Katharine T. Bartlett Professor of Law and Business Administration
Duke University School of Law, Box 90360
Durham, NC 27708-0360
Tel: (919) 613-7244
E-mail: [email protected].edu
SSRN Website: http://ssrn.com/author=334149
Areas of Research: Institutional Economics, Health Law & Policy, Behavioral Economics &
Health Policy, Economics of Contracts, Competition & Regulation
Policy, Private Law & Religion
Classes Taught: Contracts, Property, Antitrust, Health Law & Policy (cross-listed at Fuqua
School of Business), Advanced Health Law Workshop, Health Policy Practicum:
Innovation via Legal Reform, Religious Authority in a Secular State
2003-current Bartlett Professor of Law and Business Administration, Duke University
(Asst. Prof. 2003-06; Assoc. Prof. 2006-07; joint appointment with Fuqua
effective 2009; chaired professorship effective 2013)
Senior Fellow, Kenan Institute for Ethics (2011-current)
Faculty Affiliate, Social Science Research Institute (2005-08)
2019-2021 Visiting Scholar, Clinical Excellence Research Center
Stanford University School of Medicine
Fall 2015 Robert Braucher Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School
Spring 2011 Scholar-in-Residence & Senior Fellow, Center for Contract and Economic
Organization, Columbia Law School
2002-2003 Law Clerk
Judge Bruce M. Selya, United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
1996-1997 Visiting Lecturer in Economics
Economics Faculty, Hanoi National University
1993-1996 Research Assistant
U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, International Trade Subcommittee,
Democratic Staff (Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan, Chairman/Ranking Member)
2009 University of California, Berkeley
Haas School of Business
Ph.D. in Business Administration, Program in Business and Public Policy
Dissertation: “Essays in Private Ordering: Mechanisms, Efficiencies, and the Law”
Advisors: Oliver E. Williamson & Pablo T. Spiller
2002 Harvard Law School
J.D., magna cum laude
John M. Olin Fellow in Law & Economics
1999 University of California, Berkeley
M.A. in Economics
Fields: Industrial Organization & International Economics
1993 Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem, Israel)
Certificate in Biblical and Talmudic Studies
1992 Brown University
A.B. in Urban Studies, magna cum laude and with Honors
Honors Thesis: “Urban Fiscal Crises and the Post-Industrial City: The Cases of
Philadelphia and Providence”
Books & Volumes
(Harvard Univ. Press, 2017)
Problems (Autumn 2006) (ed. with Clark Havighurst).
1. “Macromedical Regulation,” Ohio State Law Review (forthcoming, as centerpiece for a mini
symposium) (with Steven Schwarcz)
2. “The No Surprises Act and Informed Financial Consent,” New England Journal of Medicine
(October 7, 2021) (with Mark Hall and Kevin Schulman)
3. “Will CMS Find Aducanumab Reasonable and Necessary After FDA Approval?” Journal of the
American Medical Association (July 19, 2021) (with Kevin Schulman and Michael Greicius)
4. “Reducing Administrative Costs in US Health Care: Assessing Single Payer and Its Alternatives,
Health Services Research (March 2021) (with David Scheinker and Kevin Schulman)
5. “Telemedicine and Medical Licensure: Potential Paths for Reform,” New England Journal of
Medicine (February 25, 2021) (with Ateev Mehrotra and Alok Nimgaonkar)
6. “How to Save Democracy From Technology: Ending Big Tech’s Information Monopoly,” Foreign
Affairs, January/February 2021 (with Francis Fukuyama and Ashish Goel)
7. “The Shadows of Life: Medicaid’s Failure of Health Care’s Moral Test,” Annals of Health Law &
Life Sciences, vol.28 (Summer 2019) (with Kushal Kadakia & Shivani Shah)
8. “Religious Freedom Through Market Freedom: The Sherman Act and the Marketplace for Religion,”
William & Mary Law Review, vol.60 (March 2019) (invited symposium)
