integrity cannot be performed at the hardware and
operating system level, It can only be performed by the actual application and database.
Therefore, the prerequisite functionality for this configuration is that the cross-platform
functionality must be imbedded in the application and database software.
Transaction integrity across multiple platforms can be accomplished only when the software
has this embedded functionality to interlock all the instances and platforms. It is not possible
with current technology to provide transaction integrity across multiple applications, if the
applications themselves do not have the supporting interlock functionality.
Some specific examples of this kind of multiple platform application or database software are
(this is not an all-inclusive list):
򐂰 SAP Advanced Infrastructure Solutions
򐂰 DB2
򐂰 MQSeries
The one application, multiple platform heterogeneous Business Continuity configuration is
implemented using the application-specific software skills, design, and implementation. High
application awareness is required. In return for the application awareness and skills required
to implement, the one software, multiple platform configuration can provide Business
Continuity transaction integrity.
Because the heterogeneous recovery is based in the software’s capability, a trade-off is that
the transaction integrity recovery cannot extend past that application software's boundaries.
Heterogeneous recovery possibility #2: One software
database / application on multiple platforms
RTO = Recovery Time Objective
Transaction Integrity RTO
h/w recovery
h/w recovery
h/w recovery
trans. integrity
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 269
8.3 Comparison and decision tree
Let us compare and summarize the two viable heterogeneous Business Continuity
configurations, as shown in Figure 8-11.
Figure 8-11 Comparing the two heterogeneous Business Continuity configurations
It is a business trade-off that determines which of the two configurations, or a blend of the
two, might be appropriate for any given heterogeneous IT Business Continuity environment:
򐂰 Configuration #1: Multiple applications and multiple platforms, offers:
Insulation from hard to define / hard to manage applications or data.
Can be used as the foundation for application level transaction integrity.
Trade-off: By itself, it does not provide transaction integrity.
򐂰 Configuration #2: One software and multiple platforms, offers:
Only available when application-level recovery capabilities are present.
Transaction integrity can be provided at the application layer.
Can and should layer on top of hardware data integrity recovery.
Trade-off: Cannot extend transaction integrity past that application software's
A database restart does assume that hardware and operating data integrity are provided as
an underlying foundation for the transaction integrity Business Continuity. The first
configuration, hardware and operating system level heterogeneous Business Continuity, can
be used as an underlying foundation for the second configuration, heterogeneous one
application, multiple platform Business Continuity. The two configurations are not mutually
Comparing the two heterogeneous
IT Business Continuity configurations
Operations StaffOperations Staff
h/w, data
integrity RTO
h/w recovery
Multiple Applications,
Multiple Platforms
Application agnostic
Hardware data integrity
Transaction Integrity RTO
Assess h/w recovery
h/w recovery
h/w recovery
trans. integrity
One Application,
Multiple Platforms
Transaction integrity
270 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
8.4 The value of control software in a heterogeneous
While we have discussed the value of control software in terms of its impact on the task of
maintaining consistent data, it is important to be aware of its other impact. Control Software,
as the name indicates, provides a single point of control for replication functions. By using a
product or service such as TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication or GDPS (PPRC,
PPRC HyperSwap Manager, or Global Mirror), all replication functions come through one
Rather than requiring an administrator to maintain separate replication functions across
multiple platforms and using multiple interfaces, we can have that same administrator use a
single application in order to accomplish all tasks in terms of adding, removing, suspending,
or deleting pairs.
8.4.1 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication
TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication is an application available through IBM
System Storage and provides consistency of data and a GUI for management of replication
functions on the ESS800, DS6000, SAN Volume Controller, and DS8000s. TotalStorage
Productivity Center for Replication can maintain consistency of any mirrored data, open or
mainframe, and runs on UNIX, Linux, or Windows. For more information about this product,
see IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
8.4.2 GDPS
The GDPS solution include Open LUN Management and GDPS Multiplatform Resiliency for
System z.
Open LUN Management
While primarily viewed as a mainframe centric solution for Continuous Availability, some
forms of GDPS (those which use the RMC feature code, either Metro Mirror or Global Mirror),
can also serve as a control point for managing the remote copy of open systems storage.
In order to accomplish this, the disk system used for mirroring the open systems data must
contain a volume of Count Key Data (CKD). This allows for FICON® connectivity and visibility
into the Disk System. It should be noted that GDPS will not recover open systems servers or
applications, but only serves as a control point for the mirroring functions themselves.
GDPS Multiplatform Resiliency for System z
While most non-z/OS platforms are limited to maintenance of consistency and replication
functions in terms of GDPS support, some Linux Distributions for System z can benefit from
full GDPS protection. This means that GDPS, when enhanced with Multiplatform Resiliency
for System z, will provide support for reconfigurations of LPARs and even support for
This feature is available only for GDPS/PPRC.
Further information about GDPS is available in IBM System Storage Business Continuity:
Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548
Chapter 8. Planning for Business Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment 271
8.5 Summary
As customer environments continue to proliferate, a major coming trend in customer
Business Continuity requirements is heterogeneous platform Business Continuity. The two
levels of available heterogeneous Business Continuity solutions are:
1. Multiple applications, multiple platforms
Is application agnostic
Provides hardware and data integrity
2. Single application or database, multiple platforms
Provides transaction Integrity
Depends on the application to interlock the heterogeneous platforms
At the current time with the current technology, there are not consolidated heterogeneous
Business Continuity solutions outside of these two possible configurations.
In order to ensure that data is in a state where the database can be
restarted, it is important
to avoid the
rolling disaster scenario:
򐂰 A rolling disaster occurs when failures within a data center are spread out over time, as
opposed to occurring at one instant.
򐂰 Consistency Groups can help with rolling disaster avoidance by protecting the consistency
of the recovery data, but are not comprehensive protection in the DS6000 and DS8000
򐂰 Control Software, such as GDPS or TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, can
assist with ensuring that the data is consistent through a freeze while also providing a
management platform for better control of the mirror in a heterogeneous environment.
򐂰 Asynchronous replication maintains internally consistent data but can still benefit from
control software’s management benefits.
Transaction integrity heterogeneous solutions are dependent on software functionality.
Software that can support this functionality include (the list is not all inclusive):
򐂰 DB2
򐂰 WebSphere
򐂰 MQseries
The decision to go with application based mirroring or hardware based block level mirroring is
complex and includes many areas of consideration.
272 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 273
Chapter 9. Business Continuity for small
and medium sized business
This chapter provides a Business Continuity solution overview specific to the small and
medium sized business (SMB) environment.
SMB enterprises, which play a vital role in our worldwide economy, are small or medium
in relation to the size and scale of large multi-national corporations. SMBs are often quite
large within their regional or local geography, and certainly SMB enterprises are not small at
all in terms of dynamic ideas, innovation, agility, and growth. In many ways, SMB companies
have IT needs and concerns similar to large enterprises. Yet in other ways, SMB companies
have key differences.
This chapter provides a discussion of these differences. If your business exhibits
characteristics of this vital type of enterprise, this discussion of key Business Continuity
differences for SMB should be useful.
274 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
9.1 Small and medium sized business overview
SMBs play a very important role in the worldwide economy. As an example, according to U.S.
Government Small Business Administration data, SMB companies range from home-based
entrepreneurs (small business) to those with a thousand employees (medium business).
Their annual revenues can run from thousands to billions of dollars. The same data says that
in the U.S., SMB represents nearly 99.7% of all employers, responsible for nearly three
quarters of the net new jobs created to the U.S. economy in the last three years. SMB
accounts for over half of the U.S. private work force and drives over 40% of private sales.
While SMB statistics vary according to geography and economic conditions, clearly SMB
companies have specific requirements for Business Continuity. SMB companies, depending
on the nature of their business, have different Business Continuity requirements. As
computing technologies are becoming affordable, SMB businesses can take advantage of
emerging Business Continuity technologies to help drive growth and profits for their business.
9.1.1 SMB company profiles and Business Continuity needs
Recent natural disasters and terrorist threats have put Business Continuity as a top priority
for enterprises worldwide, creating a sense of urgency within SMB companies to gear up their
Business Continuity capabilities because many, if not most, are behind in this area. IBM
customer surveys indicate that Business Continuity is the number one IT issue since 2003 for
SMB companies. The key SMB Business Continuity drives are:
򐂰 As SMB companies increasingly rely on their IT systems to support their business, any
system downtime and data loss has severe negative impacts on revenues, profits, and
client satisfaction. Extended outages or the inability to recover critical data can cause
permanent damage to companies.
򐂰 Recent government compliance regulations, such as the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act and
HIPAA, also push data backup, restore, retention, security, auditability, and disaster
recovery requirements to top priorities for public SMB companies.
򐂰 Customers and business partners increasingly require reliable and highly available
systems as prerequisites for doing business.
򐂰 The ability to minimize risks is important for some maturing SMB companies. Planning for
Business Continuity is similar to buying insurance - recent events make this type of
insurance a must rather than a luxury as in the past.
Most SMB IT management finds Business Continuity complex and resource intensive, so
Business Continuity planning usually is an afterthought. With increasing pressure from the
lines of business and Business Continuity technologies and solutions becoming more
affordable and simple, SMB IT management is moving Business Continuity projects forward.
In some cases, Business Continuity can be used to drive additional revenues and profits.
With limited financial and technical resources, IT staff face the following challenges:
򐂰 Ever diminishing data backup window time—with more servers and storage devices
coming on line, dramatic growth of data and the push for 24x7x365 system up-time,
planned outage windows are smaller by the day, affecting the ability to back up systems,
applications, and data adequately. Some data might not be backed up at all, exposing the
business to liabilities and losses.
򐂰 Inefficient tools—because most off the shelf applications bought by SMB use their own
backup and restore tools to support their data only, it is common for SMB IT staff to run
numerous backup jobs daily, straining the system and staff resources, eating up precious
Chapter 9. Business Continuity for small and medium sized business 275
backup window time; the trend is to have more applications so the situation will only get
򐂰 Limited staffing and time—backup jobs usually are run after work hours and staff has to be
around late to support these jobs, in addition to their day duties, resulting in low staff
morale, jobs run poorly or not consistently
򐂰 Lack of experiences and skills—Business Continuity is still fairly new to SMB and
experiences and skills in this area are usually not top priorities with the IT staff. A good
example is systems management discipline, including change and problem management
which affect system availability.
򐂰 Limited budgets and resources—SMB constantly reprioritize their projects, evaluate
trade-offs, and balance resources to achieve their business goals. Business Continuity
usually is not a top priority funded item until a systems outage actually impacts the
business. The actions are usually reactive and can be costly in the long run, such as a
total revamp of systems and hiring of outside consultants. Proper planning and funding is
essential to successful Business Continuity implementation.
In this chapter, we answer the following questions related to the successful planning,
evaluation, and implementation of Business Continuity solutions for SMB companies:
򐂰 What are the key Business Continuity components for SMB, and how do they affect my
򐂰 What are the steps in planning for a successful SMB Business Continuity project?
򐂰 How much SMB Business Continuity can I afford for my company?
򐂰 Which SMB Business Continuity solutions are suitable for me?
9.1.2 SMB company IT needs as compared to large enterprises
SMB companies have IT needs and concerns similar to large enterprises. They need
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and back-office
systems (such as e-mail, accounting, and so on). The key differences are scale and costs.
SMB growth rate tends to be steep. The capacity to start from very small and then scale big is
a key requirement, without massive changes to existing systems.
SMB companies tend to be more cost sensitive. Maximizing value is a common mantra
among SMB. It extends from the purchase and upkeep of necessary computing assets to
engaging IT staff who perform a wide range of tasks including operations, support and
maintenance. At the same time, most SMB companies have more flexibility in terms of
leveraging standardized IT offerings with less customization and stringent service level
requirements to keep their costs low, compared to large enterprises.
To deal with short term financial pressures, many SMB companies follow an IT purchasing
strategy of choosing price over performance, and relying on platforms that staff members are
familiar with, rather than alternatives that might offer features better suited to the company’s
actual business and technical needs. Recent surveys show that increasingly, SMB
companies are starting to look at overall costs of ownership at a system level as compared
with hardware or software components only in the past. Just as with large enterprises, SMB
companies appreciate IT vendors who can demonstrate complete solutions (combination of
hardware, software, services and the ability to integrate into their existing environments) and
provide the best IT value in the long term.
9.1.3 SMB IT data center and staff issues
Most SMB IT staff have to support numerous IT platforms and a great variety of data center
tasks, ranging from hardware and software installation, daily operations, help desk to
troubleshooting problems. Because of the heavy load of fire fighting, IT management and
276 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
staff usually spend little time on planning and procedures, impacting their overall productivity
and the service levels to customers. These challenges and complexity tend to expand
exponentially as the company grows, making it increasingly necessary and expensive to
engage specialized contract services. Increasingly, SMB IT management pays more attention
to planning and procedures to address these issues, especially in data center operations,
such as backup, restore and Disaster Recovery. This area of expertise is usually not of high
priority in SMB IT staff.
9.2 Business Continuity for SMB companies
The basic definition of Business Continuity is the ability to conduct business under any
circumstances. From an IT standpoint, it is the ability to provide systems and data for
business transactions to a set of service levels based on end-to-end availability, performance
(such as response times), data security and integrity, and other factors. Service level
agreements (SLAs) usually drive the Business Continuity design and budgets. For a variety of
reasons, most SMB IT management does not have SLAs with the lines of business. As more
SMB companies are leveraging their IT capabilities to drive revenues and profits, SLAs are
increasingly required.
9.2.1 Major SMB Business Continuity design components
Particularly in SMB environments, these are the major Business Continuity design
򐂰 Prevention Services
򐂰 Recovery Services
Because budget and value are the decision criteria for SMB companies, recovery services
are usually the starting points for Business Continuity. As prevention services are becoming
more affordable, usually Business Continuity solutions consist of a combination of the two,
depending on the company’s needs.
The three aspects of Business Continuity are:
򐂰 High Availability
򐂰 Continuous Operations
򐂰 Disaster Recovery
Let us examine how an SMB enterprise usually views these three aspects.
Prevention services
Prevention services are the ability to avoid outages or minimize down time by anticipation,
systems planning, and high availability technology and solution deployment. The aspects of
Business Continuity that fall under prevention services are:
򐂰 High Availability—builds reliability and redundancy into systems infrastructure, including
hardware, software, and networks, to eliminate single points of failure. It also includes
some automatic switchover or restart capabilities to minimize down time.
򐂰 Continuous Operations—minimizes data center operation impacts on up time, including
hardware and software maintenance and changes, backup, systems management,
speedy problem resolution, virus and spam attacks prevention, security measures, and so
on. The solutions usually involve management and process automation, systems and data
consolidation (less to support) and improved efficiency of operations. You can find more
information about Continuous Availability solutions in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Chapter 9. Business Continuity for small and medium sized business 277
Recovery services
Recovery services are the ability to recover the system and data speedily in whole, partial or
degraded modes when outages occur. The aspects of Business Continuity that fall under
prevention services are:
򐂰 Disaster Recovery—invoked when the primary operation site is no longer operable and
the alternate site is the only option.
򐂰 System component or operation recovery—invoked when an individual component or
group of components fail or when human errors occur during operation.
Service level targets dictate the degrees of prevention and recovery services that are
required and the budgets that support them. Usually it is a decision on risks—a balance
between the avoidance costs and Business Continuity solutions investments.
9.2.2 Business Continuity impacts on SMB business
Business Continuity impacts are usually measured in potential revenue and profits loss, staff
productivity loss, customer, and IBM Business Partner satisfaction and loyalty loss, and so
forth. Revenue and profit loss can be calculated by dollars lost by the inability to conduct
business due to a system outage for a time frame. Other impacts can be estimated by
industry averages. A risk assessment of the potential costs and the odds of the outages will
be the primary factors for the Business Continuity measure necessity, design and budgets.
9.3 Successful SMB Business Continuity planning and
We recommended the following planning steps, especially for the SMB enterprise:
1. Conduct a risk assessment to develop a set of Business Continuity service targets and IT
metrics for key business processes with lines of business.
The assessment results should determine Business Continuity priorities, scope, goals,
budgets, and success criteria. The service targets can include end-to-end systems
availability and response time, disaster recovery objectives, and so on.
2. Assess present attainment of these service targets and metrics.
Establish a base line for a comparison of and an understanding of the challenges to meet
these targets.
3. Develop and evaluate technology and solution options.
The success criteria should drive the evaluation and priority. The technology and solutions
are fairly standard these days.
4. Develop an architecture and roadmap to support the solution implementation.
Business Continuity solutions usually take some time to implement based on budgets and
resource availability. A base architecture on which the solutions can build is critical.
5. Develop an overall Business Continuity strategy and plan.
It is important that the IT Business Continuity plan coordinates with the overall business
278 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
9.3.1 SMB Business Continuity implementation steps
We recommended the following steps for implementing Business Continuity, especially for
the SMB enterprise:
1. Simplify, consolidate, standardize and centralize infrastructure.
Reduce the number of servers, storage and network equipment footprints, reduce the
number of application instances and operating systems to be supported, reduce the
complexity of backup and management, deploy technologies such as server and storage
virtualization, clustering and centralization, including SAN and NAS.
2. Build well documented and tested data center systems management procedures.
The ability to minimize human errors and preventable outages is the key to minimizing
down time
3. Acquire systems management tools to monitor, prevent outages, automate diagnostics
and recovery, and report to stakeholders.
Tools are important to prevent and predict outages and avoid them
4. Make Business Continuity a strategic part of application and IT infrastructure planning.
Business Continuity, based on SLA targets (both IT internal and lines of business
external) must be key system acquisition and design criteria
9.3.2 SMB Business Continuity affordability
There are two major factors in assessing affordability:
򐂰 How much the business can afford to lose
򐂰 How much the business can afford to pay
Basically, this is a risk and investment assessment. It is somewhat similar to a home owner’s
insurance. Although Business Continuity is more than loss recovery, it can be used to drive
the positive aspects of the business. It can be leveraged to increase business, improve staff
productivity and build confidence and trust with customers and partners.
Calculating affordability
To calculate affordability, especially for the SMB enterprise, you need to determine your
recovery objective by asking the following questions:
򐂰 How much downtime can your business tolerate before it starts to hurt your bottom line
(potential revenues and profits loss, customer satisfaction or defection, staff morale,
business partnership breakage and government regulatory liabilities)? Is the affordable
downtime in seconds, minutes, hours or days?
򐂰 How much data loss and what data loss will start to hurt bottom line? For what period of
You also need to determine you
budget objective by asking the following questions:
򐂰 How much money loss can be attributed to the outages the business can afford?
򐂰 What are the odds of outage occurring?
򐂰 What is the percentage of the potential loss the business is willing and can afford to pay?
The ratios vary by industries and business types (reliance on IT). They can range from
10% to >1% of the total IT annual budget (ongoing and capital).
Chapter 9. Business Continuity for small and medium sized business 279
9.4 SMB Business Continuity solution components
The table in this section lists the components that typically make up a cost-effective SMB
Business Continuity solution, at differing levels of recovery. While your results will vary
according to your specific requirements, this table can provide a good beginning guideline.
You can use it to build a chart for your enterprise.
Figure 9-1 shows the typical SMB Business Continuity solution components, according to
their tier level of recovery.
Figure 9-1 SMB typical Business Continuity solution components
The definitions of these terms, the tiers, and the various types of solution components is in
Appendix B, “Terms and definitions” on page 357 and Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business
Continuity solutions” on page 137.
9.4.1 Typical SMB Business Continuity solutions: Performance and downtime
This section shows the performance and downtime characteristics of typical Business
Continuity solutions in the SMB environment. While your results will vary according to your
specific requirements, the table in this section can provide a good beginning guideline to what
you might expect at differing tier levels of recovery.
Typical BC
Solution by
Point in
Tape Services
Tier 7
Hot -
Tier 6
Tier 5
Point in
Time Copy
Tier 4
tape vault
Tier 3
warm site
Tier 2
Cold Site
Tier 1
No backup
Tier 0
280 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
You can use the table in Figure 9-2 to build a chart for your enterprise’s Business Continuity
solution. Components for typical SMB Business Continuity solutions are described in their
respective chapters. The definitions of these terms, the tiers, and the various types of solution
components are in Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions” on page 137.
Figure 9-2 Typical SMB Business Continuity solution - performance and downtime characteristics
The components shown in Figure 9-2 are not the only components or products that can be
part of the solution. These are meant as general guidelines. The products shown are typical
and can be substituted as specific client requirements dictate. Other variations of these
typical solutions can include network attached storage (NAS) devices, centralized tape
libraries, and other products for specific circumstances. SMB companies, just like larger
enterprises, can scale up the tiers by deploying additional solutions and technologies as the
business grows.
9.5 Summary
Business Continuity is, and will be, a key requirement for SMB to conduct business. Solutions
and technologies continue to improve and affordable to SMB companies. It is important for
SMB IT management to incorporate Business Continuity planning in their strategy and
building systems and applications from the beginning. It will cost less and help drive their
business objectives from the start.
Typical BC
Solution by Tier
Performance in event
of unplanned outage
Downtime (typical)
Typical Solution
Components are
cumulative, each solution
has as pre-req, solutions
in lower tiers
Tier 7
No impact 0
Clustered operating
system with storage
mirroring, database
Hot - Standby
Tier 6
Just adequate to run the
1-4 hours
Metro Mirror or Global
Database replication
Tier 5
Just adequate to run the
1-6 hours
Database-level integration
and replication
Point in Time Copy
Tier 4
Just adequate to run the
4-8 hours
One to two tape drives,
add DS4000 FlashCopy,
Tivoli Storage Manager,
server to host TSM
Remote tape vault
Tier 3
Just adequate to run the
8-16 hours
One to two tape drives,
DS4000 disk to improve
performance, Tivoli
Storage Manager, server
to host TSM
Remote warm site
Tier 2
Just adequate to run the
16-24 hours
One to two tape drives,
Tivoli Storage Manager,
server to host TSM
Cold Site
Tier 1
Just adequate to run the
24-72 hours
One to two tape drives,
Tivoli Storage Manager,
server to host TSM
No backup
Tier 0
?? - if system available at
> 72 hours
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 281
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site
connectivity options
A properly configured network infrastructure is critical for the efficient transmission of data
from one location to another. Typically, continuous availability and rapid recovery IT Business
Continuity solutions use a two-site implementation that provides a fully redundant
configuration mirroring the mission critical environment. A redundancy site allows immediate
recovery of system and application functionality.
Today’s trends are moving to
three-site recovery where two of the sites are separated by up
to 100 km of fiber to provide continuous availability and Business Continuity protection
against metropolitan events. The third site can be an out-of-region Disaster Recovery site that
is separated by unlimited distances to provide Disaster Recovery protection against regional
This chapter provides basic information regarding networking options that you need to
consider prior to designing two-site or three-site network infrastructures. Choosing an
appropriate networking infrastructure is an often underestimated but a critically important
aspect of any storage networking or data mirroring infrastructure. It includes the basics of
network transport as they apply to Disaster Recovery and covers Network Topology, Fiber
Transport Options, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), and Channel Extension.
The importance of network design and sizing cannot be emphasized enough. Having
sufficient bandwidth for any data replication solution, even an asynchronous solution, is
absolutely critical to success. It is beyond the scope of this book to provide detailed guidance
but a network expert should be an early and constant part of the Business Continuity solution
design team.
282 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
10.1 Network topologies
Remote storage and remote backup are key components in either a continuous availability,
rapid data recovery, or backup/restore solution. Establishing a remote storage solution
presents challenges and decisions as to which extension method is used to connect the
Business Continuity sites. Depending on distance, transmission latency could have a
significant impact on if Metro Mirror, Global Mirror or a cascaded implementation if selected.
Figure 10-1 shows two-site and three-site recovery (
cascaded) topologies which are occurring
in multiple industries today. It is no longer only the domain of the finance industry or of only a
select few high-end enterprises implementing this high-end IT Business Continuity solution.
We are seeing three site requirements from manufacturing, from retail, from transportation,
from telecom, and from other industries. Interestingly, IT organizations with local two-site
High Availability are interested in adding out-of-region recovery capability; while IT
organizations with out-of-region recovery capability are interested in adding local High
Availability. As consolidation and IT infrastructure streamlining continues, the interest in
three-site recovery continues to grow.
Figure 10-1 Two-site and three-site topologies
If you are involved in designing, building, or testing network technologies or channel
extension for a IT Business Continuity solution, you must be familiar with network protocols
used. The data transport selected will depend on your answers to the following questions:
򐂰 Distance. How far away is the remote site?
򐂰 Bandwidth. How much data is transported in what time frame?
򐂰 Recovery Point Objective (RPO). How much data can you afford to lose?
򐂰 Recovery Time Objective (RTO). How long can you afford to be without your systems?
򐂰 Network Recovery Objective (NRO). What are the applications’ response time
򐂰 Storage-over-distance options: What does your hardware support?
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 283
The remainder of this chapter provides basic information about networking options to be
considered for designing site-to-site channel extension communication.
