Frequently Asked Questions
about the ServiceNow’s business continuity
management program
© 2019 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
What is the ServiceNow business resiliency (business continuity and/or disaster recovery
ServiceNow has a formally documented Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP)
which describes the recovery resources, procedures, and priorities necessary to provide
seamless customer access in the event a disaster takes place that impacts customer
data at the data center(s). The ISCP is dependent on ServiceNow's Advanced High
Availability (AHA) data center architecture which provides replication and
redundancy. ServiceNow's data centers are arranged in pairs. All customer production
data is stored in both data centers in a pair and kept in sync using asynchronous
database replication. Subproduction instances are only located in a single data center
and are not replicated between data centers. Both data centers in a pair are active at
all times and have identical processing capabilities; each data center has the ability to
support the combined production load of the pair. Each data center has multiple ISPs
coming into every data center cage, redundant network paths throughout the
network, redundant disks in RAID arrays, redundant power suppliers, and many other
hardware and configurations designed to remove single points of failure from the
architecture. In the event of a disaster, ServiceNow activates a failover process that
transfers customer operations to the alternate data center in the pair. From this
perspective, ServiceNow is providing customers with business continuity as opposed to
disaster recovery.
The ISCP is tested annually to validate and improve the ISCP. Additionally, the failover
process is informally tested on a daily basis as ServiceNow uses failover to reduce the
impact of maintenance on its service. ServiceNow's ISCP controls are validated on an
annual basis during its ISO 27001 assessment.
ServiceNow's ISCP is reviewed at least annually by senior management and is available
electronically to all employees. The ISCP is replicated between both data centers in the
pair. Key ServiceNow personnel have been trained in their emergency response and
recovery roles. The executive sponsor of the ISCP is the Chief Product Officer.
The ISCP is based on National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication 800-34 ""Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology (IT)
Systems"" which provides instructions, recommendations, and considerations for
government IT contingency planning.
At this time, we do not have a remedy for dual data center loss, but have geographic
diversity between data center pairs to reduce that risk.
Please refer to the ISCP here:
© 2019 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
Please refer to the ISCP Test Report here:
Please refer to the Corporate Business Continuity SOP here:
Does the business resiliency program include a formal annual (or more frequent)
executive management review of business continuity key performance indicators,
accomplishments, and issues?
ServiceNow's ISCP is reviewed at least annually by senior management and is available
electronically to all employees. The ISCP is replicated between both data centers in the
pair. Key ServiceNow personnel have been trained in their emergency response and
recovery roles. The executive sponsor of the ISCP is the Chief Product Officer.
Please refer to the Latest ServiceNow Information System Contingency Plan - Test
Report here:
Are formal business continuity procedures developed and documented?
While ServiceNow's Information System Contingency Plan covers the ongoing
operations of the cloud environment, ServiceNow has a formally documented
Corporate Business Continuity Plan (BCP) which describes the procedures to recover
and sustain its business operations. The annual Business Impact Analysis (BIA) includes
the identification of critical resources and an assessment of potential disruption
impacts, allowable availability thresholds, and recovery priorities. When combined, the
operational risks provide ServiceNow with a comprehensive assessment of its business
continuity posture. Due to the sensitivity of content, ServiceNow's BIA is not shared
Semi-annual tabletop exercises are performed to validate the health of the BCP
capabilities. ServiceNow's BCP controls are validated on an annual basis during its ISO
27001 assessment.
ServiceNow's BCP is reviewed at least annually by senior management and is available
electronically to all employees involved in response and recovery. Key ServiceNow
personnel receive training in the form of detailed, hands-on business continuity recovery
drills and exercises. The executive sponsor of the BCP is the Chief Financial Officer.
© 2019 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
For more details:
Please refer to the (10914) Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP) here:
Please refer to the Latest ServiceNow Information System Contingency Plan - Test
Report here:
Please refer to the (POL0020158) Corporate Business Continuity SOP here:
Do formal business continuity procedures include the continuity of Information security
activities and processes (e.g., intrusion detection, vulnerability management, log
As part of ServiceNow's High Availability offering, in the event that a primary colocation
data center becomes unavailable, the secondary colocation data center will resume
the functions with live data.