9. “Toward an Effective Innovation Agenda,New England Journal of Medicine (March 17, 2019)
(with Kevin Schulman)
10. “Health Regulation for the Digital Age—Correcting the Mismatch,” New England Journal of
Medicine (November 1, 2018)
11. “The Evolving Pharmaceutical Benefits Market,” Journal of the American Medical Association (April
6, 2018) (with Kevin Schulman)
12. “Administrative Costs Associated with Physician Billing and Insurance-Related Activities at an
Academic Health Care System,” Journal of the American Medical Association (February 20,
2018) (with Philip Tseng, Robert Kaplan, Mahek Shah, and Kevin Schulman)
13. “An Autopsy of Cooperation: Diamond Dealers and the Limits of Trust-Based Exchange,” Journal of
Legal Analysis (October 2017)
14. Pharmaceutical M&A Activity: Effects on Prices, Innovation, and Competition,” Loyola University
Chicago Law Review, vol.48 (Spring 2017) (with Will Mitchell, Elena Vidal, and Kevin
Schulman) (invited symposium)
15. “Battling the Chargemaster: Remedying Surprise Billing for Out-of-Network Care,” American
Journal of Managed Care (April 2017) (with Arnold Milstein, Nick Kitzman, and Kevin
16. “Achieving Universal Coverage Without Turning to a Single Payer: Lessons from 3 Other
Countries,” Journal of the American Medical Association (February 27, 2017) (with Regina
Herzlinger and Richard Boxer)
17. “Reassessing ACOs and Health Care Reform,” Journal of the American Medical Association (Aug.
16, 2016) (with Kevin Schulman)
18. “Outlook for Alternative Payment Models in Fee-for-Service Medicare,” Journal of the American
Medical Association (July 28, 2015) (with Jeffrey Clough and Seth Glickman)
19. “Market-Based Solutions to Antitrust Threats The Rejection of the Partners Settlement,New
England Journal of Medicine (March 4, 2015) (with Regina Herzlinger and Kevin Schulman)
20. “The Challenge of Coreligionist Commerce” Duke Law Journal, vol.64 (February 2015) (with
Michael Helfand)
21. “Shifting Towards Defined Contributions—Predicting the Effects,” New England Journal of
Medicine (June 26, 2014) (with Regina Herzlinger and Kevin Schulman)
22. “Assessing Competency for Concealed-Weapons Permits—The Physician’s Role,” New England
Journal of Medicine (April 17, 2013) (with Adam Goldstein, Kathleen Barnhouse, Anthony
Viera, and James Tulsky)
23. “Saving the First Amendment From Itself: Relief from the Sherman Act Against the Rabbinic
Cartels,” Pepperdine Law Review, vol. 39 (January 2013) (invited symposium)
24. “Norms & Law: Putting the Cart Before the Horse,” Duke Law Journal, vol. 62 (November 2012)
(invited symposium)
25. “Overbilling and Informed Financial Consent – A Contractual Solution,” New England Journal of
Medicine (Aug. 2, 2012) (with Mark Hall and Kevin Schulman)
26. “Concentration in Health Care Markets: Chronic Problems and Better Solutions,” Beyond Repeal and
Replace: Ideas for Real Health Reform, AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE (June 2012)
27. “When Money Grew On Trees: Lucy v. Zehmer and Contracting in a Boom Market” (with Dennis
Schmeltzer), Duke Law Journal, vol. 61 (April 2012)
28. “Fairness in Health Care: Who Pays? Who Benefits? Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public
Policy, vol.25 (Spring 2011) (with Clark C. Havighurst) (invited symposium)
29. “The Provider-Monopoly Problem in Health Care” Oregon Law Review, vol. 89 (Spring 2011) (with
Clark C. Havighurst) (invited symposium)
30. “A Cautious Path Forward on Accountable Care Organizations” Journal of the American Medical
Association (Feb. 4, 2011) (with Kevin Schulman)
31. The Antitrust of Reputation Mechanisms: Institutional Economics and Concerted Refusals to Deal
Virginia Law Review, vol.95 (April 2009)
32. “On Doctors and Judges” Duke Law Journal, vol.59 (April 2009)