10.2 Fiber transport
This section defines the two major options in fiber transport technology: dedicated fiber and
Synchronous Optical NETwork (SONET).
10.2.1 Dedicated fiber
Dedicated fiber is fiber that is not shared, and thus not lit by other users. This is typically a
privately owned fiber route that, unlike shared SONET rings, only has light passing through it
when its owner connects devices. Because it is privately owned and there are no competing
users, the business gets full use of the bandwidth provisioned at any time. The downside is
that it tends to be an expensive solution and usually requires some form of multiplexing to
control fiber transport costs as the business grows. Due to technical limitations, dedicated
fiber can only be used for relatively short distances, especially when compared to SONET.
Dedicated fiber is often used in Data Center Point-to-Point configurations.
We can contrast this with dark fiber - which is dormant, unused (that is, unlit) fiber.
10.2.2 SONET
Synchronous Optical NETwork or SONET (SDH in Europe) is a standard for transporting data
across public telecommunication rings. Typically a business will contract with a
telecommunications or Network Connectivity provider for a specific amount of bandwidth. The
customer’s building is then provided leads (the specific type of lead depends on how much
bandwidth has been contracted for) into the telecommunication’s network that is set up as a
series of ring configurations. This allows the channel extension devices to connect the
equipment in the data centers into the high speed network.
Because it is based on ring or mesh topologies, SONET infrastructure is usually
If any point in the SONET ring is disabled, traffic will be re-routed in the opposite direction. As
a result this technology provides very high availability without necessitating that a secondary
route be provisioned.
Managed Services Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Telecommunication and
Network Connectivity providers will often be interested in offering managed services for
dedicated fiber links in addition to SONET rings which are managed services by their very
nature. In this case, dedicated fiber is not purchased outright but leased, although the
performance benefits of having dedicated fiber strands remain.
Under these arrangements there will be SLAs set forth as part of the service contract.
These are extremely important within disaster recovery solutions because they set forth
the requirements under which the network provider will handle availability and the
penalties associated with not abiding by those requirements. When negotiating SLAs
make sure that RTO, RPO, and NRO (see Appendix B, “Terms and definitions” on
page 357) form the basis of discussion, because they are dependent on the managed
service provider maintaining network connectivity.
284 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 10-2 shows an example of a SONET ring. Here you see the leads entering the public
network through leads with names such as OC1, OC3, and Gigabit Ethernet. These names
refer to an amount of bandwidth available in that pipe which is then mirrored in the amount of
bandwidth that has been provisioned for that pipe in the network. So, as an example, a
business leasing a single OC3 through IBM Global Services would be provided with a link into
its facility that is capable of handling 155 megabits per second (Mbps). This pipe would then
lead into the larger public network where that business would receive 155 Mbps of the total
shared bandwidth available.
Figure 10-2 SONET
10.2.3 Data transport speed, bandwidth, and latency
The speed of a communication link determines how much data can be transported and how
long the transmission will take. The faster the link the more data can be transferred within a
given amount of time. Bandwidth is the throughput of a network or its capacity to move data
as measured in millions of bits per second (Mbps) or billions of bits per second (Gbps).
Latency is the time that it takes for data to move across a network from one location to
another and is measured in milliseconds.
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 285
Table 10-1 shows a comparison of the various transport links that are available.
Table 10-1 Data transport link bandwidth and speed
It is also useful to compare some of the relative line speeds as shown in Table 10-2.
Table 10-2 Line speed comparison
The bits of data travel at about two-thirds the speed of light in an optical fiber. However, some
latency is added when packets are processed by switches and routers and then forwarded to
their destination. While the speed of light might seem infinitely fast, over continental and
global distances, latency becomes a noticeable factor. There is a direct relationship between
distance and latency, propagated by the speed of light. For some synchronous remote copy
solutions, even a few milliseconds of additional delay can be unacceptable. Latency is a
particularly difficult challenge because, unlike bandwidth, spending more money for higher
speeds will not reduce latency.
Link Type Bandwidth Speed
Copper Telco Links
T1/DS1 1.5344 Mbps
T2 6.312 Mbps
T3/DS3 44.736 Mbps
Optical Telco Links
OC-1 51.84 Mbps
OC-3 155.52 Mbps
OC-12 622.08 Mbps
OC-24 1.244 Gbps
OC-48 2.488 Gbps
OC-192 9.6 Gbps
Fibre Channel/FICON 1 Gbps
Ethernet Links
10Base-T 10 Mbps
100Base-T 100 Mbps
Gigabit Ethernet 1 Gbps
Mbps Approximate Mbps Equivalent T1 lines
T1 1.544 .1544 1
T3 44.746 4.4746 28
OC3 155 15.5 100
OC12 622 62.2 400
OC48 2488 248.8 1600
286 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
10.2.4 Technology selection
Figure 10-3 presents a very generalized summary of three network technologies, the
scenario for their use, and the network provider. Network technology selection is based on
distance, type of traffic, traffic volume, speed, access, cost, and other factors. While the
selection might be straight forward in some cases, generally the selection process requires
significant networking expertise. This is a strategic infrastructure decision for an enterprise.
Selecting an inappropriate technology might prove unworkable upon implementation or could
negatively impact an enterprise’s ability to expand in the future.
IBM has designed, built, and managed huge pervasive networks, not only for internal use, but
also for others such as large financial institutions. IBM has relationships and sourcing
contracts with every major networking and telecom provider in the industry today. The
intellectual capital base and wealth of expertise accumulated from these endeavors and
relationships is available from IBM Global Services networking services.
Figure 10-3 Network transport technology selection
High Availability and distance: When planning to install any sort of network equipment, it
is important to bear in mind that most devices will include a high availability function to
protect from failures internally or in the fiber path. This will require that a second path be
available to be certain that events occurring outside of the data center (such as
construction that could accidentally cut through a fiber route) do not become an obstacle to
your ability to mirror data.
Bear in mind that just as fiber routes don’t necessarily follow a short, straight line, the
secondary fiber route will almost definitely be longer than the primary and should be used
as the measurement when determining what, if any, application impact results from
distance. This is because the distance of the secondary route will represent your
case scenario.
Your fiber or managed network provider will be able to put in writing what distance the data
is actually traveling over the primary and secondary routes (or rings).
Meshed / Hubbed Traffic
High Capacity Links
OC-12, OC-48
What technology should
be deployed?
OC-192 OC-48
Metro DWDM
Regional Long-Haul
Meshed Traffic
High Capacity Links
OC-12, OC-48
Metro/Regional Long-Haul
Meshed Traffic
Low Capacity Links
DS3, OC-3
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 287
10.3 Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is a method of improving the efficiency of dedicated
fiber by condensing, or
multiplexing, the transmitted channels. To visualize this process,
imagine an inverted prism.
White light passing through a prism is split into a wider spectrum of colors, each with its own
wavelength. In the WDM world this is reversed and each device connected to the WDM is
given a wavelength of light (known as a lambda), similar to the different colors in the
spectrum. The WDM then takes these wavelengths and allows them to pass together across
the fiber in the same area of the light spectrum, around 1550 nanometers. Figure 10-4
demonstrates the flow as the channels connect to the WDM and enter the fiber strand.
Figure 10-4 WDM conceptual flow
At the remote location the light passes through a second WDM. This device takes in the white
transmission of data and divides it back into individual wavelengths connecting to
devices as though it were attached by its own fiber strand. Because this allows many devices
to connect over a single pair of single-mode fiber strands this represents a great improvement
in efficiency over direct connections through individual fiber strands and can represent a
major cost savings given the expense involved in building up a fiber infrastructure.
Additionally, WDM technology represents a long term investment protection on the fiber
infrastructure. Improvements in WDM technology often are able to continue to improve the
efficiency of fiber infrastructure over time, reducing or removing the need to add additional
fiber strands when more channels can be added to the existing WDM infrastructure.
10.3.1 Optical amplification and regenerative repeaters
Under normal circumstances current WDM technology is able to transport data to a range of
at least 50 km. Depending on the specifics of the device and certain optional equipment (such
as more powerful lasers), some devices are capable of connecting at a distance of 80 to 90
kilometers. Because there is no encapsulation or decapsulation involved in the process this is
at full, native speeds. As a result, data is kept current in the remote disk with minimal latency
in synchronous technologies and asynchronous technologies minimize the risk of data
In some cases, however, the native range of a WDM falls under the range desired or required
for a given disaster recovery solution but dedicated fiber is still seen as necessary or
desirable. In these cases optical amplifiers should be considered.
Remember: Not every device is supported in any given configuration. Before committing
yourself to a specific WDM or Channel Extension device for a solution (such as GDPS),
make sure to determine whether it is supported in your configuration.
288 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Optical amplifiers are devices set between WDM units that take in the signal from the sending
WDM and strengthen it. As a result the effects of distance are minimized and the supported
range between a pair of WDM devices increases substantially to a maximum supported
distance of 300 km. Longer distances are possible through special request.
Regenerative repeaters can be used to further extend the distance between sites. A
regenerative repeater converts incoming optical signals to an electrical signal, which is
cleaned up to eliminate noise. The electrical signal is then converted back to an optical signal
and retransmitted to the target site.
It is important to note that not all protocols are created equal where distance is concerned.
Some older protocols do not fare as well over long distances. FICON and other Fibre Channel
based protocols, however, perform very solidly even at a range of 300 km. As such, for longer
ranged solutions over dedicated fiber it will generally be safer and more efficient to make use
of the newer technologies.
Vendors of WDM devices, optical amplifiers, and regenerative repeaters should be contacted
regarding attachment and distance capabilities and line quality requirements. The vendors
should also provide hardware and software prerequisites for using their products.
10.3.2 CWDM versus DWDM
There are two forms of WDM technology available. While the basics are the same for both
forms, it is important to understand each has potential options that affect the cost and
scalability of solutions.
Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) spreads out the light waves instead of
trying to keep them closer together. The result is a smaller increase in the number of lambdas
available through the fiber strands. Although this is, in and of itself, not an advantage of
CWDM technology when compared to DWDM, it tends to be significantly less expensive. As
a result, it is an appropriate technology for businesses who use dedicated fiber but only have
a limited number of cross site links. CWDM is normally capable of sending eight channels of
data across one pair of fiber strands. This, however, can be increased through subrate
Wavelength Division Multiplexing
The most common form of multiplexing, Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) tries to
keep the lambdas as close together as possible. As a result, the number of channels that can
pass through a pair of fiber is greatly increased. Current standards allow for up to 32 lambdas
to pass through 1 pair of fiber, and this can be multiplied through technologies such as
subrate multiplexing.
10.3.3 Subrate multiplexing
Current standards in WDM technology allow devices to split the light within one pair of fiber
strands into 8 or 32 lambdas. Subrate Multiplexing (also known as
Time Division
or TDM) is the concept of making more efficient use of each of those lambdas
by sending multiple channels of information over a single optical interface. Multiple devices
are able to connect to a single optical interface card and their data is transmitted with slight
time variations. As a result, these cards act as a multiplier on your WDM infrastructure
allowing for the possibility of transmitting 2 or more times as many channels within a single
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 289
Because of the time variance, however, not every device will be supported equally with TDM
cards. Some particularly sensitive devices, such as sysplex timers, might not be supported
due to the minor variances in timing. Other channel types are far more tolerant.
10.4 Channel extension
Channel extension is a distance transport technology in which the device connects to SONET
optical channels. These devices then take the data from all connecting devices and send it
across the SONET route using however much bandwidth has been provisioned by the
telecommunications provider. Unlike DWDM this method does not give each device its own
wavelength, but it is suitable for much longer distances and, depending on the particular
business and configuration, might make better financial sense than using dedicated fiber.
Figure 10-5 shows how channel extension can be used to transfer large amounts of data
between data centers.
Figure 10-5 Example of channel extension implementation using SONET
10.4.1 Methods of channel extension
Because SONET is used over such long distances, special methods must be used to ensure
that devices don’t time-out while data is still in-flight. This is typically handled in one of two
Traditionally, data is encapsulated in IP packets and placed into Asynchronous Transfer
Mode (ATM) cells before being transmitted into the network. This has been and continues to
be a viable method of transmitting data over longer distances. Under this form of transmission
the channel extension equipment spoofs or tricks the receiving devices into thinking that data
has been received. Meanwhile the data being transmitted is broken and encapsulated into IP
290 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
packets that are then placed into ATM cells. The cells are received in the remote location and
are decapsulated into their original format, so that they can be properly received by the
remote devices.
A second, newer form of channel extension is to augment the buffer credits (the number of
unacknowledged frames which can accumulate before data transmission stops) on both
sides of the telecommunications line. By doing so the line is constantly filled and remains
open to the receiving devices while data information is transmitted without encapsulation.
FICON and Fibre Channel over distance
While using ESCON over SONET has always been acceptable, even at extremely long
distances, due to the way that channel extension breaks the protocol with encapsulation, the
protocol exchanges still do slow down the connections somewhat. Additionally ESCON faces
some limitations when transmitting over longer distances. Because FICON and Fibre
Channel Protocol (FCP) perform so well over longer distances, their connectivity has become
important to channel extension device vendors.
Technologies have been developed recently that make FICON and FCP over SONET a
possibility and vendors have started to offer it on channel extension devices. As such, when
planning a disaster recovery solution due consideration should be given to the performance
and cost efficiencies of the newer FICON or FCP technologies rather than staying with the
solid, but less efficient, ESCON.
Fibre Channel over IP
Another option for FCP over long distances is known as Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP). This
technology allows a user to encapsulate data in an IP packet but rather than sending it
through a SONET ring, the data travels through the business’s existing IP network. Many
businesses have already spent a great deal of time and money building up their IP networks
and in doing so have developed a strong skill base in IP networking. In these cases, FCIP
might prove to be more cost effective than other channel extension technologies.
There is one word of caution, however, when investigating Fibre Channel over IP. Large disk
mirroring implementations can take up a sizable amount of the available bandwidth and their
use can result in the need to further expand an IP network. If the intent is to share the same
LAN for both data replication and standard IP network uses, stress testing must be performed
to ensure that any application impact in either use would be acceptable. However, the
potential cost and benefit associated with such a decision is something that should be
reviewed on a case by case basis.
10.5 Testing
Testing a proposed disaster recovery solution is important before, as well as after,
implementation. This is because introducing distance into your applications could have
unforeseen effects and these must be understood to properly prepare. While it is unlikely that
you would be able to appropriate temporary fiber in the ground, there are methods that will
allow you to test within a single room if desired.
If you plan to use dedicated fiber, you should investigate whether your fiber provider can
arrange for you to have access to
fiber suitcases. These are spools of fiber optic cable with
the cladding removed. They are placed in a suitcase-like container and can be connected
together to simulate the actual distance between locations as well as test failover for high
availability functions. Additionally, attenuators can be connected to simulate the level of
that is anticipated on the actual fiber run. The attenuators reduce the signal which in
turn changes the signal-to-noise ratio.
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 291
Fiber spools might not always be a workable solution, especially in solutions that transport
over continental distances. In these cases, an alternative might be introducing devices that
introduce additional latency into the environment. By doing so the data takes longer to be
received, just as it would be in its real implementation due to the speed of light over distance.
10.6 Bandwidth sizing
When designing a storage replication solution across sites, sooner or later one fundamental
question will be asked: What bandwidth must be put in place to satisfy the remote write
requests while maintaining adequate performance on the local production site? This section
addresses these problems.
10.6.1 Concepts
We start by illustrating some fundamental concepts and seeing how these concepts are
RPO defines the amount of data that can be lost in the case of a disaster. It is used as a
design factor: For example, the customer states that he can accept to lose a maximum of
three hours worth of data updates in a disaster. In asynchronous replication mode the RPO
can vary with the application write activity and the available bandwidth for replication.
Synchronous and asynchronous
Assume that we have two storage systems located in two locations separated by a certain
distance, as shown in Figure 10-6.
Figure 10-6 Replicated storage in two sites
The objective is to write updates in both sites so as to have a valid copy of data in the event of
a disaster. Writes need to be replicated from the local site, where we assume our application
is running, to the remote site. Replication operations can be either synchronous or
Synchronous is when updates (writes) are written to both the local and remote site and
then, when both write operations are complete, the application is notified that the write
completed successfully. Synchronous replication is usually very sensitive to both
Local Server
Remote Server
bandwidth (pipe)
Writes and maybe reads
292 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
bandwidth and latency. These factors can negatively influence I/O and application
response times.
Asynchronous is when updates (writes) are written to the local site and then the
application is notified that the write completed successfully. The write operation is buffered
locally and sent to the remote site at a later time, depending on the bandwidth available.
Asynchronous replication is impacted much less by latency; a reasonable bandwidth must
be guaranteed so that the data gets replicated in a timely manner, to guarantee an agreed
In storage terms, bandwidth measures the amount of data that can be sent in a specified
amount of time. Networking link bandwidth is usually measured in bits and multiples of bits.
We speak of kilobits and megabits, respectively thousands or millions of bits. Seconds are
usually used for time measurement so we can speak of Kbps or Mbps.
Applications issue read and write requests to storage devices and these requests are
satisfied at a certain speed commonly called the data rate. Usually disk and tape device data
rates are measured in bytes per unit of time and not in bits. One million bytes per second will
be expressed as 1 MBps. Current technology storage device LUNs or volumes can manage
sequential sustained data rates in the order of up to 80-90 MBps. In other terms, an
application can be writing to disk at 80 MBps. Assuming a conversion ratio of 1 Megabyte to
10 Megabits,. we can have a data rate of 800 Megabits. It is always useful to check and make
sure that one correctly correlates MBps to Mbps.
Latency and the speed of light
Bandwidth is not the only limiting factor. Latency can have a large impact on application
performance. Latency is the time that is required to send a command to a remote server or
storage device and receive an answer. The longer the time, the greater the performance
impact. Latency depends on the speed of light (c): c = 3 x 10
m/second. (vacuum) = 3.3
µsec/km (µsec represents microseconds, one millionth of a second). The speed through
glass fiber is around 2/3 of c, around 5 µsec/km. These values appear very small.
Now a SCSI write over Fibre Channel requires two round trips per I/O operation, we have 2
(round trips) x 2 (operations) x 5 µsec/km = 20 µsec/km. At 50 km we have an additional
latency of 20 µsec/km x 50 km = 1000 µsec = 1 msec (msec represents millisecond). Each
SCSI I/O has 1 msec of additional service time. At 100 km it becomes 2 msec additional
service time.
We can see that latency can negatively impact applications with high I/O rates, short IOs and
fast response times, and these are usually transactional database applications.
Protocols and latency implications
Discussing latency we have seen that SCSI write operations over Fibre Channel require two
round trips per I/O operation. The number of round trips is protocol dependent. Some
protocols require more round trips than others. In the previous section we have seen how this
can impact latency and response time.
򐂰 The ESCON protocol requires approximately 6 protocol exchanges per I/O operation, this
means a signal latency of approximately 60 µs/km round trip. For sites that are separated
by 10 km, this equates to a latency of 600 microseconds, or 0.6 milliseconds. For sites
that are separated by 100 km, this equates to a latency of 6000 microseconds, or 6
򐂰 The ESCON PPRC implementation on the Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS) typically
requires 3 protocol exchanges per remote copy I/O operation. Users will typically
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 293
experience propagation delays of about 1 ms per 30 km of site separation distance. For a
10 km site separation, this equates to a latency of about 0.3 milliseconds. For a 100 km
site separation, this equates to a latency of about 3 milliseconds.
򐂰 The FICON protocol requires only 1 protocol exchange per I/O operation, which in turn
results in a signal latency of approximately 10 microseconds per km site separation. round
trip. For a 100 km site separation, this equates to a latency of about 1 millisecond.
򐂰 The Fibre Channel Metro Mirror implementation on the DS8000 requires 1 protocol
exchange per remote copy I/O operation.
WANs are usually characterized by high latencies and limited (in other words costly)
bandwidths compared to storage, SANs and LANs. While investments in networking
infrastructure combined with greater bandwidth demand can result in cost-effective
bandwidths over the wide area, the relatively higher latencies of wide area communications
are a problem that is likely to persist for the foreseeable future. Fundamental limitations
placed by the speed of light and technological limitations placed by the overhead of routing
and switching together make the latency of wide area access at least an order of magnitude
worse than storage area network latencies. The latency problem is dictated by the speed of
light and by the routing and switching overhead when intermediate routers, switches and
bridges are used between the communicating endpoints. In practice, it has been observed
that the bulk of the WAN latency is attributed to the router delays and not to the speed of light,
so the calculations shown above are optimistic.
10.6.2 Replication implementations
There are various implementations of remote mirroring. These can be implemented either in
software or in hardware.
LVM mirroring
Many operating systems rely on an underlying logical volume manager (LVM) software layer.
Most LVMs offer storage mirroring capabilities across different physical storage volumes or
LUNs, and if you place a second set of LUNs onto a remote storage device you have a
remote mirroring solution. This approach has advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include the transparency of failover: If one of the two mirror volumes is lost
the application will not stop or crash; in AIX, LVM will log an error to the AIX error log and
continue with the remaining volume.
Among the disadvantages are management complexities. Each system has its own LVM to
manage. In most LVMs, both writes and reads can be sent to both the local and the remote
storage device. So the network transport between sites might be required to carry both write
and read traffic.
A second, small, disadvantage is that we use server CPU cycles to perform the data
replication, although the amount of CPU cycles used for I/O normally is very small: 1-2% of
the system.
Storage system mirroring
Most IBM System Storage systems have a remote mirroring feature. These storage systems
mirror only write operations between the local and remote storage systems, reads are
Note: Depending on the LVM, it is possible to read from the local site and send only writes
to the remote and local site. AIX LVM is one example of this capability.
294 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
satisfied by the local system. The synchronous implementation is called Metro Mirror and the
asynchronous implementation is called Global Mirror.
The advantages of off loading replication to the storage systems are multiple. We have a
single point of control and do not use host server CPU cycles to replicate the data.
The disadvantage is that this approach is not transparent to the host server and application.
In the event of loss of the primary storage system we switch to the secondary system and this
is not transparent to the application.
Software and application replication
Another form of replication is what we call software application replication. In this case the
replication is performed by software in the production system, using TCP/IP as a network
transport. Application examples that offer replication solutions are DB2, Domino® and Oracle.
This category also encompasses file replication solutions such as NSI Doubletake, VERITAS
Volume Replicator, and VERITAS Storage Replicator.
DB2 UDB offers a High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) feature. HADR is a replication
that takes place at the database level. The HADR requires two active systems: A primary and
a standby. All database transactions take place at the primary system. The transaction log
entries are continuously shipped to the standby machine through TCP/IP. The standby
system receives and stores log entries from the primary system and applies the transactions
to the database. If the primary fails, the standby can take over the transactional workload and
become the new primary machine.
Oracle offers a similar function called Oracle Data Guard. Data Guard performs synchronous
or asynchronous log shipping from the production data base to one or more standby
Database replication using database tools is generally more bandwidth efficient than using
other forms of replication. To understand why, consider the following two examples:
1. Database update write activity to a file system or volume requires three write operations:
a. Write before image to the database log
b. Update the database
c. Write after image to the database log
2. Database update to a remote system using database tools and log shipping requires one
write operation, which is write the update to the remote system.
Other software products perform file system or volume based replication. These products
usually intercept write IOs and propagate them to the remote sites.
10.6.3 Measuring workload I/O characteristics
To size the bandwidth required to replicate data between two different locations we need to
know the amount of data that is written to disk: The write profile. We need to obtain this
information for all the servers that will be involved in replication and must add it together to
get the I/O profile of multiple servers.
The write activity measurements should span a reasonable amount of time, days or weeks,
and should be gathered in busy periods such as month or year end. A reasonable long term
sampling interval is 5 to 15 minutes, and a more detailed analysis can be performed for the
peak hour.
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 295
There are many measures of I/O activity. For bandwidth sizing one measure is essential: The
number of bytes per second that is written to disk. This can be calculated as the average I/O
size multiplied by the number of IOs. Different platforms have different measurement tools
and return different types of measurements.
z/OS tools
Resource Measurement Facility (RMF™) provides performance information for the DS6000,
DS8000, SVC, ESS, and other disk systems for z/OS. RMF Device Activity reports account
for all activity to a base address and all its associated alias addresses. Activity on alias
addresses is not reported separately, but RMF will report the number of Parallel Access
Volumes (PAV) addresses (or in RMF terms, exposures) that have been used by a device,
and whether the number of exposures has changed during the reporting interval.
RMF cache statistics are collected and reported by a logical control unit (LCU). So a fully
configured ESS would produce 16 sets of cache data. One report only reflects the status of
one logical system. In other words, if you want to check out the status of the whole cache, you
have to check out all of the 16 reports.
With any RMF reports, the I/O information reported is from one z/OS system only. If you are
sharing I/O across multiple systems, you will need to review RMF reports from each of the
sharing systems in order to see the complete I/O activity to the LCUs and devices. This is not
true for the Cache reports, however; because cache data is obtained from the control unit, it
does include I/O activity from all sharing systems. Contention from a sharing system will
generally be seen as increased pending (PEND) and disconnect (DISC) times in the Device
Activity report.
