Auburn Police Department
Procedure Manual
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/12/24, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Auburn Police Department
Search Warrants - 1
Search Warrants
Best Practice MODIFIED
(a) In General (CPL 690.05)
1. Search Warrant - A court order and process directing a police officer to conduct
a search of designated premises, or of a designated person, for the purpose of
seizing designated property or kinds of property, and to deliver any property so
obtained to the court which issued the warrant; or
2. a search of a designated premises for the purpose of searching for and arresting
a person who is the subject of:
(a) a warrant of arrest, a superior court warrant of arrest, or a bench warrant
for a felony, where the designated premises is the dwelling of a third party
who is not the subject of the arrest warrant; or
(b) a warrant of arrest issued by any other state or federal court for an offense
which would constitute a felony under the laws of this state, where the
designated premises is the dwelling of a third party who is not the subject
of the arrest warrant.
(b) Property subject to seizure (CPL 690.10)
1. Personal property is subject to seizure pursuant to a search warrant if there is
reasonable cause to believe that it:
(a) Is stolen; or
(b) Is unlawfully possessed; or
(c) Has been used, or is possessed for the purpose of being used to commit
or conceal the commission of an offense against the laws of this state or
another state, provided however, that if such offense was against the laws
of another state, the court shall only issue a warrant if the conduct
comprising such offense would, if occurring in this state, constitute a felony
against the laws of this state; or
(d) Constitutes evidence or tends to demonstrate that an offense was
committed in this state or another state, or that a particular person
in the commission of an offense in this state or another state, provided
however, that if such offense was against the laws of another state, the
court shall only issue a warrant if the conduct comprising such offense
would, if occurring in this state, constitute a felony against the laws of this
(c) What and who are subject to search there under (CPL 690.15)
1. A search warrant must direct a search of one or more of the following:
Auburn Police Department
Procedure Manual
Search Warrants
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/12/24, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Auburn Police Department
Search Warrants - 2
(a) Designated or described place or premises;
(b) A designated or described vehicle
(c) A designated or described person.
2. A search warrant which directs a search of a designated or described place,
premises or vehicle, may also direct a search of any person present
there at or therein.
(d) Where executable (CPL 690.20)
1. A search warrant issued by a district court, the New York City criminal court or
a superior court judge sitting as a local criminal court may be
executed pursuant to its terms anywhere in the state.
2. A search warrant issued by a city court, a town court or a village court may be
executed pursuant to its terms only in the county of issuance or an
adjoining county.
(e) To whom addressable and by whom executable (CPL 690.25)
1. A search warrant must be addressed to a police officer whose geographical area
of employment embraces or is embraced or partially embraced by
the county of issuance. The warrant need not be addressed to a specific police
officer but may be addressed to any police officer of a designated
classification, or to any police officer of any classification employed or having
general jurisdiction to act as a police officer in the county.
2. A police officer to whom a search warrant is addressed, as provided in
subdivision one, may execute it pursuant to its terms anywhere in the county
of issuance or an adjoining county, and he or she may execute it pursuant to its
terms in any other county of the state in which it is executable if:
(a) His geographical area of employment embraces the entire county of
issuance or
(b) He is a member of the police department or force of a city located in such
county of issuance.
(f) When executable (CPL 690.30)
1. A search warrant must be executed not more than ten days after the date of
issuance and it must thereafter be returned to the court without
unnecessary delay.
2. A search warrant may be executed on any day of the week. It may be executed
only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., unless the
warrant expressly authorizes execution thereof at any time of the day or night.
(g) Application for a search warrant (CPL 690.35)
Auburn Police Department
Procedure Manual
Search Warrants
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/12/24, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Auburn Police Department
Search Warrants - 3
1. An application for a search warrant may be in writing or oral. If in writing, it must
be made, subscribed and sworn to by a police officer, district
attorney or other public servant acting in the course of his official duties. If oral,
it must be made by such a public servant and sworn to and recorded
in the manner provided in CPL 690.36.
2. The application shall be made to:
(a) A local criminal court, having preliminary jurisdiction over the underlying
offense, or geographical jurisdiction over the location to be searched
when the search is to be made for personal property.
1. If a town court has such jurisdiction but is not available to issue the
search warrant, the warrant may be issued by the local criminal court
any village within such town or, any adjoining town, village embraced
in whole or in part by such adjoining town, or city of the same county;
2. If a village court has such jurisdiction but is not available to issue the
search warrant, the warrant may be issued by the town court of the
town embracing such village or any other village court within such
town, or, if such town or village court is not available either, before
local criminal court of any adjoining town, village embraced in whole
or in part by such adjoining town, or city of the same county; and
3. If a city court has such jurisdiction but is not available to issue the
search warrant, the warrant may be issued by the local criminal court
any adjoining town or village, or village court embraced by an
adjoining town, within the same county as such city.