33. “Lessons from India in Organizational Innovation: A Tale of Two Heart Hospitals” Health Affairs,
vol.27 (Sept./Oct. 2008) (with Krisna Udayakumar, Will Mitchell, and Kevin A. Schulman)
34. Transaction Cost Economics: An Assessment of Empirical Research in the Social Sciences
Business and Politics, vol.10: Iss.1, Article 1 (April 2008) (with Jeffrey Macher)
35. “Understanding the ‘Corporate’ in Corporate Social Responsibility” Harvard Law & Policy Review,
vol.2 (January 2008) (with Aaron Chatterji)
36. “Rebuilding Illinois Brick: A Functionalist Approach to the Indirect Purchaser Rule” Southern
California Law Review, vol.81 (November 2007) (with Christopher Murray)
37. “Antitrust and Nonprofit Hospital Mergers: A Return to Basics” University of Pennsylvania Law
Review, vol.156 (November 2007)
38. “Insurance Expansions: Do They Hurt Those They Are Designed to Help?” Health Affairs, vol.26
(Sept./Oct. 2007)
39. “Distributive Injustice(s) in American Health Care” Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 69
(Autumn 2006) (with Clark Havighurst)
40. “The Corrosive Combination of Nonprofit Monopolies and U.S.-Style Health Insurance: Implications
for Antitrust and Merger PolicyLaw and Contemporary Problems, vol.69 (Autumn 2006)
41. “A Bridge, a Tax Revolt, and the Struggle to Industrialize: The Story and Legacy of Rockingham
County v. Luten Bridge Co.North Carolina Law Review, vol.84 (September 2006) (with Jordi
Weinstock and Jason Mehta)
42. “How Communities Create Economic Advantage: Jewish Diamond Merchants in New York” Law
and Social Inquiry, vol.31 (Spring 2006). Reprinted in Corporate Business Responsibility
(Ashgate Publishing, 2009) (Justin O’Brien, ed.)
43. A Transaction Cost Economizing Approach to Regulation: Understanding the NIMBY Problem,”
Yale Journal on Regulation, vol.23 (Winter 2006) (with Christopher Boerner)
44. “Behavioral Economics and Health Policy: Understanding Medicaid’s Failure,” Cornell Law Review,
vol.90 (March 2005)
45. Firms, Courts, and Reputation Mechanisms: Towards a Positive Theory of Private Ordering,”
Columbia Law Review, vol.104 (December 2004)
46. “Organizational Responses to Discontinuous Innovation: A Case Study Approach” International
Journal of Innovation Management, vol. VIII (March 2004) (with Jeffrey Macher)
47. “Modeling Supreme Court Strategic Decision Making: The Congressional Constraint” Legislative
Studies Quarterly, vol. XXVIII (May 2003) (with Mario Bergara and Pablo Spiller)
Book Chapters, Amicus Briefs, and Shorter Works
48. Cutting the Gordian Knot of Employee Health Care Benefits and Costs: A Corporate Model Built on
Employee Choice,” Health Affairs Blog (June 15, 2021) (with Regina Herzlinger)
49. Preparing Hospitals for the Next Pandemic,” Harvard Business Review (June 10, 2021) (with Regina
50. “Give Employees Cash to Purchase Their Own Insurance,Harvard Business Review (December 9,
2020) (with Regina Herzlinger)
51. “Professional Self-Regulation in Medicine: Will the Rise of Intelligent Tools Mean the End to Peer
PROTECTION (Cambridge Univ. Press 2021) (with Anthony Weiss)
52. “How AI Will Change the Regulation and Organization of Medicine,” Health Affairs Blog (May 3,
2020) (with Anthony Weiss and Luke Sato)
53. “The New State Medical Board: Life in the Antitrust Shadow,” Health Affairs Blog (Jan. 6, 2020)
(with Eli Adashi and Reuben Baker)
54. “Hot-Spotting North Carolina’s Medicaid Transformation,” Health Affairs Blog (Nov. 5, 2019) (with
Kushal Kadakia and Shivani Shah)
55. Are Air Ambulances Truly Flying Out of Reach? Surprise-Billing Policy and The Airline
Deregulation Act,” Health Affairs Blog (Oct. 17, 2019) (with Karan Chhabra and Kevin
56. “New Institutional Economics,” in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF NEW PRIVATE LAW (Oxford Univ.