The RMF FICON Channel Path Activity report shows the MBps read and write data rates for
each channel. You must perform aggregation of the data for all the channels attached to the
storage systems you want to replicate. Another way of obtaining and summarizing RMF
performance data is to use the RMF Magic
RMF Magic is a new tool developed by Intellimagic designed to analyze the I/O workload
volume and performance of disk systems attached to one or multiple z/OS or OS/390®
system images. The program processes RMF records; an extended period of up to a month
can be analyzed in a single study.
RMF Magic creates both a consolidated and comprehensive view of all I/O activity in a z/OS
environment. The tool can be used for disk system-related capacity planning and provides
special support for sizing Extended Remote Copy (XRC) or Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy
(PPRC). It can also be used to debug performance anomalies, in particular those that require
an analysis of performance behavior over an extended period of time.
Data presentation is done through Excel® data sheets and charts, allowing the analyst to
take advantage of Excel's rich user interface and data formatting capabilities and to adjust the
output format and detail as required for the subject under study.
Except for the data collection, every step of an RMF Magic analysis can be done on a PC,
made possible by a better than 10:1 reduction of the data volume. This facilitates a process of
incremental discovery where each step in the analysis can prompt the need for another view
on the source data.
Additional information about RMF Magic is available at:
RMF Magic is a product developed by IntelliMagic and is available from IntelliMagic.
296 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
For further information about techniques to gather host system I/O performance data, refer to:
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Model 800 Performance Monitoring and
Tuning Guide, SG24-6422
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning, SG24-7145
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning, SG24-7146
TotalStorage Productivity Center
Sometimes it might not be easy to collect the information at the server level. You can then
choose to evaluate alternatives. Figure 10-7 illustrates the different types of performance data
that TotalStorage Productivity Center for Disk can provide when monitoring SMIS-capable
storage devices.
Figure 10-7 TotalStorage Productivity Center for Data disk performance reports
TotalStorage Productivity Center for Disk provides gauges to track real-time performance so
that the administrator can monitor performance metrics across different storage systems from
a single console. Alerts can also be set to automate appropriate actions based on the
exceeding of performance thresholds.
These storage system metrics can help estimate bandwidth requirements for channel
AIX tools
The iostat command displays I/O statistics for the server. The iostat command gives the
read and write kilobytes per second and the transactions per second. Unfortunately it shows
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 297
the data by individual disk rather than aggregated, so summarization must be performed
manually. Also hdisks could be multiple exposures of the same disk.
A better way to collect AIX write data is to use nmon and nmon analyzer. These tools are freely
available on the IBM Web site at:
The nmon tool offers a long term collection capability that is documented in the nmon
analyzer manual. You collect one day’s worth of data by starting the command nmon -x. The
command produces an output file that is transferred to a personal computer and processed
by the nmon analyzer worksheet. The resulting worksheet includes a tab called
DISK_SUMM, shown in Figure 10-8, with the write profile.
Figure 10-8 I/O write profile
This information is input to the bandwidth sizing exercise. You also need to know the data
collection interval, which is 600 seconds in this example.
Linux tools
The iostat utility is included in many Linux distributions. The iostat command is also part of
the Sysstat set of utilities, which is available from:
The iostat command lets you see a report about the activities of the disk system of the
server. The report has two parts: CPU utilization and device (disk) utilization. You can use
iostat -x to collect detailed I/O statistics including read and write kilobytes per second.
The nmon tool is also available for Linux SUSE and Red Hat on Intel and IBM System p
platforms. You can use this tool as discussed in “AIX tools” on page 296.
For additional information about collecting Linux I/O performance data see Tuning IBM
System x Servers for Performance, SG24-5287.
298 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Windows tools
Windows offers the performance monitoring tool perfmon. To collect data over a period of
time you can use Microsoft Windows perfmon counter logs. Use the following procedure to
collect the write activity data:
1. Start perfmon by selecting Start Run perfmon.
2. Select Counter Logs from the left pane.
3. Right-click in the right pane.
4. Select New Log Settings.
5. Choose a name for the log. A new window opens.
6. In the General tab, select Add Counters and select the following counters:
PhysicalDisk - Disk Write Bytes/second for all instances
PhysicalDisk - Disk Writes/second for all instances
7. Select an interval for the data collection. A 10 or 15 minute interval is adequate for a long
running collection.
8. Select OK to save the customization.
9. The new counter log appears in the right hand pane. Red indicates it is stopped, and
green indicates that it is running and collecting data.
10.To start data collection select the counter log by right-clicking and pressing Start.
11.Make a note of the log file name as it will be needed later.
12.The data collection runs until you select the task with the name that you assigned in step 5
by right-clicking and pressing Stop.
After the data has been collected, you need to analyze it. We will show how to use the log file
that we collected and how to save the information into a Microsoft Excel worksheet:
1. Start perfmon by selecting Start Run perfmon.
2. Select the right window pane and press Ctrl+E to reset counters.
3. Select the right window pane and press Ctrl+L to load log data from file.
4. Select Source - Data source - Log files and click Add.
5. Select the log file name that you recorded in the previous step and click Open.
6. Select the Data tab click Add.
7. Select the following counters from the list:
PhysicalDisk - Disk Write Bytes/second for all instances
PhysicalDisk - Disk Writes/second for all instances
8. Click OK. A chart with the data you collected opens.
9. Right-click in the chart area and select Save Data As.
10.Choose a file name and in the
Save as type field choose csv and click Save.
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 299
The data in the .csv file can be loaded into a spreadsheet such as Excel. Table 10-3 shows a
sample of the data.
Table 10-3 Sample Windows write profile
System i tools
System i also offers I/O interval reports. These interval reports provide disk utilization details.
You can consolidate the information for the peak 15 minute intervals where throughput and
response time are relevant for your applications and get the peak I/Os per second, KB per
I/O, and also the read-to-write ratio. With this information, you can start to estimate more
accurately the bandwidth requirements that will adequately support your IBM System i
workload demands. For further information about techniques to gather host system I/O
performance data, refer to:
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Model 800 Performance Monitoring and
Tuning Guide, SG24-6422
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning, SG24-7145
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage DS8000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning, SG24-7146
10.6.4 Determine the bandwidth
In the preceding section, we discussed how to collect the performance data to determine
write activity. These writes need to be replicated to the remote system.
Using the I/O write profile to determine required bandwidth
If we have collected write activity from multiple systems and platforms we will first need to
summarize it to get a profile that aggregates write activity from the multiple systems. We need
to sum the write performance data, interval by interval, for all the systems we want to
Data summarization across systems and platforms will be easier if all system clocks are
aligned and the data collection interval is the same for all systems and all intervals start at the
same time, say on the hour.
There is no specific tool or method to collect this data across all servers and platforms. The
task will be manual and can be accomplished by using simple scripts and spreadsheet
programs. The end result that is needed is the average and peak write data rate.
(PDH-CSV 4.0) (Pacific
Standard Time)(480)
(_Total) \Disk Write Bytes/s
(_Total) \Disk Writes/s
22:08:45 48678 3
22:09:00 49116 7
22:09:15 14744 2
22:09:30 2730 0
22:09:45 8 0
22:10:00 6894 1
22:10:15 6007 1
300 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Synchronous or asynchronous
For synchronous replication we need to determine the peak write rate and choose a network
bandwidth that is greater than this peak. The reason for this choice is to not impact the
performance of the production applications. If we choose anything less than the peak write
rate, the primary application can incur delays due to writes at the remote site. These delays
are often felt more by batch applications because they are more write intensive. A second
factor to consider is additional latency for the I/O operations and this translates into higher
response times as illustrated in 10.6.1, “Concepts” on page 291 under “Latency and the
speed of light”.
Asynchronous replication is more complex. In general it supports adequate operations with
less bandwidth. The penalty is that RPO will be greater than zero and will depend on the
bandwidth and the arrival of writes. Also, depending on the replication implementation, data
writes might need to be stored in a temporary storage area or log and the amount of log
space must be determined.
There are various IBM internal tools available to estimate RPO for asynchronous replication
solutions. These tools will be normally used by your IBM replication specialist.
In an asynchronous replication implementation a model can be built to determine RPO and
log size when we have the application write I/O profile and the bandwidth. The relationship
can be established between write I/Os, bandwidth and RPO and log size. We will illustrate a
conceptual model and show some examples of results using this model.
Assume we have an arrival rate of x units of data per interval, for example x MBps average,
and a bandwidth or pipe between sites of y MBps. We perform the following calculation for
each interval:
1. Interval 1: If x1<y all data can be sent in interval.
2. If x1>y only part of the data (y) can be sent and we have x1-y=r1 (remainder) left over.
The remainder needs to be sent in the next interval, interval 2.
3. Interval 2: we calculate how much data to send: x2+r1=x2’.
4. If x2’<y it gets all sent.
5. If x2’>y then we only send y and send the remainder (x2’-y=r2) to the next interval, interval
This process is repeated for all intervals.
The calculation we perform is not mathematically foolproof, for example, if we perform no
writes in 90% of the interval and all writes in the last 10% of an interval, then the assumption
that the average data rate (x MBps) is less than pipe size (y) no longer holds true. On
average we have an acceptable approximation.
What do we obtain? The remainder we determine in each interval (r) represents the RPO,
data that has not yet been sent to the remote site (calculated as [r MBps / bandwidth MBps] *
intervalSec). The maximum remainder is the maximum RPO. Also if we multiply the
maximum remainder (r) MBps by the interval length we get the maximum log space required.
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 301
A sample worksheet is shown in Figure 10-9. Given an I/O profile (Write kb/int) and a
bandwidth or pipe size of 30 Mbits we calculate a max RPO of under 14 minutes and 2 GB of
local log space.
Figure 10-9 Asynchronous replication with 30 Mbit bandwidth - - original is in RPOCalc.Xls if want to change
302 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
We can compare the above results with the behavior calculated in Figure 10-10. We changed
the bandwidth to 5 Mbits. In this case we have a maximum RPO of over 20 hours in a 24 hour
interval. The value AccumWrite, representing data to be replicated that has yet to be sent to
the remote site, is growing in an uncontrolled way. It is extremely unlikely that a 5 Mbits pipe
can satisfy this workload.
Figure 10-10 Asynchronous replication with 5 Mbit bandwidth
The model also calculates RPO and local write log space and plots these values over time. It
can be used to evaluate what-if scenarios and quickly and intuitively determine an adequate
Rules of thumb
If no information is available, we can give a first rough estimate of writes using rules of thumb
based on industry averages. Note that your installation might be completely different.
Computer Measurement Group
is a worldwide association of IT system performance
professionals. CMG user groups meet several times a year, worldwide, to exchange IT
performance information. Over the past five years, CMG has documented publicly that a
reasonable worldwide average disk performance measurement is that every 1 GB of disk
data produces, on average, a little less than 1 I/O per second per GB. This estimate is
reasonable for both mainframe and open environments. This metric is called access density.
We can use this access density fact to derive a straightforward Rule of Thumb (ROT) for
estimating the amount of production I/Os that are generated by a given amount of disk GB or
TB of data. Using the access density above we can estimate the amount of write data per
second that a given amount of data will produce.
Chapter 10. Networking and inter-site connectivity options 303
There are two rules of thumb using an average, conservative, access density of 1 I/O per
second per GB are:
򐂰 1 TB of production OLTP disk storage generates about 1 MBps of write data.
򐂰 1 TB of production BATCH disk storage generates about 6.75 MBps of write data.
The derivation of the two rules of thumb is outside of the scope of this discussion. Worldwide,
CMG white papers have shown that these estimations are valid. Using this information, we
can calculate and extrapolate the number of transactions or batch updates that might be
represented by a given amount of production disk mirrored storage.
304 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 305
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and
database applications
This chapter addresses the concepts used for creating High Availability clusters and their use
with regard to databases and other applications. After reading this chapter, you should have a
basic understanding of High Availability functions available through clustering and database
It is not our intention to cover all possible database and application backup and recovery
technologies. We want to point out that besides technical and logical data availability, the
most important consideration is business continuance. IBM Global Services offers dedicated
services for Business Continuity that are not the subject of this book, but we refer to them
when it is appropriate.
This chapter first explains the methods on how to make systems highly available. Then it
introduces the technologies and functions that are suitable for disaster recovery and fault
tolerant solutions for databases.
306 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
11.1 High availability
When we refer to High Availability in an IT infrastructure, we need to look in detail at how
High Availability can be achieved for each of the represented solution building blocks. When
considering Business Continuity, we must have a basic understanding about the principal
differences between High Availability, disaster tolerance and Business Continuity. In
Chapter 3, “Business Continuity planning, processes, and execution” on page 43, we explain
the basic disciplines of Disaster Recovery and the tasks which must be in place.
In general, High Availability for IT systems is provided by the following characteristics:
򐂰 No single point-of-failure (SPOF) within the system or the systems’ components by using
redundant components.
򐂰 Automatic failover/failback.
򐂰 Masking and elimination of downtime by using redundant components.
򐂰 System availability might be degraded or unavailable during planned and unplanned
򐂰 Usually local to one site.
򐂰 Fault resilience.
򐂰 Hardware based.
Disaster tolerance for IT systems is defined by the following characteristics:
򐂰 High availability of all system components.
򐂰 Possibility to restore and enable the IT infrastructure and the current and valid data within
a given time objective (RTO).
򐂰 Planned and unplanned maintenance windows shall not impact the system availability.
򐂰 IT infrastructure is usually dispersed over two or more sites.
Business Continuity is defined by the following characteristics:
򐂰 A highly automated disaster tolerant IT infrastructure.
򐂰 Organizational and business related infrastructure is available.
򐂰 The company’s business continues with little or no degradation.
Solutions that use technologies that provide Continuous Availability provide the necessary IT
infrastructure as building blocks for business continuance depending on the availability
requirements, as shown in Figure 11-1.
Figure 11-1 Components of IT infrastructure system landscape
Components of an IT Infrastructure system landscape
Storage Subsystem
Application Sever
Application Level
High availability and data protection mechanisms
Data Level
RAID systems
Redundant Storage Controllers
SAN with Storage based copy functions
Hardware and OS based clustering
Database clustering
Database Shadow technology
Multiple application server
OS based clustering
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 307
11.1.1 Selecting IBM Server and System Storage solutions for High
IBM Server and System Storage products are built and proven for availability, scalability and
reliability. In combination with IBM system management products, such as IBM Director or
Tivoli Enterprise™, a system (or a system’s component) automatically notifies an
administrator prior to a failure of a suspicious component which is likely to fail, because a
built-in hardware threshold for error correction has been exceeded.
Hardware redundancy prevents downtime caused by hardware failures by detecting a failing
component before it actually fails and bypassing a failure when it does occur. Most of the IBM
servers provide predictive failure analyses (PFA) for their most critical components such as
processors, memory, disks, voltage regulators, fans, adapters and power supplies. Therefore
a problem on a single component can be detected and proactively (hot) replaced without any
system outage or maintenance window. This is part of the strategy from IBM of autonomic
computing. For more information, see Getting Started with IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.1 on
Distributed Environments, SG24-7143 and Automated Distribution and Self-Healing with IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager V 4.2, SG24-6620.
Key terms that are related to IBM Server and System Storage solutions for High Availability
򐂰 Redundant power supplies
Redundant server and disk array power supplies provide a secondary power supply if the
primary power supply fails.
򐂰 Redundant fans
Redundant fans ensure that sufficient cooling exists inside of the server if a cooling fan
򐂰 Redundant storage system
A redundant storage system provides protection against the failure of a single disk drive or
򐂰 Redundant memory
Redundant memory provides memory if a memory bank fails.
򐂰 IBM Chip Kill memory
Error-correcting code (ECC) memory detects and corrects single-bit errors and takes the
memory offline if a double-bit error occurs. IBM Chipkill™ Memory enables increased
availability by detecting and correcting multiple-bit memory DIMM errors.
򐂰 Redundant Bit Steering
Redundant Bit Steering is similar to the hot-spare of a disk array which utilizes unused bits
in each memory DIMM (hot spare bits). It can utilize these spare bits in the event of a
failure in a DIMM. This dramatically increases the memory reliability, especially in
multi-gigabyte main memory capacities in combination with in-memory databases.
򐂰 Redundant network interface cards
Using redundant network interface cards (NICs) ensures that clients can connect to the
data center if a NIC or a network connection fails. In addition to redundancy some network
adapters provide load balancing for better performance as well as for High Availability.
򐂰 Power-on monitoring
When the server is initially turned on, during the power on self test (POST) the server
detects startup failure conditions, such as abnormal temperature conditions or a failed fan.
308 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Lock-stepped processors
Lock-stepped processors are two processors that execute the same instruction stream
and that crosscheck each other as with MARATHON Technologies. For more information,
see their Web site:
Parity checking on internal buses using IBM server hardware minimizes the likelihood of
hardware failures and uses monitoring and redundancy to limit the effect of a failure on data
In Chapter 4, “Tier levels of Business Continuity solutions” on page 137, we explain the
hierarchical dependencies of the system layer architecture. When we refer to the system
dependencies with databases, you need to consider the components of the system layer
architecture for the requirements of High Availability within a system, as shown in Figure 11-1
on page 306.
11.2 Clustering technologies
In a highly available and redundant IT infrastructure, availability can be achieved with
redundancy of systems by introducing clustering technologies. A clustered system is defined
as a group of individual server systems that share some resources and act as a single
Server clusters are designed to keep applications available, rather than keeping data or the
business process available. Thus, any kind of hardware based clustering is just a way to
protect the physical infrastructure, but does not provide protection for logical or other data
related disasters (data corruption, data loss, viruses, human errors, intruders, or hackers). To
protect the data and the business process against those kind of threats, organizations need
solid data protection for their companies’ data.
Therefore, in addition to technical data protection and physical access barriers to the core
systems, proven recovery plans and technologies must be in place. Cluster technology
cannot protect the data against failures caused by viruses, software corruption, or human
error. With clustered systems we differentiate between four types of clusters:
򐂰 Shared nothing cluster
򐂰 Common shared cluster
򐂰 Application clusters
򐂰 Geographically dispersed clusters
In the following sections, we describe the basic cluster technologies and how you can deploy
them as highly available building blocks in disaster tolerant solutions in conjunction with
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 309
11.2.1 Shared nothing clusters
A shared nothing cluster, shown in Figure 11-2, is defined as a system of independent
servers (two or more) with access to a common storage system but operating on their own
resources. A resource in a shared nothing cluster can be for example a disk, an application or
a file share. The clients however, see the cluster as one entity and not as n individual servers.
Any connection from a user or application will only be executed on one individual node within
the cluster.
Figure 11-2 High Availability, shared nothing cluster
The nodes can be configured in two ways: either active/active or active/passive. In an
active/active cluster, both nodes operate on their own data and applications and in the event
of a problem on either cluster node, the resources will failover to the surviving node, as shown
in Figure 11-3. The cluster heartbeat is a dedicated network which checks the availability of
the cluster nodes and resources. High availability, shared nothing clusters are usually
operating system based clusters. With Windows.Net 2003 Enterprise Edition and
Windows.Net 2003 Datacenter Edition a cluster can contain up to 8 nodes. IBM AIX HACMP
is another example of a nothing shared cluster.
Connection to common Storage
Cluster Heartbeat
Cluster Node 2
Cluster Network attachment
Cluster Node1
Application A
Application B
High availability, nothing shared cluster
310 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 11-3 Failover within a nothing shared cluster
11.2.2 Common shared cluster
Physically, a common shared cluster can consist of the same or similar building blocks as the
nothing shared cluster discussed before. The major difference between the two cluster types
is, that within a common shared cluster all nodes have access to the same data and the same
resources at a time. However, as a process modifies data on the application, the cluster must
provide a specific functionality which enables data locking.
Connection to common Storage
Cluster Heartbeat
Cluster Node 2
Cluster Network attachment
Cluster Node1
Application A
A + B
High availability, nothing shared cluster node failover
Resource failover
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 311
Figure 11-4 is a common shared cluster schematic.
Figure 11-4 Highly available and scalable common shared cluster
11.2.3 Shared nothing application cluster
In a shared nothing application cluster, shown in Figure 11-5, the users are linked to a farm of
independent cluster nodes which act as one single system. Each node has its own data and
the load between the nodes is distributed and coordinated by the application’s load balancing
facility. In case of a node crash, the users can reconnect to the server farm and continue on
the remaining nodes within the cluster. However, transactions and data up to the crash of the
individual node might be lost depending on the application’s behavior. An example for an
application server farm is CITRIX or IBM WebSphere.
Connection to common Storage
Cluster Heartbeat +
Cache Coherency +
Data locking mechanism
Cluster Node 2
Cluster Network attachment
Cluster Node1
Application A
Application A
312 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 11-5 Nothing shared application cluster
11.2.4 Geographically dispersed clusters
With the introduction of disaster protection we have to keep in mind that one type of disaster
might be a complete site loss due to fire, water, earthquake or other severe type of
destruction. In this scenario a local High Availability solution of any kind will not provide the
availability and continuance of the data and the business process. Therefore alternatives
have to be discussed on how to protect the physical infrastructure, the data and the
applications available after the event of a site failure.
Geographically dispersed clusters
provide the physical possibilities to extend the cluster nodes (the servers) and the storage
systems across distances.They do not protect the data from logical or human errors.
Figure 11-6 Geographically dispersed High Availability cluster
Connection to common Storage
Application Node 2
Network attachment
Application Node1
Application A
Application A
User B
User C
Load Balancer
Connection to independent
Storage Subsystems
Cluster Node 2
Cluster Node1
Application A
Application B
Copy of
Copy of
Copy of
Copy of
WAN Interconnect
SAN Interconnect
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 313
As indicated in Figure 11-6, there are two general possibilities within geographically
dispersed clusters for synchronization and data mirroring of the storage systems between the
򐂰 Host based mirroring, such as with AIX Logical Volume Manager
򐂰 Storage based mirroring, such as
Metro Mirror for DS6000, DS8000, ESS, SVC
Enhanced Remote Mirroring (ERM) with DS4000
SyncMirror® for N series
Either method has its advantages and disadvantages.
Examples of geographically dispersed High Availability clusters include GDPS/PPRC and
Copy Services for System i. You can find more information about these technologies in the
Continuous Availability chapter of IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions
Guide, SG24-6548.
11.2.5 Backup and recovery considerations for databases
Any type of hardware based cluster solution in combination with databases on its own
provides just
one building block for an overall Business Continuity solution. We must also
have a basic understanding of how databases work. This knowledge is important to select the
appropriate method and technology for storage or server based copy functions in the context
of the database protection requirements.
Thus, backup and recovery plans in combination with the appropriate technologies are a key
component within the disaster protection and data recovery methodology. With databases
two general methods of backup technologies are to be considered:
Offline backup means to shutdown the database and take a full backup of the data at the
file or raw volume level.
Online backup allows the database to continue running during the backup. The database
manager software provides an orderly way of backing up the database files, control files,
and archived transaction logs.
Before we look in detail at the online backup methods, we take a look at the database level
and how the database components interact with each other. To understand how an online
backup works, we look closer at how databases work. A transaction-oriented online database
of any kind consists of three major disk storage components:
򐂰 Data: The data is organized in flat files, tables, or tablespaces depending on the
򐂰 Log files: The log files are the files which keep the records of all the transactions which
have been written to the database. As log files fill up, they switch the processed
transactions to archive logs as shown in Figure 11-8 on page 314.
򐂰 Archived log files: The log files which contain already-processed transactions are copied
to the archive log before the logs are overwritten with new transactions.
314 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Figure 11-7 shows the process flow of a database write operation with transactional logging
enabled. This approach is used to guarantee that the data in the database is written
consistently in the event of a server crash.
Figure 11-7 Simplified transaction based database write
After a log file has filled up with transactions, a switch to a new log file occurs. In the mean
time the transactions from the old log file are copied to the archive logs, as shown in
Figure 11-8.
Figure 11-8 Simplistic database log file switch
Database Server
Application / UserApplication / User
1. Data Write Request
2. Write of
data into log
3. Database update
commit when
write is complete
4. Database commit
database updated
5. Data write into
the database
Database Server
Log 1 Log 2
Transaction 1
.Transaction 125
Transaction 126
.Transaction 256
1. Log 1 is full
2. DB logwriter will switch to Log 2
3. Log 1 is copied to the archivelog
4. Once the copy process is complete,
Log 1 will be released for I/O
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 315
For offline backups, the focus is often on how long the backup takes. However, a much more
important question is how long can I be without access to my data, during a physical data
restore from tape?
In addition to the physical tape speed, or recovery methods from disk, the time for database
recovery depends on the time to apply the archive transaction logs and other housekeeping
functions to the restored database. With database recovery, you need to consider the
following time windows for
recovery time:
򐂰 Recovery Time (Rt): Time window from physical restore to data availability
򐂰 SetupTime (St): Administrative time to prepare the restore
򐂰 Physical Recovery Time (PRt): Time to restore data from tape or other backup storage
򐂰 Number of Transactions/Second (nTS): Number of performed transactions/sec on DB
򐂰 Number of Transactions (nT): Means the number of transactions recovered contained in
the Archive Files from backup media which have to be applied against the Database
Thus the formula for the recovery time (Rt) is:
Rt = St + PRt + nT / nTs
Figure 11-9 shows how a simplified point-in-time database recovery works.