(b) A local criminal court, with geographical jurisdiction over the location
where the premises to be searched is located, or which issued the
underlying arrest warrant, when the search warrant is sought pursuant to
this procedure, for the purpose of arresting a wanted person.
any search warrant issued pursuant to this section shall be subject to the
territorial limitations defined in this procedure.
3. The application must contain:
(a) The name of the court and the name and title of the applicant; and
(b) A statement that there is reasonable cause to believe that the property
sought may be found in or upon a designated or described place, vehicle
or person, or, in the case of an application for a search warrant, a
statement that there is reasonable cause to believe that the person who
is the
subject of the warrant of arrest may be found in the designated premises;
Auburn Police Department
Procedure Manual
Search Warrants
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/12/24, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Auburn Police Department
Search Warrants - 4
(c) Allegations of fact supporting such statement. such allegations of fact may
be based upon personal knowledge of the applicant or upon
information and belief, provided that in the latter event the sources of such
information and the grounds of such belief are stated. The applicant
may also submit depositions of other persons containing allegations of fact
supporting or tending to support those contained in the application;
(d) A request that the court issue a search warrant directing a search for and
seizure of the property or person in question; and
(e) In the case of an application for a search warrant as defined in this
procedure, a copy of the warrant of arrest and the underlying
accusatory instrument.
4. The application may also contain:
(a) "Night endorsement” request (a request that the search warrant be made
executable at any time of the day or night, upon the ground that there is
reasonable cause to believe
(a) It cannot be executed between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.,
(b) The property sought will be removed or destroyed if not seized
forthwith, or
(c) In the case of an application for a search warrant as defined in this
procedure, the person sought is likely to flee or commit another
crime, or may endanger the safety of the executing police officers or
another person if not seized forthwith or between the hours of 9:00
p.m. and 6:00 a.m.; and
(b) "No-knock” request (A request that the search warrant authorize the
executing police officer to enter premises to be searched without giving
notice of his authority
and purpose, upon the ground that there is reasonable cause to believe
1. The property sought may be easily and quickly destroyed or
disposed of, or
2. The giving of such notice may endanger the life or safety of the
executing officer or another person, or
3. In the case of an application for a search warrant as defined in this
procedure for the purpose of searching for and arresting a person
who is the subject of a warrant for a felony, the person sought is likely
to commit another felony, or may endanger the life or safety of the
executing officer or another person. any request made pursuant to
this subdivision must be accompanied and supported by allegations
Auburn Police Department
Procedure Manual
Search Warrants
Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/12/24, All Rights Reserved.
Published with permission by Auburn Police Department
Search Warrants - 5
(h) Oral applications
1. An oral application for a search warrant may be communicated to a judge by
telephone, radio or other means of electronic communication.
2. Where an oral application for a search warrant is made, the applicant therefore
must identify himself and the purpose of his communication. After being sworn
as provided in number three of this section, the applicant must also make the
statement required by g-2-b of this procedure and provide the same allegations
of fact required by g-3 of the is procedure; provided, however, persons, properly
identified, other than the applicant may also provide some or all of such
allegations of fact directly to the court. Where appropriate, the applicant may
also make a request specified in g-4 of this procedure.
3. Upon being advised that an oral application for a search warrant is being made,
a judge shall place under oath the applicant and any other person
providing information in support of the application. Such oath or oaths and all of
the remaining communication must be recorded, either by means
of a voice recording device or verbatim stenographic or verbatim longhand
notes. if a voice recording device is used or a stenographic record made,
the judge must have the record transcribed, certify to the accuracy of the
transcription and file the original record and transcription with the court
within twenty-four hours of the issuance of a warrant. If longhand notes are
taken, the judge shall subscribe a copy and file it with the court within
twenty-four hours of the issuance of a warrant.
(i) Dispositions of seized property
1. Upon receiving property seized pursuant to a search warrant, the court must
(a) Retain it in the custody of the court pending further disposition thereof; or
(b) Direct that it be held in the custody of the person who applied for the
warrant, or of the police officer who executed it, or of the governmental
or official agency or department by which either such public servant is
employed, upon condition that upon order of such court such property be
returned thereto or delivered to another court.
2. A local criminal court which retains custody of such property must, upon request
of another criminal court in which a criminal action involving or
relating to such property is pending, cause it to be delivered thereto.