Press 2020) (Gold, Goldberg, Kelly, Sherwin, & Smith, eds.)
57. “Resolving Surprise Medical Bills,” Health Affairs Blog (July 10, 2019) (with Kevin Schulman and
Arnold Milstein)
58. “Antitrust Does Not Require Rx Drug Rebates, and It Does Not Prohibit Discounts,” Health Affairs
Blog (April 8, 2019) (with Charlie Sangree & Kevin Schulman)
59. “A Preferable Path for Thwarting Pharmaceutical Product Hopping,” Health Affairs Blog (May 22,
2018) (with Arti Rai)
60. “A Coasean View of Stateless Commerce,” Man and the Economy, vol.4 (October 2017)
61. “The Physician as Dictator,” The Lancet (Sept.9, 2017) (with Ethan Ludmir and Muhammad Ali
62. “A Novel Look at Antitrust Analysis in Health Insurance Markets,” Competition Policy International
(July 2017) (with Kevin Schulman)
63. “What U.S. Hospitals Can Still Learn from India’s Private Heart Hospitals,” NEJM Catalyst (May 25,
2017) (with Kevin Schulman)
64. “Breaking Good? The Arc of Antitrust Policy in the Health Sector,” Health Affairs Blog (March 15,
65. “A Healthy Skepticism of Incumbents, A Healthy Commitment to Entry,” Health Affairs Blog
(March 3, 2016)
66. “Accountable Care Organizations: How to Proceed When We Don’t Know What Works,” Harvard
Business Review Insight Center (November 25, 2014)
67. “Right-Skilling: Rabbis and the Rabbinic Role for a New Century,” in KEEPING FAITH IN RABBIS: A
Roscher, eds.) (with Daniel Libenson)
68. “The Partners Health Care Settlement and the Future of Health Care Organizations,” The Economists
Voice (December 2014) (with Kevin Schulman)
69. “Elhauge on Tying: Vindicated by History” Tulsa Law Review, vol.49 (Spring 2014) (with Steven
Usselman) (invited symposium)
70. “Organizational Innovation in Health Care,” Health Management, Policy, and Innovation, vol.1 no.3
(2013) (with Will Mitchell and Kevin Schulman)
71. “Contracts & Cartels: Reconciling Competition and Development Policy,” in COMPETITION LAW
AND DEVELOPMENT (Stanford Univ. Press, 2013) (Sokol & Lianos, eds.)
72. “Contracts Meets Henry Ford,” Hofstra Law Review, vol. 40 (invited submission to “Ideas”
Symposium) (Fall 2011)
73. Amicus Brief of Antitrust Professors and Scholars, Hosanna Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and
School v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, et al., No. 10-553, Supreme Court of the
United States
74. “On the Constitutionality of Health Care Reform” North Carolina Medical Journal, vol. 71
(May/June, 2010)
75. “Mechanism Choice” in Public Choice and Public Law (Daniel A. Farber & Anne Joseph O’Connell,
eds.), in HANDBOOK OF LAW AND ECONOMICS (Edward Elgar, 2010) (with Jonathan Wiener)
76. “Fragmentation in Mental Health Benefits and Services: A Preliminary Examination into
(Oxford Univ. Press, 2010) (Einer Elhauge, ed.) (with Frank Sloan and Daniel Grossman)
77. “Ethnic Networks, Extralegal Certainty, and Globalisation: Peering into the Diamond Industry,” in
LEGAL CERTAINTY BEYOND THE STATE (Hart Publishing, 2008) (Volkmar Gessner, ed.)