Figure 11-9 Simplistic database restore - point in time
Important: To recover a database to a certain point-in-time, you must have the logfiles +
the database + the archive files in sync! A database recovery always depends on the
backup status of the data as well as the sequential availability of the archive and logfiles.
Without the archive and logfiles a recovery might be impossible.
DATA Archive
Database Server
-Point in Time -
2. Log file/ Transaction Redo
After physical
database Restore
Data +
Log +
Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday
Log1 +
Log2 +
Log3 +
Log4 +
Log5 +
1. Physical Restore
+ Logfiles
+ Archive
Restore Write
on block/file level
316 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
In this example, we consider a disaster on Friday, where we have to recover from tape. If the
backup policy in this scenario was to do a full database backup consisting of the database,
the log files and the archives every Sunday, then we need to keep backups of the log files and
archives over the week to recover to the point-in-time. This implies that after the physical
restore of the database and the corresponding log files and archives, all transactions which
are stored in the archives have to be redone on the database! In our scenario this means we
need to redo the archive logs from Monday through Friday to recover the database to the
Friday point-in-time level.
When the database is online, the log files and the database tables are also open for I/O. Due
to the fact that these components are open for data I/O, one must consider the behavior of a
backup system and how it interacts with the file and data access.
Online backup
There are two ways of online database backup: logical online backup (LOB) or physical
online backup.
LOB, shown in Figure 11-10, the database and the backup software communicate through
backup agents and APIs. This type of backup implies a close integration of the backup
software to the database. Therefore all components, the database version, the backup
software, the online agents, and so on, must be compatible with each other.
Figure 11-10 LOB
The backup agent triggers the backup. While the online backup is running, all write activity
against the database is rerouted to the dedicated backup log. This guarantees that the
database and the log files are always in sync for a point-in-time recovery. The disadvantage of
such a solution might be the impact on the write access during the backup and after the
backup has completed.
If heavy database write activity is expected, then the performance of the database will
decrease during the backup window. The overall time for the full database backup is
dependent on the size of the database and the backup technology in place. For information
Database Server
Application / UserApplication / User
3. Data Write Request
3. Database commit
database updated
6. Data write from
log file to table
Backup Agent
2. DB lock
write I/O
Reroute write I/O
3. DB Log write to
Backup log while
Backup window
4. DB Backup
data + log
1. DB Backup
5. Logfile redo
After backup
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 317
about appropriate tape technologies, see IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2
Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Physical online backups are considered as a physical image copy of the database and its
related log files but executed on the storage (
the physical) level. This type of backup implies
proper I/O quiescence for the database write access from within the database and the
operating system layer during the copy process.
The copy process is independently executed on the storage site to avoid inconsistencies on
the database level. In 11.2.6, “Remote storage mirroring” on page 318 we discuss the details
of storage based remote copy.
As shown in Figure 11-11, the copy process itself is executed on the storage layer versus the
logical online backup where the backup is executed on the
server layer.
Figure 11-11 Physical database copy using storage copy function
Important: The database must flush its internal buffers, such as DB2 buffer pools or
Oracle SGA, to the underlying file system or raw device. If a file system is involved and has
lazy write enabled, where writes do not go synchronously to disk but some time later, it will
be necessary to flush the file system buffers with specific commands for file system to disk
2. DB quiesce
suspend write I/O
When flash copy
Database Server
Application / UserApplication / User
1. Data Write Request
Storage system
copy function
4. Physical data
to backup server
3. DB write release
after flash copy
318 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
After the FlashCopy process has been initiated, which takes just a couple of seconds, the
actual copy process of the data to the FlashCopy volume is executed in the background. This
background operation allows the database to resume write access. Figure 11-12 illustrates
the copy on write mechanism of FlashCopy.
Figure 11-12 Simplistic FlashCopy operation
There are some unique considerations for Windows and AIX with FlashCopy. In particular,
target LUNs for FlashCopy should
not be mounted by any server. After the Flash, you can
mount them and dump them. For more information, see IBM System Storage DS8000 Series:
Copy Services in Open Environments, SG24-6788.
11.2.6 Remote storage mirroring
Remote storage mirroring is a storage based method for data mirroring between two
independent storage systems. It offers basic functionality for real dispersed clusters and
remote online data protection on storage systems. However, as with the cluster technologies,
it does not provide protection for any kind for logical or human errors. Data mirroring between
two sites can be achieved on two levels:
򐂰 Logical storage mirroring
򐂰 Physical storage mirroring
Logical storage mirror (logical volume mirror)
By using logical mirroring (or host based mirroring as it often called) the data mirror between
storage systems is achieved by additional server based software or with built in capabilities of
the database itself which synchronizes the writes between two storage systems.
Assume we have two storage systems, each with one LUN which is protected on the storage
system itself by RAID and other HA components. By using the logical volume mirror both
LUNs in the two storage systems will be reflected as one disk to the server operating system.
Thus the mirror between the systems is synchronous. In case one storage system fails, the
remaining storage system will continue without any interruption to the application (the
database). By using LVM technology the database can be
physically protected with more
then one storage system and also N+1 servers.
The advantage of using LVM is the fact that the operating system or clustering software is
constantly aware of both disks. Should one volume become unavailable for any reason, there
Base Logical Drive Copy on write Repository
C-o-W Map
Database Server
write I/O request to
DB Volume
2. Copy original
blocks from base
prior to application
I/O to the repository
3. Acknowlegment to
base I/O when write
on COW complete
4. Backup Server reads
from Flash Copy Volume
•I/O Performance penalty
may occur in case of heavy
write access
Backup Server
from Flash Copy
volume for
point in time backup
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 319
is no failover period. Instead the Operating system or clustering software will continue
functioning with one disk instead of two, as shown in Figure 11-13.
Figure 11-13 Logical volume mirroring
Block level hardware mirroring (controller based mirroring)
Unlike logical volume mirroring discussed previously, the controller based mirror is executed
and maintained exclusively at the storage system level. Implementations of the physical
storage mirror functionality are Metro Mirror and Global Mirror, including Enhanced Remote
Mirroring (ERM) for the DS4000. The advantage of this technology is derived from the fact
that the mirroring is done completely at the storage controller level, without regard to the
application or server environment. This enables us to use block level replication as a single
point of control for all mirroring in the environment and can represent a major simplification to
the infrastructure of the Business Continuity solution.
The limitations on block level mirroring will depend on the type of disk system and specific
form of mirroring in use. In the disk-related chapters in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548, we discuss the individual implementations of
the storage mirroring functionality on those platforms. Additionally, depending on the
operating systems in the environment, Control Software might be available to enhance the
availability of the data and control the recovery of the server environment. Those
technologies are described in the Continuous Availability chapter in IBM System Storage
Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Database Server
Subsystem 1
Subsystem 2
Logical Volume Manager
- Simplistic -
Logical Volume
SW stack
Physical I/O synchronized by LVM
on both Storage Subsystems
320 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Databases on their own do not actively take advantage of a physical mirror. In the event of a
storage system failure on the production site, the surviving storage system must be made
available to the (cold standby) database server. In case of data corruption of the database, or
any kind of logical error also on the second storage server, it would be necessary to recover
from tape or a previous point-in-time copy. Figure 11-14 shows the operation of Metro Mirror.
Figure 11-14 Metro Mirror replication
11.2.7 General Parallel File System
The General Parallel File System™ (GPFS™), which can be striped over multiple servers
and thousands of disks, is designed for scalability and High Availability. The general design of
GPFS is shown in Figure 11-15 on page 320, which represents an example with Linux. Other
operating systems, such as AIX, also provide GPFS capabilities.
Figure 11-15 GPFS file system
Metro Mirror
- Simplistic -
Database server
Storage subsystem
Data Log
Storage subsystem
1. Database Write
of data in
log file
4. Database
Write commit
2. Write data to
secondary volume
3. Write complete
Cluster Interconnect
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 321
As you can see, all applications using GPFS have access to the same data. However, while
GPFS is able to make data highly available within a local environment, it is not suited to
metropolitan or global mirroring of data.
11.2.8 Shadow databases
Shadow databases are physical and logical copies or replicas of a database dispersed over
two or more sites. The management of the updates to multiple copies of the database is done
by the database management system itself not the server operating system or the storage
system. This provides a greater protection from physical or logical errors than can be
provided by operating-system-based or storage-system-based solutions, but shadow
databases do not protect from human errors or erroneous transactions. On their own, shadow
databases are just another building block for the IBM Business Continuity Solution Selection
You can set up shadow databases in two ways:
򐂰 Synchronous (no data loss) database shadow (also called distributed relational database)
򐂰 Asynchronous (data loss) database shadow (also called warm standby or log-shipping
In this section we discuss both methods in detail.
Synchronous database shadow (no data loss)
With synchronous database shadow technology the control of data integrity, transaction logic
and I/O behavior is managed by the
database management software, itself. This is very
different from the previous methods we discussed along with the
logical or physical storage
mirroring possibilities.
Synchronous database shadows provide online availability at the database level. Instead of
handling database updates at the storage layer using SAN connectivity, the mirror of the
shadow database is updated by sending the transaction from the production database server
to the shadow database server through the LAN or WAN. When using this technology, the
servers only need connectivity to their respective local storage.
322 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Shadow databases can be implemented on independent hardware and are only logically (on
the database level) linked together as displayed in Figure 11-16.
Figure 11-16 Synchronous shadow database
Asynchronous shadow database (warm-standby database)
Many relational database offerings provide a capability for creating a duplicate standby
database at another location. In the event of a disaster that destroys access to the primary
database, application processing can be switched to an alternate site, accessing the standby
or secondary database. The standby database can be updated frequently, to keep it close in
currency to the primary database. The goal is to switch over to the standby database and
restore the production environment in the least amount of time with as little effort possible.
To establish this environment, you first backup the entire primary database. Then you restore
this image on a different, but identical, server. You also might need to make some
configuration and network definition changes, if the primary and standby servers will be
connected to your network at the same time.
As transactions are processed at the primary database site, these transactions are captured
in the database transaction logs, also called
re-do logs. These logs are shipped to the
standby site using TCP/IP.
When these transaction logs are applied to the standby database instance, it brings the
standby database up to currency as of the last transaction captured in each log. Of course,
transactions continue to be processed and logged at the primary site, so the standby site is
always slightly behind the primary site in transaction currency because transactions are only
applied at the standby site when the primary transaction log is closed and shipped to the
standby site.
Some shadow database implementations offer a more granular approach, they do not wait for
a log to be closed but intercept log write operations and send the information immediately to
the remote site. This allows you to have more current data at the secondary site.
You can take periodic full backups of the database from the standby site copy. The
advantage of this is that the primary database server instance does not have to be shut down
or quiesced to do this.
1. Database Server
Write Request
2. Database
write of data in
log file
Storage Subsystem
Storage Subsystem
Shadow Database
3. Asynchronous Shadow
Database write of data in
log file
Network based
Asynchronous Transaction
log shipping
Log shipping
Time Window
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 323
In Figure 11-17 we consider a time window of 20 minutes. This will provide the ability to
recover the database with a specified Recovery Point Objective of, for example, 20 minutes.
In our previous synchronous shadow database example all transactions within the 20 minute
time window, which are not synchronized, would have been lost in case of a disaster on the
production site. Therefore the desired synchronization window depends, as already
mentioned, on the business requirements and the physical network speed.
Figure 11-17 Asynchronous shadow database
This approach can also help protect from the consequences of corruption of the primary
database. If the primary database is corrupted, or if an important table space is dropped
(deleted) in error, you can protect yourself from propagating this error to the standby site
merely by not applying that log to the standby. The database administrators can restore the
table space using the database manager's facilities to move the uncorrupted table space from
the standby image back onto the primary database.
There are some types of changes that can be applied to the primary database that will not be
propagated to the standby database by merely applying the transaction logs. An example of
this is if the database administrator increases the storage capacity of the primary database.
There are other processes that can be done on the primary database that will cause the
standby database to become out of date, and the standby will have to be recreated from a
copy of the primary. An example of this is if the logs at the primary are reset. Overall, the
log-shipping, or stand-by approach can provide a disaster recovery copy of the database, but
there is some administrator attention that is needed to ensure that the stand-by copy is valid.
Any kind of online database backup avoids interrupting production without shutting the
database down. It also avoids long restart activities and the restoration of the database
buffers. Thus, it is important to select the appropriate technology depending on the business
needs and in conjunction with the IBM Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology.
The remaining sections in this chapter describe examples of how you can achieve database
security using certain technologies and methods. They also describe the advantages and
disadvantages of each solution.
1. Database Server
Write Request
2. Database
write of data in
log file
Storage Subsystem
Storage Subsystem
Shadow Database
5. Asynchronous Shadow
Database write
in log file
4. Network based
Asynchronous Transaction
log shipping
Log shipping
Time Window
3. Database
write commit
6. DB
write commit
324 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
However, these scenarios are just examples. It is not the intention and purpose of this book to
cover all possible combinations of databases, operating systems and hardware platforms.
Therefore we always recommend to take into consideration the basic IBM Business
Continuity Solution Selection Methodology and compare any projected solution with the basic
solutions for High Availability and database backup and recovery, as described earlier in this
11.3 Databases
There are a number of factors to consider when planning database storage requirements. We
can only present some generalizations here. Your database consultant can provide more
detailed recommendations.
11.3.1 Storage planning and database preparation
One important step in the planning process for a database installation is the definition of the
database physical layout on the storage. The layout is very much depends on the nature of
the database and the performance requirements.
We differentiate between the following database workload types:
򐂰 Business intelligence and data warehouse typical characteristics
Decision support
Huge amounts of data, long and complex SQL queries
Bandwidth intensive (MBps)
Read intensive
Small block (4 KB to 8 KB) sequential reads
򐂰 Enterprise Resource planning typical characteristics
Small block (4 K to 8 K) random reads
Online Transaction Processing
Large number of users and transactions, short response times
Mix of reads and writes (usually about 70% reads)
Mainly random access
򐂰 Multimedia systems planning typical characteristics
Bandwidth intensive (MBps)
Read intensive
Large block (64 KB to 128 KB) sequential reads
11.3.2 General recommendations for database storage layout
Traditionally, database vendors have given recommendations on the placement of database
data files on the underlying storage devices. Some of the recommendations for databases
and their layout in storage include:
򐂰 Plan the number of storage systems based on total expected throughput requirements.
Type of database workload (OLAP, OLTP, BI).
򐂰 Typical database 70% reads 30% writes for most OLTP systems.
Use RAID-1 (or RAID-10) for log files and archives while the database files are
installed on RAID-5.
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 325
򐂰 High performance requirements for database I/O:
Use RAID-10 for log files and data.
Use more smaller disk drives.
Use high performance disks such as the 15k drives.
򐂰 Data placement / data layout considerations to maximize performance and avoid
bottlenecks. For example:
Spread active data over as many storage components as possible
Separate database files and redo logs so they are placed on different storage
While many of the recommendations remain valid, the applicability of the RAID
recommendations is questionable when we use enterprise class storage systems. These
systems often offer advanced functionality that masks the performance penalties of specific
RAID implementations. For example RAID5 is more than adequate for most kinds of
database data while RAID10 performs particularly well in presence of high rates of random
write I/Os.
Database relevant RAID basics
The number of read and write operations needed for RAID-1 and RAID-5 are:
򐂰 RAID-1 write = 2 * Write
򐂰 RAID-5 write = 2 * Read + 2 * Write = RAID-5 write penalty
11.3.3 Database tuning considerations
In many situations where a database system does not perform as required, it might seem
easier to start the tuning at the storage level. However, you need to consider the following
steps before tuning the storage:
1. Analyze and tune the global business rules.
2. Analyze and tune the data design.
3. Analyze and tune the application design or recompile the application with server platform
optimized functions (such as, multi threaded versus single threaded).
4. Analyze and tune the logical database layout (tables, indexes, schemas).
5. Analyze and tune the database operations.
6. Analyze and tune or redistribute the data access paths.
7. Analyze and tune DB memory allocation.
8. Analyze and tune DB server infrastructure (avoid bottlenecks).
9. Analyze and tune I/O and physical structure (this is where Storage is considered!).
10.Analyze and tune Resource Contention.
11.Analyze and tune the underlying platform(s).
326 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
11.4 Benefits of database, storage, and logical mirror functions
Hardware and software based mirroring both have their own separate strengths. We
discussed some criteria in “Data replication” on page 101. However, this section also includes
a summary list of the benefits.
Database application mirroring
Database application mirroring has the following features:
򐂰 Application aware: In database mirroring, such as HADR with DB2, the application is
aware of what data has been written to the recovery location. This can help avoid rolling
disasters and maintain transactional integrity in one step.
򐂰 Low-bandwidth: Application level mirroring typically minimizes bandwidth utilization by
sending smaller chunks (versus block level) of data over IP.
򐂰 Warm standby: Database applications can have their secondary prepared to take over.
Should an outage require recovery in the secondary site, it is more capable of quickly
restoring operations at the transaction integrity level.
Server driven logical volume mirroring
Logical volume (operating system) mirroring has the following features:
򐂰 No failover: Logical volumes do not failover in the typical sense but, rather, the server or
clustering application is constantly aware of all disk that it is attached to. Should one half
of the volume group fail, it will simply continue accessing the other half
򐂰 Application independent: Logical volume mirroring can be done with any data
associated with the platform that it is being managed through, rather than data that is
associated with a specific application.
Storage Block Level Mirroring
Storage level mirroring has the following features:
򐂰 Application independent: Hardware mirroring can be done across all data and
applications, regardless of the type of server or application.
򐂰 Centralized management: Management is simplified because there is only one level to
deal with. Rather than handling each server or application as a separate entity to be
managed, the storage controller can be the control point for all data being mirrored.
11.5 Summary
Remember, protecting the database and the data is only one link in the availability chain of
the business process, as we have already stressed, and does not provide business
continuance on its own. Certain backup and recovery methods for which you also have to
plan in conjunction with the data protection of the databases itself are discussed in the
Storage Management software chapter in IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2
Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
In this chapter, we discussed the advantages to each of the types of mirroring available and
that fact that any or more than one could be applicable to a given customer environment.
Throughout the database planning process IBM consulting teams can help and support you,
to build and propose the best solution as a whole, exactly matching your needs based on
your business requirements.
Chapter 11. High Availability clusters and database applications 327
You can find a wide selection of documents on High Availability solutions for applications and
databases connected to IBM system storage on the IBM Web site. You can adapt these
solutions easily to the DS4000, DS6000, and DS8000 series. The following link points to IBM
System Storage white papers:
328 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 329
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution
Selection Methodology matrixes
This appendix provides the following tools for use with the Business Continuity Solution
Selection Methodology that we describe in Chapter 5, “Business Continuity Solution Selection
Methodology” on page 151.
򐂰 “Starter set of business requirement questions” on page 330 is the starter set of Business
Requirements questions for the Methodology.
򐂰 “Business Continuity Solution Matrix” on page 331 is the Solution Matrix that organizes
the collection of System Storage solutions in this book into tiers.
򐂰 “Eliminate non-solutions matrixes” on page 333 are the Eliminate Non-Solutions tables,
one for each cell in the Solution Matrix.
We include additional questions that are useful for building business justification for the
Business Continuity solution, as well as further information needed by the detailed evaluation
team, in “Additional business requirements questions” on page 349.
330 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Starter set of business requirement questions
This section includes a suggested starter set of Business Continuity requirements questions
and answers that you need to obtain prior to entering into the methodology. These questions
are designed to elicit enough basic information to start the process. (You can find a detailed
list of additional questions in “Additional business requirements questions” on page 349.)
Some of these questions require the business line to answer through a Risk and Business
Impact Analysis. Other questions are for the operations staff to answer from their knowledge
of the IT infrastructure.
The terms used in the questions are defined in Appendix B, “Terms and definitions” on
page 357.
The starter set of business requirements questions are:
1. What is the application (or applications) that needs to be recovered?
2. On what platform or platforms does it run?
3. What is the desired Recovery Time Objective?
4. What is the distance between the recovery sites (if there is one)?
5. What is the form of connectivity or infrastructure transport that will be used to transport the
data to the recovery site? How much bandwidth is that?
6. What are the specific hardware and software configurations that need to be recovered?
7. What is the Recovery Point Objective?
8. What is the amount of data that needs to be recovered?
9. What is the desired level of recovery? (Planned, Unplanned, Transaction Integrity)
10.Who will design the solution?
11.Who will implement the solution?
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 331
Business Continuity Solution Matrix
Table A-1 shows the full Solution Matrix for use with the System Storage solutions in this
Table A-1 Business Continuity Solution Matrix
Tier 7Tier 6Tier 5Tier 4, 3Tier 2, 1
RTO ===> RTO: Generally
continuous to 2
RTO: Generally
1 to 6 hours
RTO: Generally
4 to 8 hours
General RTO:
Tier 4: 6-12 hrs
Tier 3: 12-24 hrs
RTO: Generally
> 24 hours
Description: Highly
hardware and
Storage and
application, and
Hotsite, disk
PiT copy,
journaling and
backup s/w, fast
tape, electronic
transport of
Level of
Outages, data
“Byte Movers”
with Metro
򐂰 Metro Mirror
򐂰 Global Copy
򐂰 z/OS Global
򐂰 FlashCopy
򐂰 Software
򐂰 Application
򐂰 Database level
򐂰 FlashCopy
򐂰 Global Copy-
Tivoli Storage
Manager -
DRM- Tape
򐂰 Tivoli Storage
򐂰 Tape
Level of
Outage, adds
data integrity to
“Byte Movers”
with Metro
򐂰 z/OS Global
򐂰 Software
򐂰 Application
򐂰 Database level
Tier 4:
򐂰 TS7700 Grid
򐂰 FlashCopy
򐂰 FlashCopy
򐂰 Global Copy
򐂰 N series Snap
Tier 3:
򐂰 FlashCopy
򐂰 Tivoli Storage
򐂰 Tape
򐂰 Tivoli Storage
򐂰 Tape
332 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Notes on the Solution Matrix cells
As a general comment, recall that the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology is
not intended to be a perfect decision tree, and the boundaries and contents of the cells are of
necessity giving general guideline suggestions rather than attempting to be all inclusive.
The methodology allows room for product and Business Continuity experts to add their
expertise to the evaluation process after an initial preliminary set of candidate solutions is
The intent of the methodology is to provide a framework for efficiently organizing multiple
Business Continuity technologies, and more quickly identifying the proper possible solutions
for any given customer set of requirements.
Tiers 7, 6, and 5 Transaction Integrity
The solutions for transaction integrity are specific to the database and application software
being used. Because of this, the list of possible solutions is very broad, and it is not feasible to
be all-inclusive. You should involve a software specialist skilled in the application and
database set that you are using for detailed evaluation of transaction integrity recovery
specific to your database and application. We do show common examples of solutions in
these cells in the matrix.
Level of
Integrity, adds
Outage” data
Database level
recovery on top
of any Tier 7
Outage recovery.
Examples: DB2
with GDPS or
SAP and DB2
database with
recovery, split
mirror, and so
Database level
recovery on top
of any Tier 6
Outage recovery.
Examples: DB2
UDB with AIX
and DB2 remote
database with
recovery, split
mirror, and so
򐂰 Remote
with DB2,
Oracle, SQL
Server, and so
򐂰 Software,
and database
level facilities.
database with
recovery, Split
mirror, and so
forth. See
Chapter 11,
clusters and
on page 305
򐂰 Tier 4:
l journal file
forwarding and
򐂰 Tier 3:
l recovery with
physical tape
recovery with
physical tape
Tolerance to
Low tolerance to
Low tolerance to
Low tolerance to
tolerant to
Very tolerant to
Tier 7Tier 6Tier 5Tier 4, 3Tier 2, 1
While PtP VTS is still a valid name for existing equipment, TS7700 Grid is the new name
for the IBM TS7700. Both these terms address a similar function, on two different
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 333
Chapter 11, “High Availability clusters and database applications” on page 305 gives an
extensive discussion on specific solutions and guidance relating to database and application
level transaction integrity recovery.
Eliminate non-solutions matrixes
You use the tables in this section to eliminate non-solutions. There is one matrix set for each
cell in the solution matrix. Note that for some solutions, greater distances can be supported
by special request. See your IBM representative for details. However, for synchronous
replication in particular, the specific workload and response time requirements can reduce the
distance that can be spanned.
Tier 7 Planned Outage
Table A-2 is the matrix for Tier 7 and Planned Outage.