For more details:
Please refer to the Advance High Availability (AHA) whitepaper here:
Do formal business continuity procedures include the continuity of IT operations
activities and processes (e.g., network operations, data center operations, help desk)?
ServiceNow has documented Corporate Business Continuity SOP for continuity of
operational activities and processes including IT. ServiceNow has customer support
offices located around the globe to provide 24/7, follow-the-sun support for
ServiceNow's customers. Major support locations are San Diego, CA; Orlando, FL;
London, United Kingdom; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Sydney, Australia. Incidents and
problems reported by customers, are recorded and tracked in HI, ServiceNow's
customer facing internal instance of our product.
Does the overall management of critical response and recovery include roles and
responsibilities for those who invoke and execute the plan?
© 2019 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
ServiceNow Control:
ISCP documentation includes the roles and responsibilities for those who invoke and
execute the plans.
For more details:
Please refer to the (10914) Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP) here:
Please refer to the Latest ServiceNow Information System Contingency Plan - Test
Report here:
Does the overall management of critical response and recovery include alternate and
diverse means of communications in the event standard communication channels are
"ServiceNow Control:
ISCP documentation includes Appendix F Alternate Site And Telecommunications.
Additionally, section 3.2 Notification covers multiple communication channels to be
used for internal communication and notification to customers.
For more details:
Please refer to the (10914) Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP) here:
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Is there a periodic (at least annual) review of your Business Resiliency procedures?
ServiceNow has a formally documented Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP)
which describes the recovery resources, procedures, and priorities necessary to provide
seamless customer access in the event a disaster takes place that impacts customer
data at the data center(s). The ISCP is dependent on ServiceNow's Advanced High
Availability (AHA) data center architecture which provides replication and
redundancy. ServiceNow's data centers are arranged in pairs. All customer production
data is stored in both data centers in a pair and kept in sync using asynchronous
database replication. Subproduction instances are only located in a single data center
and are not replicated between data centers. Both data centers in a pair are active at
all times and have identical processing capabilities; each data center has the ability to
© 2019 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
support the combined production load of the pair. Each data center has multiple ISPs
coming into every data center cage, redundant network paths throughout the
network, redundant disks in RAID arrays, redundant power suppliers, and many other
hardware and configurations designed to remove single points of failure from the
architecture. In the event of a disaster, ServiceNow activates a failover process that
transfers customer operations to the alternate data center in the pair. From this
perspective, ServiceNow is providing customers with business continuity as opposed to
disaster recovery.
Is a critical vendor Dependency Chart or list made available to clients?
For more details:
Please refer to the Data Center Certifications here:
Do contracts with Critical Service Providers include a penalty or remediation clause for
breach of availability and continuity SLAs?
Contracts with colocation data centers include penalties for breach of availability and
continuity SLAs. Penalties include indemnification for damages, service credits for
downtime, termination right, and continued obligation for resolution.
Please rank your financial resiliency plan that is in place to weather this event within the
next 3 months of disruption.
As per our current assessment, there is no impact to ServiceNow's operations and
employees. ServiceNow' is closely monitoring the situation.
Are products/services reliant upon any non-US personnel or facilities?
ServiceNow has customer support offices located around the globe to provide 24/7,
follow-the-sun support for ServiceNow's customers. In the unlikely event that one region
is unable to operate, another region will take over to ensure consistent, world-class
customer support for every customer.
Further, U.S. Federal Government customers will continue to be supported only by our
U.S. Government Customer Support team.
© 2019 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, Now Platform, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective
companies with which they are associated.
More information is available in https://hi.service-
Do you have a pandemic policy?
ServiceNow has documented business continuity plans which are updated annually
and address scenarios such as pandemic response. these plans are up to date to
manage pandemic situations and include asset dependencies (office, people, critical
third-party dependencies etc.).
Our crisis management plan address cross-functional response to pandemic along with
external (government, regulators, media, etc.) and internal communications protocol.
a. If yes, is it being executed?
ServiceNow has not activated any of the business continuity plans yet. However, our
emergency and continuity teams are well informed and on standby for the situation.
We will keep this FAQ updated if anything changes
For more information