Local Law Filing
New York State Department of State
Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code
One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231-0001
(Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.)
Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not
use italics or underlining to indicate new matter.
□County □City Town □Village
of Highland
Local Law No. ___ of the year 2021
Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Highland as follows:
(See Attached for Text of Local Law)
(If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.)
SECTION I Amendments to §190-7 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-7 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended with the addition of the
following terms:
An establishment, either publically or privately owned, complete with buildings, structures, sanitary facilities and
ancillary services designated for the recreation and education of youth. The definition shall not include
motels/hotels, campgrounds, or short-term rentals as defined herein.
An establishment that prepares food and/or meals on the premises, and where such food and/or meals are
delivered to another location for consumption.
Arrangement or juxtaposition of multiple communications antennas and equipment which may be for multiple
users on a single communications tower.
Any tower, pole, monopole or other freestanding structure designed and constructed for the purpose of
supporting one or more antennas. This term shall include the structure and any ancillary equipment, such as guy
wires. New monopoles or extensions of existing utility poles or other poles for the purpose of supporting antennas
shall be considered "new tower construction” under this chapter.
The addition, removal or change of any of the physical or visually discernible components or aspects of a
communications tower, such as antennas, ancillary equipment, vehicular access and/or parking areas. A
modification shall not include the replacement of any components of a communications tower where the
replacement is identical to the component being replaced or for any matters that involve the normal repair and
maintenance of a communications tower.
The area between the Delaware River and the landward boundary shown on the Town of Highland Zoning Map.
A dwelling unit or units, which may include a recreational vehicle, tent, or the like, in which individuals inhabit for
seasonal or recreational purposes, and for 180 consecutive days or less within a year.
A set of plans prepared by or under the direction of a licensed/certified professional indicating the specific
measures and sequencing to be used to control sediment and erosion on a development site during and after
construction and be applicable for all construction and/or development without the approval of a Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), except as otherwise provided herein, including all construction, residential or
commercial, on slopes 15% or greater.
A person, no younger than 21-years of age, that is either the property owner or a designee of the property owner
of a Short Term Rental (STR), and who lives within a 15-mile driving distance from the STR property and shall be
required to be available to promptly deal with emergencies, other STR renter issues, and compliance with STR
operating requirements.
Construction activity including clearing, grading, excavating, soil disturbance or placement of fill that results in land
disturbance of equal to or greater than one (1) acre, or activities disturbing less than one (1) acre of total land area
that is part of a larger common plan of development or sale, even though multiple separate and distinct land
development activities may take place at different times on different schedules.
An incidental space located on a residential lot, within a dwelling unit or within an accessory building, that enables
the homeowner(s) to conduct office or business-related activities associated with the homeowner’s occupation(s),
so long as the activities do not meet the definition or standards established by this Chapter for a home occupation.
Remote offices shall not be permitted within any temporary dwelling or temporary structure.
The area of property intended for the parking of vehicles and/or trailers regardless of surface materials. Such
Parking Areas or Lots shall be subject to all regulations herein. Driveways shall not be deemed a Parking Area for
purposes of screening.
Structures and facilities owned publically for the purpose and provision of electric, gas, communication, water or
sewer services. This shall not include, communications towers, power generating facilities, major electric lines, or
major transmission lines.
An accessory use or supplementary business allowing a Short Term Rental (STR), not to exceed thirty days per
booking, of at least one room in a private home or habitable accessory structures. Two types of STR uses are
allowed in the Town of Highland: Owner Occupied Short Term Rental and Non-Owner Occupied Short Term Rental.
A supplementary business in an owner-occupied private residence in which bedrooms are offered for rent
within the residence and/or habitable accessory structures, and in which no public restaurant is
maintained and no other commercial services are offered.
A supplementary business in a non-owner occupied private residence in which the entire private
residence and/or habitable accessory structures are offered for rent, with no owner/host present on the
property, and in which no public restaurant is maintained and no other commercial services are offered.
A Plan prepared in accordance with the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual and/ or other NYS guidance
materials, for controlling runoff and pollution from a site during and after any Land Development Activities. Such
plan shall be subject to review by both the Town of Highland (Code Enforcement Officer) and any required NYS
agencies and shall meet all requirements and standards of set forth by reviewing entities.
The manipulation or alteration of a stream’s course, condition, capacity, or location that causes more than minimal
interruption of normal stream processes. This is inclusive of, but not limited to straightening, deepening, widening,
clearing, diking, or lining existing streams with concrete, riprap, stones, or other fill products.
A structure without any foundation, footing, or attachment to an existing structure, often with open walls, which
shall be required to be removed after a designated activity or use for which the temporary structure was erected
has ceased.
Any electric power line, cable, or conduit used for transmission of power between two points which has design
capacity of 125 kilovolts or greater and extending a distance of one mile or more in length, or between 100 and
125 kilovolts extending a distance of ten miles or more in length. This shall include lines that may be above ground
or buried. This shall not include any communications or electrical distribution lines.
A facility which treats sewage or discharges treated effluent to the watershed, and which requires a permit under
Environmental Conservation Law, installed for the purpose of treating, neutralizing, stabilizing or disposing of
sewage by removal of contaminants accomplished by unit operations or processes or by a combination of such
operations and processes, including any combination of the following: preliminary treatment, flow equalization,
primary settling, biological treatment, chemical treatment, secondary settling, filtration, aeration, disinfection,
sludge processing, or any other processes as may be applicable to a given design for a wastewater treatment plant.
Wastewater treatment plants shall not include intermediate sized sewage treatment systems as defined in these
rules and regulations. This shall not include Intermediate Sized Sewage Treatment Systems as defined by the New
York State Department of Health.
Activity in which a participant traverses from one point to another by use of a cable or rope line suspended
between two support structures.
Section §190-7 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended by replacing the following terms
in their entirety as follows:
A device, which may be mounted to a building or structure, which is used to transmit and receive communication
signals. This term shall include transmitting and receiving elements and rotating or other directional elements.
An establishment in which the principal activity is the general servicing and repair of motor vehicles, including but
not limited to regular maintenance; sales, installation and replacement of parts and accessories; motor,
transmission, chassis, rear and front end repair and overhaul; body and fender repair and painting. Shall be limited
to 2,000 square feet in the R1 and R2 Zoning Districts within the Designated Delaware River Corridor.
Temporary housing provided for tourists for one or more nights as a business for profit, which may serve breakfast
or other meals to guests only. A Bed and Breakfast may not have more than six (6) bedrooms available for guest
Offices in which an occupation or vocation in a specialized field is practiced. Examples are, but not limited to,
medical, law, financial services, and real estate offices.
A tract of land providing ten (10) or more sites for temporary dwelling in Recreational Vehicles (RVs), travel
trailers, or by the erection of a tent or other portable sleeping accommodations.