Table A-2 Tier 7 and Planned Outage matrix
Platform System z
System z + Distributed
System z
System z + Distributed
Distance <100km <100km <100km
Connectivity FICON
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Supported disk
storage (primary
PPRC- compliant disk
PPRC HyperSwap
capable disk systems
Supported disk
storage vendor
(secondary site)
PPRC-compliant disk
PPRC HyperSwap
capable disk systems
N series
Recovery Point
near zero near zero near zero
Amount of Data any any any
Other notes
334 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Tier 7 Unplanned Outage
Table A-3 is the matrix for Tier 7 and Unplanned Outage.
Table A-3 Tier 7 and Unplanned Outage matrix
Tier 7 Transaction Integrity
This matrix is for Tier 7 and Transaction Integrity. For readability, the multiple columns for this
matrix are separated into multiple parts, Parts 1 and 2, in Table A-4 and Table A-5.
The solutions for transaction integrity are specific to the database and application software
being used. Because of this, the list of possible solutions is very broad, and it is not feasible to
be all-inclusive. You should involve a software specialist skilled in the application and
database set that you are using for detailed evaluation of transaction integrity recovery
specific to your database and application. We do show common examples of solutions in
these cells in the matrix.
Chapter 11, “High Availability clusters and database applications” on page 305 includes an
extensive discussion on specific solutions and guidance relating to database and application
level transaction integrity recovery.
Platform System z
System z +
System z
System z +
Distance <100km <100km <100km
Connectivity FICON
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Supported disk
storage (primary site)
PPRC-compliant disk
PPRC HyperSwap
compliant disk
Supported disk
storage (secondary
PPRC-compliant disk
PPRC HyperSwap
compliant disk
N series
Recovery Point
near zero near zero near zero
Amount of Data any any any
Other notes Delivered as IBM
Global Services
Delivered as IBM
Global Services
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 335
Table A-4 Tier 7 and Transaction Integrity, Part 1
Solution Database
transaction recovery
layered on
transaction recovery
layered on
transaction recovery
layered on AIX
Metro Mirror
Platform System z
System z + Distributed
System z System p
Distance <100km <100km <100 km
Connectivity FICON
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel TCP/IP
Supported disk
storage (primary
PPRC-compliant disk
PPRC HyperSwap
compliant disk
SAN Volume
Supported disk
storage (secondary
PPRC-compliant disk
PPRC HyperSwap
compliant disk
SAN Volume
Recovery Point
near zero near zero near zero
Amount of Data any any any
Other notes Delivered as IBM
Global Services
Delivered as IBM
Global Services
336 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Table A-5 Tier 7 and Transaction Integrity, Part 2
Shadow database with
forward recovery
Split Mirror Database with
Metro Mirror
Platform any any
Distance any <300km
Connectivity any FICON
Fibre Channel
Supported disk storage
(primary site)
any PPRC-compliant disk systems
Supported disk storage
(secondary site)
any PPRC-compliant disk systems
Recovery Point Objective depending on the log shipping
mechanism, loss of only few
transactions possible
near zero
Amount of Data any any
Other notes
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 337
Tier 6 Planned Outage
For readability, the multiple columns for this matrix are separated into multiple parts, Parts 1
and 2, Table A-6 and Table A-7.
Table A-6 Tier 6 Planned Outage, Part 1
Solution Metro Mirror Global Mirror z/OS Global
Mirror (XRC)
Global Mirror
Platform any any System z Distributed
Distance <300 km for
<100km for other
disk systems
any any <100Km
N series
Connectivity FICON
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
FICON Fibre Channel
Supported disk
(primary site)
disk systems
z/OS Global
Mirror capable
disk systems
disk systems
Supported disk
(secondary site)
disk systems
any z/OS
supported disk
disk systems
Recovery Point
near zero few seconds to
few minutes
few seconds to
few minutes
near zero to a few
Amount of Data any any any any
Other notes
338 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Table A-7 Tier 6 Planned Outage, Part 2
Solution PtP VTS Synchronous
TS7700 Grid
PtP VTS Asynch.
TS7700 Grid
Platform System z System z
Distance <250km any
Connectivity FICON
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Supported disk storage
(primary site)
any System z supported disk
any System z supported disk
Supported disk storage
(secondary site)
any System z supported
disk systems
any System z supported disk
Recovery Point Objective near zero few seconds to few minutes,
minutes to hours, (defined by
user policy)
Amount of Data any any
Other notes
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 339
Tier 6 Unplanned Outage
For readability, the multiple columns for this matrix are separated into multiple parts, Parts 1
and 2, Table A-8 and Table A-9.
Table A-8 Tier 6 Unplanned Outage, Part 1
Table A-9 Tier 6 Unplanned Outage, Part 2
Solution z/OS Global
Mirror (XRC)
Manager with
Metro Mirror
Rapid Data
Recovery with
TPC for
PPRC Migration
Platform System z System z System z or
System z
Distance any <100km >300 km any
Connectivity FICON
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
(primary site)
z/OS Global
Mirror capable
(secondary site)
any z/OS
Recovery Point
few seconds to
few minutes
near zero near zero near zero
Amount of Data any any any any
Other notes Delivered as IBM
Global Services
Delivered as IBM
Global Services
Lower cost
special bid
delivered through
IBM Storage
Solution Global Mirror on
DS6000, ESS
Global Mirror
Metro Mirror
SVC/ DS4000
without Metro
with Metro
Platform System z,
Distributed System p System p System p
Distance any any 10 km any metropolitan
Connectivity Fibre Channel,
channel extender
Fibre Channel,
Fibre Channel Fibre Channel,
Fibre Channel,
340 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Tier 6 Transaction Integrity
The solutions for transaction integrity are specific to the database and application software
being used. Because of this, the list of possible solutions is very broad, and it is not feasible to
be all-inclusive. You should involve a software specialist skilled in the application and
database set that you are using for detailed evaluation of transaction integrity recovery
specific to your database and application. We do show common examples of solutions in
these cells in the matrix.
Chapter 11, “High Availability clusters and database applications” on page 305 includes an
extensive discussion on specific solutions and guidance relating to database and application
level transaction integrity recovery.
Table A-10 shows examples for Tier 6 and Transaction Integrity.
(primary site)
With SVC - Any any storage
supported by
any storage
supported by AIX
SAN Volume
N series
(secondary site)
With SVC- Any any storage
supported by
any storage
supported by AIX
SAN Volume
N series
Recovery Point
3-5 seconds,
bandwidth and
distance latency
near zero, few
seconds to few
near zero, few
seconds to few
near zero, few
seconds to few
Amount of Data up to 17 primary
boxes with RPQ
- 64LUNs
- 4096 LUNs
any any any
Other notes
Solution Global Mirror on
DS6000, ESS
Global Mirror
Metro Mirror
SVC/ DS4000
without Metro
with Metro
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 341
Table A-10 Tier 6 and Transaction Integrity
Tier 5 Planned Outage
The solutions in Tier 5 are specifically defined as database and application software
functionalities for planned, unplanned, and transaction integrity recovery. These solutions are
dependent on each individual software’s capabilities.
The scope of this book is to focus on hardware and operating system level System Storage
Business Continuity solutions. You should involve a software specialist skilled in the
application and database set that you are using.
However, as a general statement, robust databases have integrated software functionalities
to enhance and minimize planned outages. See Chapter 11, “High Availability clusters and
database applications” on page 305 for additional suggestions and guidance.
Solution - Database level
transaction recovery
on top of any Tier 6
Unplanned Outage
Shadow database
with forward
Split Mirror Database
with Metro Mirror
Platform database and
application specific
any any
Distance database and
application specific
any <300Km on DS8000,
DS6000, ESS
<100Km on DS4000,
Connectivity TCP/IP any Fibre Channel
Supported disk
storage (primary
any any PPRC-compliant disk
Supported disk
storage (secondary
any any PPRC-compliant disk
Recovery Point
near zero, few
seconds to few
minutes, minutes to
(dependent on specific
database, application,
and hardware)
depending on the log
shipping mechanism,
loss of only few
transactions possible
near zero
Amount of Data any any any
Other notes
342 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Table A-11 Tier 5 Planned Outage
Tier 5 Unplanned Outage
The solutions in Tier 5 are specifically defined as database and application software
functionalities for unplanned and transaction integrity recovery. These solutions are
dependent on each individual software’s capabilities.
The scope of this book is to focus on hardware and operating system level System Storage
Business Continuity solutions. You should involve a software specialist skilled in the
application and database set that you are using.
However, as a general statement, robust databases have integrated software functionalities
to do unplanned outage recovery. See Chapter 11, “High Availability clusters and database
applications” on page 305 for additional suggestions and guidance.
Table A-12 Tier 5 Unplanned Outage
Solution Software, application, and database level
Platform software, application, and database specific
Distance software, application, and database specific
Connectivity Fibre Channel
Supported disk storage (primary site) any
Supported disk storage (secondary site) any
Recovery Point Objective software, application, and database specific,
typically defined by software policy
Amount of Data any
Other notes
Solution Software, application, and database level
Platform software, application, and database specific
Distance software, application, and database specific
Connectivity Fibre Channel
Supported disk storage (primary site) any
Supported disk storage (secondary site) any
Recovery Point Objective software, application, and database specific,
typically defined by software policy
Amount of Data any
Other notes
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 343
Tier 5 Transaction Integrity
The solutions in Tier 5 are specifically defined as database and application software
functionalities for transaction integrity recovery. These solutions are dependent on each
individual softwares capabilities.
The scope of this book is to focus on hardware and operating system level System Storage
Business Continuity solutions. You should involve a software specialist skilled in the
application and database set that you are using.
However, as a general statement, robust databases have integrated software functionalities to
do remote replication. To maintain transaction integrity, the database functionality must be
integrated into whatever replication architecture is being used. See Chapter 11, “High
Availability clusters and database applications” on page 305 for additional suggestions and
Table A-13 Tier 5 Transaction Integrity
Solution - Remote Replication transaction integrity
with DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, and so forth.
Platform software, application, and database specific
Distance software, application, and database specific
Connectivity Fibre Channel
Supported disk storage (primary site) any
Supported disk storage (secondary site) any
Recovery Point Objective - near zero, few seconds to few minutes, minutes
to hours
- dependent on user policy
Amount of Data any
Other notes
344 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Tier 4, 3 Planned Outage
Table A-14 is for Tier 4, 3 and Planned Outage.
Table A-14 Tier 4, 3 and Planned Outage matrix
Solution Point in Time
Global Copy
PtP VTS Tivoli Storage
Manager -
Platform any any System z Distributed any
Distance any any any any any
Connectivity FICON
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
Supported disk
(primary site)
N series
N series
any any any
Supported disk
N series
N series
any any any
Recovery Point
minutes to hours minutes to hours minutes to hours minutes to hours hours
Amount of Data any any any any any
Other notes
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 345
Tier 4 Unplanned Outage
Table A-15 is for Tier 4 and Unplanned Outage.
Table A-15 Tier 4 and Unplanned Outage matrix
Solution PtP VTS
TS7700 Grid
FlashCopy FlashCopy
Global Copy
Platform System z any System z any
Distance any any any any
Connectivity FICON
n/a n/a Fibre Channel
Supported disk
storage (primary
any any any DS8000
N series
Supported disk
storage (secondary
any any any DS8000
N series
Recovery Point
minutes to hours minutes to hours minutes to hours minutes to hours
Amount of Data any any any any
Other notes IBM Storage
Services Offering
346 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Tier 4 Transaction Integrity
Table A-16 is for Tier 4 and Transaction Integrity.
Table A-16 Tier 4 and Transaction Integrity matrix
Tier 3 Unplanned Outage
Table A-17 is for Tier 3 and Unplanned Outage.
Table A-17 Tier 3 and Unplanned Outage matrix
Solution Database-level journal file forwarding and remote
Platform software, application, and database specific
Distance software, application, and database specific
Connectivity Fibre Channel
Supported disk storage (primary site) any
Supported disk storage vendor
(secondary site)
Recovery Point Objective - minutes to hours
- dependent on user policy
Amount of Data any
Other notes
Solution FlashCopy Tivoli Storage
Platform any any any
Distance any any any
Connectivity n/a TCP/IP n/a
Supported disk
storage (primary
FlashCopy capable
any any
Supported disk
storage (secondary
FlashCopy capable
any any
Recovery Point
minutes to hours minutes to hours minutes to hours
Amount of Data any any any
Other notes
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 347
Tier 3 Transaction Integrity
Table A-18 is for Tier 3 and Transaction Integrity.
Table A-18 Tier 3 and Transaction Integrity matrix
Tier 2, 1 Planned Outage
Table A-19 is for Tier 2, 1 and Planned Outage.
Table A-19 Tier 2, 1 and Planned Outage matrix
Solution Database-level
recovery using
electronic tape
Platform software, application,
and database specific
Distance software, application,
and database specific
Connectivity Fibre Channel
Supported disk
storage (primary
Supported disk
storage (secondary
Recovery Point
- minutes to hours
- dependent on user
Amount of Data any
Other notes
Solution Tivoli Storage
Platform software, application,
and database specific
Distance software, application,
and database specific
Connectivity Fibre Channel
Supported disk
storage (primary
348 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Tier 2, 1 Unplanned Outage
Table A-20 is for Tier 2, 1 and Unplanned Outage.
Table A-20 Tier 2, 1 and Unplanned Outage matrix
Supported disk
storage (secondary
Recovery Point
- minutes to hours
- dependent on user
Amount of Data any
Other notes
Solution Tivoli Storage
Solution Tivoli Storage
Platform software, application,
and database specific
Distance software, application,
and database specific
Connectivity Fibre Channel
Supported disk
storage (primary
Supported disk
storage (secondary
Recovery Point
- minutes to hours
- dependent on user
Amount of Data any
Other notes
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 349
Tier 2, 1 Transaction Integrity
Table A-21 is for Tier 2, 1 and Transaction Integrity.
Table A-21 Tier 2, 1 and Transaction Integrity matrix
Additional business requirements questions
This section includes a list of additional business requirement questions that you need to
answer prior to entering the Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology.
Justifying Business Continuity to the business
Because Business Continuity solutions are by their very nature insurance, the following
questions can help identify the ongoing daily payback value of a proposed Business
Continuity solution.
You can partially or fully justify the requested investment for Business Continuity to senior
management by quantifying the values below, and then portraying the proposed Business
Continuity solution cost as only a portion of the anticipated ongoing daily benefits, as
identified by these questions.
Tangible compelling IT values
Tangible compelling IT values include:
򐂰 Savings due to Planned Outage Reductions
Benefits and savings, revenue increases, due to business being able to operate
without the planned outage
Benefits in personnel productivity
Savings in removing overtime compensation, overtime savings for planned outages
Solution Database-level
recovery using
physical tape
Platform software, application,
and database specific
Distance software, application,
and database specific
Connectivity n/a
Supported disk
storage (primary
Supported disk
storage (secondary
Recovery Point
򐂰 hours to days hours
򐂰 dependent on user
Amount of Data any
Other notes
350 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Savings due to Better testability / maintainability of recovery solution
Lowered cost for every test
Savings due to lowered system resource impact for test
Savings due to better control of testing
Savings due to better reliability in testing
Savings due to better speed in test completion
Savings in maintainability costs, because GDPS insulates the Business Continuity
From application changes
From hard to define / hard to manage applications
From hard to manage / inability to manage data
򐂰 Benefits of absolute confidence in switch or cutover
Better information flow to decision team due to automation messaging of status.
Lowered cost of maintaining solution.
Increased accuracy of test and switch due to automation.
򐂰 Savings due to personnel cost reductions
Savings due to reduced labor and cost of a custom roll-your-own implementation.
Savings due to reduces labor costs due to automation.
Automation reduces salary/overtime cost of personnel to perform a recovery.
Pre-install and post-install difference in amount of staff required for change windows,
unplanned outages, and practice and execute DR.
Savings because less costly / more available 'B' and 'C' personnel team can perform
planned / unplanned outage recovery.
Lowered skill requirements for operations or recovery team.
Survivability without requiring key personnel.
򐂰 Benefit of providing DR after large Storage or Server Consolidation
Benefits of providing efficient, trustable Recovery of large consolidated data center of
servers / storage.
򐂰 Cost Savings of bringing DR In-house versus Out-sourced Service Provider
For same expenditure: Better recoverability, removal of dependencies on other Service
Provider clients, no expiration time limit in recovery center.
Savings due to removal of out-sourced recovery center for equivalent functionality.
Tangible compelling business values
Tangible compelling business values include:
򐂰 Strategic and Competitive Advantage
24x7 Internet customer availability required on new applications
Worldwide customer availability required on new applications
Meet mandatory regulatory requirements
Avoidance of large monetary impact to business of a disaster (customer $K/Hr.)
Exploit existing investment in installed equipment
Future regulation compliance in affordable, strategic approach
򐂰 Confidence
Regulatory agency confidence
Shareholder confidence
Financial Markets confidence
Senior management confidence and trust in the recovery
Maintenance of brand image
Willingness to use the recovery or switch because of the switch
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 351
򐂰 Tactical
Employee idling labor cost
Cost of re-creation and recovery of lost data
Salaries paid to staff unable to undertake billable work
Salaries paid to staff to recover work backlog and maintain deadlines
Interest value on deferred billings
Penalty clauses invoked for late delivery and failure to meet Service Levels
Loss of interest on overnight balances; cost of interest on lost cash flow
Delays in customer accounting, accounts receivable and billing/invoicing
Additional cost of working; administrative costs; travel and subsistence and so forth
Intangible compelling values - IT
Intangible compelling values for IT include:
򐂰 Value of DR Strategy that resolves failed previous DR schemes
򐂰 Personnel
Savings due to reduced number of storage administrators required per TB of disk
Recruitment costs for new staff on staff turnover
Training / retraining costs for staff
򐂰 Confidence in recoverability because of:
More frequent tests
Success of tests
򐂰 Planned Outage Reductions creates new options in testing or site maintenance
Confidence and accuracy value due to more frequent testing
Savings due to less expensive cost for testing
High confidence in switch
Value of prior and post 'Planned outage minutes / year'
Business impact of a planned outages / year (planned outage customer cost * planned
outage minutes)
򐂰 Testing
Assuring successful recovery through increased frequency of testing
Catching errors in recovery through increased frequency of testing
򐂰 Automation value
Intangible compelling values - business
Intangible compelling business values include:
򐂰 Unplanned Outage Revenue Loss Avoidances
Lost revenue
Loss of cash flow
Loss of customers (lifetime value of each) and market share
Loss of profits
򐂰 Unplanned Outage Cost Avoidances - IT
Cost of replacement of buildings and plant
Cost of replacing equipment
Cost of replacing software
352 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Unplanned Outage Business Impacts
Brand image recovery
Fines and penalties for noncompliance
Liability claims
Additional cost of advertising, PR and marketing to reassure customers and prospects
to retain market share
Loss of share value
Loss of control over debtors
Loss of credit control and increased bad debt.
Delayed achievement of benefits of profits from new projects or products
Loss of revenue for service contracts from failure to provide service or meet service
Lost ability to respond to contract opportunities
Penalties from failure to produce annual accounts or produce timely tax payments
Where company share value underpins loan facilities, share prices could drop and
loans be called in or be re-rated at higher interest levels.
Additional cost of credit through reduced credit rating
Business requirements questions for detailed evaluation team
The detailed evaluation team needs to address the following list of questions and answers in
the course of quantifying, justifying, and designing the Business Continuity solution. Some
questions are business in nature, others are IT or infrastructure in nature. They are the
expanded super-set from which the basic Starter Set Business Requirements questions in
“Starter set of business requirement questions” on page 330 are derived. We provide them
here so that you can have a guideline for the types of information that will need to be gathered
and analyzed by the detailed evaluation teams, to finalize an in-depth recommendation.
Business Profile
1. What is the customer business/industry?
2. What is the compelling reason for the customer to act at this time?
3. Who is the sponsor within the organization?
4. What is the budget that is allocated for this project?
5. When do they expect to have this implemented?
6. What are our chances of winning this business?
7. What are your goals that you feel are important for a successful project?
8. Which business sponsors do we need to engage with to properly determine the critical
success factors for the project?
9. Will funding come from these mission critical business sponsors or from within the
previously constructed I/T budget? Are funds allocated?
10.Have you designed an I/T recovery program, which incorporates various “speeds” of
recovery in the event of interruption? Who is your current business continuance provider?
Current contract expiration date?
11.Does your recovery plan take into account any acceptable level of transaction data loss
and data unrecoverable? Explain.
12.What would the financial impact be on the interruption to your company due to some
unexpected, unplanned catastrophic event?
13.Which business processes require an advanced level of recoverability in the event of an
unplanned medium to a long-term interruption of I/T services?
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 353
14.Do you backup all of your company’s critical data on a regular basis? Frequency? If a
declared disaster occurred, would you be ready and able to restore your company’s
critical data to the Point of Failure?
15.Are critical applications replicated offsite in case of disaster? Can you access the site
quickly with your staff in the time you have established?
16.If you don’t have a business continuance program in place, what is the motivating factor
associated with this change in strategy? Why are you interested in doing this now?
17.What is your current yearly cost associated with business continuance? If internal,
approximate cost.
18.What is your current time frame for the business continuance project?
19.What type of disk do you currently use? Manufacturer? Total capacity? Mixed
environment? Utility S/W? Upgrade plans? Explain.
20.Can you supply a total inventory list of all current server hardware?
21.Is your company a current IBM Hot Site customer?
Business Continuity Planning and Infrastructure Sizing
22.Has a sizing exercise been done? (Disk Magic for Metro Mirror or z/OS Global Mirror
23.Is the implementation for data migration or Business Continuity?
24.If the implementation is for data migration, is the plan to minimize the amount of time in
duplex by using the hardware bit maps?
25.Has the customer been made aware of the various Business Continuity documents and
26.Will IBM Global Services or a Business Partner be involved in the implementation?
27.Has FlashCopy or some other point-in-time copy been considered?
28.What is the current Business Continuity objective (RTO or RPO)?
29.Recovery Time Objective (RTO)? What is your desired elapsed time objective from time of
disaster until time of full recovery and accessibility to end-users? (Includes database
recovery time), or,
30.Recovery Point Objective (RPO)? At the time that the RPO is complete, how much data is
possible to recreate? (Measured in terms of seconds, minutes, and hours.)
31.How long does it take to Initial Program Load (IPL) the system following an unplanned
system failure?
32.What is the critical application restart time after a system failure (after the system is
33.What is the planned system restart time under normal conditions (length of time to bring
up your system)?
34.What is the planned system shutdown time (length of time to stop all applications and the
354 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
35.What platforms are required to be recovered?
IBM System z
IBM System p
AIX (non-clustered or clustered?)
SUN Solaris™ (non-clustered or clustered?)
HP-UX (non-clustered or clustered?)
IBM System i (AS/400®, OS/400®)
IBM System x™ and BladeCenter®
Windows 2003/XP
36.What storage mirroring technologies will be used (Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, Global
Copy and so forth)?
37.Are Coupling Facilities being used?
38.How many/Type/Model/Vendor?
39.Are facilities to handle data integrity included?
40.Are there adequate resources for managing Internet security and intrusion, with ongoing
monitoring and management?
41.Is the IT recovery strategy in line with the business objectives? Does the business or IT
operations hinge on the availability of an individual person’s skills?
Primary Side Hardware
42.How many Primary Control Unit’s will be installed?
43.What is the vendor?
44.How many volumes/LUNs are expected to be recovered?
45.What processors are installed?
46.How many/Type/Model/Vendor?
47.Are there tape drives involved in this proposal (if so, describe)?
Secondary Side Hardware
48.Is the secondary site customer owned or are you using a Business Recovery Center? If
so, which one? Customer Owned?
49.How many secondary Control Unit’s will be installed?
50.What is the vendor?
51.How many volumes are expected?
52.What processors are installed?
53.How many/Type/Model/Vendor?
54.Are there tape drives (if so, describe)?
Appendix A. Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 355
55.Has a bandwidth analysis been performed by collecting and analyzing data on the
production applications?
56.What percentage of the workload is required to be mirrored?
57.What is the method of automation to be used (GDPS, other)?
58.Is cross platform data consistency required?
59.What platforms?
60.What level of consistency?
61.What is the distance to the remote site (miles or kilometers)?
62.What is the infrastructure to the remote site (Dark Fiber, Fibre provider / DWDM, Telecom
line - what speed and flavor, T1 - 128KBytes/sec., T3 - 5 Mbytes/sec, OC3 - 19
Mbytes/sec, IP)?
63.Will channel extenders be utilized? If so, which channel extender vendor is preferred?
64.What is the write update rate (MBps, operations per second, how does it vary by time of
356 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 357
Appendix B. Terms and definitions
This chapter addresses and defines some of the common terms that are used when
determining or planning disaster recovery solutions and other terms that we use in this book.
358 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
This section provides a brief explanation of the various terms used in a disaster recovery
Software that recognizes and enables Disaster Recovery and minimizes the dependency on
human intervention. Automation works directly with the devices or applications in a disaster
recovery environment to ensure consistency and restore production.