78. “The King of Rockingham County and the Original Bridge to Nowhere,” in CONTRACTS STORIES
(Foundation Press, 2007) (Douglas Baird, ed.)
79. “Foreword: Health Policy’s Fourth Dimension” Law and Contemporary Problems, vol.69 (Autumn
2006) (with Clark Havighurst)
80. “Fifty Years of Community Service: A Tribute to Mel Shimm” Law and Contemporary Problems,
vol.69 (Summer 2006)
81. “Mandating Negotiations to Resolve the NIMBY Problem: A Creative Regulatory Response” UCLA
Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, vol.20 (Spring 2002)
Op-Eds and Popular Writings
82. “A Cancer Patient’s Brutal Commute,” Wall St. Journal (July 12, 2021) (with Ateev Mehrotra)
83. “How to Quiet the Megaphones of Facebook, Google and Twitter,” Wall St. Journal (February 12,
2021) (with Francis Fukuyama)
84. “Surprise Medical Bills Continue During Coronavirus Time, and Congress Still Misses Major
Points,” The Conversation (May 13, 2020). Reprinted in The National Interest
85. Early Lessons from COVID-19 We Already Should Have Learned,” AEIdeas Blog Post (March 26,
86. “‘Uncut Gems Celebrates Manhattan’s Diamond District, a Neighborhood That’s a Window Into the
Past,” Salon.com (January 18, 2020)
87. “Stop Outrageous Air Ambulance Bills by Disclosing the Transport Price,” STAT News (January 8,
2019) (with Kevin Schulman and Arnold Milstein)
88. “Mergers Between Health Insurers and Pharmacy Benefit Managers Could Be Bad for Your Health,”
STAT News (June 1, 2018) (with Kevin Schulman)
89. “How Healthcare Hurts Your Paycheck,” New York Times (Nov. 2, 2016) (with Regina Herzlinger
and Richard Boxer)
90. “Religious Freedom Debate Upends Balance Between Establishment, Free Exercise Clauses,”
Raleigh News & Observer (April 2, 2015)
91. “‘Anti-Shariah’ Bill Clumsy and Dangerous to People of All Faith,” Raleigh News & Observer (July
12, 2013)
92. “Privatizing Medicare Won’t Slow Rising Costs” Des Moines Register (December 22, 2011),
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (December 22, 2011), also appeared as “… Tackle Medical Monopolies
Instead,” Raleigh News & Observer (December 22, 2011) (with Kevin Schulman)
93. “An Anti-Competitive Get-Together: Why to Oppose the Proposed AT&T-T-Mobile Merger,”
Raleigh News & Observer (October 4, 2011) (with Andrew Chin)
94. “Resisting Another Threat to Competition in Health Care,” FTC: Watch, no.783 (April 15, 2011)
95. “Rabbi Searches Are Tough, but Are They Illegal?” The Forward (October 8, 2010)
96. “The New DOJ: Lessons Learned from the Ticketmaster Live Nation Decision,” The Huffington Post
(Jan. 29, 2010) (with Alan Meese)
97. “Searching for Industry Modernization” Modern Physician (February 9, 2009) (with Will Mitchell
and Kevin Schulman)
98. “The First Bridge to Nowhere,Raleigh News & Observer (September 21, 2008)
99. “Who Pays for Health Insurance?” Wall Street Journal (September 6, 2007) (with Clark Havighurst)
100. “Blood Diamonds’ Many Facets” Raleigh News & Observer (January 11, 2007) (with Joost
101. “Unintended Consequences: A Critical View of U.S. v. NektalovNew York Law Journal
(August 10, 2006)
102. “The Adventures of Keeping Kosher in Vietnam” New York Times (April 23, 1997)
Working Papers & Unpublished Works
103. “Report of the Working Group on Platform Scale,” Program on Democracy and the Internet (with
Francis Fukuyama, Ashish Goel, Roberta Katz, A. Douglas Melamed & Marietje Schaake),
available at: https://fsi-live.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/s3fs-
104. Promoting Competition in Healthcare Enforcement and Policy: Framing an Active Competition
Agenda” (with Thomas L. Greaney), American Antitrust Institute whitepaper, available at:
105. “Consolidation in Provider and Insurer Markets: Enforcement Issues and Priorities” (with
Thomas L. Greaney), American Antitrust Institute whitepaper, available at:
106. “A Careful Examination of the Live Nation-Ticketmaster Merger” (with Alan J. Meese),