A covered area for the storage or housing of not more than two registered motor vehicles, with or without walls,
but not fully enclosed. A detached carport is an accessory building.
The substantial removal, 90 % or more, of trees, for other than agricultural or approved wildlife management
purposes of any forested tract of land three (3) acres or greater.
A use primarily devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages and in which the service of food is only incidental to
the consumption of such beverages. For the purposes of this chapter, this definition shall not include “Farm
Brewery” as defined herein.
Buildings, structures, or vehicles totaling less than 144 square feet in ground area for the sale of agricultural
products and camp firewood. This definition does not include operations primarily for the sale of crafts or non-
agricultural items.
The total horizontal area of a parcel of land included within the exterior lines of a lot, not including any part of a
street or public right-of-way, or any lands underwater. Any calculation of allowable density of a lot area shall
exclude the measurement .of any part of a street or public right-of-way, or any lands underwater.
Any establishment consisting of a building or group of buildings providing sleeping accommodations with
individual bathrooms and designed for use by transient travelers. Shall be limited to twelve (12) or fewer units for
lands within the Designated Delaware River Corridor
A vehicular unit, 400 square feet or less at its largest horizontal projection and primarily designed as temporary
living quarters for seasonal, recreational camping, or travel use, and which either has its own motive power or is
mounted on or drawn by another vehicle. The basic entities are travel trailer, camping trailer, truck camper and
motor home. A recreational vehicle shall not be designed primarily for use as a permanent dwelling but as
temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel or seasonal use and shall not be inhabited in excess of
180 days per year.
A business enterprise preparing and serving food and beverage selected from a full menu by patrons seated at a
table or counter, and for the most part consumed on the premises, which may or may not include the sale of
alcoholic beverages as an accessory use, such as but not limited to a diner, food counter, or the like.
An enclosed store for the sale of retail goods such as but not limited to a department store, convenience store,
food store, or any other store for the retail sale of other products.
Shall be the line formed by the meeting of the tops of sloping surfaces of land and/ or cliff faces, usually at the
highest elevation and which is visible from one or more of the following locations: New York State Route 97, the
Delaware River. Or publicly-owned lands. This shall not be interpreted to signify any boundary.
A store or office offering the following types of services:
A. Personal convenience services including but not limited to, barber shops, beauty shops, shoe repair,
and dry cleaning shops;
B. Specialty services, including but not limited to, photo studios, tailors, taxidermists, and catering
services, but shall not include a catering service facility;
C. Service establishments shall not have any outdoor storage of equipment, and be limited in size to no
greater than 2,000 square feet in the following districts: R1, R2, and WLRD.
Section §190-7 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amends the replaces the following terms
in their entirety with the following terms as follows:
Firehouse or Other Emergency Service Headquarters is repealed and replaced as follows:
A building or structure in which fire-fighting apparatus and equipment, ambulance apparatus and
equipment, police vehicles/apparatus and/or equipment and/or any other emergency services
apparatus and equipment are housed and stored. Such buildings may or may not include meeting rooms
or any other ancillary facilities for the use of the members of these groups.
Farm Market is repealed and replaced as follows:
Any structure or place, temporary or permanent, used by three or more producers, or the direct sale of
farm, food, and/or related products from producers to consumer.
Game Room is repealed and replaced as follows:
A portion of a premises used or intended to be used for the operation of amusement devices,
supplementary and subordinate to the permitted principal use of the premises therein.
Repair Shop is repealed and replaced as follows:
Any retail service operation which may be used for, but not limited to, the sale of motor fuels or
petroleum products and small engine products, storage, repair, rental, greasing, washing, servicing,
adjusting or equipping small engines, lawn and garden, and recreational equipment. Total structures
associated with such establishment shall not exceed 2,000 square feet within the R1 and the R2 Zoning
Districts in the Designated Delaware River Corridor.
SECTION 2 Amendments to § 190-13 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-13(D) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
D. Zoning districts. Applications for a RCFD may be considered for property within any zoning district in
the Town of Highland outside of the Designated Delaware River Corridor Zoning Districts.
SECTION 3 Amendments to § 190-18 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-18 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
A. Accessory buildings shall be set back at least 15 feet from side or rear lot line(s), and shall be located
with front yard setbacks as stated in Schedule 1: Area and Bulk Regulations, also not less than 10 feet
from the principal building or as required by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and
Building Code.
(1) An accessory building of 144 square feet or less in area not exceeding two in number, may
be located in any required side or rear yard provided that such building shall not exceed 15
feet in overall height.
(2) An unroofed deck is to be considered an accessory structure, which shall comply with all
setback requirements only when more than eight inches above the finished grade at its
highest point.
(3) All accessory structures shall meet with the appropriate minimum setback requirements as
set forth in this chapter or elsewhere in this chapter.
B. Remote Offices, as defined herein shall be permitted in accessory buildings and shall adhere to the
following requirements:
(1) No more than one toilet and one sink may be installed and shall be connected to the same
septic and well of the existing residential lot or dwelling, or be connected to the same sewer
and/ or water laterals where such public utilities exist.
(2) The installation of a kitchen shall not be permitted unless constructed for an accessory
apartment where such accessory apartments are otherwise permitted.
(3) At no time shall any premises be used in such a manner to cause the emission therefrom of
any offensive or noxious odors, vapors, fumes, glare, dust, smoke, gas, vibration, noise or
radiation, or be used in such a manner as to cause injury, annoyance, or disturbance to any
surrounding properties or to their owners or occupants.
(4) No identification signage shall be permitted, nor shall any display of goods or products be
visible from any adjacent street or property lines.
(5) No nonresident employees or assistants shall conduct any business at this Remote Office.
C. Accessory buildings may not be used as a dwelling, except that nothing herein shall be construed to
prevent the construction of accessory apartments for family members, where such apartments are
otherwise permitted.
D. Retired manufactured housing, mobile homes, travel trailers, retired truck bodies, retired tractor
trailers, and any other unlicensed trailers may not be used as accessory structures.
E. Preexisting, nonconforming, retired manufactured housing, mobile homes, travel trailers, and
unlicensed trailers that were in place prior to the date of the adoption of this subsection may
continue to be used as accessory structures, provided that they are screened from view from the
road fronting said property, and from the lots adjacent to said property, and provided that the
cooking, refrigeration and plumbing facilities have been removed or disabled. Notwithstanding
Article 6 of this Chapter, such preexisting nonconforming structures being used as accessory
buildings may not be replaced.
F. When a building permit has been issued, construction trailers, bulk containers and other storage
facilities normally associated with the building trade may be allowed during the period of active
construction, provided that they are not used as dwelling units and are removed immediately upon
issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance or upon the expiration and
nonrenewal of the building permit.