Business Continuity
Business Continuity is a management process that relies on people, facilities, business
processes, infrastructure, and applications to sustain operations at all times and under any
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
The BCP focuses on sustaining an organization’s business functions during and after a
disruption. A BCP can be written for a specific business process or can address all key
business processes. The IT infrastructure addressed by the BCP is only based on its support
for business processes or a subset.
Back-up Window Objective (BWO)
The BWO addresses the backup side of the disaster recovery solution. It represents how long
operations can be halted while building/creating the backup data needed for the recovery.
This parameter combined with the Network Recovery Objective (NRO), Recovery Point
Objective (RPO), and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) are the main fundamentals of the
disaster recovery solution.
Consistent data
Consistent data is mirrored or point-in-time data that can be verified to have completed all
aspects of the copy process’s last transaction. In a large environment using multiple storage
systems or heterogeneous servers, consistent data requires that all copy processes stop at
the same point-in-time. This does not necessarily imply zero data loss but does imply that
such data could be used for a database restart.
Clustering is a set of server images working together sharing the same resources. A good
example of this in the mainframe environment is the Parallel Sysplex where an application
can be spread through different images for Continuous Availability. In the open world this
refers more often to a configuration with a hot stand-by server ready to take over the failing
operating server.
Database recovery
Database recovery is the process of restoring the database from backups and using log files
to update to the last consistent transaction. Depending on how recent the last backup was
taken this could be a process measured in hours or days.
Database restart
Database restart is a process by which the database application is activated in the recovery
facility and works as normal. To perform a database restart it is necessary to have data that is
Appendix B. Terms and definitions 359
Data loss
Data which was corrupted, in-flight, or inconsistent at the time of the disaster is unusable and,
thus, lost until/if it can be recreated.
Data mirroring
Data mirroring is the process of replicating data between pairs of disk or tape subsystems.
Data Mirroring can be based in software (such as DB2 using a two-phase commit), Operating
Systems (such as AIX Logical Volume Mirroring), in the disk subsystem (such as Metro
Mirror), or in a combination of two or more (such as Extended Remote Copy).
The method of data mirroring can be either synchronous or asynchronous.
Synchronous data mirroring requires that a strict write order sequence be followed. Each
update to the primary subsystems must also be updated in the secondary subsystems
before another transaction can process. This results in near perfect data currency but can
result in some lag time or latency between transactions.
Asynchronous data mirroring allows additional transactions to process without ensuring
receipt in the secondary subsystems. The lag in data currency could be seconds, minutes
or hours, depending on the specific technology used, but there is usually low or no impact
on transaction processing.
Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
The DRP applies to major, usually catastrophic, events that deny access to the normal facility
for an extended period. DRP refers to an IT-focused plan designed to restore operability of
the target system, application, or computer facility at an alternate site after an emergency. A
DRP does not usually address minor disruptions that do not require relocation.
Enterprise Remote Copy Management Facility (eRCMF)
eRCMF is a service offering from IBM Global Services. enterprise Remote Copy
Management Facility is a multi-site disaster recovery solution which manages data on
volumes for Fixed Block (open systems hosts).
Extended Remote Copy (XRC)
XRC is a combined hardware and z/OS software asynchronous remote copy solution. All
critical data is mirrored between the primary and secondary sites
Failback is the act of returning production to its original location after a disaster. Also a
command under PPRC on ESS/DS6000/DS8000 (see in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548).
Failover is the act of switching production to a back-up facility. Also a command under PPRC
on ESS/DS6000/DS8000 (see IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions
Guide, SG24-6548).
Fiber is the term used to describe strands of cable made up of glass threads used to focus
and transport light waves from one point to another.
360 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Fibre is the version of the word fiber used to indicate the difference between physical Fiber
Optical Cable and the Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP).
FlashCopy makes a single point-in-time copy of a LUN. This is also known as a time-zero
. Point-in-time copy functions give you an instantaneous copy, or view of what the
original data looked like at a specific point-in-time.
Freeze is a process that halts I/Os to the primary Logical Subsystem of a mirrored pair. This
results in data that is consistent to the point-in-time when the freeze occurred. When
combined with automation this can prevent rolling disasters and ensure that recovery site
databases can be restarted.
From an application perspective, the storage system is seen as being in the busy state.
Fuzzy copy
A fuzzy copy is mirrored data which has been received in the remote location but which is not
verified to be consistent. PPRC-XD creates a fuzzy copy to quickly move tracks of data from
one disk subsystem to another and is fully detailed in IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Geographically Dispersed Open Clusters (GDOC)
GDOC is a multivendor solution designed to protect the availability of critical applications that
run on UNIX, Windows or Linux servers. GDOC is based on an Open Systems Cluster
architecture spread across two or more sites with data mirrored between sites to provide high
availability and Disaster Recovery.
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS)
GDPS is a multi-site application availability solution which provides the capability to manage
the remote copy configuration and storage systems. It automates Parallel Sysplex operational
tasks and does failure recovery from a single point of control, thereby improving application
General Parallel File System (GPFS)
Available for both AIX and Linux Clusters, GPFS provides a cluster-wide file system allowing
users shared access to files spanning multiple disk drives. GPFS is based on a shared disk
model, providing lower overhead access to disks not directly attached to the application
nodes, and using a distributed protocol to provide data coherence for access from any node.
Global Copy
Global Copy is an asynchronous remote copy function for z/OS and open systems for longer
distances than are possible with Metro Mirror. With Global Copy, write operations complete
on the primary storage system before they are received by the secondary storage system.
Global Mirror
Global Mirror provides a two-site extended distance remote mirroring function for z/OS and
open systems servers. With Global Mirror, the data that the host writes to the storage unit at
the local site is asynchronously shadowed to the storage unit at the remote site.
Appendix B. Terms and definitions 361
Global Mirror Utilities (GMU)
The GMU is a tool that can be used only to manage Global Mirror and not other Copy
Services. It is distributed on a CD together with installation and user guide documentation
with every ESS running Licensed Code (LIC) 2.4.0 or higher. It is available for ESS while
DS6000 and DS8000 is planned for the 2nd half of 2005.
High Availability
High Availability is ensuring the resiliency of a device by removing single points-of-failure
(SPOF). This reduces the chance of a disaster occurring due to a device failure, but it does
not constitute Disaster Recovery, because it does not involve restoration of systems that
have failed.
HACMP/XD (High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing XD)
HACMP allows continuous access to data and applications typically through component
redundancy and failover in mission-critical environments. HACMP/XD (Extended Distance)
manages failover to back up resources at remote sites.
Levels of recovery
There are three levels of recovery and each level builds upon the previous level:
Planned Outage provides facilities for planned outages only. Typical usages include:
application quiesces for backup, planned site switches, data migration, and relocation.
Unplanned Outage recovery is not provided at this level, in other words, this level does not
provide unplanned outage data integrity.
Unplanned Outage data consistency and integrity is provided at the hardware and
operating system level. Unplanned Outage level implies that Planned Outage support is
also available. This level of recovery does not perform transaction integrity recovery at the
application or database level.
Transaction Integrity provides unplanned outage recovery at the application and
database transaction integrity level. Solutions at this level typically rely upon an underlying
level of Unplanned Outage support to be available.
Note that disaster recovery technology and solutions used for a given environment will vary
depending on whether the level is Planned Outage, Unplanned Outage, or Transaction
Integrity. More discussion on the levels of recovery is in Chapter 8, “Planning for Business
Continuity in a heterogeneous IT environment” on page 251.
HyperSwap Manager
The HyperSwap Manager is a tool for GDPS/PPRC. It is designed to extend the availability
attributes of Parallel Sysplex redundancy in a single site to disk subsystems. It provides the
ability to transparently switch primary PPRC disk subsystems with the secondary PPRC disk
subsystems for a planned or unplanned reconfiguration.
Metro Mirror
Metro Mirror is a remote data-mirroring technique for all supported servers, including z/OS
and open systems. It is designed to constantly maintain an up-to-date copy of the local
application data at a remote site which is within the metropolitan area (typically up to 300 km
away using DWDM).
362 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Metro/Global Copy
A three site solution, a combination of Global Mirror and Global Copy, called Metro/Global
Copy is available on the ESS 750 and ESS 800. It is a three site approach and it was
previously called Asynchronous Cascading PPRC. You first copy your data synchronously to
an intermediate site and from there you go asynchronously to a more distant site
Network Recovery Objective (NRO)
The NRO is the requirement to establish network communications with the backup systems in
a disaster recovery environment. This objective is expressed in terms of the amount of time
that a business can afford to be without network communications. For example, a business
that must have network communication established within two hours has a NRO of two hours.
Point-in-time Copy (PIT)
A point-in-time copy is an image that reflects selected data within a disk subsystem at a
particular instance in time. PIT copies are used for backups, availability, and disaster
recovery solutions. A good example of this is the FlashCopy feature on the IBM System
Storage DS8000. Such images can be made from a single subsystem or across multiple
Pick-up Truck Access Method (PTAM)
PTAM is the shipping of backup tapes from production data centers or to backup facilities by
ground transportation. An often slow and unpredictable and also inexpensive method of data
Production (or primary) data center
The production data center is the data center in which production workload is processed. This
can be paired with a Recovery data center to create two of the basic components of a
disaster recovery solution. It is important to note that in some cases production workload or
storage is based in both locations. In this case the location that is the production data center
for one application can be the recovery data center for another application.
Remote copy
See data mirroring.
Recovery (or secondary) data center
A recovery data center is a data center facility which has been established primarily to hold
data and systems that will be used to recover in the event of a disaster. Recovery data
centers can be and often are used for other purposes such as testing or development during
non-disaster situations.
Recovery Point Objective (RPO)
The RPO is the requirement for currency of data. Also expressed in the amount of data that
could acceptably be recreated post disaster. For example a business that believes it could
acceptably afford to create or lose 5 minutes worth of data has a RPO of 5 minutes.
Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
The RTO is the requirement for restoration of systems and applications, expressed in terms
of how long a business can afford to have systems and applications down after a disaster.
For example, a business that believes that it could afford to be without systems for 8 hours
has a RTO of 8 hours.
Appendix B. Terms and definitions 363
Rolling disaster
A rolling disaster occurs when failures strike disk subsystems at different intervals. An
explosion that damages disk subsystem A immediately and then strikes subsystem B three
milliseconds later could result in inconsistencies between A and B. The failures
roll across
the data center, therefore a rolling disaster.
Single Point-of-Failure (SPOF)
An SPOF is any one component of a device or plan, the disabling of which, would result in
that device or plan no longer functioning.
The seven categories of disaster recovery solutions defined by SHARE are known as tiers.
They range from 1 (off site backup with no recovery data center) to 7 (highly automated
recovery with zero or little data loss) depending on the speed and value of the solution. See
4.2, “A breakdown of the seven tiers” on page 139 for further discussions on tiers.
Virtualization is the use of technology to change the way that storage is viewed. Multiple
storage systems can be viewed and managed as a single level or as separate pools of data
instead of being viewed individually. Such technology is available through devices such as
the SAN Volume Controller and through the IBM System i.
Virtual Disk Service (VDS)
VDS is a component of the Microsoft Windows Server® 2003 infrastructure that simplifies
disk management by enabling the administrator to use a standardized storage management
user interface to manage multi vendor storage arrays and direct attached storage.
Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS)
VSS is a component of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 infrastructure that enables your
storage array to interact with third-party applications that use the VSS Application
Programming Interface (API). Volume Shadow Copy Service is able to create shadow copies
through its coordination with business applications, backup applications, and storage
364 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 365
Appendix C. Services and planning
In this appendix we discuss the following service related topics:
򐂰 The services required and who can provide them
򐂰 IBM Global Services families and solution life cycle
򐂰 On Demand services
򐂰 IBM Global Services Business Resiliency services
򐂰 Network Consulting and Integration services
366 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Services and services providers
Most of the solutions that we illustrate in this book rely on interactions between multiple
components that can come from multiple vendors. The components can span:
򐂰 Hardware infrastructures such as disk and tape devices
򐂰 Hardware and software enabling technologies such as DS8000 Copy Services
򐂰 Automation components such as AIX HACMP or Tivoli System Automation
򐂰 Application software automation and functions such as DB2 support for FlashCopy
Integrating the components so they operate in a coherent manner and perform a desired
function or task is one of the reasons for acquiring external services. Implementing complex
solutions alone can be a time consuming and labor intensive endeavour. Because of this,
services are often the
glue that tie together the components or pieces of a solution.
The IBM Global Services organization has traditionally delivered services to customers,
integration services targeted at both IBM and OEM products. The scope of these services
spans from simple product installation and implementation services to IT and business
transformation consulting engagements, and to out tasking of the management of IT
In recent years IBM has also started to rely on IBM Business Partners to deliver services.
Many IBM Business Partners exist around the world. They offer a wide variety of services that
can be beneficial in building the desired solution.
The major difference between IBM Global Services and services from IBM Business Partners
is size and scope. IBM Global Services has a worldwide organization and presence while IBM
Business Partners tend to be more local or regional. IBM Global Services in general has a
more comprehensive offering in terms of supported platforms and technologies, and delivers
services that range from business process consulting to solution component implementation
and support activities.
When to choose IBM Global Services or an IBM Business Partner? This question is not easily
answered. It depends on size and complexity of the solution being built. When a client
contacts IBM directly for a solution, IBM will evaluate the complexity and effort and give a
recommendation to the customer as whether to involve IBM Global Services or an IBM
Business Partner.
IBM Global Services families and life cycle
IBM Global Services addresses a complex engagement or service in a series of individual
steps, defined in the IBM Global Services Method. IBM Global Services Method provides a
single method to enable a common language among all practitioners delivering business
solutions. IBM Global Services Method is the work product based method for IBM Global
Services Practitioners. At the base of the Method is a core set of Work Product Descriptions
(WPDs) that can be shared by all practitioners using the Method. Work Products are tangible,
reusable artifacts produced as a result of one or more tasks performed on an engagement.
The Method also provides guidance for how engagements should be conducted. This
guidance is delivered through Engagement Models that represent many of the typical projects
conducted in IBM Global Services. Each Engagement Model provides guidance for the
phases, activities, and tasks required (often called
the work breakdown structure or WBS),
Appendix C. Services and planning 367
the Work Products that are produced, the roles required to perform the work, and any
applicable techniques that should be used for one or more of the tasks
In storage and resiliency services the IBM Global Services Method consulting approach is
divided into five steps plus the engagement management step, as shown in Figure C-1.
Figure C-1 IBM Global Services Method for resiliency and storage related services
The engagement management step or step 0, is where the scope of the services is defined.
What will be the deliverables and what is the project plan for performing the services. After
this step this methodology defines the following steps. Each step uses outputs (Work
Products) of the previous steps and answers a set of questions:
1. What are the business and IT issues facing the client or opportunities the company wants
to pursue? What are the IT constraints that need to be considered?
2. What is the target environment and the storage solution(s) that will enable the business to
achieve its objectives?
3. What are the areas that the business needs to focus on to move towards the target
environment from its current environment? In what order of priority must these areas be
4. What are the recommended approaches or paths that the business needs to follow to
implement the strategy in the most cost-effective manner?
5. What actions do you need to take to establish the target environment, required to achieve
the stated objectives? What is required to implement them in terms of projects, resources
and schedules? What value will they bring in terms of value propositions, and sustainable
business case?
To put it in simpler terms, Step 1 defines where we are, Step 2 states where we want to go,
Step 3 defines what needs to be changed and Step 4 and 5 define the path to reach the goal
of where we want to go.
Initiatives +
Transition Plan
368 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The approach illustrated above applies to more comprehensive consulting type of
engagements. Another way of defining and classifying services is illustrated in Figure C-2.
This is a more solution life cycle oriented classification.
Figure C-2 IBM Global Services classification
Steps 1 and 2 are the steps where you decide what business needs you have to address.
After these needs are understood and documented, we can proceed to define a target
storage environment architecture. This phase can also include a cost and benefit analysis. It
certainly will include a transition plan. The transition plan should state and document the
solution and solution component providers, the projects and approach required to implement
the solution, the services providers and an evaluation should be made of whether to out task.
The next steps perform the transformation itself:
Step 3 - Design defines the detailed physical and logical design of different components of
the architecture. Step 3 can also include testing to evaluate and prototype solutions (for
example, SAN) for reliability, performance and security.
Step 4 - Implementation addresses the proof of concept and deployment of recommended
solutions and solution components such as DS8000 Copy Services or script development
for automation and so on.
Step 5 - Run and Support address storage management activities. IBM Global Services
Managed Storage Services offer customers the opportunity of out tasking storage
management related activities to IBM Global Services.
You can decide to rely on services for any or all of the steps we have illustrated. If you have
already chosen the solution components and do not require IBM Global Services to manage
the solution you are building, you might well choose only steps 2 and 3, design and
Using this five step approach we can attempt a first classification of the vast array of services
offered by IBM Global Services.
Define Infrastructure
Appendix C. Services and planning 369
On Demand services
IBM and IBM Global Services have recently realigned across major initiatives to solve specific
customer problems or sets of problems. Figure C-3 shows the On Demand initiative
alignment. The On Demand framework addresses all customer major focus areas:
Virtualization, Automation and Integration.
Figure C-3 On Demand initiatives
Storage and storage related services fall mainly into the Virtualization and Automation
initiatives. IBM Global Services has defined the following storage related initiatives, shown in
Figure C-4.
Figure C-4 IBM Global Services solution classification for System Storage
Business continuity solutions address application and service resiliency. Information life cycle
management solutions address classification (what should go where) and data retention
Self-diagnosis and self-healing
strengthens resiliency
Remote monitoring and
management thru automation
Embedded security & privacy
capabilities for multi tenant use
Leverage technology and IT
management practices for
effective/efficient operations
IT Optimization
Key Enablers
Exploit demand-based IT
services and track usage
Improved leverage of IT
assets and capabilities
Usage-based availability and
Lower total cost of ownership
Business Workload Mgmt
Policy- based Provisioning
Key Enablers
Integrate systems, data, and
processes within and across
“Composable” sets of OD
services driven by policy
Speed of deployment
Drives business efficiency
and responsiveness
Common Infra. Services
Web Services
Key Enablers
Storage Cost and Value announcement
Data Recovery Consulting
Centralized Back Up and Restore
Disaster Recovery
Operate the solution
Data Classification
Path Management
Tiered Storage Infrastructure
Data Retention Solutions
Server Consolidation
Network Consolidation
370 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
solutions for legal compliance. Infrastructure simplification, often a prerequisite to the
preceding two solutions, addresses consolidation and Virtualization aspects.
IBM Global Services solutions for resilient infrastructures
We will now illustrate a sample of IBM Global Services solutions that relate to Business
Continuity and Resiliency, as shown in Figure C-5. IBM Global Services offers a vast portfolio
of services that can be tailored to meet virtually any customer requirement.
Figure C-5 IBM Global Services Sample Business Resiliency services
We advise We assist and integrate… We manage…
Assess Plan Design Implement Run
risk & compliance
IBM Business Consulting Services (BCS)
Business Continuity and Recovery Services (BCRS)
Software & Technology Group (STG)
Integrated Technology Services (ITS)
S&D Risk and Compliance
Other IVT (Oper. Effic. or Tech. Adop.)
data recovery
HA Geographic
parallel sysplex
dual data
center design
resilient business
& infrastructure
recovery plan
remote copy
linux HA
IBM organizations
that support the
Tivoli Identity
& Access
Appendix C. Services and planning 371
Figure C-5 illustrates a suggested set of services that you could use to build and manage a
resilient infrastructure.
Figure C-6 Possible IBM Global Services for a resilient infrastructure
For more information about IBM Global Services see one of the following Web sites or
contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner:
For storage services see:
For Business Continuity and resiliency Services see:
For infrastructure and systems management services see:
For technical support services see:
In the next sections, we give an overview of three sample storage services. These are just
examples, for a complete list and more in depth information refer to the Web sites that we
listed previously.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004
We advise We assist and integrate… We manage…
Assess Plan Design Implement Run
risk & compliance
IBM Business Consulting Services (BCS)
Business Continuity and Recovery Services (BCRS)
Software & Technology Group (STG)
Integrated Technology Services (ITS)
S&D Risk and Compliance
Other IVT (Oper. Effic. or Tech. Adop.)
data recovery
HA Geographic
parallel sysplex
dual data
center design
resilient business
& infrastructure
recovery plan
remote copy
linux HA
IBM organizations
that support the
Tivoli Identity
& Access
372 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
IBM Managed Hosting storage and backup services
IBM Managed Hosting storage and backup services are designed to provide managed
storage capacity and other cost-effective solutions to help increase your data availability and
protect your critical information from accidental loss or destruction. Flexible backup and
restoration services, expert technical assistance and managed storage capacity can help
address the rapidly growing data volumes associated with your on demand business.
Highlights of IBM Managed Hosting storage and backup services include:
򐂰 Offer on demand access to scalable storage capacity, helping you accommodate and plan
for growth
򐂰 Support next-generation storage-intensive applications and expansion with scalable tape
library options
򐂰 Provide off-site storage to facilitate Disaster Recovery
򐂰 Offer a security-rich storage environment to assure the integrity of business-critical data
򐂰 Provide access to specialized technical skills
IBM Managed Hosting services offer the following benefits:
򐂰 SAN managed storage services
Managing local data stores can slow system performance and impact database
performance. With SAN (storage area network) managed storage services, you can store
large volumes of data in a security-enhanced SAN environment provided and managed by
IBM. SAN managed storage services are designed to allow you to purchase reliable,
high-performance storage capacity for a flat monthly charge for each shared or dedicated
Fibre Channel access connection to the SAN environment, plus a monthly charge per
gigabyte of allocated disk space. Data can be stored at the same IBM e-business
Hosting™ Center where your servers are located or at multiple e-business Hosting
Centers around the world.
򐂰 Standard backup and restore
With the standard backup and restore service for hosting environments, you gain reliable,
flexible, security-rich, network-based backup (through IBM Tivoli Storage Manager) at a
very affordable price. That's because the costs for hardware and management tools, such
as servers, storage pools and tape libraries, are shared among all clients of the service. At
the same time, IBM employs security features and management mechanisms at the
network, backup server and storage device layers to help ensure separation and
protection of your data. You maintain control over the actual backup process itself. If extra
storage or data transfer is necessary, you can initiate ad hoc backups at any time. Billing is
based on the amount of data transferred to backup or from restore. You pay for the
services you use.
򐂰 Dedicated backup and restore
With a dedicated storage management server to handle tape backup and restoration
functions, you gain a higher degree of flexibility and schedule control than the standard
backup and restore service allows, especially if you have large volumes of data. You can
choose between lower-cost shared tape library resources or optional dedicated resources.
򐂰 Online hot database backup
When you have mission-critical data and cannot tolerate the downtime associated with
offline backup and restoration services, the online hot database backup service is
designed to allow you to back up selected databases without interrupting business
transactions. The 24x7 capability can be added to our standard backup and restore
service. You can select the databases and frequency of the backups. IBM DB2, Informix®,
Appendix C. Services and planning 373
Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases are supported. Billing consists of a one-time
setup charge per database, plus the ongoing charges associated with the standard
backup and restore service.
򐂰 High performance backup and restore
As multi-terabyte databases become common and available backup windows continue to
shrink, the issue of backing up large databases in the shortest possible time has become
increasingly urgent. High performance backup and restore provides backup and
restoration of large amounts of data in significantly less time than standard services by
moving data transfers from the IP communications network to a data network or SAN.
These fiber connections provide throughput superior to LAN-based IP connections
because they support large frame size and high-bandwidth transfers. High-throughput
data transfer means shorter backup and restoration intervals, which translates to higher
application availability and potentially lower costs.
򐂰 Offsite data storage
You can increase the level of data protection provided by our standard backup and restore
service by adding offsite data storage. Duplicate copies of your backup tapes are
automatically created by Tivoli Storage Manager and transferred daily to a security-rich
offsite storage facility. Should recovery be impossible using onsite backup media, quick
access to these vaulted copies can help limit business disruptions. Billing is per gigabyte
stored in the offsite facility, with separate charges for each emergency media recall.
򐂰 Tape library partition
You can acquire terabytes of cost-effective, scalable tape storage with tape library
partition services, designed to provide dedicated access to a logical library partition
installed in the shared backup infrastructure at the IBM e-business Hosting Center. The
partition includes one or more tape drives plus tape library slots dedicated to your use,
with Fibre Channel connections for high-speed data access.
򐂰 Storage assistance
Effective backup and restoration strategies are crucial to maintaining the availability of
Web-based business processes. Storage assistance offers on-call consulting support
from skilled IBM personnel who can help you implement a sound backup and restoration
strategy for your hosting environments and provide onsite support for operational tasks
performed at the IBM e-business Hosting Centers, including restoration of data files and
review of daily server logs.
򐂰 Hosting services are designed for on demand business
IBM e-business hosting offers a flexible array of scalable services that grow with your
business and enable you to respond to a rapidly changing marketplace dynamically. The
services are modular so you can choose what you need, when you need it. As your
business requirements change or accelerate, IBM will work with you to build a services
solution that is capable of addressing them.