available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1542626
107. “Mental Health Care Consumption and Outcomes: Considering Preventative Strategies Across
Race and Class” (with Dan Grossman, Craig Chepke, & Frank Sloan), available at:
108. “Hidden Costs? Malpractice Allegations and Defensive Medicine Among Cardiac Surgeons
(with Marco Huesch), available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1989035
109. “Examining the Effect of Health Provider Race on Adherence to Asthma Regimes” Research
prospectus to the Duke Center for Comparative Biology of Vulnerable Populations, funded by the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1 P30 ES-011961-01A1. (funding granted)
(with Laura Smart Richman and Judith Voynow)
Conferences Organized
Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Annual Meeting
Society for Empirical Legal Studies, Duke University (November 2016)
American Jewish Institutions and Organizational Innovation
Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University (January 2014)
Triangle Law & Economics Conference: Contracts, Innovation, & Organization
Duke Law School, Duke University (May 2010) (with Andrew Chin & Tracy Lewis)
Triangle Law & Economics Conference: Game Theory and the Law
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (May 2009) (with Scott Baker & Tracy Lewis)
Applications of Economic Analysis in Law: Racial Profiling, Preferences, and Disparities
Economic Initiatives at Duke Conference (April 2009) (with Hanming Fang, Peter Arcidiacono,
& Nicola Persico)
Triangle Law & Economics Conference: A New Generation of Antitrust.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (May 2008) (with Scott Baker & Tracy Lewis)
Triangle Law & Economics Conference: The Role of Information in Supporting Legal and Economic
Institutions. Duke Law School (April 2007) (with Scott Baker & Tracy Lewis)
Who Pays? Who Benefits? A Discussion of Distributional Issues in American Health Care
Duke Law School Symposium (November 2005) (with Clark Havighurst)
2010 Duke Law School Teacher of the Year
2006-2007 Provost Common Fund Award
2005-2006 Faculty Fellow, Duke University Social Science Research Institute
2005-2006 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Grant, 1 P30 ES-011961-01A1
2000-1, 2001-2 John M. Olin Fellowship in Law and Economics, Harvard Law School
2000 John M. Olin Summer Research Grant
1997-1998 Sasakawa Fellowship, Haas School of Business
1996-1997 Henry R. Luce Scholarship, Luce Foundation
1992-1993 Dorot Fellowship, Dorot Foundation
1992 Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Chapter of Rhode Island
2015-current Founding Faculty & Core Faculty, Duke-Margolis Health Policy Center
2013-15 Provider Pricing Power in Health Care Markets Study Group,
National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) & the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation
2012-14 President, Beth El Congregation
2010-13 University Priorities Committee, Duke University
2008-10, 2011-12, Faculty Appointments Committee, Duke Law School
2013-14 (chair)
2006-07 Dean Search Committee, Duke Law School
Member of: National Academy of Social Insurance
American Antitrust Institute, Advisory Board
American Law Institute
Fellows of the American Bar Foundation
Massachusetts Bar Association
Society for Empirical Legal Studies
American Economic Association
American Law and Economics Association
International Society for New Institutional Economics
On Editorial Board for:
Business and Politics
International Journal of Strategic Change Management
Journal of Antitrust Enforcement
Wife: Laura Smart Richman, Ph.D.
Children: Ariella Sofi Richman, born January 2001
Eden Mae Richman, born November 2004
Izak Lev Richman, born August 2008
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Last Updated: October 2021