G. Where a permanent dwelling has been issued a building permit and is under construction, a mobile
home or other temporary dwelling may be located on a lot and lived in for the duration of the
building permit. Occupancy of the mobile home or temporary dwelling shall be limited to those
persons who intend to reside in the dwelling under construction. The location of the mobile home or
temporary dwelling must conform to all area and bulk requirements and shall adhere to any
additional local, county, or State regulations which may be applicable including those relating to
health, safety, and sanitations. Mobile homes or temporary dwellings used in this manner must be
removed upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance associated with a
newly constructed residence, or upon expiration and nonrenewal of the building permit in
accordance with Chapter 34. Building and Energy Code Administration and Enforcement.
H For owners of a lot meeting or exceeding the minimum lot area for the lots district, a permit may be
obtained to properly install a steel shipping container or containers not to exceed a total of 320
square feet within the rear half of their lot with rear and side setbacks honored, provided the steel
shipping container (or containers) is painted a flat natural color such as olive drab or olive green or
other color approved by the Code Enforcement Officer and provided that if there is a house not
owned by the applicant within 250 feet of the site, evergreen trees must be planted and maintained
around the portion facing the non-owned resident at a spacing not to exceed 8 feet. Steel shipping
containers that were in place prior to November 8, 2008 are exempt from obtaining a permit and
complying with this section.
I. Commercially home-delivered storage containers, similar but not limited to PODS, or U-Box, shall be
permitted on a property for no longer than three (3) months consecutively and only when associated
with individuals relocating domiciles, or for loading such container for offsite storage, or unloading
the container from offsite storage. This type of container shall not be permitted for any permanent
onsite storage or any other use. All accessory building and structure requirements shall apply to
these containers.
SECTION 4 Amendments to § 190-20 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-20(C) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
C. Minimum Lot Area Required. Accessory dwellings shall only be permitted on lots that meet the
minimum lot area requirement, as defined, for at least one dwelling unit in the applicable zoning
district as follows:
(1) Residential District (R-1): Minimum of two (2) acres required.
(2) Residential-Agricultural District (R-2): Minimum of three (3) acres required.
(3) Hamlet Commercial (HC): Minimum of two (2) acres required.
SECTION 5 Amendments to § 190-21 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-21 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed and amended in its entirety as
§ 190-21 Short Term Rental
A. Purpose and Intent. This section is enacted to allow for the use of residential dwelling units in the
Town of Highland for temporary and short-term rental purposes promoting a local tourism economy
while protecting the safety of renters and the privacy for nearby residents, their freedom from
nuisances, and the protection of their property investments.
B. Applicability and Approvals Required.
(1) All Short term rental (STR) uses are allowed in all zoning districts where single family
dwellings are permitted pursuant to §190-12, “District Schedule of District Use Regulations.”
(2) STR uses shall be restricted to one family dwellings, or other habitable accessory structures,
as these terms are defined by this chapter.
(3) Annual Operating Permit. All STR uses require an annual operating permit from the Building
Department as outlined herein.
(4) Non-owner occupied STR uses as defined herein shall additionally require Site Plan Approval
as outlined in Article VIII “Special Uses and Site Plan Approvals.”
C. Operating Permit Application. The following shall be submitted to the Building Department to obtain
an initial operating permit and all subsequent annual operating permits.
(1) A Completed annual operating permit application, including proof of ownership and
documentation of any easement of right-of-way used to access the subject property.
(2) Safety/egress plan, to be posted in a visible location within the rental unit and on the back of
each bedroom door.
(3) A parking layout plan identifying the amount and location of parking spaces in accordance
with §190-40, Parking Regulations”. Parking for an STR use shall be calculated the same as
for a hotel, motel, or a bed-and-breakfasts.
(4) Garbage removal plan. All STR uses shall provide a scheduled garbage removal in accordance
with an approved removal plan, and garbage receptacles shall not be left out for more than
24 hours.
(5) Both the property owner and host, as defined herein, shall be responsible for addressing
renter issues and compliance with STR use requirements within 24 hours. When host
contact information changes the Building Department shall be notified within seven days
and the updated contact information shall be posted within the STR.
D. Site Plan Approval. Site plan approval shall be required for all non-owner occupied STR uses. A site
plan application shall accompany the operating permit application outlined above.
(1) STR Registration. Upon approval of the first annual operating permit and in the case of a
non-owner occupied STR use, the issuance of site plan approval and annual operation
permit, the STR use shall be deemed registered with the Town of Highland Building
(2) Only the property owner is permitted to register a STR use.
(3) Change in ownership. Within 30-days of a change in ownership of an approved STR use, the
owner shall be required to submit a new annual operating permit application in accordance
with this section.
E. The existing operating permit shall become null and void if the owner fails to submit a new operating
permit within 30-days of ownership transfer.
F. Existing valid non-owner occupied STR site plan approvals shall transfer to the new owner upon
issuance of the new annual operating permit, unless the subject STR is in violation of this chapter.
G. Any and all improvements or modifications to a STR structure, accessory building and property shall
require review and approval by the Town of Highland Building Department to ensure continue
compliance with this section.
H. Safety inspections and annual recertification.
(1) Within 60 days of the issuance of operating permits for all new STR uses, and if applicable,
site plan approvals, said STR uses shall pass a safety inspection by the Town of Highland
Zoning Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector.
(2) All registered STR uses shall be recertified on an annual basis. As part of the recertification
application, all applicants shall provide a signed affidavit attesting to the presence of the
required number of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and compliance with all other
requirements of this section.
I. Occupancy Restrictions and Requirements.
(1) All STR uses shall comply with the following occupancy restrictions:
(a) Guests shall not be permitted to occupy one STR unit in excess of 30 consecutive
(b) Occupancy shall be limited to a maximum of two guests per bedroom plus two
additional guests at any one time. For example, a two-bedroom house will be
permitted up to six guests.
(c) The total number of allowed guests may be restricted by the availability of suitable
parking spaces in accordance with this section and §190-40, “Parking Regulations.”
(2) All STR uses shall comply with NYS Building Code requirements.
J. The property owner/host shall provide guests of the STR use, the following:
(1) Copies of applicable and relevant local laws and regulations identified by the Building
(2) Approved maximum house occupancy in accordance with this section.
(3) Emergency contact information including the property owner/host; property address; Town
of Highland Building Department; NYSEG; and other information identified by the Building
Department. The owner shall also ensure the property address number is clearly identifiable
from the street.
(4) A map depicting the property boundaries.
(5) Approved STR uses will be assigned a registration number that shall be included in all rental
listings, both print and on-line and posted within the STR.