Resilient business and infrastructure assessment
An important aspect of on demand infrastructure is resiliency—having the flexibility to
respond rapidly in the event of changes and threats—be they computer viruses, earthquakes,
or sudden spikes in demand for IT resources.
Highlights of resilient business infrastructure include:
򐂰 Examines the many working layers required for an optimal infrastructure implementation,
including strategy, organization, business and IT.
򐂰 Compares your environment to other similar companies in your industry.
374 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Provides a definition of potential threats or disruptions, prioritizes the level and impact of
򐂰 Recommends areas of your business that need to be addressed to meet business goals.
򐂰 Incorporates business and IT components into a single, security-enhanced and
competitive resiliency strategy.
A resilient business and infrastructure assessment helps you evaluate the ability of your
infrastructure to:
򐂰 Provide a data and application environment that consists of systematic methods,
processes and technologies and that is designed to be security-rich, agile, available and
򐂰 Enable changing business models and strategies and link business strategy to risk
tolerance and IT readiness levels.
IBM resilient business and infrastructure solutions
Today's business requires resiliency to be imbedded into the fabric of the business
infrastructure. A resilient business infrastructure provides a security-rich, agile, available and
recoverable environment that can handle planned and unplanned events, and positive and
negative impacts to business. Survival is dependent upon the rapid response of both critical
business processes and the supporting infrastructure. IBM resilient business and
infrastructure solutions include:
򐂰 Identifies business processes and elements that are critical to a resilient, agile enterprise.
򐂰 Determines risks (stresses and demands) to your business.
򐂰 Evaluates your current business and technology infrastructure using a six layer
򐂰 Creates vulnerability, responsiveness and prevention indices.
򐂰 Prepares next steps and recommendations for mitigating risks.
In your effort to achieve a resilient, agile enterprise, we can help you understand the linkage
required between business processes and the technologies that enable them. We take a
broad view of your business and use a structured approach to assess the resiliency of your
enterprise across six key areas:
򐂰 Strategy
򐂰 Data and applications
򐂰 Technology
򐂰 Business and IT processes
򐂰 Organization
򐂰 Facilities and security
We then evaluate how well the IT functions support the needs of the business functions.
Strengths and weaknesses are identified and reflected in sophisticated indices, including a
comparison of your company’s resiliency to other similar organizations. We can help you
address any weaknesses, utilizing our wide range of expertise and service offerings.
Other storage services
In this book we illustrate many storage services in the various solution chapters. For
additional information about the GDPS and HACMP/XD, see the Continuous Availability
chapter in IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548.
Appendix C. Services and planning 375
Network Consulting and Integration services
IBM Global Services offers the broadest range of services offerings in the industry for
Networking solutions. Their services capabilities, skills depth and breadth, and the IBM reach
and range are simply unmatched in the networking services industry.
There are two basic dimensions to their networking services offerings:
򐂰 The Network Life cycle dimension
򐂰 The Network Technology dimension (for example, routing and switching, VPN/Security,
wireless, Optical Networking, and so forth)
The ITS networking services offering portfolio covers both dimensions. You can find
comprehensive information about IBM Network Services at:
Optical/Storage Networking
Here are some of the service offerings in the area of optical and storage networking, Network
deployment and cabling.
IBM Network Consulting for Optical Networks
This offering provides a set of supporting materials (sales positioning presentations, SOW,
technique papers, spec sheet and Webcast) for optical networking consulting engagements.
This offering enhancement extends the capability to deliver Metropolitan Area Networks and
other optical networking solutions using technologies such as Gigabit Ethernet, Dense Wave
Division Multiplexing (DWDM), Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM), Synchronous
Optical Networks / Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH), and Channel Extensions.
IBM Network Integration, Deployment Services for Optical Networking
Enterprise optical networking services from IBM deliver comprehensive solutions for
high-speed, high-availability networking to improve performance, optimize information
technology (IT) investments and enhance customer service. Our team can help you
streamline your voice, video and data networks with advanced fiber optic technologies
through a variety of assessment, strategy, architecture and design services. We evaluate
your systems and make recommendations that are fully integrated with your business
objectives, helping you expand capacity as your business grows, so you can stay competitive
in the marketplace.
This offering provides a set of supporting materials (CIO presentation, sample SOWs, guides,
pricing and sizing advice, specifications sheet Webcast) for engagements that involve
planning for and implementing optical networks for enterprises.
IBM Network Consulting Services for Storage Networking
IBM Consulting Services for storage networking can help you determine the storage
technology that best fits your needs, whether that technology is server attached storage
(SAS), network attached storage (NAS) or storage area network (SAN). We can then define
the integration process based on your company's particular access and storage methods.
Our networking experts work closely with your staff to help determine the optimal data paths
between users and data storage devices for efficient storage networking.
This offering provides a set of presentations, guides, and other supporting materials for
marketing and executing a storage network strategy and conceptual design engagement.
This a vendor neutral approach that looks at multiple options including traditional server
376 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
attached storage (SAS), network attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SANs).
The client's storage and networking environments are examined in relationship to its business
and IT strategies. This analysis is used as input to a networking storage strategy and a
conceptual design. Individual guides address input to the strategy, developing the strategy,
and the design options and issues that should be considered when developing a conceptual
design for storage networking.
The documentation includes an executive (CIO) presentation, SOWs, and technique papers
covering assessment, strategy, and architecture/high level design. A Webcast provides an
explanation of the service and an overview of the documentation. A marketing guide and
resource matrix are also provided.
IBM Network Integration, Deployment services for Storage Networking
IBM networking services for storage offers adaptable solutions for improving storage
throughput and meeting specific networked storage needs. For example, if your company has
several branches distributed on a metropolitan area network, we can integrate your data
center environments using high-speed, dark-fiber services, which give each branch direct,
full-speed connections to centralized storage through Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (DWDM) technology.
This offering provides supporting materials (spec sheet, sample SOW and presentation) for
engagements for integrating storage devices and servers within a client's existing network.
The materials are intended for marketing and performing on engagements concerned with
storage area networks or network attached storage:
򐂰 Networking between a client's remotely installed storage area networks (SAN) in a
metropolitan area network (MAN) using dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM)
򐂰 Integration of a client's existing Fibre Channel-based SAN with its existing TCP/IP network
in a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network WAN) using the Internet SCSI
(iSCSI) technology
򐂰 Addition of storage devices and servers into a client's existing network, using network
attached storage (NAS) technology
򐂰 Detailed design and implementation for OEM partners.
IBM Network Consulting for Resilient Networks
IBM is uniquely positioned to provide you with a comprehensive approach to operational
resilience that spans every aspect of your business. IBM can apply expertise from any field to
match your business requirements. As a leading networking services provider, IBM has
extensive knowledge in state-of-the-art networking technologies, and has helped customers
worldwide establish tailored resilient network solutions. Working with leading network
equipment providers and network service providers, IBM Network Consulting can bring you
the most cost-effective network plan to meet your operational resilience requirements.
This offering provides a set of supporting materials (CIO and marketing presentations, SOW,
technique papers, pricing and sizing advice, specifications sheet, and Webcast) for resilient
networking consulting engagements. This offering enhancement focuses on network
elements needed to maximize the ability of an enterprise to maintain continuity of operation in
case of unplanned events that threaten its operation, regardless of their origin. The
assessment, strategy and design steps recommended in the enhancement focus on
recommendations for an enterprise-wide set of technologies and processes aimed at
ensuring the flow of information whenever and wherever needed to keep a business
Appendix C. Services and planning 377
IBM Rapid Network Deployment for e-Business
Rapid Network Deployment for e-business includes:
򐂰 Project management
򐂰 Strategy and standards definition
򐂰 Planning and implementation
򐂰 Ordering support and procurement
򐂰 Logistics
򐂰 Predelivery preparation
򐂰 Site preparation
򐂰 Cabling services
򐂰 Configuration and installation
򐂰 Asset control
This engagement portfolio provides several different types of IC that will assist in both the
sales processes and the actual implementation of Rapid Network Deployment opportunities.
While the emphasis is on
rapid all of the materials are useful for any type of network
deployment that can include, procuring hardware, configuration, installation, cabling, site
services, site surveys, and so forth. for network upgrades, enhancements or new installations
at multiple sites both within a single country and multi-nationally.
IBM Network Consulting, Integration Services - Network Management
This offering provides a guide and sample SOW to provide an approach to creating a network
management architecture and design that combines IBM and OEM products. The method
򐂰 Assessing the client's physical infrastructure, network management tools, tracking and
reporting indicators, supervision environment and support structure
򐂰 Developing network management requirements and norms
򐂰 Recommending a network management architecture and design
򐂰 Identifying gaps in the network management and support environment
򐂰 Recommending network management process and people role improvements
򐂰 Modeling and validating the proposed network management platform and supporting
򐂰 Planning for implementation
While this material is tailored to IBM and OEM products, much of the content applies to
network management architecture and design engagements in general, especially if two or
more vendor products can be used to implement the design.
The guide contains suggestions areas for follow-on engagements including capacity
planning, QOS audits and out-tasking of network management functions.
Monitoring and Performance Analysis of the Network Infrastructure
IBM Network Management Services offers a comprehensive solution for your network
monitoring and management needs. We combine powerful network management tools with
our proven methodologies and processes to track your network's performance and optimize
its availability -at a fixed cost. Our suite of remote management services is provided through a
Network Operations Center (NOC) and includes monitoring, performance management,
problem management, change management, configuration management and security
378 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Optical Fiber Cabling Solutions for the Enterprise Data Center
This offering provides a statement of work, a physical and configuration planning guide and
supporting materials for data center cabling services using Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) and
50 micron multimode fiber. Storage area network (SAN) products are a special focus as is
how to integrate and deploy 50 micron multimode fiber within existing systems.
Internet Data Center Server Farm Cabling
IBM Networking and Connectivity Services cabling services for Internet data center server
farms provides high-density yet flexible cabling solutions that incorporate state-of-the-art
communication components with full integration of both copper and fiber optic cabling. These
solutions support your business objective of having a network solution that is reliable, highly
available, adaptable, easy to use and manage, and cost-effective.
This offering provides a set of guides, presentations and supporting materials for marketing
and performing a cabling engagement at an Internet data center. These materials cover the
planning, design and installation of cabling infrastructure for Internet data center server
farms. The documentation includes a statement of work (SOW), a spec sheet, a design
guide, a technology and component guide, an installation guide and education material.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 379
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial
Networking is one of the most important technology components of any IT infrastructure. This
appendix is a brief tutorial on the terminology and concepts of networking. It is intended to:
򐂰 Provide a technical supplement to Chapter 10, “Networking and inter-site connectivity
options” on page 281.
򐂰 Define and position the large number of networking technologies relative to each other,
using the Open Systems Interconnect architecture to unify the technologies.
򐂰 Promote a better understanding of many commonly used networking concepts so that you
can better evaluate and select the appropriate networking components for your Business
Continuity solution.
380 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Open Systems Interconnect network model
To understand modern IT networking, we need to understand the architecture upon which all
of today's networking technology is founded and built. That model is known as the Open
Systems Interconnection model or
OSI for short. Understanding the OSI architecture gives us
the proper framework to understand the myriad of networking acronyms.
Figure D-1 illustrates an all-in-one overview of the OSI model. We go through this chart,
level-by-level. When we finish, you will be able to define many common networking
technologies, to position them in relation to each other, and to understand the basic role that
each can play in your final networking design.
Figure D-1 OSI network model overview
There are seven layers, and each of the different layers represents a specific functionality
that allow Layer 7 applications (such as e-mail, Lotus® Notes®, Web servers, and Web
browsers) to connect to each other. This chart represents the details of what is required to
make that happen.
PtP, DSn, OCn
Frame Relay
local talk
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Coax thick thin
UTP 3,4,5,6
Coax cable
Multi Mode
Fiber - Light
Single Mode
Fiber - Laser
Free Space
Optics FSO
LAN - Campus
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Workstation Workstation
Ethernet shared & switched;
10-Base2, 10-Base5, 10-BaseT,
10-BaseF, 100-BaseT, 100-BaseF,
1000-BaseT, 1000-BaseF . . . . . . .
TR shared & switched; 4 & 16 Mbps
Internet Protocol (IP)
DB2, Oracle
Voice PSTN
Voice VoIP
MS Exchange
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial 381
There are headers shown on the left and right hand side of the OSI chart. The application's
data is progressively encapsulated with headers as the data is passed from layer to layer, in
preparation for transmission to the other site. At the other end, headers are progressively
removed as the data is passed up towards the receiving application.
The header abbreviations are:
򐂰 AH - application header
򐂰 PH - presentation header
򐂰 SH - session header
򐂰 TH - transport header
򐂰 NH - network header
򐂰 DH - data link header
Let us now zoom into this chart and examine the OSI layers one-by-one.
OSI layer 1 (physical layer)
Figure D-2 shows the OSI layer 1 (the physical layer), showing the types of physical
connections that can reside within it.
Figure D-2 OSI layer 1 - physical layer
This layer is the physical connection layer. As shown in Figure D-2, physical connections
between two ends of the network can consist of (but are not limited to):
򐂰 Wireless, including variants of today’s wireless LAN technology and cell phone
򐂰 Network thick or thin coax.
򐂰 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP), which comes in various levels (3, 4, 5, 6), each of which
describes a certain level of drive distance, bandwidth capability, and resistance to
electromagnetic interference.
򐂰 Video and cable, television coax.
򐂰 Fibre optic cable, the current strategic physical connection networking technology. Fibre
optic cable can be either multi-mode or single mode cable. These modes are defined in
Figure D-8 on page 389.
1- Physical
Coax thick thin
UTP 3,4,5,6
Coax cable
Multi Mode
Fiber - Light
Single Mode
Fiber - Laser
Free Space
Optics FSO
LAN - Campus
1- Physical
382 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Free Space Optics, wireless or microwave technologies to handle one of the biggest
problems in using the strategic fiber optic capability, which can be: “how do I get fiber run
the last mile” from the network provider's closest connection point, to my particular data
򐂰 Microwave and Satellites - wireless technologies used for networking communication
especially at very long distances requiring no physical interconnect.
As you can see, the LAN-Campus arrow shows that in the LAN-Campus environment, the
networking Layer 1 physical connection technologies are usually one or more of the following:
Wireless, Network coax, Unshielded Twisted Pair, Video coax, and Multi-mode fiber optic.
Conversely, in the Metropolitan Area Network or the Wide Area Network (that is, longer
distance than LAN-Campus) the Layer 1 physical interconnection technologies are typically:
UTP, video coax, multi-mode and single-mode fiber optic, free space optics, microwave, and
To begin any networking connection, the first requirement is that a layer 1 connection must be
established using one or more of these technologies.
OSI layer 2 (data link layer)
Having established Layer 1 (the physical connection), which at this point is waiting for
something to travel upon it (whether that be electrical signals, light, or radio), the next step is
to establish the proper layer 2 (data link connection).
Figure D-3 shows the OSI data link layer 2, showing physical protocols that reside within it.
Figure D-3 OSI layer 2 - data link layer
You might think of the data link connection as the physical protocol that allows a ring or a
network of many physical connections to be managed, load-balanced, configured and
reconfigured (dynamically in many cases). This layer specifically refers to managing,
load-balancing, and configuring at the physical connection level, not at the logical software
connection level.
PtP, DSn, OCn
Frame Relay
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Coax thick thin
UTP 3,4,5,6
Coax cable
Multi Mode
Fiber - Light
Single Mode
Fiber - Laser
Free Space
Optics FSO
LAN - Campus
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Ethernet shared & switched;
10-Base2, 10-Base5, 10-BaseT,
10-BaseF, 100-BaseT, 100-BaseF,
1000-BaseT, 1000-BaseF . . . . . . .
TR shared & switched; 4 & 16 Mbps
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial 383
In OSI Layer 2 data link layer, the various technologies in this layer include (but are not
limited to):
򐂰 Ethernet (shared and switched, with various speeds including10-BaseT (10 Mbps or
approximately 1 MBps raw), 100 BaseT (100 Mbps or approximately 10 MBps raw), 1000
BaseT (100 Mbps or approximately 10 MBps raw, commonly known as
Gbit Ethernet).
򐂰 Token Ring, at either 4 Mbps (.5 Mbps) or 16 Mbps (2 MBps).
򐂰 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM): A method of transmitting data over this data line with
asynchronous characteristics (and reassembling the data in proper sequence at the
receiving end).
򐂰 Private Virtual Circuits and Sxxx Virtual Circuits (PVC and SVC): A method of negotiating
and establishing a private, secure connection over this data link even though we are
physically sharing Layer 1 physical links.
򐂰 Frame relay: Another technology designed to a method of transmitting data over this data
line with asynchronous characteristics (and reassembling the data in proper sequence at
the receiving end).
򐂰 PtP DSn OCn: Point to point connections, DSn, OCn (Optical Cable) data link
connections. Typically used by telcos to describe some aspect of the type of connection
and the raw speed potential in the case of DSn, Ocn.
OC-3 denotes a raw speed capability of approximately 19 MBps.
OC-12 denotes a raw speed that is 4x the capability of OC-3, in other words,
approximately 78 MBps.
򐂰 SONET: A telco architecture that manages large (usually fiber optic) networks, and allows
powerful problem determination, performance monitoring, and reconfiguration capabilities.
In and of itself, SONET does not imply any particular speed.
These are raw speeds, and the effective transfer rate due to overhead from a Layer 3 and
above functions must be deducted from this raw speed.
򐂰 Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM): A method of multiplexing multiple channels of
fiber optic based protocols (such as ESCON, Fibre Channel, FICON, Gbit Ethernet) onto
on physical cable, by assigning different wavelengths of light (that is,
colors) to each
channel; then fanning it back out at the receiving end. Major players in the enterprise class
DWDM marketplace are: Nortel Networks, Cisco (ONS 15540), and Lucent.
Dense Wave Division Multiplexors (DWDM) are data link Layer 2 tools. Thus, the typical
DWDM machine does not perform any switching, routing or protocol conversion.
Tip: The standard networking speed nomenclature is that a lowercase b stands for bits
and an uppercase
B stands for Bytes. Thus, a line which runs at:
򐂰 1.544 Mbps is a 1.544 Mbps line, in other words, approximately 200 Kbps
򐂰 100 BaseT, a 100 Mbps LAN, is approximately 10 MBps
Always make sure you note the difference. Otherwise, your conversation could be off by a
factor of 8 or 10, in terms of the speeds that you are discussing.
Layer 2 note: In the LAN/campus environment, Ethernet has become the standard
data link protocol that is used.
384 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Channel Extenders: These are devices which take a data center protocol (typically Fibre
Channel, ESCON, FICON, or Fibre Channel) and convert it to Wide Area Network
protocols for transmission to its companion machine at the remote site, where the signal is
then converted the signal back to its original form.
For SAN Distance extension (that is, Fibre Channel), there are many vendors and
Business Partners. For more information, see the System Storage Proven™ Web page at:
򐂰 Media Access Control (MAC): A data link functionality which defines how the computer in
question participates or is identified in the network from a hardware standpoint; the best
known example of a MAC address is the firmware unique hardware address.
򐂰 Logical Link Control (LLC): A data link functionality which defines how the computer in
question participates or is identified in the network from a network address standpoint.
The most prevalent LLC protocol you have probably seen labeled as IEEE 802.2.
OSI layer 3 (network layer)
Figure D-4 shows the OSI data link layer 3, showing logical network protocols that reside
within it.
Figure D-4 OSI layer 3 - network layer
You can think of the OSI layer 3 network layer as being the actual logical language that the
two communicating computers use to talk to each other. Let's illustrate with an example using
a telephone call as an analogy (this is only an analogy for explanation purposes):
򐂰 Layer 2 Data Link: You are in San Jose, California, U.S., you pick up a telephone, you get
dial tone, you dial Kuwait, and someone answers. This is an analogous example of a
successful OSI layer 2 data link connection using the telco's OSI layer 1 physical
򐂰 Layer 3 Network Link: Now, you start speaking English. The other person starts speaking
Arabic. Neither of you understand each other. This is a failed layer 3 network link. If either
of you switches to a language you both understand, that is a successful layer 3 network
PtP, DSn, OCn
Frame Relay
local talk
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Coax thick thin
UTP 3,4,5,6
Coax cable
Multi Mode
Fiber - Light
Single Mode
Fiber - Laser
Free Space
Optics FSO
LAN - Campus
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Ethernet shared & switched;
10-Base2, 10-Base5, 10-BaseT,
10-BaseF, 100-BaseT, 100-BaseF,
1000-BaseT, 1000-BaseF . . . . . . .
TR shared & switched; 4 & 16 Mbps
Internet Protocol (IP)
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial 385
With that as an example, the layer 3 network link logical protocols include (but are not limited
򐂰 IBM SNA - IBM Systems Network Architecture logical protocol, heavily used in the past for
example in 3270/VTAM/NCP networks
򐂰 IBM NetBEUI - an IBM PC LAN logical protocol
򐂰 IBM APPN: IBM Advanced Program to Program Networking - an older IBM logical protocol
for program to program communication
򐂰 MicroSoft NetBIOS: MicroSoft LAN networking logical protocol
򐂰 Novell IPX: Novell LAN networking logical protocol
򐂰 Apple LocalTalk: Apple LAN networking logical protocol
򐂰 DEC DecNet: DEC LAN and inter-DEC computer logical protocol
򐂰 Banyan Vines: Banyan LAN logical protocol
򐂰 IP - Internet Protocol is the best known logical protocol today; it is the logical protocol upon
which TCP/IP and the Internet uses to connect the world with each other
Often the other logical protocols that are listed are encapsulated within IP message frames,
to exploit the position of the IP as the de facto world standard.
Layer 3 note: IP is not a hard requirement. However, IP is shown as overlaying all
protocols, because it has become the
de facto world standard in the campus and network.
Note: While each OSI functionality layer is distinctly identified, any individual network
component is likely to have some overlap of functionality across layers.
For example, a
layer 3 switch is probably going to have aspects of layer 2 or layer 4 in it
also. Understanding the architectural functions of a layer allows you to decode what a
vendor or technician really means when they loosely say
layer 2 switch, router, bridge, or
386 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
OSI Layer 4, 5, 6, 7 - Transport, session, presentation, application layers
The additional layers are transport, session, presentation, and application and are shown in
Figure D-5.
Figure D-5 OSI layers 4, 5, 6, 7 - Transport, session, presentation, and application
The remainder of this chapter focuses on what happens at layers 1, 2, and 3. You can safely
assume that if you can connect at the OSI layer 3 level, then from there the software can
provide the additional logic to transverse the other layers.
OSI layer 4 (transport layer general comment)
Transmission Control Protocol (the TCP portion of TCP/IP) is in the OSI layer 4 transport
layer. In this layer, TCP/IP data packets undergo:
򐂰 Flow and congestion control
򐂰 Reassembly of received -out-of-order packets
򐂰 CRC error checking
PtP, DSn, OCn
Frame Relay
local talk
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Coax thick thin
UTP 3,4,5,6
Coax cable
Multi Mode
Fiber - Light
Single Mode
Fiber - Laser
Free Space
Optics FSO
LAN - Campus
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Workstation Workstation
Ethernet shared & switched;
10-Base2, 10-Base5, 10-BaseT,
10-BaseF, 100-BaseT, 100-BaseF,
1000-BaseT, 1000-BaseF . . . . . . .
TR shared & switched; 4 & 16 Mbps
Internet Protocol (IP)
DB2, Oracle
Voice PSTN
Voice VoIP
MS Exchange
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial 387
Interfacing different networks together
With the OSI model now understood, we turn next to the need and methods of interfacing
between two networks. There are four basic types of network interface devices (Figure D-6):
򐂰 Repeaters
򐂰 Hubs / Bridges
򐂰 Switches
򐂰 Routers
Figure D-6 Interfacing networks using repeaters, hubs/bridges, switches, and routers
As you can see from the vertical arrows, the determinant of which device to be used depends
on what layer of the OSI model is to be interfaced.
Repeaters are used when highest level of network interconnection is fundamentally at the
OSI layer 1 physical connection level.
Hubs and Bridges are used when highest level of network interconnection is
fundamentally at the OSI layer 2 data link level.
Switches are used when highest level of network interconnection is fundamentally at the
more basic levels of the OSI layer 3 network level.
Routers are used when highest level of network interconnection is fundamentally deep
within the OSI layer 3 network level.
Obviously, there is no hard and fast line between these four types of interconnection devices.
Vendors all have varying levels of technology, and that technology can and does span layer
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Data Link
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Peer-to-Peer Communication
Data Link
Hubs / Bridges
388 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
In Figure D-7 is another example of where repeaters, hubs and bridges, switches, and routers
would typically be used.
Figure D-7 Another example of where repeaters, hubs/bridges, switches, and routers would be used
By understanding the OSI model one is able to ask intelligent questions of the vendor's
implementation in order to determine exactly what layer, and to what level of interfacing that
vendor product is doing.