K. On and off-site outdoor advertising of STR uses are prohibited.
L. Parking:
(1) The number and size of parking spaces available for a STR use shall be incompliance with
§190-40, “Parking Regulations” as described above.
(2) On-street parking shall not be used to meet applicable parking requirements.
(3) No new parking areas/driveways, whether pervious or impervious, shall be created in front
yards to meet applicable parking requirements.
M. Enforcement:
(1) Violations. Potential violations of this section shall be investigated in accordance with Article
VII of this chapter and associated penalties shall apply.
SECTION 6 Amendments to § 190-25 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-25(C) of the Code of the Town of Highland is amended in its entirety as follows:
C. Minimum Frontage and Lot Area.
(1) A minimum of 200 feet of frontage on a state, county or Town highway is required for any
new campground.
(2) The total minimum lot area for all campgrounds shall be no less than ten (10) acres and may
include noncontiguous properties if all properties are utilized as part of the campground for
any new campground.
Section §190-25(D) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended by adding the following:
(4) New campgrounds and existing campgrounds proposing site modifications requiring Site
Plan Approval shall have a maximum density of eight (8) sites per acre.
Section §190-25(I) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended by adding the following:
(3) Individual on-site sewage disposal is prohibited.
SECTION 7 Amendments to § 190-30 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-30 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
§190-30 Farm Breweries.
An establishment where no more than 75,000 barrels of New York State labeled beer is manufactured
annually (minimum of 50 barrels). New York State labeled beer is made with no less than a certain
percentage, by weight as set forth in Alcoholic Beverage Control Law § 3, Subdivision 20-d, of its hops
grown in New York State and no less than a certain percentage, by weight, of all of its other ingredients,
excluding water, grown in New York State. In addition to the manufacture of beer, a farm brewer is
authorized to perform the following activities on the premises:
A. Sale and distribution of beer.
(1) Sell in bulk beer manufactured by the farm brewer to any person licensed to manufacture
alcoholic beverages in this state;
(2) Sell or deliver beer manufactured by the farm brewer to persons outside the state pursuant
to the laws of the place of such delivery;
(3) Sell beer manufactured by the farm brewer to wholesalers and retailers licensed in this state
to sell beer, licensed farm distillers, licensed farm wineries, licensed farm cideries, and any
other licensed farm brewery;
(4) Sell at the premises beer manufactured by the farm brewer, or any other licensed farm
brewery, at retail for consumption on or off the premises; and
(5) Total off-site sales and distribution of beer shall not exceed 49% of the total gross product
produced on-site annually subject to State Alcoholic Beverage Control Laws. Off-site sales
and distribution of beer in excess of this shall be defined as a distribution facility and shall
not be permitted herein.
B. Conduct tastings at the premises of beer manufactured by the farm brewer or any other licensed
farm brewery.
C. Operate a restaurant, hotel, catering establishment, or other food and drinking establishment in or
adjacent to the premises and sell at such place, at retail for consumption on the premises, beer
manufactured by the farm brewer and any New York State labeled beer.
D. Manufacture, bottle, and sell food condiments and products such as mustards, sauces, hop
seasonings, beer nuts, and other hops- and beer-related foods in addition to beer and hops soaps,
hop pillows, hop wreaths and other such foods and crafts on and from the premises.
E. Store and sell gift items in a tax-paid room upon the premises incidental to the sale of beer. These
items shall be limited to the following categories:
(1) Nonalcoholic beverages;
(2) Food items for the purpose of complementing beer tastings, which shall mean a diversified
selection of food that is ordinarily consumed without the use of tableware and can be
conveniently consumed while standing or walking;
(3) Food items, which shall include locally produced farm products and any food or food
product not specially prepared for immediate consumption upon the premises;
(4) Beer supplies and accessories, which shall include any items utilized for the storage, serving,
or consumption of beer or for decorative purposes;
(5) Beer-making equipment and supplies; and
(6) Souvenir items, which shall include, but not be limited to, artwork, crafts, clothing,
agricultural products, and any other articles which can be construed to propagate tourism
within the region; and
F. Conduct tours of the premises.
G. No more than 75% of the total gross floor space of the establishment shall be used for the brewery
function, including, but not limited to, the brew house, boiling and water treatment areas, bottling
and kegging lines, malt milling and storage, fermentation tanks, conditioning tanks and serving tanks.
H. All mechanical equipment visible from the street or an adjacent residential use shall be screened
using architectural features consistent with the principal structure.
I. Access and loading bays are discouraged from facing toward any street.
J. Access and loading bays facing any street or adjacent residential use shall have the doors closed at all
times, except during the movement of raw materials, other supplies and finished products into and
out of the building.
K. Service trucks for purpose of loading and unloading materials and equipment shall be restricted to
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and between 11:00 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. on Sundays and national holidays.
SECTION 8 Amendments to § 190-34 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-34(D) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
D. Minimum Lot Area Required. Guest homes shall only be permitted on lots having acreages twice the
size required for a one family dwelling in the applicable zoning district as follows:
(1) Residential District (R-1): Minimum of four (4) acres required.
(2) Residential-Agricultural District (R-2): Minimum of six (6) acres required.
(3) Washington Lake Resort District (WLRD): Minimum of six (6) acres required.
SECTION 9 Amendments to § 190-38 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-38 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended by adding the following:
C. Outdoor, uncovered storage areas in excess of 500 square feet shall be required to be adequately
screened so as materials stored therein are not be visible from adjacent residential uses, public
lands, and/or public right-of-ways.
SECTION 10 Amendments to § 190-40 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-40(B) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
B Regulations for parking spaces adjacent to lots in any R-1 or R-2 District.
(1) Whenever a parking area or lot of over five spaces abuts or is within 15 feet of the side or
rear lot line of a lot in any WLRD, R-1 or R-2 District, the said parking area or lot shall be
screened from such adjoining lot by a substantial wall, fence, or thick hedge, approved by
the Planning Board. Generally, such screen shall be not less than five or more than eight feet
in height.
(2) Whenever a parking area or lot of over five spaces is located across the street from other
land in any WLRD, R-1 or R-2 District, it shall be screened from view of such land by a thick
hedge, wall, or fence approved by the Planning Board, not less than 30 feet from either line;
such screening to be interrupted only at points of ingress and egress. No such screening shall
be less than four feet in height. Two identification and directional signs located on the street
side of such screening shall be permitted; however, they shall not exceed an area of three
square feet each.
Section §190-40(C)(1) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
(1) Up to three (3) commercial vehicles exceeding 18,000 pounds' gross weight may be parked
on an occupied lot in all districts without a Special Use Permit, but not within the required
yards of such lot and in no case between the street line and the principal building. Such
vehicles, when parked, must have their engines and refrigeration units, if any, off. More
than three (3) commercial vehicles shall require a Special Use Permit and the Planning Board
shall determine the appropriate number of vehicles based upon lot area, screening, hours of
operation, length of stay for the parked vehicles, and any other reasonable requirements in
accordance with this Chapter. Campgrounds and boat liveries shall be exempt from the
vehicle limitations outlined in this section provided such vehicles are associated with facility
maintenance or the transportation of patrons, and all other requirements of the zoning law
are met.
Section §190-40(D) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
D. Trailers, Boat Trailers and Recreational Vehicles.
(1) The storage or parking and use of any type of trailer except for recreational vehicles, boat
trailers, utility trailers, machinery trailers, and landscape trailers, by any person or persons is
hereby prohibited in all districts except:
(a) Residential Lots.
[1] Not more than two (2) of the above mentioned trailer types may be stored
on an occupied residential lot in any district.
[2] Such permitted trailer(s) shall be parked or stored only in a side or rear yard
of such lot. The recreational vehicle and/or boat trailer shall not be parked
or stored in the area between the street line and the principal building line.
These requirement shall not apply to waterfront properties. All parking and
storage of recreational vehicles and/or boat trailers shall maintain all
required setbacks from adjacent property lines regardless of district or
property location/siting.
[3] Temporary parking of more than permitted number of recreational vehicles
or other above noted trailers shall be permitted on an occupied residential
lot with the knowledge and consent of the owner of the premises for a
period not exceeding 72 hours. Such recreational vehicle(s) and/or trailer(s)
may be parked in a driveway, side yard, or rear yard provided such
recreational vehicles or boat trailers are a minimum of five (5) feet from any
property line.
[4] A recreational vehicle placed within a Special Flood Hazard Zone as
identified by FEMA must meet anchoring requirements for manufactured
homes unless it is on site for less than 180 days, or is fully licensed and ready
for highway use (attached wheels and/or jacking system and no attached
(b) Non-Residential Lots.
[1] Parked trailers shall be adequately screened from adjacent residential uses.
[2] Trailers shall not be stored within any required side or rear yard of such lot,
nor between the street line and the principal building. This requirement shall
not apply to waterfront properties
SECTION 11 Amendments to § 190-41 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-41 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended by adding the following:
D. Stream channelization and/or other waterbody disturbance shall be prohibited in all districts located
within the Designated Delaware River Corridor.
E. Sewage Treatment Plants shall be prohibited in all districts located within the Designated Delaware
River Corridor.
F. Power Generating Facilities shall be prohibited in all districts located within the Designated Delaware
River Corridor.
G. Major Electric Lines shall be prohibited in all districts located in the Designated Delaware River
H. Children’s Camps as defined.
SECTION 12 Amendments to § 190-41 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-34(A) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
A. Defined terms. For purposes hereof, and in addition to the terms defined in Article 2 of this chapter,
the following terms shall have the meanings respectively set forth below:
(1) Land uses which by the very nature in which they are conducted have the potential to
significantly impact the environment, pose a risk to human health and safety, or disturb or
interfere with reasonable community expectations regarding odors, noise, light, traffic and
water quality. High-impact industrial uses include but are not limited to what are
traditionally considered to be "heavy industrial uses" and specifically include but are not
limited to the following land uses:
(a) Natural gas and/or petroleum exploration activities;
(b) Natural gas and/or petroleum extraction activities;
(c) Natural gas exploration, extraction, or production wastes disposal or storage
(d) Injection wells;
(e) Land application facility;
(f) Natural gas exploration, extraction, or production wastes dump;
(g) Natural gas compression facility;
(h) Natural gas processing facility;
(i) Nonregulated pipelines;
(j) Underground injection;
(k) Underground natural gas storage;
(l) Pipelines in the Designated Delaware River Corridor.
(2) Any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of this Subsection A is a threat to
public health, safety and welfare, and is hereby declared and deemed to be a nuisance.
Collectively the above expressly prohibited uses may be referred to in this chapter as
"explicitly prohibited uses;" any one of the above expressly prohibited uses may be referred
to in this chapter as an "explicitly prohibited use;" and any combination of more than one
such use may also be referred to as "explicitly prohibited uses."
SECTION 13 Amendments to § 190-43 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-43(A)(7) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
(7) There shall be no quarrying and/or removal of sand and gravel in any quantities for purposes
of sale in the Upper Delaware River Corridor. However, quarrying and the removal of sand
and gravel shall be permitted for reuse onsite by the property owner when limited to 750
cubic yards or less and less than 1,000 tons per year, and not exceeding two acres of active
face at one time plus an area equal in size to the active face necessary for an accessory use.
SECTION 14 Amendments to § 190-46 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-46(D)(1)(a) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as
(a) The system shall comply with minimum lot area, setback requirements and
other restrictions as applicable to principal structures within the zoning district
where the solar energy system is sited.
SECTION 15 Amendments to § 190-47 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-47(A)(1) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
(1) A maximum of three (3) acres of land area, or a maximum of two (2) acres of land area
within the Designated Delaware River Corridor, may not be stripped or clear-cut without
first having obtained a permit. Failure to have such a permit shall constitute a violation of
this chapter. This provision shall not be applicable to sand, gravel, shale, topsoil, or other
aggregate mining operations that are active as of the date of this chapter was adopted and
are permitted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
SECTION 16 Amendments to § 190-49 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-49(C) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
C. Minimum Lot Area Requirement. A minimum lot area of five (5) acres shall be required for every one
(1) SC-WECS.
SECTION 17 Amendments to § 190-51 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-51(A) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby amended in its entirety as follows:
A. Area Density/ Minimum Lot Area.
(1) Hamlet Commercial (HC) District, Washington Lake Resort (WLRD), District, and Residential
(R-1) District. A minimum of two (2) acres shall be required for all boat liveries operations.
This requirement shall not be applicable to properties fronting River Road in the HC District.
(2) Residential (R-2) District and Properties fronting River Road in the HC District. A minimum of
three (3) acres shall be required for all boat liveries operations.
(3) All Boat Liveries shall be required to have 100minimum frontage along the water.
SECTION 18 Amendments to § 190-52 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-52 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed and amended in its entirety as
§ 190-52. Ridgeline and Ridgeline Construction.
A. Purpose and intent. Due to the federal designation of the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational
River, unique consideration must be given to the lands within the Designated Delaware River
Corridor. These considerations are necessary to ensure aesthetics, compliance with the mission and
intent of the National Park Service Designation, public safety, orderly land uses, and natural feature
sustainability and protection. Within the aforementioned Corridor, land elevation and topography is
variable, however it is typically steep when higher ground meets the valley floor at the river. The
geography features rocky and cliff like valley side slopes which are visible form the Delaware River
and those enjoying the River for scenic and recreational purposes as is intended per the 1978
addition to the Federal Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
B. The following locations within the Designated Delaware River Corridor shall be treated as areas of
special concern:
(1) Lumberland Town line to the area of the Barryville Bridge.