As a consequence, the following terms are unfortunately used somewhat loosely:
򐂰 Layer 2 Switch
򐂰 Layer 3 Switch
򐂰 Layer n Switch
򐂰 Gateways
򐂰 Bridging and Routing
򐂰 Hub / Switch
򐂰 Shared / Switched
򐂰 Full and Half Duplex
򐂰 Multiplexors
򐂰 Extenders
򐂰 Directors
򐂰 Internetworking
򐂰 Interworking
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Data Link
7- Application
6- Presentation
5- Session
4- Transport
3- Network
2-Data Link
1- Physical
Network B
Peer-to-Peer Communication
Network A
Data Link
Ethernet 10 Base T (shared)
Ethernet 10 Base F (shared)
Ethernet 10 Base T (Shared/Switched)
Ethernet 100 Base F (Shared/Switched)
Token-Ring 4 Mbps (Shared/Switched)
Token-Ring 16 Mbps (Shared/Switched)
Token-Ring 4/16 Mbps (Shared/Switched) Ethernet 100 Base T (Shared/Switched)
LAN - Campus
IP Subnet xx.xx.xx.xx
IP Subnet
Internet Protocol (IP)
Novell IPX
Microsoft NetBios Digital Equipment DecNet
ATM WAN (PVCs) Switch
Frame Relay
PtP, DSn - OCn
Hubs / Bridges
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial 389
Network interfacing is very flexible. It is basically possible to connect almost any network to
almost any other network. The variables that determine if this is possible or not are money,
funding, and cost justification; what level of interface gear is available, how much does it cost,
and is that cost justifiable?
Fiber optic cables - used in OSI layer 1
At the OSI layer 1, there are multiple common different types of physical layers, including
UTP (unshielded twisted pair), coax, and so forth. Let us investigate a strategically important
type of physical connection: the fiber optic cable.
Fiber optic cable is at the OSI layer 1 physical layer. The data link layer, network layer, and
transport layers are on top of the physical layer. Therefore, multiple different types of
protocols in these other layers can traverse a physical layer fiber optic cable at the same
Figure D-8 Fiber optic cables - single-mode and multi-mode
There are two major types of fiber optic cable:
򐂰 Multi-mode fiber: 50 micron, typically used within the data center or short haul distances
(on Fibre Channel SANs or Gbit Ethernet, typical max distance is about 500 meters). Uses
shortwave laser, which can transmit 300m at 2Gbps.
򐂰 Single-mode fiber: 9 micron, more expensive per foot/installation than multi-mode, and
typically used for longer distance transmissions. Uses longwave laser, which can transmit
10km at 2Gbps.
Note that
two strands per fiber optic link will be required; one to transmit in each direction.
Fiber Optics cables
125 micron dia.
Core 50 or 62.5
micron dia
Outer coating
250 micron dia.
Light Emitting Dioder
Multimode (MM) Fiber
"Multiple paths" for
to travel
Outer coating
250 micron dia.
125 micron dia.
9 micron
LX Laser =
Long Wavelength
Single Mode (SM) Fiber
"Single path" for
to travel
Two different types:
390 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
The strengths of using fiber optic cable
For large capacity data transmissions, from a strategic standpoint, fiber optic cable is the
most attractive type of OSI layer 1 physical connection, as shown in Figure D-9.
Figure D-9 What is powerful and strategic about fiber optic cable
Fiber optic cable offers strategically infinite bandwidth and performance, and has a very low
cost of maintenance (after it has been installed).
As described earlier in 10.3, “Wavelength Division Multiplexing” on page 287, Coarse Wave
Division Multiplexing (WDM) and Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) further exploit
fiber optic technology to:
򐂰 Assign a input fiber optic channel to a particular wavelength of light (think of it as a 'color')
򐂰 Transmit those 'colors' to the other end
򐂰 Separate the 'colors' into each individual output channel
Because the wavelength of light is infinitely divisible (gated only by the granularity and
sensitivity of the transmitters/receivers), after the fiber optic cable is installed, there is
unlimited bandwidth available over time using that same cable. No other known current
physical layer media has this powerful potential to the same degree.
There are other advantages which make dark fiber the fundamental physical layer networking
media of choice in today's world and for a very long time to come. They are:
򐂰 Immunity to electrical interference
򐂰 Very efficient use of space, very small
򐂰 Very long drive distances
򐂰 Very low cost (AFTER the physical installation is done)
For a very complete dissertation on optical fiber, see the IBM Redbook Understanding Optical
Communications, SG24-5230, which is available online at:
What is so powerful about Fiber Optic cable?
Therefore, fiber optic
cable itself has unlimited
capacity. This is a
strategic advantage
Fiber optic cable has:
immunity to electrical
very efficient use of space, very
very long drive distances
very low cost (AFTER the
physical installation is done)
Transmitters Receivers
Transmission Over Fiber
Multiple Protocols over a Fiber Pair
As the wavelength of light is infinitely divisable, the ultimate
capacity of a DWDM fiber optic cable is only limited by the
sensitivity of the fiber optic transmitter/receivers
Appendix D. Networking terminology tutorial 391
Even though this book was published several years ago, the information is still relevant.
On the long distance interconnect, the telecom companies have been building a fiber optic
infrastructure for over 20 years. They have their own internal telecom technologies (SONET
is one example) to capture, encapsulate, transmit, problem-determine, configure, and
manage their environments.
Other general comments about networking
We close with a few final comments.
The last mile issue
One of today's most important issues with dark fiber is whether the dark fiber or network
access is actually available at a specific customer location. To be ultimately usable to each
specific customer, the telecom provider must have a cost-effective means of getting that fiber
or network,
the last mile to the specific location that the customer wants.
This is not a trivial task, and should be investigated early in the cost estimation process. The
last mile issue is one of the critical elements in a cost-justifiable network design.
Basic network design concepts
Just as in Business Continuity, the basic concept is to divide the enterprise into tiers. At the
top of the hierarchy tier are the major central data centers which act as the major hubs. There
is a next lower tier of data/regional centers, followed by the local sites.
Dark fiber strand pricing and configuration
You can expect dark fiber strand pricing to be quoted in dollars or euros per strand per mile
per month. While costs vary, and clearly are decreasing depending on the geography and
competition, the cost for dark fiber strands is still usually substantial. Therefore, to avoid
unpleasant sticker shock for dark fiber infrastructure, bids to determine your cost should be
submitted very early in the infrastructure design process.
Be aware that you need two dark fiber strands (one for transmit, the other for receive).
In many circumstances there will be a need for at least two geographically separate paths to
the other site, so there is another factor causing the cost to effectively double again.
Although pricing for dark fiber varies by geography, and the cost is clearly decreasing over
time, you should still expect that the pricing of dark fiber strands is not small. As an example
in 2002, prices per dark fiber in the U.S.A could cost about US$300 to $400 per strand per
mile per month.
Telecom providers are not the only organizations that have their own dark fiber. Utilities and
transportation companies (because they already have right of way) often already have their
own dark fiber infrastructures.
392 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
Networking is a sophisticated technology with its own terminology, architecture, and products.
In today’s world requires more and more often, that we know something about other
technologies in order to evaluate, select, and maintain our complex IT infrastructures.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 393
Related publications
We consider the publications that we list in this section particularly suitable for a more
detailed discussion of the topics that we cover in this IBM Redbook.
IBM Redbooks
For information about ordering these publications, see “How to get IBM Redbooks” on
page 396. Note that some of these documents that we reference here might be available in
softcopy only.
򐂰 IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook, SG24-5250
򐂰 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548
򐂰 IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller, SG24-6423
򐂰 Disaster Recovery Using HAGEO and GeoRM, SG24-2018
򐂰 IBM System Storage DS8000 Series: Architecture and Implementation, SG24-6786
򐂰 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z, SG24-6782
򐂰 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Architecture and Implementation, SG24-6781
򐂰 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services in Open Environments, SG24-6783
򐂰 IBM System Storage DS8000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z, SG24-6787
򐂰 IBM System Storage DS8000 Series: Copy Services in Open Environments, SG24-6788
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server Model 800, SG24-6424
򐂰 DS4000 Best Practices and Performance Tuning Guide, SG24-6363
򐂰 IBM System Storage DS4000 Series and Storage Manager, SG24-7010
򐂰 Implementing Linux with IBM Disk Storage, SG24-6261
򐂰 The IBM System Storage N Series, SG24-7129
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage 3494 Tape Library: A Practical Guide to Tape Drives and Tape
Automation, SG24-4632
򐂰 Implementing IBM Tape in UNIX Systems, SG24-6502
򐂰 IBM Tape Solutions for Storage Area Networks and FICON, SG24-5474
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage Virtual Tape Server: Planning, Implementing, and Monitoring,
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage Peer-to-Peer Virtual Tape Server Planning and Implementation Guide,
򐂰 IBM System Storage Tape Library Guide for Open Systems, SG24-5946
394 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Introduction to Storage Area Networks, SG24-5470
򐂰 Designing an IBM Storage Area Network, SG24-5758
򐂰 IBM System Storage: Implementing an IBM SAN, SG24-6116
򐂰 IBM SAN Survival Guide, SG24-6143
򐂰 IBM SAN Survival Guide Featuring the Cisco Portfolio, SG24-9000
򐂰 IBM SAN Survival Guide Featuring the McDATA Portfolio, SG24-6149
򐂰 IBM SAN Survival Guide Featuring the IBM 3534 and 2109, SG24-6127
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Implementation Guide, SG24-5416
򐂰 Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.1 Technical Guide, SG24-6554
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler Version 8.2: New Features and Best Practices,
򐂰 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli Storage Management, SG24-6844
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Management Concepts, SG24-4877
򐂰 Deploying the Tivoli Storage Manager Client in a Windows 2000 Environment, SG24-6141
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager: Bare Machine Recovery for AIX with SYSBACK, REDP-3705
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Guide, SG24-6638
򐂰 Get More Out of Your SAN with IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, SG24-6687
򐂰 Using IBM Tivoli Storage Manager to Back Up Microsoft Exchange with VSS, SG24-7373
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Advanced Copy Services, SG24-7474
Online resources
These Web sites and URLs are also relevant as further information sources:
򐂰 SAN Volume Controller
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage DS8000 interoperability matrix:
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 interoperability matrix:
Related publications 395
򐂰 High availability:
򐂰 IBM services:
򐂰 TDM:
򐂰 Tivoli:
򐂰 IBM servers:
򐂰 IBM tape:
򐂰 SAP:
򐂰 IBM System i
򐂰 IBM & Cisco Alliance
򐂰 Brocade
򐂰 Disaster Recovery Institute Canada
򐂰 Disaster Recovery Institute International
򐂰 Disaster Recovery Journal
򐂰 McData
396 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
򐂰 Microsoft
򐂰 Microsoft VDS
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. 397
activation plan for DRP 79
allowable outage times 52
alternate sites
joint contract 85
alternative sites
three types 83
and 295
application header (AH) 381
Application Programming Interface (API) 363
application server 149
asynchronous 292
asynchronous data mirroring 359
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 289
automation 358
strategies 6
software 316
close integration 316
backup site 76
Back-up Window Objective see BWO
Backup/Restore 97, 156
bandwidth 284, 292, 299
sizing 291
using I/O write profile 299
BCP 358
data integrity 73
BIA 52, 80, 145, 159–160, 330
allowable outage times 52
disruptions impacts 52
recovery priorities 53
risk management 70
BRP 74
building block 306
Business Continuity 1–2, 137, 273, 358
additional business requirements questions 349
basic definition 276
challenge in selecting a solution 152
continuous operations 2
data volume 4
definition 1
Disaster Recovery 2
eliminate non-solutions 333
first stage 62, 253
high availability 2
hourglass concept in methodology 160
integrated solution 152
IT timeline 253
justifying to the business 349
key components 275
nature of solutions 152
planning for heterogeneous environment 251
services 305
Small and Medium Business considerations 8
Solution Selection Methodology 158
Solution Selection Methodology matrixes 329
solutions to heterogeneous platforms 256
specific requirements 274
successful implementation 275
tiers 138, 153
usage of methodology 159
value of Solution Selection methodology 167
versus Disaster Recovery 2
Business Continuity Plan see BCP
Business Continuity Solution Matrixes 169
notes 332
Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology 151
business requirements questions for detailed evalua-
tion team 352
hourglass concept 160
matrixes 329
questions 167
starter set of questions 330
steps 161
tutorial 158
Business Impact Analysis see BIA
business process 7, 138, 308
availability chain 326
Business Recovery Plan see BRP
business requirement 6, 152, 159, 323
BWO 358
CDWM 288
channel extension 289
equipment spoof 289
FICON and Fibre 290
implementation 289
methods 289
Chief Information Officer (CIO) 77
clustering 358
clustering technologies 308
common shared cluster 310
geographical dispersed clusters 312
nothing shared clusters 309
Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing see CWDM
cold sites 83
consistent data 358
contingency plan 50
types 73
Continuity of Operations Plan see COOP
Continuous Availability 358
continuous operation 2
398 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
considerations 86
of outage 147
of solution 147
critical data 274
critical records 72
CWDM 288
dark fiber 283, 355
last mile issue 391
strand pricing and configuration 391
integrity 73
loss 61
data availability 8, 97, 138, 156, 305, 308
Data Backup with no Hot-Site 140
Data Center
Point-to-Point configuration 283
data consistency 141, 252
data integrity 252, 321
data link header (DH) 381
data loss 274, 278, 308, 359
Several hours 141
data mirroring 313, 359
data protection 308
phase of DRP 71
data transport speed 284
asynchronous shadow 322
Disaster Recovery considerations 313
recovery 358
restart 358
shadow 321
synchronous shadow 321
tuning considerations 325
dedicated fiber 283
Business Continuity 1
degraded operations objective see DOO
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing see DWDM
direct attached storage (DAS) 363
rolling 363
Disaster Recovery 2, 274, 276, 357
basic disciplines 306
Disaster Recovery Plan see DRP
Disaster Recovery planning
notification and activation procedures 77
consequential losses 6
direct losses 6
indirect losses 6
types 5
disk drive 325
disruption impacts 52
DOO 145
DRP 43, 69, 74, 83, 359
activation 77
activation of team 80
activation plan 79
assumptions 75
costs 86
critical needs 55
data collection 55
data protection 71
end user recovery 80
network recovery 80
notification 77
overview 70
reconstitution phase 82
recovery plans 80
risk analysis 47
systems recovery 80
teams and responsibilities 76
DWDM 288, 383
ELB 261
electronic vaulting 140
Eliminate Non-Solutions tables 329
end user recovery 80
Enhanced Remote Mirroring 313, 319
eRCMF 359
Error-correcting code (ECC) 307
protocol 292
Extended Remote Copy 359
failback 359
failover 306, 359
FCIP 290
FCP 360
fiber 359
fiber transport 283
dark fiber 283
fibre 360
Fibre Channel (FC) 288, 290
PPRC implementation 293
protocol 290
Fibre Channel over IP see FCIP
Fibre Channel Protocol see FCP
fibre optic cables 389
protocol 293
FlashCopy 266
volume 318
freeze 360
fuzzy copy 360
GDOC 360
GDPS 360
GDPS HyperSwap Manager 165, 258
General Parallel File System 360
General Parallel File System see GPFS
Index 399
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS) 84
Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex see GDPS
Global Copy 360
Global Mirror 258, 360
Global Mirror Utility (GMU) 361
GPFS 320
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
heterogeneous Business Continuity
objectives 252
one application, multiple platforms 268
heterogeneous environment
planning for Business Continuity 251
heterogeneous IT recovery
timeline 257
heterogeneous solutions
Business Continuity 256
High Availability (HA) 2, 360–361
High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)
DB2 UDB feature 294
highly automated, business integrated 142
Host Bus Adapter (HBA) 149
hot site 140
hot sites 84
hourglass concept 160
human error 277, 308
I/O activity
iSeries tools 299
many measures 295
measuring with z/OS tools 295
I/O operation 292
round trips 292
I/O size (IOS) 292
IBM Global Services 305
eRCMF service offering 359
IBM Managed Hosting 372
services 372
IBM Network Consulting for Optical Networks 375
IBM Network Consulting for Resilient Networks 376
IBM Network Consulting Services for Storage Networking
IBM Network Consulting, Integration Services - Network
Management 377
IBM Network Integration, Deployment Services for Optical
Networking 375
IBM Network Integration, Deployment services for Stor-
age Networking 376
IBM Rapid Network Deployment for e-Business 377
IGS services 366
Network Deployment 377
Optical/Storage Networking 375
Resilient Business and Infrastructure Assessment
IGS solutions
for resilient infrastructures 370
Incident Response Plan see IRP
Internet Data Center Server Farm Cabling 378
iostat 297
iostat command 296
IP packet 289
IRP 74
IT infrastructure 138
IT timeline 253
latency 284, 292
Levels of Recovery 361
Planned Outage 361
Transaction Integrity 361
Unplanned Outage 361
performance tools 297
Log file 313, 316
Use RAID-10 325
logical control unit (LCU) 295
logical online backup (LOB) 316
storage layer 317
logical storage mirror 318
logical volume 313
Logical Volume Manager see LVM
logical volume mirror 318
LUN 318
LVM 293
LVM mirroring
Managed Services Service Level Agreements 283
Media Access Control (MAC) 384
steps 161
Metro Mirror 313, 359
Metro/Global Copy 362
metropolitan area 361
mirrored sites 84
mirroring 359
remote storage 318
mobile sites 84
Monitoring and Performance Analysis of the Network In-
frastructure 377
multiple platform 256
transaction integrity 268
Network Consulting and Integration services
IGS services
Network Consulting and Integration 375
Network Deployment 377
network header (NH) 381
network recovery 80
Network Recovery Objective see NRO
network topologies 282
400 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
network transport
technology selection 286
testing 290
networking terminology
tutorial 379
nmon tool 297
non-solutions table 167
personnel 78
NRO 61, 145, 358, 362
Number of Transactions (NT) 315
Number of Transactions/Second (NTS) 315
Occupant Emergency Plan see OEP
OEP 74
On Demand services 369
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) 324
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model 380
operating system (OS) 149, 309
operational process 138
optical amplification 287
optical amplifiers 288
Optical Fiber Cabling Solutions for the Enterprise Data
Center 378
OSI Layer 1 - Physical Layer 381
OSI Layer 2 - Data Link Layer 382
OSI Layer 3 - Network Layer 384
OSI Layer 4, 5, 6, 7 - Transport, Session, Presentation,
Application Layers 386
Parallel Sysplex 358
redundancy 361
perfmon 298
personnel 78
Physical Recovery Time (PRT) 315
Pick-up Truck Access Method see PTAM
planned outage 5, 164
POC 78, 132–133
point-in-time (PIT) 141, 362
point-in-time copy (PTC) 141, 149, 360, 362
Points of Contact see POC
power on self test (POST) 307
predictive failure analyses (PFA) 307
presentation header (PH) 381
primary site 322
Private Virtual Circuits (PVC) 383
recovery 81
production site 323
latency implications 292
PTAM 362
RAID 149
Rapid Data Recovery 97, 156
RDO 61, 145
reconstitution phase 82
end user 80
IT infrastructure 138
levels 361
network 80
plans 80
priorities 53
procedures 81
sequence of activities 81
strategies 6
systems 80
recovery data center 362
Recovery Point Objective see RPO
recovery site 86
alternate personnel 130
recovery strategy 4, 6, 77
data available at all times 7
impact of exponential growth of data 6
impact of globalization 7
impact of mixed environments 7
impact of regulatory requirements 7
impact of technological change 7
impact of threats 7
recovery time 138, 160, 315
data availability 138
key objectives 146
Recovery Time Objective see RTO
Redbooks Web site 396
Contact us xiv
regenerative repeaters 288
remote copy 362
remote mirroring 149
various implementations 293
remote site 322
remote storage mirroring 318
LVM mirroring
software application 294
storage system mirroring 293
business process 138
operational process 138
risk management 70
RMF 295
cache statistics 295
FICON Channel Path Activity report 295
RMF Magic 295
rolling disaster 363
RPO 61, 63, 145, 159, 161, 254, 291, 330, 358, 362
RTO 61–63, 94, 145, 153, 157, 159, 253–254, 306, 330,
358, 362
Rule of Thumb (ROT)
performance 302
SAN 149
SAN Volume Controller 258, 363
secondary data center 362
Index 401
secondary site 322
current data 322
service level 139, 276
service loss 61
service-level agreement (SLA) 84
services and planning 365
session header (SH) 381
shadow copy 363
shadow database 321
asynchronous 322
synchronous 321
single point 276, 294
single point-of-failure (SPOF) 306
single points-of-failure see SPOF
cold 83
hot 84
mirrored 84
mobile 84
warm 84
small computer system interface (SCSI) 292
Business Continuity affordability 278
Business Continuity implementation 277
Business Continuity implementation steps 278
Business Continuity planning 277
continuous operations 276
Disaster Recovery 276
High Availability (HA) 276
IT data center and staff 275
IT needs 275
prevention services 276
recovery services 277
tier levels 279
SMB company 273–274
Business Continuity 276
Business Continuity solutions 275
top priorities 274
SMB enterprise 273
software application replication 294
solution component 279
various types 279
solution matrix 164
SONET 283, 383
SONET ring 283
speed of light 292
SPOF 361, 363
standby database 323
Step B 163
Step C 165
storage area network (SAN) 321
storage capacity 323
storage device 274
storage device level 149
storage networking
often overlooked aspects 8
storage system 309, 313, 318, 324
remote online data protection 318
subrate multiplexing 288
Supply Chain Management (SCM) 275
synchronous 291
synchronous data mirroring 359
system layer architecture
application level 149
functional level 150
hierarchical dependencies 148
operating system device driver level 149
operating system level 149
storage area network level 149
storage device level 149
storage server controller level 149
systems recovery 80
TDM 288
card 289
Tier 0 140
Tier 1 140
Tier 2 140
Tier 2,1
planned outage matrix 347
transaction integrity matrix 349
unplanned outage matrix 348
Tier 3 140
transaction integrity matrix 347
unplanned outage matrix 346
Tier 4 141
transaction integrity matrix 346
unplanned outage matrix 345
Tier 4,3
planned outage matrix 344
Tier 5 141
planned outage 341
transaction integrity matrix 343
unplanned outage matrix 342
Tier 6 141
planned outage matrix 337
transaction integrity matrix 340
unplanned outage matrix 339
Tier 7 142
planned outage matrix 333
transaction integrity matrix 334
unplanned outage matrix 334
Tier/RTO 163
tiers 363
Business Continuity 153
levels 8, 137, 279
selecting optimum 145
Time Division Multiplexing see TDM
timeline 253, 257
Tivoli Monitoring 307
TotalStorage Rapid Data Recovery for UNIX and Win-
dows 258
transaction integrity 62, 141, 161, 254, 330
Recovery Time Objective 63, 254
transport header (TH) 381
Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
402 IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
unplanned outage 4–5, 164, 252
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) 381
VDS 363
Virtual Private Network see VPN
virtualization 363
Virtual Private Network see VPN
VSS 363
warm sites 84
warm standby database 322
WDM 287
optical amplification 287
subrate multiplexing 288
performance tools 298
measuring I/O characteristics 294
XRC 359
z/OS Global Mirror 165
zero data loss 141
(0.5” spine)
250 <-> 459 pages
IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
IBM System Storage Business Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
IBM System Storage Business
Continuity: Part 1 Planning Guide
SG24-6547-03 ISBN 0738489700
IBM Redbooks are developed
by the IBM International
Technical Support
Organization. Experts from
IBM, Customers and Partners
from around the world create
timely technical information
based on realistic scenarios.
Specific recommendations
are provided to help you
implement IT solutions more
effectively in your
For more information:
IBM System Storage
Business Continuity:
Part 1 Planning Guide
Describes current
trends and strategies
for Business
Explains how to select
an appropriate
Business Continuity
Presents a
Business Continuity
planning workshop
A disruption to your critical business processes could leave the entire
business exposed. Today’s organizations face ever-escalating
customer demands and expectations. There is no room for downtime.
You need to provide your customers with continuous service because
your customers have a lot of choices. Your competitors are standing
ready to take your place. As you work hard to grow your business, you
face the challenge of keeping your business running without a glitch.
To remain competitive, you need a resilient IT infrastructure.
This IBM Redbook introduces the importance of Business Continuity in
today’s IT environments. It provides a comprehensive guide to planning
for IT Business Continuity and can help you design and select an IT
Business Continuity solution that is right for your business
We discuss the concepts, procedures, and solution selection for
Business Continuity in detail, including the essential set of IT Business
Continuity requirements that you need to identify a solution. We also
present a rigorous Business Continuity Solution Selection Methodology
that includes a sample Business Continuity workshop with
step-by-step instructions in defining requirements. This IBM Redbook
is meant as a central resource book for IT Business Continuity planning
and design and is intended for anyone who wants to learn about
Business Continuity trends and strategies.
The companion title to this IBM Redbook, IBM System Storage
Business Continuity: Part 2 Solutions Guide, SG24-6548, describes
detailed product solutions in the System Storage Resiliency Portfolio.
Back cover