(2) Vicinity of the termination of the R1 Zone west of Barryville to the vicinity of the Beaver
(3) Minisink Ford to the Tusten Line.
C Within the above named areas of special concern, no tree removal or construction, except for in
emergencies, or approval for construction shall be permitted until it can be demonstrated
satisfactorily to the Code Enforcement Officer, through site visits or the use of other ancillary tools,
that the site is not on the ridgeline as defined, nor will it be visible from the Delaware River.
SECTION 19 Amendments to § 190-53 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-53 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed and amended in its entirety as
§ 190-53. Communication Towers.
A. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of these regulations is to promote the health, safety and general
welfare of the residents of the Town of Highland, to provide standards for the safe provision of
telecommunications consistent with applicable federal and state regulations, to protect the natural
features, aesthetic character and property values of the Town, and to minimize the number of
telecommunications towers in the Town by encouraging shared use of existing and future structures.
B. Approvals Required and Zoning Districts. Communications Towers and Colocation of equipment on
towers of differing intensities are allowed in all Town of Highland Zoning Districts except the WLRD
and those areas of the R1 and R2 Districts which are located within the Designated Delaware River
Corridor. A Special Use Permit and Site Plan Approval shall be required, provided compliance with
the standards, conditions and restrictions set forth herein can be demonstrated.
C. Application.
(1) No transmission tower shall hereafter be used, erected, moved, changed or altered except
in conformity with these regulations. No existing structure shall be modified to serve as a
transmission tower unless in conformity with these regulations.
(2) Applicants planning to construct new tower(s) must obtain a special permit and site plan
approval from the Planning Board.
(3) Applicants planning to colocate on a previously approved Communications Tower or
construct facilities upon an existing tall structure must obtain site plan approval from the
Planning Board.
(4) Where these regulations conflict with other laws and regulations of the Town, the more
restrictive shall apply.
D. New towers; future shared use. The applicant shall design a proposed new Communications Tower
to accommodate future demand for similar reception and transmitting facilities. The applicant shall
submit to the Board a letter of intent committing the owner of the proposed new tower and its
successors in interest to negotiate in good faith for shared use of the proposed tower by other
telecommunications providers in the future. This letter shall be filed with the Code Enforcement
Officer prior to the issuance of a building permit. The letter shall commit the new tower owner and
its successors in interest to:
(1) Respond within 90 days to a request for information from a potential shared-use
(2) Negotiate in good faith concerning future requests for shared use of the new tower by
other telecommunications providers.
(3) Allow shared use of the new tower if another telecommunications provider agrees in
writing to pay reasonable charges. Said charges may include but are not limited to a pro
rata share of the cost of site selection, planning, project administration, land costs, site
design, construction and maintenance financing, return on equity, and depreciation, and
all of the costs of adapting the tower or equipment to accommodate the shared user(s).
E. Site plan submission requirements for new towers.
(1) Required submissions. An applicant proposing to construct a new tower shall submit a
Special Use Permit Application in accordance with Article VIII Special Uses and Site Plan
Approvals, and shall provide the following additional information:
(a) A site plan showing all existing and proposed structures and improvements
including towers, antennas, roads, accessory facilities, parking, landscaping and
any proposed screening methods.
(b) Engineering documentation describing the capacity for additional antennas and
radio-frequency equipment.
(c) A complete inventory of existing towers and other structures over 75 feet in
height within two miles of the proposed site.
(d) A report demonstrating good faith efforts to secure shared use upon all
structures which are of sufficient height and mechanical stability to support the
proposed use or can be modified to meet the applicant's needs; and also
justifying why the remainder cannot be outfitted to meet its requirements.
Written requests and responses for shared use shall be provided.
(e) A report detailing the applicant's long-range plans for additional facilities within
the town.
(f) A copy of applicant's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license.
(2) Visual impact assessment. The Planning Board may require the applicant to undertake a
visual impact assessment which may include: A Zone of Visibility Map indicating
locations where the tower will be seen.
(a) A zone visibility map indicating locations where the tower will be seen.
(b) Pictorial representations of "before and after" views from key viewpoints both
inside and outside of the Town.
F. Site plan submission requirements for colocation onto existing facilities.
(1) Required submissions. An applicant proposing to colocate onto an existing tower or
other structure shall submit a site plan in accordance with Article VIII Special Uses and
Site Plan Approvals. The site plan and supporting documentation shall also include:
(a) A letter of intent from the owner of the existing facility to allow shared use by
the applicant.
(b) A site plan showing all existing and proposed structures and improvements
including towers, antennas, roads, accessory facilities, parking, landscaping and
screening methods.
(c) In the case of use on a structure not originally designed as a
telecommunications tower, a report, prepared by a New York State licensed
professional engineer specializing in structural engineering, certifying that the
proposed shared use will not diminish the structural integrity and safety of the
existing structure and explaining what modifications, if any, will be required in
order to certify to the above.
(d) A copy of the applicant's FCC license.
G. Communications Tower Design Standards.
(1) Maximum Height. No communications towers shall exceed two hundred (200) feet in
height. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all communications towers shall be designed at
the minimum height necessary to achieve the communication need and function they
are intended to fulfill.
(2) Setbacks. A setback of a minimum of three-hundred-feet or 1.5 times the tower height,
whichever is greater, shall be maintained from any existing property line. Setbacks shall
apply to all tower parts including guy wire anchors and to any accessory facilities.
(3) Visual Impact.
(a) Siting. All new towers and accessory facilities shall be sited to have the least
practical adverse visual impact upon the environment.
(b) Lighting and Painting. New towers shall not be artificially lighted except to
assure human safety as required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
New towers shall be a galvanized finish or painted gray above the surrounding
treeline and painted gray, green, black or similar colors designed to blend into
the natural surrounding below the surroundings treeline unless other standards
are required by the FAA. New towers shall be designed and sited so as to avoid,
whenever possible, application of FAA lighting and painting requirements
pursuant to 47 CFR Part 17.
(c) Materials. Accessory facilities shall maximize use of building materials, colors,
and textures designed to blend with the structure to which they may be affixed
and/or to harmonize with the natural surroundings, including the utilization of
stealth or concealment technology, techniques or designs as may be required by
the Planning Board in order to mitigate adverse impact to the aesthetic, scenic,
environmental and cultural assets within the community.
(d) Existing Vegetation. Existing on-site vegetation shall be preserved to the
maximum extent possible, and no cutting of trees exceeding four inches in
diameter (measured at a height of four feet off the ground) shall take place
prior to approval of the site plan. Clear-cutting of all trees in a single contiguous
area exceeding 20,000 square feet shall be prohibited.
(4) Screening. Where the site abuts residential or public property, including streets, and
includes construction of a new tower or an increase in height of an existing structure, at
least one row of native evergreen shrubs or trees capable of forming a continuous
hedge at least 10 feet in height within two years of planting shall be provided to
effectively screen the tower base and accessory facilities. In the case of poor soil
conditions, planting may be required on soil berms to assure plant survival.
(a) Access and parking. A road and parking shall be provided to assure adequate
emergency and service access. Maximum use of existing roads, public or
private, shall be made. Road construction shall be consistent with standards for
private roads and shall at all times minimize ground disturbance and
vegetation cutting to within the toe of fill, the top of cuts, or no more than 10
feet beyond the edge of any pavement. Roads shall be designed to minimize
visual disturbance, soil erosion and excavation. Public road standards may be
waived in meeting the objectives of this subsection.
(b) Consulting engineering services. The Planning Board may request a review of
the application by a qualified engineer in order to conduct an independent
technical evaluation of the application. The cost of this review shall be borne by
the applicant.
(c) Signs. No portion of any tower or accessory structure shall be used for a sign or
other advertising purpose, including but not limited to company name, phone
numbers, banners and streamers.
H. Authority to impose conditions. The Planning Board shall have the authority to impose such
reasonable conditions and restrictions as are directly related to and incidental to the proposed site
I. Bond. The Planning Board at its discretion may request a surety or similar instrument from the
applicant for items including, but not limited to landscaping, tower removal and restoration of the
proposed site.
J. Waiver. The Planning Board is hereby authorized to waive any part of this section which seems
unreasonable for a particular site.
K. Removal. All Communications Towers, and all parts and components thereof, and any accessory
buildings or other structures appurtenant thereto, shall be dismantled and removed from the site
when they have been inoperative or abandoned for a period of eighteen (18) consecutive months.
Intention on the part of any person to resume the use or operation of the Facility at some future
time shall not provide an exemption from this requirement. Applicants shall post a bond or other
suitable undertaking as a condition of the special use permit in order to guarantee removal of the
abandoned structures. The bond or similar instrument shall be continued in effect during the life of
the facility. The amount of the bond or undertaking shall be set by the Planning Board at the time of
issuance of the special use permit.
SECTION 20 Amendments to § 190-54 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-54 Sign regulations in all districts of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed
and re-numerated in its entirety as Section §190-57 and included in Article 5 Sign Regulations.
Section §190-54 is hereby amended in its entirety and included in Article 4 Supplementary Regulations
as follows:
§ 190-54. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
A. Land Development Activities as defined by this chapter shall require a Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP). In the Designated Delaware River Corridor for Land Development Activities
that exceed an area of 10,000 square feet of construction activity or disturbance for any principal or
accessory use shall be required to prepare a SWPPP. In accordance with State Laws, a SWPPP shall
not be caused for uses which the State of New York exempts from this requirement such as
agricultural projects, silvicultural projects, and other routine maintenance activities.
B. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be prepared in accordance with the NYS
Stormwater Management Design Manual and as defined herein. The following components shall be
required by the Town of Highland and/or New York State as applicable:
(1) The proposed areas of disturbance shall be drawn to scale and quantified in support of
applicable SWPPP requirements (including basic SWPPP)
(2) Post construction stormwater practices shall reduce peak stormwater runoff to 75% of the
preconstruction peak runoff for the 10-year event. The Planning Board shall be authorized
to modify these criteria if immediate discharge is appropriate.
(3) Post construction stormwater practices shall reduce stormwater peak runoff to 65% of the
preconstruction peak runoff for the 100-year event. The Planning Board shall be authorized
to modify these criteria if immediate discharge is appropriate.
(4) A certified copy of a completed Notice of Intent (NOI), signed by the applicant and certified
by the applicants professional representative. A copy of the New York State DEC reply to the
NOI (Notice to proceed) shall also be supplied if issued.
(5) Storm drainage facilities shall be designed to handle the anticipated peak discharge from the
applicable catchment for a 10-year event with one foot of freeboard remaining at peak flow.
(6) All drainage structures required to accommodate stream flows with a cross sectional area
less than 25 square feet during a 10-year rainfall event, shall be designed and constructed to
provide one foot of freeboard during a 10-year rainfall event.
(7) All drainage structures required to accommodate stream flows with a cross sectional area
less than 25 square feet during a 10-year rainfall event, shall be designed and constructed to
provide one foot of freeboard during a 50-year rainfall event, and safely pass a 100-year
rainfall event. Drainage structures in this category shall have a design life of at least 50
years, be designed by a licensed engineer and be approved by the highway superintendent.
(8) Applicants shall use infiltration practices whenever acceptable under DEC guidelines.
Applicants shall provide deep test pits and percolation tests in support of this or
demonstrate infiltration is not a viable practice for the site in question. Dry grass swales and
other similar measures shall also be encouraged wherever practical.
(9) All stormwater management improvements shall be properly maintained so as to continue
to perform to their intended manner. Sediment shall, at a minimum, be removed from
sediment traps or sediments ponds whenever their design capacity has been reduced by
fifty (50) percent. The Town Building Department, upon observing that such improvements
are not being so maintained, may direct a property owner to undertake such maintenance.
Failure to comply after a minimum of 30 days notices shall constitute a violation of law.
SECTION 21 Amendments to § 190-55 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-55 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed and amended as follows, in
Article 4 Supplementary Regulations:
§ 190-55. Farm Stands
A. Such stand shall not exceed 144 square feet in gross floor area.
B. Such stand shall be located not less than 15 feet from the edge of pavement, and there shall be
a suitable area provided where vehicles can safely park while visiting the roadside stand.
C. Such stand shall be solely for seasonal display and sale of agricultural products grown principally
on the premises or, in limited quantity, grown elsewhere by the owner of the property upon
which the farm stand is located.
D. Signage shall be limited to a single sign, not greater than three square feet in sign area per side
and located not less than 15 feet from the edge of pavement.
SECTION 22 Amendments to § 190-56 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-56 Nonconforming uses and buildings of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby
repealed and re-numerated in its entirety as Section §190-58 and included in Article 6 Nonconforming
Uses, Buildings and Lots.
Repealed Section §190-56 is hereby amended in its entirety and included in Article 4 Supplementary
Regulations as follows:
§ 190-56. Temporary Farm Market
A. Approvals. A Farm Market operation shall be a temporary use permitted pursuant to the
issuance of a Special Use Permit in accordance with this Chapter, and shall be subject to all
other applicable local, county, and State regulations related to the use.
B. Duration of use. Farm Market uses shall be temporary in nature and such use shall not include
construction of permanent structures or buildings or any other land development activity. The
use shall operate for no more than two (2) consecutive day per week, with the exception of
public holidays. As a condition of the Special Use Permit approval, the Planning Board shall
approve the day and hours in which operation shall occur, and the designation of the times and
days shall not cause conflict with other adjacent uses temporary, semi-permanent, or
permanent, or cause conflict with any requirements expressed herein this Chapter.
C. Area and bulk requirements. Farm market uses shall not exceed [15,000] square foot in area.
This area shall include any temporary structures, eating tables and seating areas, and any sales
staging and/or display areas. Off-site parking shall not be included in calculating area bulk
requirements. All other dimensional area requirements shall comply with Schedule 1: Area and
Bulk Regulations and/or other pertinent sections of this Chapter, with the more restrictive
regulations prevailing.
D. Site cleanup and restoration. At the closure of business daily, all temporary structures, litter,
debris, or other refuse, and equipment shall be removed. Temporary storage, sales staging
locations, lighting, and parking areas shall be returned to their original state, as prior to the
market use that day.
E. Parking. A Parking Plan shall be submitted to, and approved by the Town Planning Board prior to
the issuance of any Special Use Permit approval. Said Parking Plan shall indicate the intended
location for vehicle parking in connection with this use and shall demonstrate adequate
vehicular and pedestrian safety will be achieved. Should the Parking Plan identify parking
located on lands not under the ownership or control of the applicant, proof of access from the
owner(s) shall be required, including written permission to use the lands for parking shall be
required and attached to any Parking Plan.
F. Signage. All signage associated with the use, including signage for and related to parking and
pedestrian safety and circulation shall be removed at the end of each day. One seasonal
temporary sign or banner may be permitted on site designating the location of the use, the
hours of the use, and any other pertinent information relating to regular operations. No
individual advertising shall be permitted to be included. All signage shall be in accordance with
the regulations as outlined in Article 5 of this Chapter.
G. Noise. All noise generated from the site shall be reasonable and shall comply with §190-39 Noise
Standards of this Chapter. Amplified music, public address systems, and animal noises may not
be permitted if determined unreasonable.
H. Indoor Farm Market. Should the Temporary Farm Market use be operated within an existing
structure within the Town, the use and area which it occupies will be continued to be
considered a Farm Market and all requirements for this use shall be applicable. Approvals for
such use shall be subject to the operator’s ability to demonstrate that no conflicts shall arise
from the shared use of the existing structure.
I. Modification. Upon issuance of the Special Use Permit from the Planning Board the Code
Enforcement Officer shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy allowing the change of use at the
approved site. Any modification to the Farm Market use shall require a new Certificate of
Occupancy and/or an amended Special Use Permit by the Planning Board if the Code
Enforcement Officer determines modifications to the original approval are substantial.
SECTION 23 Amendments to § 190-57 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-57 Signs of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed and replaced with §190-
54 in its entirety and included in Article 5 Sign Regulations.
SECTION 24 Amendments to § 190-58 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-58 of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed and replaced with §190-56 in its
SECTION 25 Amendments to § 190-62 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-62(A)(6) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed in its entirety and
amended as follows:
(6) The Code Enforcement Officer or his duly authorized assistant shall have the right to enter
any building or enter upon any land for which a building permit is in effect, or required to be
in effect, at any reasonable hour as necessary in the execution of their duties, provided that:
(a) The Code Enforcement Officer shall notify the owner before conducting any
inspection, whenever possible.
(b) The Code Enforcement Officer or their duly authorized assistant shall, upon
commencing an inspection, display identification signed by the Town Clerk.
(c) Inspection should be commenced in the presence of or by permission of the
owner or their duly authorized representative.
SECTION 26 - Amendments to § 190-73 of the Code of the Town of Highland
Section §190-73(E)(1) of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed in its entirety and
amended as follows:
(1) All principal uses except single-family homes and those other uses identified in Attachment
3 District Schedule of Uses, shall require site plan approval before the issuance of a permit,
and no building development or site work of any sort shall be conducted prior to or shall be
carried out except in conformity with such approval and its conditions.
SECTION 27 Amendments to Attachment 3 District Schedule of Uses of § 190 Zoning of the Code of
the Town of Highland.
Attachment 3 of the Zoning Chapter of the Code of the Town of Highland is hereby repealed in its
entirety and replaced with the attached Schedule
If any part or provision of this local law is judged invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction,
such judgment shall be confined in application to the part of provision directly on which judgment shall
have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this law or the
application thereof to other persons or circumstances. The Town hereby declares that it would have
enacted the remainder of this law even without such part of provision or application.
This local law shall become effective immediately upon the filing in the office of the New York
Secretary of State pursuant to Section 27 of the New York State Municipal Home Rule Law.
(Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that
which is not applicable.)
1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ________________of 2021 of the
(County)(City)(Town)(Village) of Highland was duly passed by the Town of Highland Town Board
on_______________2021, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval
by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _______________of 20____of the
(County)(City)(Town)(Village) of _______________________________was duly passed by the
_____________________________________on_______________20_____, and was (approved)(not
(Name of Legislative body)
approved) (repassed after disapproval) by the _________________________ and was deemed duly adopted
(Elective Chief Executive Officer*)
on__________________________ 20_______in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
3. (Final adoption by referendum.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _______________of 20____of the
(County)(City)(Town)(Village) of _______________________________was duly passed by the
_____________________________________on_______________20_____, and was (approved)(not
(Name of Legislative body)
approved) (repassed after disapproval) by the _________________________ on ____________ 20______.
(Elective Chief Executive Officer*)
Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the
affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held
on _______________ 20______, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _______________of 20____of the
(County)(City)(Town)(Village) of _______________________________was duly passed by the
_____________________________________on_______________20_____, and was (approved)(not
(Name of Legislative body)
approved) (repassed after disapproval) by the _________________________ on ____________ 20______.
(Elective Chief Executive Officer*)
Such local law was subject to permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as
of _______________ 20______, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law.
* Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county-wide basis or, if there be none, the chairperson of
the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws
or ordinances.
5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. _______________of 20____of the
City of __________________________ having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of section
(36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified
electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held on __________________ 20_____,
became operative.
6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.)
I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ______________of 20____of the
County of ________________________ State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General
Election of November __________ 20________, pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal
Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said
county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative.
(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate
I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same
is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner
indicated in paragraph _______, above.
Clerk of the county legislative body, City, Town or Village
Clerk or officer designated by local legislative body
(Seal) Date:___________________________
(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or
other authorized attorney of locality.)
COUNTY OF ____________________
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper
proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto.
City of______________________________